Captain Braxton question

in The Bridge
What era in the Trekverse does he belong to?
Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
Braxton also appears in an earlier Voyager episode called Future's End, but played by a different actor.
Given that the game is literally called Timelines, it seems a no-brainer to me.
It would be Epic!
Tie in all the crazy time travel incursions across all of the series.
That's just a terrible thing to say to someone. Just because someone isn't familiar with every single character within the Trek Universe, does not disqualify them as a fan. It also certainly doesn't give you the right to tell them to stop playing the game.
You seem like you'd be a lot of fun at parties.
Yes let this happen.
I was trying to think of a good recurring character. That's IT!
Yassss - from your lips to DB's ears.
Now is the time for @SunshineRiker to go mad with power and make this happen. 😁
And out comes for the recurring...wait for it...
Chancellor Kol
Well said Zetterbeard. I find weeks where I have to google one of the characters or ask someone. Star Trek is welcome to everyone, die hard fans, medium fans, fans of just one series, new fans, and people just looking for a fun game. Would be really cool if Star Trek Timelines did not just bring in star trek fans but made them as well. Also, younger people were not alive when most of these series were on and have not seen every episode or every series. I envy them being able to watch all these shows for the first time.
Why would you ever say something like that?
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Very rude!!!! That is not the trek way. Maybe you should consider resigning your commission. You will never be promoted with that type of attitude.
I found the inquiry un-educated as well but educating fellow members and being helpful is how to respond. Not degrading them.
Being un-educated is not un-worthy. Seeking knowledge, education and having the courage to ask is the trek way.
No, I just never watched Voyager so I wasn't familiar with the character.
Relativity mega Great!!!! Fajo not great recurrent.
Maybe more apropriate recurrent could be Henry Stark, or Lt Ducane, 21st century guinan, Mark Twain or Mrs Carmichael from “times arrow”, Yedrin Dax.
You might want to reexamine the ideals of Star Trek if you think that's the takeaway.
Yeah and we'd have to call the expedition event fatigue temporal psychosis. I'm sure everyone would know how that feels.
Aside, it's gotta happen.
Week 1: Iconoclasts in the Mist - Faction Event
Description: The timeline is in disarray, incredible artifacts and cultural icons have gone missing and in turn changing ancient timelines of major civilizations. Factions need help investigating what is happening to cause these temporal disruptions.
Factions: Klingon, Cardassian, Ferengi
Featured Crew: 19th Century Guinan (New), Atoz (new), Berlinghoff Rasmussen (existing)
Guinan senses the problem, Rasmussen is brought in as an expert in time travel larceny, Atoz proves the missing icons and artifacts are gone from temporal record.
(Epilogue: Kivas Fajo is now stealing artifacts at their point of origin.)
Week 2: Race to Relativity - Skirmish Event
Description: To stop Fajo from destroying multiple cultures, Starfleet has deemed it necessary to involve the future timeship Relativity. The problem is, Fajo and other factions are racing to control it first. Our heroes need to skirmish battle past all other challengers to control the U.S.S. Relativity and ultimately stop Fajo from taking her.
Featured Crew: Nausican Captain (new), 20th Century Braxton (new), Mirror Janeway (existing)
Ships: 3* - Aeon timeship (new), 4* - U.S.S. Enterprise, 5* - U.S.S. Relativity (New)
Nausican Captain is a co-antagonist. Mirror Janeway is fighting for herself. 20th Century Braxon is a victim of Fajo's temporal meddling.
Epilogue (Phase One: Fajo gets the relativity, Phase Two: Heroes take back the Relativity.)
Week 3: Yesterday for Tomorrow - Galaxy Event/Expedition
Description: With the Relativity, our heroes must repair what damage Fajo has already caused. Phase one: Retake the artifacts. Phase two: return them to their temporal origins.
Featured Crew: Richard Galen (new), Gamma Quadrant Vash (new), Silik (existing)
Get the Exoarchaologists out to fix the damage.
Week 4: Relativity amoung Thieves - Galaxy Event
Description: Fajo is still at large, time to assemble the best, spies, smugglers and operatives to finally track down and put an end to this temporal menace!
Featured Crew: Bell Riots Vin (new), Crewman Daniels (new), Roga Danar (existing)
Epilogue: The Heroes win.
I feel like I am a pretty stridently dedicated Trek fan and even I can’t remember all of the names and shows.
Perhaps all Picard variants could count for Richard Galen and/or all Q variants for Vash?
Wow, late to the party on this comment but it's a doozy... you're saying that to be a fan of something you have to know EVERYTHING about it no exceptions? Get outta here