Again... Another Grind to 333k VP and I don’t break the Top 1,000 for a 5* Mudd. Fix This BS!!
{DD} Capt Jello
Over 500k last event, 333k this event and NOTHING! WTF do I have to do to get a **tsk tsk** 5* in an event????? 4 shuttles non-stop for 5 days. Stayed at 4k VP/shuttle, failed a few here and there but not mote than 2 per 3 hours. 10 Bonus crew, many shuttles over 88% (3rd and 4th were 70’s and 60’s).
Fix this crap DB! Adjust the reward levels for the thousands of new players in the last 2 years since release!! I should not have to get up at 2am and 5am to start news shuttles and STILL not get the 5*. I’m not even bitching about top 50 or top 500... 995 is fine with me, but it still isn’t happening!
Fix this crap DB! Adjust the reward levels for the thousands of new players in the last 2 years since release!! I should not have to get up at 2am and 5am to start news shuttles and STILL not get the 5*. I’m not even bitching about top 50 or top 500... 995 is fine with me, but it still isn’t happening!
I've said this many times now and everyone goes poopooo. Or, 'I'm a squad leader so shut up.' But I'd say we have over 1000 very strong squads now - meaning that A. you have to do the full 30 jumpstart and B. You have to be a squad leader to make the top 1000 now. My squad leader finished around 600.
If you were borderline, you had to claim your shuttles at the last minute or dil boost to secure your 5*.
I'm quite surprised that there were that many people who felt they were within striking distance to time their shuttles or pay dil to boost (there were probably even more who planned but didn't get above the 1000th place line).
My final position 998!!
Its getting pretty difficult these days especially with the number of event crew and 90%+ pass rate shuttles failing for no good reason!?!
I really think the leaderboard/prize structure needs to be re-vamped as there is no distinction between top 20-1000 or from 1000 below.
I'd settle for some honour based on your actual finishing position with the ability to exchange your honour points for a discounted copy(s) of the 5* crew. If you missed out on the 5* crew by a small margin you could then supplement your event reward for a price, or just take the honour and run.
I wholeheartedly disagree with the second part. Why?
In my squad the squad leader didn't have best score, now he had #2. There were 2 or more over 1000 in three squads in my fleet.
In 2 instances squad leaders in my fleet didn't make top 1000 but members of their squad did.
I am a squad leader and did make it into the 400s, but was topped by a member in the 300s. If only Squad Leaders could make it, my bud would not have topped my score.
The jump start IS necessary these days however. Also having as many bonus crew as possible as well.
On other notes: I can't speak for all of my squad but most of us were not buying speedups. We're just using the ones gotten from the Cadet Missions. I know I'm pretty stocked mostly due to all the galaxy events. I only used speedups for the jump start, was using skill boosts the rest of the time.
That being said, I had EVERY SINGLE DAX (other than Zhintara Odo) FE, and all but some of the 5* immortalized. I had all but one 4* Discovery Crew Maxed. I picked shuttles with lots of Science on them. The word BONUS was on almost every slot of every shuttle I sent, except when Kortar or BQ was in. I only used skill bonuses on the primary skills, so I didn't hit the display issue some folks hit.
Now does that mean some adjustments should not be made? I can see expanding the rewards to a percentile bases, in fact, I am really in favor of and have advocated for as well.
Top 1%
Top 5%
Top 10% etc
similar to Arena battles.
If you look at the numbers there are 14703 players. If the number of active players in event is near that, than it is not easy to be in top 1000
There are a lot more than 14703 players. There was a member of my fleet that could not participate for most of the event and was ranked 46000, and they did send some shuttles, so the number is probably higher than that.
In better squads it is much much more. I live with my squad leader and know she gets around 40,000+ VP. The top 200 is probably well over 50,000 free points.
Look, I don't want to get involved in big arguments on this as I have before. I get that most people on the forum are squad leaders and like the policy. I also get that it's possible to sometimes beat a squad leader if you have extreme amounts of event crew and do the full to 4000 start.
I'd rather just say the heck with it and have DB open up the prizes a little. With the vastly increased numbers of active participants 2000 or a percentage seems fair. Do their numbers show more spending by keeping it to 1000? We'll see. The outcry on this issue is only a couple months old.
I used to always get top 1000 in faction events, easily. Well, not easily, but leveling crew and keeping a rigorous schedule. Anyway.
The past two I struggled and didn’t make it despite the fact I thought I was killing it. I ended up at 1143 this time
As somebody who plays less than half year... and ended around 1060... and didn't paid anything besides monthly and both Steam offers... *shrug* Sleep less/use alarm clock. And we entered event as 4-people squad (and even then my 5/5 T'Kuvma got me 55k).
Though I'm all for expanding reward range as I will greatly benefit from it...
Wow, that’s just an ignorant statement. I’ve been playing since Feb ‘16. 225+ crew, 170 crew slots, and have spent enough to be VIP 13. I don’t blow dil on tickets, quick recalls, or any BS like that. I want to play the game, not piss money away. With my experience, crew, stamina, and effort, I should not have this much trouble getting a 5*. From the start of shuttle events until a few months ago, I placed top 1,000 with no issue having 1/3 the crew, 2 shuttles, and limitations. Getting 250k VP wasa dream for many and yet i still placed 800-900. I was 4x over max reward in galaxy and 25% higher on this shuttle event. It stings even more going for VP to rank with no additional reward levels.
So, basically by DB not adjusting the rank rewards, they are boldly stating “give us money every event or get lost”!
I think the prizes in the top 1000, for the 5* should be more wide spanning..
#1 5 of 5 4 of 4, 3 of 3 + 2x 5* citation
#2 3 same minus 1 Citation
#4-30 same, no citation + 20,000 honor
#31 - 100 5x5 , 4 x 4. 3 x 3. + 10,000 honor
#101 - 300 4x5. 4 x 4 3 x 3 +10,000 honor
#301 - 500. 3 x5. 4 x 4 3 x 3. 2000 honor
#501 - 700. 2x5. 4x4. 3x3 no honor
#701-1000 standard.
Threshold Insert 225,000. 100,000 credits
Add 275,000 5x 4* shuttle speed Boosts
Add 300,000 5000 honor
Add 325,000 4th 4 star
I'd tend to agree. So maybe you're doing something wrong.
It's not clear from this if you're still running 2 shuttles. I'd assume every VIP 13 has 4, but if not, well, you won't be as competitive.
If you are running 4 shuttles, then my guess is what you're doing wrong is not using the jump start. That will set you back quite a bit.
I watched the shuttles oscillate between 4/4 success and 0/4 success at 4k/each. Near the end, I was nervous enough to load up 2 shuttles with all event/bonus crew and use time boosters again, with 35 minutes left. I did not use dilithium at all for this event.
Top 1000 can be done, but it has taken me 10 solid months to build a crew that can compete at my spending level, i.e. monthly card and occassional pack. But I only “set the alarm” for characters that I like, e.g. Mudd or Ilia Probe (175). Result? I clear all thresholds, have characters I actually like, and accept that I will do this rarely.
Just my 2¢
Everyone had a lot of bonus crew, so yes this event was more competitive then usual.
Timelines Crew Cost Viewer
However, I'd caution against using the last parts of a mega-event as a baseline. With three previous events creating a big pool of eligible crew and a lot of incentive to level them specifically, this was always going to be a particularly difficult event.
I co-sign doing it this way as percentages rather than a hard number like 1000. As Pal said, there are way way wayyyyyy more than 15,000 players to this game. The number is in the 100,000s, and as this number continues to grow each day that means the 1,000 gets narrower and narrower for any given player to reach.
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In the OP, I stated “4 shuttles nonstop for 5 days”. I was making a point that i never had an issue with 2 shuttles, and even better when i went to 3 shuttles. I also used the 40 shuttle kickstart and was at around 200 by the time I achieved 4k shuttles. I missed a timeframe of maybe sending off 8 shuttles if I didnt wake up to my 3hr alarm, so it sat for3 hours before waking up... but if this is what DB expects when people have jobs, family, and you know... need to sleep... then f them and their money munchers. A game should be enjoyable, not stressful.
My apologies.
If you choose to pay more attention to other things in life than a game, then good for you - you've made the right choice. Apparently what's happened since you were last able to consistently rank in the top 1000 is that there are now more players willing to put in the effort at the expense of those things. To them the spoils.
'Cept that's not what you said at first. But in any case, some numbers from my fleet.
Of the 6 people <1000 in rank, 2 were squad leaders.
Of the top 10 scores, 4 were squad leaders.