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New Event Type Ideas

Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
While I like the current level of event predictability, I am also in the mood for something fresh, maybe around the May/June timeframe. I've had a couple ideas for new events which could be based on existing parts of the game. That might make them easier to implement, should DB choose to do so.

1) Voyage event: Using event/bonus crew could either give stat boosts or extra antimatter (AM) or both. VP would drop randomly, increasing after each dilemma, and in larger amounts at each dilemma, in flat amounts to level the playing field somewhat. DB could also give bonus AM for using a certain ship or ship category and sell packs with that ship. DB could do ship schematic, voyage revival, and dilithium offers to get some profit.

2) Gauntlet event: This would be set up a little like Expeditions. There would three tiers of 5 gauntlet opponents. Bonus crew would get less fatigue and provide bonus VP. Event crew would get less fatigue, provide bonus VP, and get a small crit bonus. Like Expedition, players would start with 3 tickets. Players would generate one ticket every 12 hours to a max of 4. Like Expeditions, this would be the first part of a hybrid event. Tickets could be purchased with dilithium, but a galaxy or skirmish phase 2 would even the playing field for non-spenders.

What do you think? Are these viable? Do you have a fresh idea for events? Or are you happy with the predictability of the game in its current state?
Farewell 🖖


  • I like the concept of a voyage event of some sort though I'd think about removing the dilemmas and allowing the voyage to go until exhaustion or a preset time (and thus remove the need to check back every two hours). Alternately maybe the voyage is two hours long and you select a difficulty and reward level. I dislike the gauntlet (given that its basically packed with unbeatable characters from already well endowed players). A stratified gauntlet might be worth considering.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like the concept of a voyage event of some sort though I'd think about removing the dilemmas and allowing the voyage to go until exhaustion or a preset time (and thus remove the need to check back every two hours). Alternately maybe the voyage is two hours long and you select a difficulty and reward level. I dislike the gauntlet (given that its basically packed with unbeatable characters from already well endowed players). A stratified gauntlet might be worth considering.

    Good voyage ideas. I especially like the possibility of setting different difficulties. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • How about a PvP arena competition.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    How about a PvP arena competition.

    Kind of like a "Skirmish"? :D
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rewamped Expedition. First you have a space battle then you send shuttles, people who are on the shuttle are used for the galaxy part and to get all ingredients for galaxy part you have to solve special away team missions.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    Rewamped Expedition. First you have a space battle then you send shuttles, people who are on the shuttle are used for the galaxy part and to get all ingredients for galaxy part you have to solve special away team missions.

    This sounds like a complex all-in-one idea, if I am understanding correctly.
    How about a PvP arena competition.

    And this sounds like Arena, but against live players. Do you have an idea for a mechanic that would give newer players a fighting chance and not just be extremely frustrating?
    Farewell 🖖
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I like the concept of a voyage event of some sort though I'd think about removing the dilemmas and allowing the voyage to go until exhaustion or a preset time (and thus remove the need to check back every two hours). Alternately maybe the voyage is two hours long and you select a difficulty and reward level. I dislike the gauntlet (given that its basically packed with unbeatable characters from already well endowed players). A stratified gauntlet might be worth considering.

    While I am not the OP, I think this Gauntlet event idea would work similar to skirmishes in that you'd not be gauntleting against other players, but predetermined NPC characters, like how we fight against NPC ships in skirmishes.

    @[10F] Prime Lorca As written I think both would almost certainly need some adjusting, but I applaud your forward-thinking, ingenuity, and for providing a respite in The Bridge for us old timers longing for a simpler time when people got along and ideas could be shared without temperamental tangential arguments flaming out of control and torpedoing entire threads. I love this thread, and if I can think of anything to enhance your ideas or contribute something new, you can rest assured I will contribute.
  • Me [AUS]Me [AUS] ✭✭✭
    These are very good ideas but i fear the implementation. However i am sure many of us are willing and able to help if we are asked and allowed.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I like the concept of a voyage event of some sort though I'd think about removing the dilemmas and allowing the voyage to go until exhaustion or a preset time (and thus remove the need to check back every two hours). Alternately maybe the voyage is two hours long and you select a difficulty and reward level. I dislike the gauntlet (given that its basically packed with unbeatable characters from already well endowed players). A stratified gauntlet might be worth considering.

    While I am not the OP, I think this Gauntlet event idea would work similar to skirmishes in that you'd not be gauntleting against other players, but predetermined NPC characters, like how we fight against NPC ships in skirmishes.

    @[10F] Prime Lorca As written I think both would almost certainly need some adjusting, but I applaud your forward-thinking, ingenuity, and for providing a respite in The Bridge for us old timers longing for a simpler time when people got along and ideas could be shared without temperamental tangential arguments flaming out of control and torpedoing entire threads. I love this thread, and if I can think of anything to enhance your ideas or contribute something new, you can rest assured I will contribute.

    You nailed my intentions with the Gauntlet. And I really appreciate the kind words. Thank you for helping me make a positive thread. I look forward to your ideas and help in fine-tuning my fledgling concepts. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Me [AUS] wrote: »
    These are very good ideas but i fear the implementation. However i am sure many of us are willing and able to help if we are asked and allowed.

    I'll take any input. I just want something fresh and workable. I've been playing about a year, so I have a good grasp on the game, but newer players will have fresher ideas and older players will have knowledge of things that were tried before that I missed and some perspective that I am still working to gain.

    If you can flesh out some ideas that would make either of mine work in a balanced way, please share. (Preferably in @ByloBand 's positive spirit. :) ) I really like this game and want to see it thrive for at least another year.
    Farewell 🖖
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m a big fan of doing a voyage event, I would add boosts to the voyage to increase VP, boost skills or speed up recalls.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    These are the last two major game features not turned into events. I’m not sure how a voyage event would work but we’ve already had a few ideas for a gauntlet event and I think it could work out very nicely.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Grumble, I feel I am onto something for a voyage event, but I need more time to really flush it out. I'm close though, it is frustrating because I am really busy today and I cannot really spend time working on it.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, I'm about to get swamped with stuff, so here are my rough ideas:

    1. Instead of replacing current voyages, a voyage event would have players sending out mini-voyages from the event menu with only 6 seats instead of 12.

    2. These mini-voyages would not harvest all the goodies of a normal voyage, but would operate similarly to skirmish bonus yields of victory points and a few other choice items, possibly anti-matter or whatever fuel the mini-voyage ships use.

    3. Voyage events would have featured ships that would give bonuses to fuel and RNG rolls. They would also have event crew who would also receive fuel and RNG bonuses.

    4. Unlike regular voyages, event mini-voyages would not have dilemmas nor get stranded when they run out of fuel. They would simply run until they exhaust their fuel and then automatically return. Something will need to be put in place to replace dilemmas (I want to remove the dilemma system so players are not tied to their devices every 2 hours for an entire 4 day period) and they should probably occur every 30 minutes, and happen automatically.

    That is all I have so far. Obviously it is flawed, but it feels like a good foundation of something that would be fun.

    Some points to consider when coming up with new event structures.

    1. We will need to come up with a way for DB to make money on the event. So far I have tried to do this by including the ability to sell ship and crew event packs, but for the mini-voyage event idea something else will be needed, like possibly boosts or something similar that players can use, purchasable fuel tanks, something.

    2. We will need to also think up a way for whales to pay-to-win, or at least pay-to-achieve. This goes along with point 1, but at least some attention needs to be given to allow whales to be whales within the confines of the event. It is my hope that we could avoid the all out pay-to-win structure of faction events, but we all win to some degree when the whales have a desire to go for it and an available path to do so.

    3. We will need to find a way to keep this structure engaging for everyone to sustain interest for 4 days without forcing people to be glued to their devices for 4 days just to hit the thresholds.

    OK, that is all I have right now :)
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    OK, I'm about to get swamped with stuff, so here are my rough ideas:

    1. Instead of replacing current voyages, a voyage event would have players sending out mini-voyages from the event menu with only 6 seats instead of 12.

    2. These mini-voyages would not harvest all the goodies of a normal voyage, but would operate similarly to skirmish bonus yields of victory points and a few other choice items, possibly anti-matter or whatever fuel the mini-voyage ships use.

    3. Voyage events would have featured ships that would give bonuses to fuel and RNG rolls. They would also have event crew who would also receive fuel and RNG bonuses.

    4. Unlike regular voyages, event mini-voyages would not have dilemmas nor get stranded when they run out of fuel. They would simply run until they exhaust their fuel and then automatically return. Something will need to be put in place to replace dilemmas (I want to remove the dilemma system so players are not tied to their devices every 2 hours for an entire 4 day period) and they should probably occur every 30 minutes, and happen automatically.

    That is all I have so far. Obviously it is flawed, but it feels like a good foundation of something that would be fun.

    Some points to consider when coming up with new event structures.

    1. We will need to come up with a way for DB to make money on the event. So far I have tried to do this by including the ability to sell ship and crew event packs, but for the mini-voyage event idea something else will be needed, like possibly boosts or something similar that players can use, purchasable fuel tanks, something.

    2. We will need to also think up a way for whales to pay-to-win, or at least pay-to-achieve. This goes along with point 1, but at least some attention needs to be given to allow whales to be whales within the confines of the event. It is my hope that we could avoid the all out pay-to-win structure of faction events, but we all win to some degree when the whales have a desire to go for it and an available path to do so.

    3. We will need to find a way to keep this structure engaging for everyone to sustain interest for 4 days without forcing people to be glued to their devices for 4 days just to hit the thresholds.

    OK, that is all I have right now :)

    I like it! One idea for the whales and monetization comes to mind: being able to send more than one voyage at a time. Using only six crew at a time either means we don’t really need many bonus crew options (such as with Skirmish and Galaxy events), while being able to send multiple mini-voyages allows for more crew usage (and therefore also act as another merit sink, which DB should like). Whales will be able to use all of the crew they have to increase length and improve VP rewards, while the rest of us who don’t have all of the crew will have more options for bonus crew to choose from.

    Determining the cost of additional voyages might be the challenge. Would it use the Intel mechanic from Skirmish events, enticing people to buy those chroniton deals? Would it be more like Faction events, with the first voyage being free and subsequent voyages costing geometrically-increasing amounts of dil? That would allow for Voyage Start Tokens to be sold. Would there be a cap on the number of voyages that could be sent at once as there is a physical limitation to the number of shuttle missions? I think that is wise, though I am not sure what that limit should be...three? Five? More?

    Another monetization idea would be to leave the two-hour dilemmas in, but have consumable items that auto-execute dilemma choices and allow people to work/sleep/be with loved ones for more than two hours at a time. Dilemma choices would need to be rigged such that one always gives VP and the other gives honor (for example); then, there could be two flavors of Voyage Supply Pods that will default the choice one way or the other for you. Some of these pods would appear in the threshold rewards, while more would be available in Time Portal deals.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gauntlet event because I need more blue trainers. (Sorry, couldn’t resist)

    I’d lean towards the voyage event because like an expedition it might give a chance to use more crew. Anything that lets me feel like I’ve recouped my time/time/time/time/money investment by gettting to enjoy my crew is a winner.
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    OK, I'm about to get swamped with stuff, so here are my rough ideas:

    1. Instead of replacing current voyages, a voyage event would have players sending out mini-voyages from the event menu with only 6 seats instead of 12.

    2. These mini-voyages would not harvest all the goodies of a normal voyage, but would operate similarly to skirmish bonus yields of victory points and a few other choice items, possibly anti-matter or whatever fuel the mini-voyage ships use.

    3. Voyage events would have featured ships that would give bonuses to fuel and RNG rolls. They would also have event crew who would also receive fuel and RNG bonuses.

    4. Unlike regular voyages, event mini-voyages would not have dilemmas nor get stranded when they run out of fuel. They would simply run until they exhaust their fuel and then automatically return. Something will need to be put in place to replace dilemmas (I want to remove the dilemma system so players are not tied to their devices every 2 hours for an entire 4 day period) and they should probably occur every 30 minutes, and happen automatically.

    That is all I have so far. Obviously it is flawed, but it feels like a good foundation of something that would be fun.

    Some points to consider when coming up with new event structures.

    1. We will need to come up with a way for DB to make money on the event. So far I have tried to do this by including the ability to sell ship and crew event packs, but for the mini-voyage event idea something else will be needed, like possibly boosts or something similar that players can use, purchasable fuel tanks, something.

    2. We will need to also think up a way for whales to pay-to-win, or at least pay-to-achieve. This goes along with point 1, but at least some attention needs to be given to allow whales to be whales within the confines of the event. It is my hope that we could avoid the all out pay-to-win structure of faction events, but we all win to some degree when the whales have a desire to go for it and an available path to do so.

    3. We will need to find a way to keep this structure engaging for everyone to sustain interest for 4 days without forcing people to be glued to their devices for 4 days just to hit the thresholds.

    OK, that is all I have right now :)

    I like it! One idea for the whales and monetization comes to mind: being able to send more than one voyage at a time. Using only six crew at a time either means we don’t really need many bonus crew options (such as with Skirmish and Galaxy events), while being able to send multiple mini-voyages allows for more crew usage (and therefore also act as another merit sink, which DB should like). Whales will be able to use all of the crew they have to increase length and improve VP rewards, while the rest of us who don’t have all of the crew will have more options for bonus crew to choose from.

    Determining the cost of additional voyages might be the challenge. Would it use the Intel mechanic from Skirmish events, enticing people to buy those chroniton deals? Would it be more like Faction events, with the first voyage being free and subsequent voyages costing geometrically-increasing amounts of dil? That would allow for Voyage Start Tokens to be sold. Would there be a cap on the number of voyages that could be sent at once as there is a physical limitation to the number of shuttle missions? I think that is wise, though I am not sure what that limit should be...three? Five? More?

    Another monetization idea would be to leave the two-hour dilemmas in, but have consumable items that auto-execute dilemma choices and allow people to work/sleep/be with loved ones for more than two hours at a time. Dilemma choices would need to be rigged such that one always gives VP and the other gives honor (for example); then, there could be two flavors of Voyage Supply Pods that will default the choice one way or the other for you. Some of these pods would appear in the threshold rewards, while more would be available in Time Portal deals.

    I would say three voyages - one for each event crew. What do you guys think about 3-hour dilemmas with that purchasable auto-complete option? The biggest money-makers could be the already built-in extensions and quick returns with dilithium. Could we use the existing boosts to avoid making new ones? Maybe do a ticket system and sell additional tickets for dilithium? Or we could have a special event faction whose shuttle missions have a chance of dropping tickets.
    Gauntlet event because I need more blue trainers. (Sorry, couldn’t resist)

    Different reward structure - got it! (I'm not above pandering ;) )

    Farewell 🖖
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    A Gauntlet event would involve way too much RNG imho.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    A Gauntlet event would involve way too much RNG imho.

    It would certainly involve more than normal for an event. That is part of the reason I suggest making it the first part of a hybrid. Other reasons being:

    1) Don't want Gauntlet event to primarily determine event winner.
    2) Many players (understandably) get frustrated with gauntlet and just don't like it.
    3) Would prefer this to be an uncommon event that primarily breaks monotony. Phase 2 would be a return to normalcy.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll play the contrarian voice for a second. For the voyage idea... there would still need to be voyage-pausing dilemmas (or whatever term DB wold want to call them). If a voyage can just continue w/o player attention, that would be a major departure from all other event types and would run contrary to DB's (or any company's) need to keep your eyeballs on the game. If you can set-and-forget, the opportunity to sell you things goes way down.

    But I agree that a mechanism to allow for an extended voyage w/o direct player involvement would be needed, similar to the 2x-9hr boosts used in faction events. Of course, these boosts could be monetized. The event must allow players an option that precludes waking up in the middle of the night simply to be competitive.

    I like the multiple-voyages concept. Probably easiest to copy the rental shuttle mechanism with event-only voyage tokens (also monetize-able). So maybe everyone can send 2 "free" voyages, with an option to send several more "token" voyages (two? four? other?).

    OK, the more I'm thinking about this, the more a voyage event starts to look like a faction event. Which is actually ok, since it means the wheel does not need to be re-invented, just tweaked. Variable ships, variable starting AM, variable player ability to maintain a schedule of dilemma completion, variable boosting strategies... yep, this could work. Just need a VP system and reward tables.

    Another wrinkle - "regular" voyages would also still be ongoing. After all, not every player would want to participate in the event, plus the event might not drop the usual voyage rewards, so no one should be forced to give those up just because an event is running. For the players that do compete, they would have to manage crew distribution to both their event voyages and their regular voyages. While this sounds potentially overwhelming, I also think it could be an interesting challenge.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    One more thing -
    If there are dilemmas to complete, randomize the screen locations for the buttons. Otherwise this will become a complete macro-fest. And be much harder to detect. (After all, it's not impossible for a player to be present every 2hrs and press the "left" button within a second of it's appearance. How would DB determine if such behavior is human or bot?)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    One more thing -
    If there are dilemmas to complete, randomize the screen locations for the buttons. Otherwise this will become a complete macro-fest. And be much harder to detect. (After all, it's not impossible for a player to be present every 2hrs and press the "left" button within a second of it's appearance. How would DB determine if such behavior is human or bot?)

    Indeed. And that would cut into the profit from selling auto-complete items. And I could see DB clamping down on things that threaten profit.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Voyages could run like factions + expeditions + skirmishes. You have a ship with say 8 seats for bonus crew on easy (7 for intermediate and 6 for hard) and the player has to go through approx 5 consecutive dilemmas using regular + bonus crew that fatigue less. Harder levels mean you need stronger crew in less spots. Their skills or bonus determine success, VP and fatigue. You can apply shuttle boosts for bonuses. We already have voyage fuel in anti matter but it is either earned like intel for skirmishes and it doesn't carry over or it can be earned in voyages at the dilemmas and then you can stockpile it for the next event. Once you complete a quick set of dilemmas, you can start the next one, just like expeditions and skirmishes.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another wrinkle - "regular" voyages would also still be ongoing. After all, not every player would want to participate in the event, plus the event might not drop the usual voyage rewards, so no one should be forced to give those up just because an event is running. For the players that do compete, they would have to manage crew distribution to both their event voyages and their regular voyages. While this sounds potentially overwhelming, I also think it could be an interesting challenge.

    I'm starting to be torn on crew management. If you don't allow crew to be used on shuttles or regular voyages, then DB could do drops similar (but modified) to existing voyage drops. Players could get drops from event voyages and regular voyages. If players could use crew in both places, it would probably be giving too much away or the event voyage drops would have to be severely nerfed.

    If players are able to use duplicate crew, we would have to limit drops to VP and... well, in the interest of not upsetting the game economy, probably just VP. Otherwise, I think it would amount to giving away the farm.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    We already have voyage fuel in anti matter but it is either earned like intel for skirmishes and it doesn't carry over or it can be earned in voyages at the dilemmas and then you can stockpile it for the next event. Once you complete a quick set of dilemmas, you can start the next one, just like expeditions and skirmishes.

    I hadn't considered earning AM like intel. Great idea!
    Farewell 🖖
  • Veterinary PhloxVeterinary Phlox ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really like the concept of events based on voyages. I think there's a lot of potential for something fun here, whether it's special dilemmas or new drops.

    PvE Gauntlets could be interesting. I rarely fare well in normal gauntlets, but I think there's a lot of potential, especially following a similar system as skirmishes, as others have suggested.
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I saw a thread where a player requested odds of winning (as percentages) added to Gauntlet. How cool would it be if DB would implement that along with a new Gauntlet event type based on suggestions here?!
    Farewell 🖖
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wish they would..
    But not too be a Debbie Downer, this board has been asking for new event types for 2+ years. Great ideas then.. great ideas now..
    But I think we'd have a better chance them being implemented if we wrote the request in paint on our bedroom walls and spun in an office chair 300 times.

    .. That said I like the idea of a gauntlet event. Pick 20 characters PvE points, 3 tickets a day to refresh. Refresh resets difficulty. More tickets for Dilithium.

    I shall break out the office chair now.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've noticed that Month of Hell is leading on the forum poll for the future mega event. I think the voyage idea lends itself particularly to Month of Hell. My hopes aren't too high, but the only thing that would say "we listen to our players" more than a survey (that gets implemented) would be to also incorporate a player event idea in said mega event.
    But not too be a Debbie Downer, this board has been asking for new event types for 2+ years.
    I don't know where the skirmish idea came from, but I know that the event type is less than one year old. In the interest of giving credit where it is due, you must admit that somewhere in that 2+ years, DB did listen. It may not be what everyone wanted, but it was a new event type that I personally love. Approaching the one year anniversary of the first skirmish was part of the inspiration of this post.
    Farewell 🖖
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Absolutely. I meant to mention the skirmishes , they are my current favorite but forgot.
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