A new pack called Dual Identities, and no Cheesecake Seven?
When I read the title of the new pack and my eye caught a glimpse of the name “Seven” in the description, I got excited. Dual identities seems like a great name for a pack that would include Cheesecake Seven, but nope. They got me. They got me good.

Also where's our Jeri Ryan birthday pack? Its late.
But, I would not bet on it😉
Could be any 4* Seven, no merging, or could be a future Seven.
She/he will be Elusive Treasure. Since everyone wants her/him!!!
I’d prefer her to be event as well so I can more easily get her.
That is the problem. I have a Seven 4F not leveled. But no version of doc to try with.
My other account, I do not have any 4F but have a few versions of both.
If I knew, I could buy today's pack with temporal Agent Seven, but I need three more. At least 1950 dil. , even if I knew, I still do not think I would do it. Of course if it had better legendaries than human Torres and Orion vina. I probably would try.
It might not be bad if any version of 4* doc or seven can be used.
They can't sneak it in. The legendary will show up in the vault and someone will find it immediately.
That is what I would think. Except the cheesecake item has been around for about a month now. Tried looking up cheesecake on wiki no matching occurred in search.
Edit: I searched forum. It needs a superrare Biological sample kit to build it.
So the pic of the cheesecake was displayed when clicking on the 4* Biological sample kit. No name for the item was displayed. However, it looked like the New York cheesecake that the Doctor, as Seven, ordered from replicator.
The process started much earlier. SunshineRiker already teased the pic they will use, I think, in november. But agree with that hopefully soon.
Yeah. Several comments by SunShinyRiker make it clear she/he/they are/is coming.......
Plus the Cheesecake has been seen, as has been said.
I thought I read, " I hope she is the next gauntlet crew reward" or I hope she is not the next honor hall inductee."
I am not sure it reads the way you want it.
Though from there on I agreed.
But he does hope she is the next honor hall card. Since he doesn´t want her it gives him time to stock up on honor again after having invested 200000 on Chakotay. On the other hand I think cool dog Banjo isn´t the biggest Chakotay fan in the world. As he said he based that decision on his rare skillset. In the not unlikely case that Cheesecake Seven is a trait or skill monster maybe he will skill secondguess his plans.
You know me well my friend. All interpretations of what I said are spot on. No cheesecake seven for me unless her top two skills are ENG and MED and there is a third skill to go with it. And true again, I’m not a Chakotay fan but at this point my goal is to increase voyage stats. I only have two ENG/SEC heavy five stars and Chakotay adds MED to that. A boost to my Voyages with certain skills for sure
Not sure how Burnham fits in.
Hooman raised as a Vulcan? Was my guess.
Which Chakotay was that?
Temporal Prisoner Chakotay.
5* Temporal Prisoner Chakotay. From the Wiki:
Thanx, y'all. Didn't think to scan Chakotay wiki pages!!!
It is a very sought after variant, precisely because the SEC/ENG/MED skill set is so valuable.
Excellent point, makes perfect sense! Although to gripe a little, this season's flashbacks REALLY don't make sense, do they?
I’m not enjoying this season nearly as much as I enjoyed last season.
I gotta say, the overall SCALE of it is gorgeous. The special effects are epic, the landscapes are just mind blowing, the show is consistently visually breathtaking. Pike is great, Saru is great, and I even love their take on Spock. I also love how they're including the rest of the crew more. But the problem remains Burnham. She's just not compelling.