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Universal 10 for 10

YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
4 of my 20 packs were ok...



  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not buying packs anymore. Not with my odds. If they don't do something to make them more palatable to players with most super-rares immortalized, there's just no reason to buy them.
  • took one.
    8 straight drops, 4 behold.
    2nd * for Roga Danar, the rest honor. (and 2 useful schems)

    78 packs since last begold now.
  • ELiL wrote: »
    took one.
    8 straight drops, 4 behold.
    2nd * for Roga Danar, the rest honor. (and 2 useful schems)

    78 packs since last begold now.

    thats insane!
  • edited February 2019
    Holy **tsk tsk** it almost happened for me... I dodged the first begold bullet by a narrow margin.

    20 pulls, 2 Danars, 2 Anij's (needed 2 of both, wow), Klingon Bride Jadzia, Lieutenant Wes, and Delta Flyer Paris. Fully fused the 3* Tourist dax as well.

    The cool story here is that I got a triple behold. First one was Bride Jadzia, Lt. Wes and Kai Opaka. Jadzia was 4* so in such cases I usually grab a final star, but since my Wes game is pretty weak, I thought "what the hell" and went for him. Next behold as honor, but the final one was Bridge Jadzia, T'Kuvma and One, with both of the latter fully fused. Had I picked wrong, it would have been quite the disappointment... That's the first time I dodged the tripple fully fused behold bullet, keeping in mind that I shouldn't have more than 30 FF'd legendaries, with most of those from events. Whew!!! :smile:

    EDIT: the game is really teasing me right now. As I was writing this, I just dipped over 45k honor so I thought, might as well... One, Bride Jadzia and Killy. Thank God for Killy... Scratch down a second dodge.
  • Bought it twice. Two added stars on 4*s , the final star on another 4* and about 15 duplicate 4*s. Just a single begold, and it was on the second to last pack opened.

    I'm not going to buy these offers for a while. I have too many immortalized 4*s that more than 3/4 of the pulls are duplicates.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bought twice

    Chose Miranda

    Chose Quark

    Chose O'Brien

    Chose Quark again.

    I also immortalized Anij and Ambassador K'ellyr.
  • Not. A. Single. Begold.

    But, I did get 5 purple beholds which had at least one option that was not FF. I've not had that in a long time
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought about hanging onto the packs but ultimately decided to open them now...with pleasantly surprising results:

    -a 1st star for Surgeon Pulaski and a 4th star for Honey Bare

    -4th star for Time Loop Mudd

    -4th star for Doc Chapel

    -3rd star for Dark Ages McCoy

    -2nd star for Morgan Bateson

    Plus about 16-17k honor and enough Reliant schematics to hit level 8. And at this rate, Honey Bare will be the first 5* I’ve FFed without any citations, DYCs, or special deals since Mirror Kirk a year or two ago...the race certainly is on between her, Gangster Kirk, and Rogue Kai Winn.
  • Two begolds: First star for Solar Sails Sisko, second star for Desert Philippa
    Fourth stars for Fencing Sulu and Edith Keeler
    Third star for Commander Thelin
    Second stars for Ruk and Buster Kincaid Kim
    First star for Mirror Jadzia Dax (already immortal, but debating starting second copy)
  • Every pack had a purple behold, only 2 became honor fodder. Every other behold allowed me to fuse an existing purple. Quite satisfied with the results.
  • first begold from packs in months! Wanted Disguised Kira, but she's 2 skill, so took 4th * for Dancing Chekov
    7 SR beholds - all immorts except 1, which made Prisoner O'Brien immort too.

    super jealous of all you guys getting good begolds!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Age of Sail Riker (new)
    Captain LaForge (4th star)
    Enemy Lines Sisko (2nd star)
    Grand Nagus Rom (3rd star)
    Madammoiselle De Neuf (2nd star)

    Mintaken Troi (3rd star for 2nd copy)
    Possessed Kes (3rd star for 2nd copy)
    Ambassador Shras (3rd star for 2nd copy)

    Discovery to lvl9
    Ni'Var to lvl 4
    Orion Interceptor to lvl 4

    Tried my luck with a couple Tuesday packs with the bonus dil...didn't get Staments but I did get Phlox. :)
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bought it twice. Wish I had just passed.

    - 2nd star for Gunslinger Uhura
    - about 17,000 honor
    - 7 useful schematics, but not enough to upgrade any ships

    With only 6 SR crew still needing stars that are actually available in packs, my odds aren't worth it.
  • Pack 1
    Begold - all new
    Duelist Torres, Captain Lorca, Mirror Bashir
    Took Lorca

    Behold - 4*, 1*, Immortalized
    Nurse Faith Garland, Marshall of France Q, Mirror Garak
    Took Marshall of France Q

    150 Orion Syndicate Interceptor Schematics
    500 Honor
    250 Schematics for replicator

    Pack 2
    1100 Honor

    Pack 3

    Edith Keeler 2*

    700 Honor
    300 I.K.S T'Ong Schematics

    Pack 4

    900 Honor
    150 U.S.S. Discovery Schematics
    150 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 5

    800 Honor
    450 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 6

    Kurak 2*
    150 I.K.S. T'Ong Schematics
    700 Honor
    150 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 7

    800 Honor
    150 Orion Syndicate Inteceptor Schematics
    250 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 8
    Behold - 4*, 3*, 3*
    Dr. Chapel, Command Hologram, Dr. David Marcus
    Took Command Hologram

    Behold - 4*, 1*, Immortalized
    T'Rul, Arex, Dominion Dukat
    Took Arex

    700 Honor
    150 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 9

    1000 Honor
    100 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 10
    800 Honor
    250 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 11

    Lily Sloane 4*
    700 Honor
    150 U.S.S. Reliant Schematics
    100 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 12

    Behold - all Immortalized
    Apollo, Commander Chapel, Disguised Tuvok
    Took Apollo

    Behold - Immortalized, Immortalized, 3*
    Grand Proxy Neelix, Sarek, Dr. David Marcus
    Took Marcus

    500 Honor
    250 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 13

    Behold - all immortalized
    Commando Shran, Assimilated Tuvok, Riley Frazier
    Took Tuvok

    800 Honor
    150 I.S.S. Defiant Schematics
    100 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 14

    Behold - Immortalized, 2*, Immortalized
    Angel 1 Riker, Hologram Barclay, Tourist Quark
    Took Barclay

    800 honor
    100 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 15

    Behold - Immortalized, 4*, 2*
    Alan-A-Dale, Princess Jadzia, Commander Nevessa
    Took Nevessa

    600 Honor
    150 NX 01 Enterprise Schematics
    250 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 16

    150 U.S.S. Discovery Schematics
    900 Honor
    150 Replcator Schamatics

    Pack 17

    700 Honor
    150 Andorian Battlecriuser Schematics
    450 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 18

    600 Honor
    150 I.S.S. Avenger Schematics
    500 Replicator Schematics

    Pack 19

    Behold - All Immortalized
    Sarek, Sela, Survivalist Odo
    Took Odo

    1100 Honor

    Pack 20

    Behold - 0*, Immortalized, 2*
    Thelin, Drone Seven, Marshall of France Q
    Took Thelin

    Behold - 2*, 4*, Immortalized
    Rogue Harry Kim, Chief O'Brien, Young Khan
    Took Kim

    Behold - 4*, 3*, Immortalized
    Tieran Possessed Kes, M-113 Creature, Kor
    Took M-113

    300 Honor
    150 I.S.S. Defiant Schematics
    350 Replicator Schematics
    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
  • KatlaKatla ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Bought two. Got 4 usable 4*, and one 5* that I didn't have. So another 1/5 for the collection.

    I'm about done buying these. With my crew they're just not worth it. This game really needs to address ways to keep interest/money from players like me, casual spenders who have a large collection. We need opportunities to finish the crew we have left. Or at least something realistic to put stars on the dozens of legendaries sitting at 1/5, never to be re- run.
  • My best luck with packs in a long while: 5 legendary beholds out of 20 packs.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    2 begolds out of 20, plus four usable 4*. Not a bad haul. Took Annorax and Paris.

  • First 10 packs:
    • 3rd star on Tourist Jadzia
    • 4th stars on Anbo-Jyutsu Riker, Commander Nevesa
    • 3rd star on Resistance Shakaar
    Second 10 packs:
    • Begold: Lincoln, Keeper, 3rd star on Mirror Kira
    • Begold: 3rd star on Captain Lorca, 3rd star on Arachnia Janeway, Zhian'tara Odo (sniff)
    • 4th stars on Tommy Gun Dixon, Changeling Bashir

    Most disappointing was the following: 4 beholds, all 12 choices immortalized
    Most anticipated character not in the game: Mr. Homn
  • Bought once, 6800 honor, Reliant from lvl 4 to 5, 4th stars for Jarok & Nevesa, 2nd star for Fesek and 1 BeGold
    Took Annorax
  • Bought once; no usable 4*, one extremely underwhelming begold


    Done with packs for a while, I think
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    I pick these up to use for later. Like when portal updates happen.

    When they dont, it is a fast way to build some honor / replicator fuel
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Major KonigsMajor Konigs ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    I Buy the 10/10 And dont wana open all but afther open 1pack i try me luck secound pack And got this for me 2 pack And Dr Tolian Soran
    94 Legendary, 4x 5/5 , 8,x 4/5 , 2x 3/5 , 11x 2/5 , 68x 1/5 ,
    78 FE ,78 Lvl 100,
    Immortalized: 190
    Vip:12 Lvl :64
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Picked up a 4th star on Gul Madred and finally got my first star on Satan’s Robot. Underwhelming as crew but I always wanted it so I was fairly pleased. No new/ fusable purples, bummer there.
  • Four Begolds: 4th star for Dancing Uhura, 1st stars for Assimilated Janeway, Prophet Sarah Sisko and Zhiantara Odo. Added stars to two 4*, but also several all immortal 4*-beholds... Quite happy with it.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »
    Picked up a 4th star on Gul Madred and finally got my first star on Satan’s Robot. Underwhelming as crew but I always wanted it so I was fairly pleased. No new/ fusable purples, bummer there.

    He's alright for eng/sec voyages. At least for me he is.
  • mejoyhmejoyh ✭✭✭✭
    Did 20 pulls.... mixed bag

    1x begold - Musketeer Laforge, Convergence Quark and Grand Nagus Rom - added a 2nd * to my Laforge
    Extra stars for Kilana, Warship Janeway, Lon Suder, Dahar Master Kor and Forra Gegen

    While I'm happy to have picked up useful 4*s, really disappointed with the begold drops... 1 in 20 packs...
  • Torias327 wrote: »
    Picked up a 4th star on Gul Madred and finally got my first star on Satan’s Robot. Underwhelming as crew but I always wanted it so I was fairly pleased. No new/ fusable purples, bummer there.

    He's alright for eng/sec voyages. At least for me he is.

    He's almost always on a voyage for me at 1/5 lvl 100
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