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that's it ! done with packs forever....

I've opened 108 10x packs that i stockpiled at xmass .... neted me 12 usable purples , 5 ff's and a bunch of others that just take up crew slots now and 8 5*'s. Now i bought 4 packs for the event 4 O'briens ....
I'm done with packs i will never ever , ever pay for a pack or portal pull from now on. Just keep piling up the 1/5's and 3/4 for me DB. When my crew slots will fill up i will probably stop.
The way things are now it's just to time and money consuming ...

PS: Go lock the thread for all i care, it's not like you people listen anyway...


  • edited February 2019
    so wasnt just me... (Aandraa)...
    someone bought 23 packs and no legendary... must be an issue with packs...
    dont worry, noone cares... just use forum to read, and play game as free player (no money)
    maybe we get more satisfaction that way
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've not had a begold since Christmas Day, I've opened numerous packs since then.
    Someone in my fleet has had 3 begolds on 3 single gauntlet pulls and her voyage just dropped like 7 SRs.

    I'm not so bothered. I know my luck will turn just as Cheesecake Seven hits the game 🍀 and in the meantime it's lovely to see other players so happy with their pulls 🎊
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wasted over 7,000 dil chasing B-4 during his event. Yes, I went 0-for-11. Was I upset? YES! Does it still sting? YES! Will I ever do that again? G-d I hope not. Somebody PLEASE take away my phone if I am ever that foolish again

    Did I blow up on the forums about it? Well, I commented on my misfortune, but I never got nasty about it.

    Did RNG return the favor? Yes! I got B-4 in Brent Spinner's B-day pack on the first try.

    When It comes to DB-RNG, sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug. If you can't accept that, find a new game.

    HA! I couldn't get rid of that dude. I opened 10 packs trying to get another Hawk and got 8 B-4's.
  • I wasted over 7,000 dil chasing B-4 during his event. Yes, I went 0-for-11. Was I upset? YES! Does it still sting? YES! Will I ever do that again? G-d I hope not. Somebody PLEASE take away my phone if I am ever that foolish again

    Did I blow up on the forums about it? Well, I commented on my misfortune, but I never got nasty about it.

    Did RNG return the favor? Yes! I got B-4 in Brent Spinner's B-day pack on the first try.

    When It comes to DB-RNG, sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug. If you can't accept that, find a new game.

    Perfectly agree!
    Sometimes we do mistakes especially when we are mad.
    I can admit i might spelled some inapropiate things.
    Still... my post was not edited/punished for those. Was for my opinions.
    If you wanna judge someone else actions must be fair.
    dont punish someone because you dont like his mind, or what he thinks.
    I got a warn about ban, and when i made my point in another tread i got ban. Why is that? was nothing against any rule in that post. Is that fair?
  • Yateball wrote: »
    I wasted over 7,000 dil chasing B-4 during his event. Yes, I went 0-for-11. Was I upset? YES! Does it still sting? YES! Will I ever do that again? G-d I hope not. Somebody PLEASE take away my phone if I am ever that foolish again

    Did I blow up on the forums about it? Well, I commented on my misfortune, but I never got nasty about it.

    Did RNG return the favor? Yes! I got B-4 in Brent Spinner's B-day pack on the first try.

    When It comes to DB-RNG, sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug. If you can't accept that, find a new game.

    Perfectly agree!
    Sometimes we do mistakes especially when we are mad.
    I can admit i might spelled some inapropiate things.
    Still... my post was not edited/punished for those. Was for my opinions.
    If you wanna judge someone else actions must be fair.
    dont punish someone because you dont like his mind, or what he thinks.
    I got a warn about ban, and when i made my point in another tread i got ban. Why is that? was nothing against any rule in that post. Is that fair?

    You're wrong though, you were clearly reprimanded for your profanity

    profanity to what/who?
    for making a post with "to hell" in his subject?
    you making me laugh!
  • Yateball wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    I wasted over 7,000 dil chasing B-4 during his event. Yes, I went 0-for-11. Was I upset? YES! Does it still sting? YES! Will I ever do that again? G-d I hope not. Somebody PLEASE take away my phone if I am ever that foolish again

    Did I blow up on the forums about it? Well, I commented on my misfortune, but I never got nasty about it.

    Did RNG return the favor? Yes! I got B-4 in Brent Spinner's B-day pack on the first try.

    When It comes to DB-RNG, sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug. If you can't accept that, find a new game.

    Perfectly agree!
    Sometimes we do mistakes especially when we are mad.
    I can admit i might spelled some inapropiate things.
    Still... my post was not edited/punished for those. Was for my opinions.
    If you wanna judge someone else actions must be fair.
    dont punish someone because you dont like his mind, or what he thinks.
    I got a warn about ban, and when i made my point in another tread i got ban. Why is that? was nothing against any rule in that post. Is that fair?

    You're wrong though, you were clearly reprimanded for your profanity

    profanity to what/who?
    for making a post with "to hell" in his subject?
    you making me laugh!

    I'd point out the numerious f-bombs you had in your post as well, but then I'm reminded of Shan's "Just don't respond to trolls" philosophy.... Oh, damn, oh well

    i dont expect any answer/resolution. i know the "power philosophy". i just want others to see/learn something from this. that on the forum you cant say what you think. you must be a "good dog".
    for me this is the end of posting here. i will stick to FREE to play philosophy and fin another game to spend on.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    I wasted over 7,000 dil chasing B-4 during his event. Yes, I went 0-for-11. Was I upset? YES! Does it still sting? YES! Will I ever do that again? G-d I hope not. Somebody PLEASE take away my phone if I am ever that foolish again

    Did I blow up on the forums about it? Well, I commented on my misfortune, but I never got nasty about it.

    Did RNG return the favor? Yes! I got B-4 in Brent Spinner's B-day pack on the first try.

    When It comes to DB-RNG, sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug. If you can't accept that, find a new game.

    Perfectly agree!
    Sometimes we do mistakes especially when we are mad.
    I can admit i might spelled some inapropiate things.
    Still... my post was not edited/punished for those. Was for my opinions.
    If you wanna judge someone else actions must be fair.
    dont punish someone because you dont like his mind, or what he thinks.
    I got a warn about ban, and when i made my point in another tread i got ban. Why is that? was nothing against any rule in that post. Is that fair?

    You're wrong though, you were clearly reprimanded for your profanity

    profanity to what/who?
    for making a post with "to hell" in his subject?
    you making me laugh!

    I'd point out the numerious f-bombs you had in your post as well, but then I'm reminded of Shan's "Just don't respond to trolls" philosophy.... Oh, damn, oh well

    i dont expect any answer/resolution. i know the "power philosophy". i just want others to see/learn something from this. that on the forum you cant say what you think. you must be a "good dog".
    for me this is the end of posting here. i will stick to FREE to play philosophy and fin another game to spend on.

    Happy trails.
  • What's with all the saltiness over packs today? You guys are literally arguing against math.

    I am arguing against packs and I hope this pack/ lootbox trend will get banned in Europe.
  • I have literally designed characters that I've then never gotten in a pack when they came out.

    Out of curiosity, do you have to buy your own packs? This post sounds like they don't give you any freebies.
  • Bluebeard1Bluebeard1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got Number 1 on the first pull today, sadly I was actually after Chekov so I could FF him, lol
  • ByloBand wrote: »
    I have an amusing story of a similar vein from just last week that shows for at least one day, to borrow @Picard loves Reds metaphor, I was the bug AND the windshield at the same time.

    Last week I had decided to coast. As most of you know, I have no connection to Disco so my drive on Disco weekends is simply not there. I promoted a squadmate to squadleader so he could benefit from the shared points, and my plan was just just send shuttles whenever possible, nothing extra.

    The previous event was also Disco so I coasted and never got close Chancellor T'Rell, so I had almost no event crew for the event.

    I noticed I had Mirror Garak at FE at 2/4 from LONG ago, that I was likely to get a third copy, so I decided to buy a pack to get my 4th copy. I got Chancelor T'Rell. I was not happy because now I have another Com/Dip/Sec 1/5 on my hands.

    Bought a second pack to get Garak. Got a second Chancelor T'Rell instead. BLEEP. I am running low on dilithium so I cross my fingers and buy a third pack. Still no Garak, but did get a third Chancelor T'Rell.

    Bought more dilithium and opened a fourth pack. No Garak, but a FOURTH Chancelor T'Rell! One final try, I open a fifth pack, miss Garak AGAIN, but got the FIFTH copy of Chancelor T'Rell!

    I was both incredibly angry and in stunned amazement at the same time!

    thats what i talking about... the game is very unbalanced when it comes to that most talking "rng".
    you cant tell someone its rng's fault when someone get 5 legendary in 5 packs, and others dont get any in 20. or when someone find 12 legendary in 3 months in gauntlet and some find none. is just something wrong somewhere...
  • Bluebeard1 wrote: »
    I got Number 1 on the first pull today, sadly I was actually after Chekov so I could FF him, lol

    i have nr.1 from the previous event. im just mad when i spend money to buy dilitium for nothing. when i pull 10 packs or more i expect to find at least 1, so i can be motivated to buy more... if i find none ofc i will not buy nothing more. its marketing... give ppl what they are after or they will stop chasing it...
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    I have not spent a dime for several months now, the last pack I got was a tuesday pack from dil I had left over from an immortal achievement. In that case I had none of the SR FF. As it stands, drop rates and FF beholds just put me off, and the honour exchange rate doesnt do anything for me sorry.
    DB: Do Better
  • Bluebeard1 wrote: »
    I got Number 1 on the first pull today, sadly I was actually after Chekov so I could FF him, lol

    I also need to open 3 boosters for Chekov. Please DB give me SR when I want them instead of Legendary crew. And Legendary when I want them instead of SR. :))
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I have an amusing story of a similar vein from just last week that shows for at least one day, to borrow @Picard loves Reds metaphor, I was the bug AND the windshield at the same time.

    Last week I had decided to coast. As most of you know, I have no connection to Disco so my drive on Disco weekends is simply not there. I promoted a squadmate to squadleader so he could benefit from the shared points, and my plan was just just send shuttles whenever possible, nothing extra.

    The previous event was also Disco so I coasted and never got close Chancellor T'Rell, so I had almost no event crew for the event.

    I noticed I had Mirror Garak at FE at 2/4 from LONG ago, that I was likely to get a third copy, so I decided to buy a pack to get my 4th copy. I got Chancelor T'Rell. I was not happy because now I have another Com/Dip/Sec 1/5 on my hands.

    Bought a second pack to get Garak. Got a second Chancelor T'Rell instead. BLEEP. I am running low on dilithium so I cross my fingers and buy a third pack. Still no Garak, but did get a third Chancelor T'Rell.

    Bought more dilithium and opened a fourth pack. No Garak, but a FOURTH Chancelor T'Rell! One final try, I open a fifth pack, miss Garak AGAIN, but got the FIFTH copy of Chancelor T'Rell!

    I was both incredibly angry and in stunned amazement at the same time!

    Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hate you 😂

    So which way should I take this, lol ;)
  • I'm starting to think there should be a constant 6500 offer or 2 for 11k offer out there. Perhaps some sort of Super Duper premium pack, that will always guarantee a legendary.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • I'm starting to think there should be a constant 6500 offer or 2 for 11k offer out there. Perhaps some sort of Super Duper premium pack, that will always guarantee a legendary.

    There would be a market for this, certainly.
  • Bluebeard1 wrote: »
    I got Number 1 on the first pull today, sadly I was actually after Chekov so I could FF him, lol

    Happened to me too (already had her at 1* from the previous event). Then I though, ok, one more try, and I got Chekov. :)
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