Alleviate Behold Frustration from players
[BL] Q
in Make It So!
Dear DB,
Can you please do something to stop penalising those who continue to pay good money in chasing beholds from packs, sure honor is great but when you get multiple 4&5* beholds and they're Fully fused this puts the break on spending till the portal has added a new pool of crew even the apology pack gave FF crew so I offer a suggestion...
Make a fourth option to beholds choice of 3 crew or a citation. There will be some who will argue you can buy these with honor and sure you can however if you've spent enough to go on a "Bad run" you may go 30+ ten pulls and get zero 5* beholds and then pull one with all 3 Fully Fused and multiple 4* beholds all of which are useless.
I'm sure if citations could be added to the beholds it will encourage more spending and alleviate player frustrations some of your biggest spenders are slowing down because they have over 350 immortals and don't wish to spend time and money dismissing crew with little to show for it trying to chase stars for a half dozen crew members. This doesn't just benefit whales it can also benefit F2P who may be lucky enough to get a Behold from one of their single portal pulls from an event allowing them to either pick from the 3 crew or add a star to an existing crew member to free up their limited slots.
I'd ask you to at least consider this as an option going forward
Can you please do something to stop penalising those who continue to pay good money in chasing beholds from packs, sure honor is great but when you get multiple 4&5* beholds and they're Fully fused this puts the break on spending till the portal has added a new pool of crew even the apology pack gave FF crew so I offer a suggestion...
Make a fourth option to beholds choice of 3 crew or a citation. There will be some who will argue you can buy these with honor and sure you can however if you've spent enough to go on a "Bad run" you may go 30+ ten pulls and get zero 5* beholds and then pull one with all 3 Fully Fused and multiple 4* beholds all of which are useless.
I'm sure if citations could be added to the beholds it will encourage more spending and alleviate player frustrations some of your biggest spenders are slowing down because they have over 350 immortals and don't wish to spend time and money dismissing crew with little to show for it trying to chase stars for a half dozen crew members. This doesn't just benefit whales it can also benefit F2P who may be lucky enough to get a Behold from one of their single portal pulls from an event allowing them to either pick from the 3 crew or add a star to an existing crew member to free up their limited slots.
I'd ask you to at least consider this as an option going forward
I dont think its out of line at all, with the rate they are adding crew its getting harder and harder to max crew out, and if someone pulls the trigger on a portal it IS frustrating to get either a crew you already maxed out, or in the majority of players cases another 1/4 or 1/5 that they didn't have and now have another 1/X crew to level, there needs to be a better way to work on crew that you want without so much variance, honor just takes too darn long or requires an ungodly investment, it gets to the point that your not seeing any progress and honestly makes you just want to quit playing after so many failed pulls
What's the difference between adding a star to crew restricted to 3 choices as opposed to any on your roster?
There's potentially quite a large difference, depending on the number of unfused crew a player has. Being able to choose from all of your crew to upgrade is strictly better than being able to choose from only a subset of three of those crew. The larger your crew, the lower chances that the crew you would give a Citation to will be picked as one of the three choices. A Citation is also more valuable in that it can be saved and the choice made later if nothing needs to be upgraded immediately and a strong new crew comes out.
As it stands I've enough to buy 6x5* citations as is andi have Kahless (a waste of honour I won't go into here) I've gone from €400-500 a month to spending €20 as there is little incentive to buy packs. Yesterday for example I got the 10 packs for €10.99 not a single crew from packs and beholds could be used NONE of the new crew that got added to packs showed up and the ten packs turned out to give replicator fuel and honor nothing I don't have enough of already.
Star Wars Arena didn't penalise players when it came to giving legendary crew when you got enough currency to pull the trigger you could choose any one of the legendary crew in game Your choice not RNG's so like many others now packs hold little to no value to me. You would think with forecasting on TWD not being what they expected they would be encouraging players in Timelines to spend and spend regularly but it seems not to be the case.
Just curious, why holding so much honor?
member of (Brooklyn 9)9RS
Same goes for legendary characters, its very frustrating/annoying to get a new 1/5* you cant do anything with yet have multiple 5*s sitting in your roster that your trying to add stars too.
I have stopped leveling the golds I have which are below 3/5* unless they are needed for node completion or main cannon crew likely to be in repeat events (e.g. Dax/Worf etc). Consequently I have about 25 golds I am not using if I air-locked them all I would still not have enough for a single SR citation, which just **tsk tsk** so I am holding onto them until the situation improves. My crew is at capacity and I am unable to buy any new packs until I vault some of my 4/4 purples.
Beholds are fun, and far better than getting a random 4*! (Never buying a non-behold/event pack ever again; even just being a monthly carder who has bought 3 of the 10pull packs over a span of several months, I've been unlucky enough to get multiple duplicates in a pack where I had only 1/9 of the featured crew FF. This would easily be fixed by those packs featuring beholds instead of crew being entirely chosen for us) --
-- but the game knows who we already have and should offer only people we haven't FF. Otherwise it's penalizing paying players and/or players who have been playing longer.
This is a prime example of businesses shooting themselves (and their customers) in the foot. Not every company knows what's best for itself.
This is a great idea, though I think that 5000 or so Honour in a 4* behold would more adequately make it not a frustrating waste.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
I know people won't love the idea but got to figure a way to give DB their cut
Might work for a few players but not whales I think every 4* Behold I've had over the past 6 months were fully fused it's when you run in to this you may aswell stop spending on premium portals
So far I've 7 siskos 10 brides of Jadzia 10 Batesons(was12)
Adding dilithing costs to reroll is just turning you upside down to shake the loose change from your pockets
I would also suspect that most whales can rank relatively high during events so new super rare crew should be more easily obtainable. Though I am not someone to talk... I am no where near most a lot of other people.
It would likely have to be a lot more to make it more profitable compared to the current system, where a smaller number people buy a LOT of packs airlocking everything until they get what they're after.
It's penalising a portion of the playerbase who have collected a majority of crew in the game chasing 1-3* on a handful of crew.
The simplest solution is to add a citation as a 4th option have the team considered this and will/did they give it some serious consideration?
Just to put into perspective: from a 4* behold you'll get an Epic crew whom, if you don't need them, you can sell for 200 Honours. To buy a 4* Epic Citation you need 18K, so the result of honouring 90 Epic crews.
If you read it like this, this idea boils down to "Hey DB, just give us (under certain circumstances) the option of receiving 90 times more Honor, will you?"
I'm all for it. "Give us 90 times more stuff" could be the slogan of these forums.
What makes you think that they didn't, by the way? It really isn't the first time I see this suggestion around here.
I've always assumed it was safe to say that they gave it some serious consideration a long time ago. They thought about it for 5 milliseconds, which - in a marketing department - is almost an eternity.
Can't be that hard to calc. Would be different for each player. Existing pack cost, adjusted for the percentage of the loot table a player has FF, adjusted for honor and expected sales increase. Except for the last term, most of us could crunch the numbers.
My point isn't to save money as much as it's to better know what I'm getting.
My point is some people are slowing down on their spending habits and getting rather annoyed chasing less than a dozen crew out of over 400 in the vault to FF so might want those in marketing to think a little longer than 5 milliseconds and offer incentives to keep the Dilithium flowing like a burst dam rather than a dripping tap.
To quote Freddie Mercury, "I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now".
I didn't mean to imply that you didn't know.
I just think that it's always useful to reduce proposals to their essence. And the essence of this one is "give me 90 times more stuff (under certain conditions)".
That Dilithium would be flowing like a burst dam is an unfounded conjecture. I perfectly understand your argument (it's a straightforward "if you decrease the cost we'll buy more and somehow you'll make more revenue" argument, an evergreen of internet forums) and I perfectly see that it's unfounded.
I wonder whether has Erin has ever talked about, say, what she thinks about giving us 90 times more Honour under some circumstances.
Oh, wait. She did.
It's strange, I'd translate it differently: "Thanks for the thought, but we're still making all the money we want, so no need to change. Keep paying."
Something has to give regarding FF beholds- Reroll's will lead to more FF beholds for many of those who have collected almost every character. While it's not the first time a card collecting game has run into duplicates there was a way to trade those and Nod did say it was never going to be an option in Timelines so what other alternatives are there then?
For the single player? Paying only if the purchase is worth it. I stopped paying more than a year ago and I don't regret it in any way.
Vote with your wallet. DB can't take money from you - you have to give it to them.
For DB? We don't know how much money DB makes and how much money they want to make, but I'm pretty sure they roll in dough.
Maybe - and I have no proof to back it up, so this is by no mean an authoritative analysis - there are enough new whales to keep this monetization alive. The "all of my Beholds are FF" problem plagues veteran whales, but young whales are almost immune to it. Are there enough new whales (say, maybe, people who get into Star Trek after watching Discovery) to generate considerable income? Maybe. And if the answer is yes, DB does not need other alternatives.