New 4* in Vault - Fugitive Spock

in The Bridge
Disco Spock is here!

Some combination of SCI/SEC/DIP

Some combination of SCI/SEC/DIP
And it makes total sense to do so, for obvious reasons.
Literally the only currently running Trek show.
Unless they want to throw a Captain Ed Mercer at me... I'd throw down DIL for that lol
My thoughts exactly. Also, season two is quite good. It should have been season one, there’s actual character development.
I'll take a Yaphit and Bortus, please.
Mirror Kasidy Yates = Claire Finn, I'm certain of it
1-1/2 legged Gordon here, waiter.
Immortals: 116
-ENTERPRISE- (Mirror Empok Nor)
and toss in a Mirror Isaac with the guns.
Of all of the Trek/Orville crossover actors and their characters, this might be my favorite for a non-canon Timelines addition.
Disregard sorry!
I hope the 3* in next week's Tuesday Pack has some good Stats.......
He was dropping, first two packs I tried had him.
Was hoping for a gold or two, it’s been a long time.
On a positive note - @Shan Thank you for informing us of the ship battle abilities, that’s something people have been asking for and it’s nice to see that voice was heard! new 5* crew. They have 3 existing 5* crew each. I must admit some temptation for this week’s collection of 5*s, even though I don’t really need any of them. What keeps me from buying is Emo Spock (and having both Valeris and T’Pol in the freezer).
“Let it be” Spock
Emo Spock...😂😂
I love that name. Emo Spock. Hehe.