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Does anyone now how much points were need in last skirmish to stay top 1k?



  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Closest I could see to 1K at the end of this event.

  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I earned 130K Intel plus normal increase and didn't brake top 2000. This must be a record for score.
  • Was around 1300 with less than half an hour to go and figured I was safe to pick up Mirror Stamets. Wrong.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    wfg wrote: »
    Was around 1300 with less than half an hour to go and figured I was safe to pick up Mirror Stamets. Wrong.

    Do you know your score?
  • wfg wrote: »
    Was around 1300 with less than half an hour to go and figured I was safe to pick up Mirror Stamets. Wrong.

    Do you know your score?

    Unfortunately no, I didn't catch a glimpse of it before the event cleared.

  • I finished 1409. I also did not look at my final score, but it think I was somewhere between 830k - 850k, give or take 10k.
  • With 25 mins left rank 1500 was 841k so i think 860-870k for final VP is right.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    that spun out of control.

    i noticed for several days there was a huge wall of people in the 1600's - where if I did a whole round I would only go up like 10 places. The wall moved into the 1500's sunday night into monday morning.

    I ended up having to play from 9 - 11:30 today to make sure I stayed top 1500. got like 920,000 points.
    can't believe i let myself get reeled into another one of these skirmish events. brutally painful and utterly unfun.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • wfg wrote: »
    Was around 1300 with less than half an hour to go and figured I was safe to pick up Mirror Stamets. Wrong.

    for me i finish 1389 for knowing what position u finish go on fleet and u can chose daily rank event rank last online or u can see it to fleet afther where u claim u have the leaderbord and see ur position in the last event
    94 Legendary, 4x 5/5 , 8,x 4/5 , 2x 3/5 , 11x 2/5 , 68x 1/5 ,
    78 FE ,78 Lvl 100,
    Immortalized: 190
    Vip:12 Lvl :64
  • V. wrote: »
    that spun out of control.

    i noticed for several days there was a huge wall of people in the 1600's - where if I did a whole round I would only go up like 10 places. The wall moved into the 1500's sunday night into monday morning.

    I ended up having to play from 9 - 11:30 today to make sure I stayed top 1500. got like 920,000 points.
    can't believe i let myself get reeled into another one of these skirmish events. brutally painful and utterly unfun.

    I know how you feel. I had 3000 chronitons in the bank last night and had to choose between using them to acquire more intel, or saving them for next week's event. Decided to go for it this week because I thought if I could get into the 900s before I went to sleep (Pacific time zone) and run another skirmish or two after I woke up, I'd be fine to at least get the legendary. Now I'm down 2000 chronitons going into the galaxy event and totally regretting the choice.
  • I finished @ 1469 and 875kVP. When I woke up and saw how far I had fallen, I pushed hard to clear top 1500. The last time I pushed this hard was for Interfaced La Forge back in the summer. If Staments wasn't SCI/ENG/MED, I wouldn't have joined the fight. Looking forward to only TAO the next 2 events.
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    brutally painful and utterly unfun.
    I didnt mind it, then again I played the event while watching streams and whatnot on the side. The trick is to pick something not too interesting otherwise you forget to click thru your ship battle and blow up lol

    ended up in mid 400s, started the event with 900chrons, finished it with 1200 and managed to barely use all of the intel before the end... used all of the chrons during the event in ship battles farming galaxy items, too bad handfull of those are 'away team' only.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • Picard,

    Congrats. I finished 2600+ But the Fleet finally ended up below 200!!!
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looking back I also see that Maid Marian and Captain Silva were ranked rewards for the two 790K events. Not necessarily the most ... motivating ... carrots at the end of the stick :smile:
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    (and ... if rank 1500 was around 865K, then at the end of the day, we're basically working a smidge harder (~8%) to get the legendary ... but 50% more people get to share in that experience). I can think of worse possible outcomes from the cutoff change ...
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
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