Most Seen in a Begold (if you remember)

in The Bridge
Since nearly the beginning of me playing this game, I have kept a screenshot album of every begold I have had (minus the first five or so).
I have seen Suus Mahna Sarek four times in begold choices, and I chose him every time.
Good for voyages.

I have seen Suus Mahna Sarek four times in begold choices, and I chose him every time.

Good for voyages.

Tied for second - Mirror Bashir (4/5) and Gangster Kirk (5/5) added 3 stars via beholds.
I've put the number of stars that the character in my crew quarters has in parentheses, or an X next to the name if I don't have them yet.
Chang 8 (2/5)
1701 Sisko 6 (4/5)
Pah-wraith Cult Dukat 6 (4/5)
23rd Century Martok 5 (1/5)
Ambassador Troi 5 X
Protomorphosis Worf 5 X
Grilka 5 (3/5)
Admiral Kirk 4 (5/5)
Bashir, Julian Bashir 4 (5/5)
Kal-if-fee Kirk 4 (4/5)
Lt Commander La Forge 4 (4/5)
Delta Flyer Paris 4 X
Mademoiselle de Neuf 4 X
The One, Lore 4 (2/5)
Musketeer La Forge 4 (2/5)
Kai Opaka 4 X
Agent Janeway 4 X
Maquis Tuvok 4 X
Gangster Spock 4 (2/5)
Zhian'tara Odo 3 (5/5)
Assimilated La Forge 3 (1/5)
Rura Penthe Kirk 3 (3/5)
Benny Russell 3 (2/5)
Sulan 3 X
Jazz Musician Odo 3 (1/5)
First Officer Riker 3 (2/5)
Detective Data 3 (2/5)
Bateson 3 (4/5)
Tempted Data 3 (2/5)
One 3 X
Judge Q 3 (1/5)
Yarnek X
Mirror Spock 3 (5/5)
Chaotica 3 X
Mirror Regent Worf 3 (2/5)
First Officer Burnham 3 (1/5)
Emotion Chip Data 3 (2/5)
Admiral Janeway 3 X
Dancing Uhura 3 (1/5)
Wrathful Khan 3 (4/5)
Captain Pike 3 (1/5)
Lt Commander Jadzia Dax 3 (1/5)
Admiral Nechayev 3 (1/5)
RAF Miles O'Brien 3 (5/5)
Durango Troi 2 (1/5)
Lieutenant Wesley Crusher 2 (1/5)
Admiral Cartwright 2 (1/5)
Disguised Kira 2 X
Commander Kira 2 (4/5)
Captain Scott 2 (1/5)
Gangster Kirk 2 (2/5)
Mirror Kirk 2 (2/5)
Frank Hollander 2 X
Daystrom 2 (2/5)
Moset 2 X
Beowulf Kim 2 X
Alternate Future Bashir 2 (1/5)
Age of Sail Crusher 2 (2/5)
Dark Ages McCoy 2 (4/5)
Professor Moriarty 2 (2/5)
Joachim 2 X
Changeling Founder 2 (1/5)
Sheriff of Nottingham Q 2 X
Ushaan Shran 2 X
Cadet Tilly 2 (2/5)
Assimilated Torres 2 X
Revolutionary Damar 2 (2/5)
Orion Vina 2 X
C.O.P. Founder Picard 2 X
Phoenix Cochrane 2 (3/5)
Mirror T'Pol 2 X
First Officer Chekov 1 X
Merry Men Crusher 1 (1/5)
Niners Sisko 1 (1/5)
Desert Philippa Georgiou 1 X
Solar Sails Sisko 1 (1/5)
Falcon O'Brien 1 X
Ushaan Archer 1 X
Convergence Day Quark 1 (1/5)
Dr. Soong 1 X
Borg Queen 1 X
Ripper 1 X
Vulcan Executioner 1 X
Leonardo da Vinci 1 X
War Correspondent Jake Sisko 1 (1/5)
Mirror Data 1 X
Seven of Nine 1 (1/5)
Lorian 1 X
Prisoner Katrina Cornwell 1 (4/5)
Away Team Saru 1 X
Enterprise-E Picard 1 (3/5)
Smitten Jean-Luc Picard 1 (1/5)
Interfaced Barclay 1 X
Klingon Janeway 1 X
Age of Sail Riker 1 X
Katrine 1 X
Captain Sisko 1 (5/5)
Arachnia Janeway 1 X
Admiral Riker 1 X
Assimilated Janeway 1 X
Laborer Spock 1 (5/5)
Kortar 1 X
Trelane 1 X
Nyota Uhura 1 X
Grand Nagus Zek 1 X
The Traveler 1 X
Will Scarlett 1 (1/5)
Garak, Elim Garak 1 (2/5)
The Keeper 1 X
Chancellor Gowron 1 (1/5)
Augment Picard 1 (1/5)
Tain 1 X
Undercover Sulu 1 (1/5)
Duelist Torres 1 X
Mintakan Riker 1 X
Grand Nagus Rom 1 X
North Star Tucker 1 X
Mirror Intendant Kira 1 X
Shinzon 1 X
Chancellor Gowron
Mirror Crusher
Age of Sail Crusher
And I'm sure that I had One in a behold on two occasions, because I still feel conflicted for not choosing him. I love the character, but he's really not very useful in the game.
There may be others that I didn't pay attention to.
2x: Tricorder Data, Lt Jadzia Dax, Ushaan Shran, Mirror Spock, Martian Quark (this one twice the same week with the honor pulls from December)
And now, a hard choice for me:
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
Mirror T'pol has also appeared 3 times, took her twice so far.
I am only including the ones that have come up 3+ times on this list, as most of them only have 1 or 2.
Gowron 3, 0
Borg Torres 3, 0
Undercover Sulu 3, 2
Admiral Nachayev 3, 2
Admiral Riker 3, 3
Klignon Janeway 3,0
Joachim 4, 2
Garak, I Garak 3,0
Interfaced Barclay 3,3
EV Suit Archer 3,2
Beowolf Kim 3, 1 (never took him from begold - just the free one we got.)
Sulibon Reed 4, 0
Ushaan Shran 3, 1 (never took him from begold - just the $10 special)
Agent Janeway 3, 5
Garak 3,0
Klignon Dax 3, 5
Phoenix Cochran 3, 5
Age of Sail Crusher 3, 2
BTW, I have 121 Gold crew.
Oh, and here's a blast from the past...
Ooph. Tough choice - I think I'd go with Killy, just because she's so damn strong in arena and skirmishes. But I wouldn't blame you if you chose a second star on Dax.
I did went with Killy, for the ship abillity. I figure that an extra star can be bought with honor, a new character not. As long as crew space isn't an issue...
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
An approach somewhere in between is probably the best strategy. Take a new card over adding a star if they are significantly better (or one you just want to have, for whatever reason), otherwise, take the star. In this case I also definitely would have taken Killy. One of the true game changers.
My white whale is RAF O'Brien I don't think I've seen him since I got my copy in the event.
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Trelane has to be the one I've seen the most on begolds and passed on.
i have 2 immortal and one working on it. 3 months to your 3 years Sir
Up to 9 Begolds and Nechayev popped up a second time. I didn't pick her either time.
I am only listing the ones in answer the request of the thread post – "the most seen in Begold", and again the list only contains about 14 months worth, and has nothing to do with the 22 Immortal Golds I have, and the many 4/5s and 3/5s I have.
So many people don't actually read before they post anymore. Kinda sad.
All from begolds.
I’ve got North Star Tucker, Assimilated La Forge and Durango Troi all to 4/5 via beholds.
Meanwhile, I’ve never even seen Zek or Vreenak in a begold and I’ve love to get them (because of character/episode love).
- Jazz Musician Odo
- Arachnia Janeway
- Kai Opaka
- Intendant Kira
- Judge Q