Need some opinions on a begold.

in The Bridge
My options are
Umpire Odo (1/5*)
Mirror Data
Plenty of crew slots, so that's not an issue.
Umpire Odo (1/5*)
Mirror Data
Plenty of crew slots, so that's not an issue.
Add a star to an existing card (usually a good option).
Add crew that will have immediate value in the upcoming event (nice, esp if your bonus crew depth is suspect).
Add crew that could have future utility, maybe quite soon too (Mirror Landry next wk, so could mirror universe be a bonus trait?).
Without knowing your crew needs, I'd probably pick Odo. But honestly it feels like a toss-up to me.
Not knowing your crew, Odo is a decent choice, as adding a star is always good.
Mirror Data is pretty decent for me, even as a 1/5 ... he's my only 5* with ENG/SCI/SEC and he's actually on a SCI/ENG voyage for me right now.
But, I don't have an extensive crew.
Katrine ... well, I'd choose her if I like the character, she'll be okay during the event, doesn't have stellar base stats, but it depends on starbase bonuses.
Thanks everyone for the comments!!
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