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I want my merits back (kazon seska trait removal)



  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    If Seska can't have the Bajoran trait because she was only cosmetically altered to act as a spy, then Cardassian Kira shouldn't have the Cardassian trait and all of the non-Klingon Klingons need their trait removed too (O'Brien, Sisko, Neelix, etc.)

    CONSISTENCY PEOPLE!!!!!!!! >:)

    I just mentioned Blood Oath Jadzia in the other thread where the is being discussed. She, of all the non-Klingots in the game who are in Klingon uniforms, should most justifiably have the Trait. She is Godfather to THREE respected Klingon families, whose patriarcs all fought The Kirk. She is honouring a sacred Klingon oath, that Curzon swore. She is fighting beside Klingons AS A KLINGON!!!!!
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Shy Khan wrote: »
    I would imagine the Obsidian Order would have altered Seska at the genetic level to Bajoran, or at least masked her life signs to defeat basic medical scans. Her "change" back to Cardassian after she left Voyager would have likely only been cosmetic given the Kazon's level of technology. She should definitely maintain her Bajoran trait.

    That’s not true. In the episode she is uncovered, the Doctor scans her and discovers she’s not Bajoran, so only her appearance was changed.

    Amazing that that was the first time she ever got scanned. I guess Maquis hysicals and such are more "primitive".......

    I think their onboarding was probably more along the lines of “You want to blow up Cardassians? Welcome aboard!” LOL
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I would imagine the Obsidian Order would have altered Seska at the genetic level to Bajoran, or at least masked her life signs to defeat basic medical scans. Her "change" back to Cardassian after she left Voyager would have likely only been cosmetic given the Kazon's level of technology. She should definitely maintain her Bajoran trait.

    That’s not true. In the episode she is uncovered, the Doctor scans her and discovers she’s not Bajoran, so only her appearance was changed.

    Chakotay really was a terrible Maquis leader. He had two spies, Seska and Tuvok, among his small Maquis crew. I wonder if there were any other spies that we would have seen on Voyager if the show had lasted longer. A romulan disguised as a vulcan, a breen crewman that Chakotay thought just liked wearing a breen cold suit for affectation, a changeling that would have revealed his existence and betrayed the whole crew except they were sent to the Delta Quadrant instead of the Gamma Quadrant.
    Let’s fly!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I would imagine the Obsidian Order would have altered Seska at the genetic level to Bajoran, or at least masked her life signs to defeat basic medical scans. Her "change" back to Cardassian after she left Voyager would have likely only been cosmetic given the Kazon's level of technology. She should definitely maintain her Bajoran trait.

    That’s not true. In the episode she is uncovered, the Doctor scans her and discovers she’s not Bajoran, so only her appearance was changed.

    Chakotay really was a terrible Maquis leader. He had two spies, Seska and Tuvok, among his small Maquis crew. I wonder if there were any other spies that we would have seen on Voyager if the show had lasted longer. A romulan disguised as a vulcan, a breen crewman that Chakotay thought just liked wearing a breen cold suit for affectation, a changeling that would have revealed his existence and betrayed the whole crew except they were sent to the Delta Quadrant instead of the Gamma Quadrant.

    It would be really funny if there were more spies than actual Maquis on board. Chakotay, Torres, Suder, and 30ish spies from various governments looking to support, disrupt, or destroy the Maquis operations
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    If Seska can't have the Bajoran trait because she was only cosmetically altered to act as a spy, then Cardassian Kira shouldn't have the Cardassian trait and all of the non-Klingon Klingons need their trait removed too (O'Brien, Sisko, Neelix, etc.)

    CONSISTENCY PEOPLE!!!!!!!! >:)

    But Kazon Seska has her Cardassian appearance restored. The others you listed are in disguise, as is Ensign Seska... so it’s now consistent.

    Its consistently inconsistent.......i think i hurt my tongue saying that, nm :tongue:
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I would imagine the Obsidian Order would have altered Seska at the genetic level to Bajoran, or at least masked her life signs to defeat basic medical scans. Her "change" back to Cardassian after she left Voyager would have likely only been cosmetic given the Kazon's level of technology. She should definitely maintain her Bajoran trait.

    That’s not true. In the episode she is uncovered, the Doctor scans her and discovers she’s not Bajoran, so only her appearance was changed.

    Chakotay really was a terrible Maquis leader. He had two spies, Seska and Tuvok, among his small Maquis crew. I wonder if there were any other spies that we would have seen on Voyager if the show had lasted longer. A romulan disguised as a vulcan, a breen crewman that Chakotay thought just liked wearing a breen cold suit for affectation, a changeling that would have revealed his existence and betrayed the whole crew except they were sent to the Delta Quadrant instead of the Gamma Quadrant.

    It would be really funny if there were more spies than actual Maquis on board. Chakotay, Torres, Suder, and 30ish spies from various governments looking to support, disrupt, or destroy the Maquis operations

    Leland & Philippa's great-great-great-great grandchild was the Section 31 Operator!!!!!
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Someone in our family of fleets FE's their 1/4 Kazon Seska in anticipation of using her in this event. Personally, I think she should be made bonus crew for this event. Then DB should send out a message that she will not be Bajoran moving forward. And the message should contain 200 merits. 100 for the first mistake and 100 for the correction.

    It just doesn't send a good message to new players to leave things in their current state. I may just be a little annoyed, but some players are rightfully mad. My fleet mate can't even freeze her. She's just taking up a slot now. And she'll be a constant reminder of how DB treats the player base.

    @Shan can you please consider addressing this before the event?
    Farewell 🖖
  • When did that happen? I just started leveling mine yesterday (from 40) and was going to finish tonight? Just burned a bunch of chronitons I guess....
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    When did that happen? I just started leveling mine yesterday (from 40) and was going to finish tonight? Just burned a bunch of chronitons I guess....

    Update yesterday, apparently.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • If Seska can't have the Bajoran trait because she was only cosmetically altered to act as a spy, then Cardassian Kira shouldn't have the Cardassian trait and all of the non-Klingon Klingons need their trait removed too (O'Brien, Sisko, Neelix, etc.)

    CONSISTENCY PEOPLE!!!!!!!! >:)

    But Kazon Seska has her Cardassian appearance restored. The others you listed are in disguise, as is Ensign Seska... so it’s now consistent.

    You make a good point. Now both Disguised Tuvok and Boothby Replicant are in disguise as Humans and guess what's missing? Yep, the trait "Human!"
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I would imagine the Obsidian Order would have altered Seska at the genetic level to Bajoran, or at least masked her life signs to defeat basic medical scans. Her "change" back to Cardassian after she left Voyager would have likely only been cosmetic given the Kazon's level of technology. She should definitely maintain her Bajoran trait.

    That’s not true. In the episode she is uncovered, the Doctor scans her and discovers she’s not Bajoran, so only her appearance was changed.

    That was only after she was injured in "Voy: State of Flux, s1e10" and the Doctor and Kes were engaged in deeper scans of her blood, which was "lacking all the common Bajoran blood factors."

    Watching the scene right now (29:00), the Doctor actually says right afterwards, "It appears Seska has been genetically altered - my suspicion is she was born Cardassian."

    Even after the scans and screening, they still can't determine 100% that she's Cardassian.

    Her alteration would have been enough to bypass cursory scans, but not exploratory. The Maquis certainly do some due diligence when recruiting, as illustrated by the lengths Ro had to go to in order to infiltrate their ranks.

    Anyway, to the original point - the Doctor's line about genetic alteration should justify the Bajoran trait.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Someone in our family of fleets FE's their 1/4 Kazon Seska in anticipation of using her in this event. Personally, I think she should be made bonus crew for this event. Then DB should send out a message that she will not be Bajoran moving forward. And the message should contain 200 merits. 100 for the first mistake and 100 for the correction.

    It just doesn't send a good message to new players to leave things in their current state. I may just be a little annoyed, but some players are rightfully mad. My fleet mate can't even freeze her. She's just taking up a slot now. And she'll be a constant reminder of how DB treats the player base.

    @Shan can you please consider addressing this before the event?

    I hadn’t considered it from that point of view so I’m glad you shared the story. Come on DB, do the right thing here please!

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Someone in our family of fleets FE's their 1/4 Kazon Seska in anticipation of using her in this event. Personally, I think she should be made bonus crew for this event. Then DB should send out a message that she will not be Bajoran moving forward. And the message should contain 200 merits. 100 for the first mistake and 100 for the correction.

    It just doesn't send a good message to new players to leave things in their current state. I may just be a little annoyed, but some players are rightfully mad. My fleet mate can't even freeze her. She's just taking up a slot now. And she'll be a constant reminder of how DB treats the player base.

    @Shan can you please consider addressing this before the event?

    I hadn’t considered it from that point of view so I’m glad you shared the story. Come on DB, do the right thing here please!

    I hadn't either, until someone spoke up. And she would be really, really useful with some of these shuttles. Better late than never. Please consider reinstating her for this event only.
    Farewell 🖖
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    After starting this event I'm more annoyed that I won't be using any of my DIP-heavy Bajorans.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    As I said in another thread: The trait removal for Seska was indeed bad timing and I apologize. It is certainly something we will be more careful about in the future.

    Please feel free to submit a ticket if you have been negatively impacted by this change.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    As I said in another thread: The trait removal for Seska was indeed bad timing and I apologize. It is certainly something we will be more careful about in the future.

    Please feel free to submit a ticket if you have been negatively impacted by this change.

    The problem is too many ENG seats on the event shuttles and not enough ENG crew. At least one, I think, was probably designed around her.

    Everyone that has her was negatively impacted for this Event. There are multiple Engineering Seats on Shuttles........
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    As I said in another thread: The trait removal for Seska was indeed bad timing and I apologize. It is certainly something we will be more careful about in the future.

    Please feel free to submit a ticket if you have been negatively impacted by this change.

    The problem is too many ENG seats on the event shuttles and not enough ENG crew. At least one, I think, was probably designed around her.

    Everyone that has her was negatively impacted for this Event. There are multiple Engineering Seats on Shuttles........

    I know everyone is equally impacted, I am just saying that she was probably factored into the design of the event and then removed from it. Hopefully, this doesn't happen again. I levelled her up but she was 4/4 so it would have happened anyway at some point. Plus I can cryo her if needed. Thankfully, I didn't have other crew so I am not that negatively impacted. Someone else though, levelled her up at 1/4 and now he is stuck with her holding up a crew spot.

    I will take Shan at her word though, that they won't meddle with traits this close to an event again.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    As I said in another thread: The trait removal for Seska was indeed bad timing and I apologize. It is certainly something we will be more careful about in the future.

    Please feel free to submit a ticket if you have been negatively impacted by this change.

    Apology accepted. :) But I won't bother clogging up the CS pipeline with a request to refund 100 merits. Just send the entire community 100 merits in game mail. It either solves someone's problem, or it's a nice little bonus present for the players that didn't thaw Seska.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    As I said in another thread: The trait removal for Seska was indeed bad timing and I apologize. It is certainly something we will be more careful about in the future.

    Please feel free to submit a ticket if you have been negatively impacted by this change.

    The problem is too many ENG seats on the event shuttles and not enough ENG crew. At least one, I think, was probably designed around her.

    There are few pure ENG seats and none on the three seat shuttles. You can run this event with 2 to 10 SEC primaries and 10 to 2 CMD primaries and achieve much the same results. It would be nice to use Seska but it would be nicer to have Commander Kira.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Captain HarlockCaptain Harlock ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I got my merits back after creating a ticket. No issues.

    Lucky you. I unfroze two copies of her. Filed a ticket... they answered with a copy/paste about the last event not having a faction bonus. I have been under the impression that they don't even read the tickets for a while now. This seems to be the case again . There is nothing in their reply that has anything to do with my ticket (it's not even the right event).
    Admiral of the Québec Alliance Fleet. Joignez-vous à nous.
  • I explained the problem, how it had impacted me and what I expected them to do to put it right. Politely. Sorry to tell you, I got my 300 merits refunded with no fuss. I wish all of my dealings with tickets were this simple.

    CS lottery. :-(
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got my merits back after creating a ticket. No issues.

    Lucky you. I unfroze two copies of her. Filed a ticket... they answered with a copy/paste about the last event not having a faction bonus. I have been under the impression that they don't even read the tickets for a while now. This seems to be the case again . There is nothing in their reply that has anything to do with my ticket (it's not even the right event).

    That's definitely CS lottery right there. I'd probably escalate to second level for that alone.
  • robownage wrote: »
    I got my merits back after creating a ticket. No issues.

    Lucky you. I unfroze two copies of her. Filed a ticket... they answered with a copy/paste about the last event not having a faction bonus. I have been under the impression that they don't even read the tickets for a while now. This seems to be the case again . There is nothing in their reply that has anything to do with my ticket (it's not even the right event).

    That's definitely CS lottery right there. I'd probably escalate to second level for that alone.

    I probably will just because of how weird it all is. Thing is, merit credits are not worth this much trouble. :/
    Admiral of the Québec Alliance Fleet. Joignez-vous à nous.
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    i submitted a ticket on tuesday and had my merits back by wednesday morning.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    I got my merits back after creating a ticket. No issues.

    Lucky you. I unfroze two copies of her. Filed a ticket... they answered with a copy/paste about the last event not having a faction bonus. I have been under the impression that they don't even read the tickets for a while now. This seems to be the case again . There is nothing in their reply that has anything to do with my ticket (it's not even the right event).

    That's definitely CS lottery right there. I'd probably escalate to second level for that alone.

    I probably will just because of how weird it all is. Thing is, merit credits are not worth this much trouble. :/

    Maybe it was just a small mix up. The CS agent might have had two emails opened and responded to the wrong one. Follow up, maybe they give you 500 extra merits for messing up.
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Quality control.... who needs it? Nah...
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
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