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Again... Another Grind to 333k VP and I don’t break the Top 1,000 for a 5* Mudd. Fix This BS!!



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    V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    V. wrote: »
    I’m a squad leader. I only got an extra 6.5k VP. Makes up for 1.5 faileds huttles, but it really doesn’t help much.

    In better squads it is much much more. I live with my squad leader and know she gets around 40,000+ VP. The top 200 is probably well over 50,000 free points.

    Look, I don't want to get involved in big arguments on this as I have before. I get that most people on the forum are squad leaders and like the policy. I also get that it's possible to sometimes beat a squad leader if you have extreme amounts of event crew and do the full to 4000 start.

    I'd rather just say the heck with it and have DB open up the prizes a little. With the vastly increased numbers of active participants 2000 or a percentage seems fair. Do their numbers show more spending by keeping it to 1000? We'll see. The outcry on this issue is only a couple months old.

    'Cept that's not what you said at first. But in any case, some numbers from my fleet.

    Of the 6 people <1000 in rank, 2 were squad leaders.
    Of the top 10 scores, 4 were squad leaders.

    Only 20% of your fleet can be squad leaders. Yet squad leaders were 33% of your people in the top 1000 and 40% of your top 10 scores.

    I relaxed my position because I don't want to get in a very negative argument on this topic. 4 or 5 times is enough. Let's just say that I don't like the squad leader 50,000 point advantage policy. I don't expect the policy to ever change, but I gravitate towards lost causes. I also don't like the jumpstart but I don't expect that to change either.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
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    Haven't events always been pay-to-win? I don't get what the OP wants fixed.
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    Pallidyne wrote: »

    The jump start IS necessary these days however. Also having as many bonus crew as possible as well.

    On other notes: I can't speak for all of my squad but most of us were not buying speedups. We're just using the ones gotten from the Cadet Missions. I know I'm pretty stocked mostly due to all the galaxy events. I only used speedups for the jump start, was using skill boosts the rest of the time.

    That being said, I had EVERY SINGLE DAX (other than Zhintara Odo) FE, and all but some of the 5* immortalized. I had all but one 4* Discovery Crew Maxed. I picked shuttles with lots of Science on them. The word BONUS was on almost every slot of every shuttle I sent, except when Kortar or BQ was in. I only used skill bonuses on the primary skills, so I didn't hit the display issue some folks hit.

    Now does that mean some adjustments should not be made? I can see expanding the rewards to a percentile bases, in fact, I am really in favor of and have advocated for as well.

    Yes, it seems getting the jump start AND having a large number of bonus crew is ESSENTIAL for top ranks. I finally broke top 500 - actually 289th place this time, and it sounds like our crew were almost perfectly matched Pallidyne. I got in straightaway when it started and monitored closely throughout, and set alarms to reset shuttles every night. First time I have ever done that, but I really wanted to see where my max was this event.

    I had 14 bonus crew - 1x5*, 8x4* 1x3*, and 2x2* (All Level 100 except Tyler and new Sarek both at 90), including Blood Oath Jadzia. And there were many times I couldn't even use all of them due to Skills not matching slots. And I did not worry at all about the 'and' skill ident, as it is somewhat anomalous from what I can tell. Bonus outweighs double skill perhaps?

    I did have over 60 3* time boosts saved up, and kept using them the first and second day, far beyond what should have succeeded and continued to succeed at a rate of 15/16 until I hit the 4K VP mark. I just used regular boosts until this morning when I ran 5 shuttles with time boost again, and succeeded 4 of them. Shocked and surprised, but it did the job of holding my place in the mid-upper 200s as I had been all event. If I had been more awake, I would have send 20+ more shuttles with time boost and probably would have finished top <200.

    I will note that ALL BUT ONE (Klingon) of my 12 total fails in the first 3.5 days were Federation, and always with every crew slot as a bonus + 3* or better boost. It seems like Blood Oath Jadzia was NOT given full bonus points during this, as those shuttles were very high % with her +boost her skills and still failed. Final 12 hours I had another 6 fails.

    Also note, I am also a Squad leader.

    Moral of the story, better (and bonus) crew makes better score!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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    MithiwithiMithiwithi ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    guest_7456 wrote: »
    Haven't events always been pay-to-win? I don't get what the OP wants fixed.

    My read is: the number of people buying in has increased while the number of winners stays the same, so they're getting outbid by even bigger whales.

    The obvious fix that would cause the dilithium-to-reward ratio to remain stable, as many in the thread have pointed out, is to go to % rather than fixed count for the rank tiers.
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    t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Bonus crew was too plentiful this time, with all discovery jabronis counting. It went from a good roster can top 1000 you if you kick start to you have to speed boost several times to top 1k, I just missed but made the concious decision not to speed boost as mudd wasn't worth it.

    It was so bad this time because of the number of elligible bonus crew.
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    [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will state as a non-squad leader, the bonus seems fair to me given the advantage of shared crew. I ranked 700 in the event and I can tell you that having Two shuttles with FE T'Kuvma's carrying 90+ % on their own was worth a TON of points. I rely on my squad leader's stable of crew to piece my shuttles together most events and usually finish top 1000.

    That said, the fact that the rewards haven't grown with the game on a percentage of play, or that there is no difference between top 20 and top 1000 is a problem. I think including the 4th threshold crew as a top 1000 reward would be really nice, adding more gold stars, adding 10x portal pulls, etc would help a lot as well.
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    I thought I'd share my statistics from this event since I logged how many successes I had with my shuttles.

    Total numbers are 118/132 with following breakup, jump start 40/40, 8k overnight 13/16 and 4k shuttles 65/76. That gave me about 380k VP and I ranked at 411.

    I didn't record the displayed success rates for any of my shuttles, but from memory jump start was 99% and 8k shuttles ranged from 75%-85%. For the 4k shuttles I rarely had shuttle below 80%, first and second shuttles were almost always 88%-93% sometimes even higher. Didn't use speed boosts except for the jump start, instead I used skill boosts.

    What about featured/bonus crew. I wasn't squad leader, but my squad leader shared his T'Kuvma. I also had 6 out of the 9 Legendary characters mostly 1/5*, one 2/5* and one immortalized. T'Kuvma got his 4th star during the event. From the 10 Super Rare crew the only one that I didn't have was Mirror Ezri Tigan. I immortalized Sarek during the event, had 2/4* FE Blood Oath Jadzia. All other 4* bonus crew was immortalized.

    We had two Faction/Galaxy hybrids and full galaxy event before this, so many players had either 3/4* or 4/4* Saru, Tyler or Stamets or any combination of them. Ambassador Sarek has been reward in three events. So no wonder that the competition was really tough.
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    [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    I spent 650 dil pulled one pack got a mudd, I ran shuttles fairly regular every 3 hours during the day and the 9 hour boost at night. At the end I was pulling 4000 shuttles but I actually stopped 2 hours early. I do the events strictly for the equipment and sometimes bonus crew if they interest me. Trying to place high anymore is an exercise in frustration and sleeplessness so I stopped trying. I placed around 3700 and got everything except the merits which I don’t need. I have zero desire for bragging rights. It’s much less of a headache to pull one or two event packs. I’ve got the five star I wanted 3 times now and much more sleep.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
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    [10F] NewtonianQBalls[10F] NewtonianQBalls ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Reached rank 619 and didn’t need any of the stuff, but the 2000 honor was welcomed.

    I ended up by the end with 16 event crew where 15 of them were immortalized and then the squadron shared crew giving me an additional 5* immortalized T’Kuvma. At that point it is about seeing how far I can go.
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    I ranked in the 400-500 range at the end without spending a dime on this event. The only disco crew I had were 4/5* T’Kuvma FE and FE the new Sarek from thresholds. I had immortal Odo, immortal BO Dax along with waitress Ezri and a couple more 4* Jadzias immortalized. As a squad leader I shared Odo since it seemed to help the squad more and ended up with almost 40k share VP. I did the kickstart and sent my overnight shuttles with the double boosts since I don’t wake up. I only use time boosts for the kickstart and use skill boosts for the rest of the time and also ‘cherry pick’ my missions. My percentages were 86, 89, 90, and 93. Even with those percentages I had 2 bouts of 0/4 shuttles and still got where I did. So you can make it into the top 1k without spending money and with sleeping through the night!
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    I think everyone can agree that 1k is much more competitive than it used to be. The question is whether DB thinks the 5* crew should be less and less obtainable for people that are used to achieving it. Also, if you are ranking in the top 10 I can about guarantee you have an immortal Mudd or close to it. So getting 5 5* Mudds is pretty much worthless right? That doesn’t really make sense to me.
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    IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    I was top 500 for the first 3 days. I then tanked out because I didn't want Mudd. I only sent out one event shuttle afterwards so my leader could get points.

    I used 4/5 T'Kuvma, 1/5 Georgiou, Lorca and ZOdo, 4/4 Sarek, 3/4 Sarek (Shared), 4/4 ASarak, 2/4 BloodDax, 4/4 1701 Dax, Princess Dax, Saru, Stamets and Tyler. Its good crew but worse than many others.

    I did use the 40 shuttle rush but I always shuttle rush even on events I don't care about. Its free and easy faction loot. There is no excuse for not doing it unless you don't have the time in the early portion of the event. I used no other boosts. If I wanted a top 1000 spot I would've used numerous 3* boosts to insure it. I get enough 90 min reducers from the 6 standard packs I get from doing Elite ACF missions every week.

    I do not use dilithium except to buy event packs to get a 4/4 ranked crew. I do use a timer to make sure I don't miss a shuttle. I do wake up once a night to reset shuttles but that sometimes happens anyways (either nature calls or the cat wakes me).

    It is more competitive than it used to be. Even as recently as this past spring getting over 150K points in an event was challenging for me but that was enough for top 1000. There's more event crew now and many people have well developed Borg Queens, Kortars and now T'Kuvma. Its still doable though. For me its a choice and I'm at the point where I'm willing to unvault appropriate crew and can level event crew rapidly if necessary.

    I do think that giving away multiple 5* crew as a reward is pointless since the top spots likely do not need them. It's highly unlikely that I will ever be in that position though.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
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    Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I finished around 1200. Am not in a fleet, no squad, woke up two hours after the event started, and put little effort into it.
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    Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    al103 wrote: »
    As somebody who plays less than half year... and ended around 1060... and didn't paid anything besides monthly and both Steam offers... *shrug* Sleep less/use alarm clock. And we entered event as 4-people squad (and even then my 5/5 T'Kuvma got me 55k).

    Though I'm all for expanding reward range as I will greatly benefit from it...

    If you had 5 stars on T’Kuvma, you paid money
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    DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you had 5 stars on T’Kuvma, you paid money

    Or honor.

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    Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Roonis wrote: »
    Bonus crew was too plentiful this time, with all discovery jabronis counting. It went from a good roster can top 1000 you if you kick start to you have to speed boost several times to top 1k, I just missed but made the concious decision not to speed boost as mudd wasn't worth it.

    It was so bad this time because of the number of elligible bonus crew.

    I agree. Ridiculous amount of bonus crew. Everyone was at 4000 and succeeding
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    Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    If you had 5 stars on T’Kuvma, you paid money

    Or honor.

    Yes my bad. Good call

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    I had 20k VP this event (3 shuttles) and I ranked 28000, so there's the event goers (10-15k?) and the casual player which is another 15-20k. It's possible there will be more and more players participating, so rewards should definitely be revamped for %.
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    I agree that squad leaders had a big advantage in this event. Squad leaders have a bigger advantage in events where they have a lot of bonus crew. In this event I had 12 bonus crew that were +700 core proficiency. Gaining shared Crew was not as important because I was stacked. In an event with little bonus crew it’s likely a more even trade between squad leader and teammates.

    That being said it was also a mega event and competeing hard during the 3 previous events made a difference. Probably nice for newer players that don’t have every old card ready.
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    Finishes 25th. Have a good squad with me, they gave me 180,000 support points. You HAVE to do the jump start, especially when the are 3 factions. you don't need to spend, just need three 3* and two 4* timers to get to 4k missions within 25 minutes.
    I used about fifty 3* timers. Success rates somewhere between 93-98%. I have multiple immortalized 5* Dax's, and all the Discovery crew including two FFFE Burnhams, Georgious each.
    I slept the last two nights on 9 hour missions. I timed it so I could use four 5* timers for the last run.

    My squadmates all finished within 1k. They are not big spenders but they do the jump start and cruise. I do agree that the awards need to change to top 1% and so on.
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    I ran my best faction event. Three shuttles, all filled with event and bonus crew. I made it into the top 3, 000 with a lot of work, but I don't expect to do that again for a long time. Most times I can barely reach 50,000 VP. So for people with a new crew this mega event has given us a fighting chance at getting a few high level prizes, which may be why the older players didn't do so well - comparatively. I also won Tilly the previous week so there was more competition there than the top players are used to. But next week it will be back to usual. I have Lore 1*4, and unlevelled Winn Adami and Brahms. I'll barely make it to 50,000 points because I have used up most of my time boosts and so on.

    This means that I too, would like to see some better lower level prizes for entering events. I've got a lot of 2*4 crew which is nice but a bit annoying. It's going to take me some time to fully fuse them. I've had a fun month for events but generally it's just a long slog for not much and I'll be back to that for a while. Whereas the top players will go back to their usual placements and nothing has really changed at all.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    I ran my best faction event. Three shuttles, all filled with event and bonus crew. I made it into the top 3, 000 with a lot of work, but I don't expect to do that again for a long time. Most times I can barely reach 50,000 VP. So for people with a new crew this mega event has given us a fighting chance at getting a few high level prizes, which may be why the older players didn't do so well - comparatively. I also won Tilly the previous week so there was more competition there than the top players are used to. But next week it will be back to usual. I have Lore 1*4, and unlevelled Winn Adami and Brahms. I'll barely make it to 50,000 points because I have used up most of my time boosts and so on.

    This means that I too, would like to see some better lower level prizes for entering events. I've got a lot of 2*4 crew which is nice but a bit annoying. It's going to take me some time to fully fuse them. I've had a fun month for events but generally it's just a long slog for not much and I'll be back to that for a while. Whereas the top players will go back to their usual placements and nothing has really changed at all.

    Actually with Tilly and T'Kuvma you should start seeing modest gains--- You've entered the realm of having 5* crew. It takes time to build crew, but as I don't think we've seen the last of Discovery in game, I think you'll see Tilly used again as event crew giving you some advantages there.
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    Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    All I can say to the people that missed top 1000 is that you need better crew and you can't miss shuttles. I used 10 time boosts and never missed a set of shuttles, which got me comfortably into the top 1000 (~700th). My bonus crew were a shared immortal T'Kuvma and all of the 4* bonus crew FE, more or less, plus 1/5 Bride Jadzia and 4/5 T'Kuvma.

    5* crew are desirable so you need a combination of skill, effort, and good crew. I'm sorry that some of you weren't good enough. Keep at it and try harder next time instead of complaining that others are better than you.

    I like that the crew are difficult to get. I worked hard for Mudd so giving him away like candy would bother me. Maybe gauntlet won't be so flooded with the same old characters eventually.
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    al103al103 ✭✭✭
    If you had 5 stars on T’Kuvma, you paid money
    I bought my first citation at the start of megaevent - for which I thank my fleet for being active. Got 5th 12 hours in this one.
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    al103al103 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    I agree that squad leaders had a big advantage in this event. Squad leaders have a bigger advantage in events where they have a lot of bonus crew.
    Only if you are old player or whale. I got less from my shared 5/5 T'Kuvma than I would've got from somebody else's 4/5 one. Because he would've allowed me to either keep 3rd shuttle in 80-100 range or allowed me to run 4 shuttles and as things are 80% of the time I did run 3 shuttles out of 4 to not drop from 4k range. Well, partially because of "4 people squad" thing. If we had 5 active players from the start I would've broke even. Because as things are my best crew were this megaevent crew and not a full pack too, only one 1/5 was Lorca. Well, if this event was less Dip/Sci and more Com/Sec I would've fared better between Hollander and Kortar but as things go there wasn't place for them on the shuttles. And nonevent Dip/Sci were anemic.
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    Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    al103 wrote: »
    If you had 5 stars on T’Kuvma, you paid money
    I bought my first citation at the start of megaevent - for which I thank my fleet for being active. Got 5th 12 hours in this one.

    I forgot about citations. My bad

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    Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    I got a bit above 2500 this event with all the event crew basically ready. Faction events are great for players who have a large developed crew but aren't great for newer players. It is hard for me to be excited about a faction event because getting in top 3000 only nets you 1 4* crew member and the 3 threshold crew rewards.

    Now there was a huge bonus roster so I can't complain because basically everyone had roughly the same bonus crew unless they spent money.

    My overall issue is that the next event I would be excited for if I felt like I could get a few 4* crew members FF but it just to difficult based off how the rewards are structured.
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    Shuttle events normally get about 80k participants, a Logical Reaction got ~82,687. So a bit more than normal especially considering there was a good drop when they made all the missions 5 spot ands.

    Overall this mega event had the best participation yet, an average of ~77,891. The second place is about 73k.
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    Grant77 wrote: »
    All I can say to the people that missed top 1000 is that you need better crew and you can't miss shuttles. I used 10 time boosts and never missed a set of shuttles, which got me comfortably into the top 1000 (~700th). My bonus crew were a shared immortal T'Kuvma and all of the 4* bonus crew FE, more or less, plus 1/5 Bride Jadzia and 4/5 T'Kuvma.

    5* crew are desirable so you need a combination of skill, effort, and good crew. I'm sorry that some of you weren't good enough. Keep at it and try harder next time instead of complaining that others are better than you.

    I like that the crew are difficult to get. I worked hard for Mudd so giving him away like candy would bother me. Maybe gauntlet won't be so flooded with the same old characters eventually.

    I think you’re missing the point here, Grant. Yes it is true a player like you with likely very strong bonus crew and near perfect strategy and effort can place in the top seven 700. What everyone is saying is that the game is getting progressively harder as more players and more big spenders continue to join without any concessions being made in the reward structure to balance the effect. Perhaps in a couple of months you will no longer make the cut into top 1k anymore. I suspect then you will be singing a different tune. The F2P players obviously are the most effected by this. I feel bad for them.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Grant77 wrote: »
    All I can say to the people that missed top 1000 is that you need better crew and you can't miss shuttles. I used 10 time boosts and never missed a set of shuttles, which got me comfortably into the top 1000 (~700th). My bonus crew were a shared immortal T'Kuvma and all of the 4* bonus crew FE, more or less, plus 1/5 Bride Jadzia and 4/5 T'Kuvma.

    5* crew are desirable so you need a combination of skill, effort, and good crew. I'm sorry that some of you weren't good enough. Keep at it and try harder next time instead of complaining that others are better than you.

    I like that the crew are difficult to get. I worked hard for Mudd so giving him away like candy would bother me. Maybe gauntlet won't be so flooded with the same old characters eventually.

    I think you’re missing the point here, Grant. Yes it is true a player like you with likely very strong bonus crew and near perfect strategy and effort can place in the top seven 700. What everyone is saying is that the game is getting progressively harder as more players and more big spenders continue to join without any concessions being made in the reward structure to balance the effect. Perhaps in a couple of months you will no longer make the cut into top 1k anymore. I suspect then you will be singing a different tune. The F2P players obviously are the most effected by this. I feel bad for them.

    I agree with both points, actually.

    Yes it's getting progressively harder, and there should be an expansion of the rewards.

    However, I think a lot of folks who by design or need are airlock happy hamstring themselves in these kinds of events where there is a larger pool of possible bonuses. And I think they blame the event when they don't have the depth to compete.

    So like I said, I agree with you both.

    At least now, F2Ps can get more shuttles and slots via earned DIL.
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