Temporal Misalignment Threshold and Community pulls

Threshold Pull

Tuskegee Mayweather in position one. No space for another 1/4

Tuskegee Mayweather in position one. No space for another 1/4
Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
Hopefully the community is more fruitful...
Also got the schematics to put another level on my 5* Reliant, so that was nice too.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
The first time I can recall getting no schematics.
2nd and 3rd stars for Jaz, 3rd star for Third Remata 'Klan, duplicates for Trip and Garak, Anastasia is a keeper (another undercover for my collection
and the rest just more schematics and honor. none on the behold look descent.
Community Pull. Third star for Bareil.
Triple all-FF super-rare behold
Took mirror bev, rest was honor
RAF Julian and Honour/3* Schemes. Julian was new.
Low-Level Account got a Behold with Wedding Dress Wesley, some other 4*, and Katra McCoy. Took McCoy for the Med, which that account is low on.
Added two stars though, immortalising Janeway and 3rd star on Martia
Took a second star for Yar over a third for Uhura because I think she has more all-around utility with a rarer skill set.
4th star for Tae-Bo Riker.
Threshold pull yielded another behold, with one option already ff/fe, EV suit Trip, and Lal (both Lal and Trip i dont have). I took trip for the Jury Rigger Collection.
Airlocked 1/4 T'Mir for the 1/4 pres for collection reasons
- 4th star North Star Archer - non-behold - netting me tier 3 of the Wild West collection (don't think I'll ever get more - have none of the 5*s as is).
- 5x 3* Honor
- 4x schematics ... all for maxed ships (sheesh).
Coming soon.
- 2nd Star Anbo Riker - behold, both other options immortal.
- 7x 3* Honor.
- 2x ship schematics for 3* ships ... i.e. both maxed.
Thresholds was 800 honor and the last star for Formal Dress Wesley, which isn't bad either. But seeing some of your pulls definitely makes me jealous of your relationship with RNG
4th star for GI Chakotay
3rd star for EV Suit Trip
2nd star for Tsunkaste Seven
2nd star for Friar Tuck Data
Perhaps not the most exciting beholds, but at least generally useful.