Why no Winning Faction in a Fraction Event?!?!?

in The Bridge
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Faction Winner Bonus: N (there will be no faction winner bonus for this particular event)
My guess is because it's a re-run and they don't want to try to figure out how to make it work.
Pure Fraction Event:
Yes. The current Fraction Event.
Thanx for the info, Shan!!!
So why not create a new event with the same name and rewards, instead of re-running the old event. To the player they would look and work exactly the same, but with the Faction Winner Bonus added on.
That is understandable - preventing bugs from happening in the first place is really helpful. Thanks for the quick response!
Because then it wouldn't be a rerun, it would be a new event with the same name and rewards, lol
That's why it won't work. Someone tried to divide by zero.
They need to change the numerator from 4 to 3, that sometimes helps when repeating time.
Can we just program in that Section 31 will give a bonus for 3 days after the event? ^^
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Timelines Crew Cost Viewer
Bartenter: Flemming, you have had enough.
Flemming: Shut up, I can still count to the square root of negative one faster than you can! Gimme another drink!
opps, wrong series, nm