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Any update on inventory max issue?

I shared info with my fleet regarding the 1000 max inventory cap, but one person indicated they've been floating around 1050 pieces of unique equipment for "a while" now.

Has anyone heard any update on this issue, that the inventory cap has been increased, or at least the auto-deletions have stopped? If not, anyone have any idea how long it takes before someone's components will be wiped out back to 1k inventory cap?

I'm worried for this person they're playing with fire not clearing out items.



  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m finding this issue difficult to sympathize with. It’s so easy to find useless items to dump into the replicator. It only takes a good cleaning once every few months.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I’m finding this issue difficult to sympathize with. It’s so easy to find useless items to dump into the replicator. It only takes a good cleaning once every few months.

    Early on, when it was a surprise for everyone, I had the utmost sympathy (especially for those who lost 5* citations without warning). Now, I think I am a little closer to this side of the debate, with one caveat: how will the useless campaign loot box items change the dynamic?

    I hosed down my inventory last weekend down to 820-830 items and I am already back up to 855. If we’re getting 20-30 worthless items a week, we won’t be able to go months in between closet purges anymore.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ya, you need to look at the number all the time. Make sure it stays near of or below 900.

    I have heard nothing about this limit being raised or fixed
  • Whilst we're on the subject of (very) old bugs, any news for those of us who cannot see what the Portal spits out, thus making a behold a gamble? The Portal Bug is one of the oldest bugs in the game.

    Many thanks.
  • Still have the portal bug, so i only pull packs on steam it helps when you can see what you pull lol
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow! I can’t imagine a more awful bug to have to deal with
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been able to maintain inventory for the most part, but the weekly events drop 2* crew specific items all the time or sometimes items for a 4* I already have immortalized. These items often look just like others and are not easy to find. Also, to get rid of them through the replicator costs credits and gives you more stuff. I would prefer a choice to go through the regular inventory screen and select items to simply remove.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    No change or update as of yet. This is a thing that is brought up on a regular basis, and is on our list.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I’m finding this issue difficult to sympathize with. It’s so easy to find useless items to dump into the replicator. It only takes a good cleaning once every few months.

    Ive never had much of a problem with it yet. Thou I think it would be less of an issue, if inventory management was better in general, like being able to see what an item is when looking thru, to know if you want to delete it or not.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I’m finding this issue difficult to sympathize with. It’s so easy to find useless items to dump into the replicator. It only takes a good cleaning once every few months.

    Ive never had much of a problem with it yet. Thou I think it would be less of an issue, if inventory management was better in general, like being able to see what an item is when looking thru, to know if you want to delete it or not.

    I will agree with that. There are things I see that I’m not sure if I can dump or not cuz I’m not sure exactly what they are. That is annoying
  • Synthetic CommanderSynthetic Commander ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    No change or update as of yet. This is a thing that is brought up on a regular basis, and is on our list.

    thank you for confirming Shan.
  • KatlaKatla ✭✭✭
    I'm over the limit. I just don't have time to go through my inventory and basically memorize items I can then use in the replicator.

    I tried that a couple months ago, just clearing out named items that had been equipped and the amount of time it took just to pare down about 10-15 items was absurd.

    It would help if we could see info while replicating, of course.
  • I keep mine well under the limit, by using unneeded schematics.
  • edited May 2019
    Are we even sure this is a bug and not an intentional design feature meant to be another form of resource management?
  • Idk how but I have 1025/1000 🤔
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are we even sure this is a bug and not an intentional design feature meant to be another form of resource management?

    Well at its base the 1,000 items is certainly intentional and was designed into the game at the start.

    In August of 2017 a change was made so that "Players with over 1000 items in their inventory should no longer receive an 'Item in Overflow' error and will be able to build and equip items. Items in overflow will be dismissed after 7 days.". Before that if you were at the limit you couldn't build anything until you dropped your inventory down below 1K and the current setup was a "fix" for that.

    At the time it was said that this was a "first pass" at things. Immediately suggestions were made for how to make things better even if it was just a simple warning that you had reached the limit and things would start going bye bye if you didn't correct. Other suggestions about making items being put into the replicator or just giving the ability to trash things outright have also been made among other things, but so far nothing. We are told they aren't ignoring the problem (they've acknowledged it is a problem) but that appropriate solutions for it are tough to implement.

    Of course more unique items are added to the game on a weekly basis making more and more people run into the issue all of the time.
  • Are you kidding!!!!! My Risian Headset is gone. I have all kinds of clothing patterns for specific crew who are immortal but my headset is gone!!!!! I have scrolled my inventory 4 times. Not OK.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Perhaps for players with every single crew equipped the campaign lootboxes are useless, but to refer to them as useless does a disservice to the players that are benefitting from them. So far I have received a 4* Encoded Communique, 4* Cardassian Encryption, 3* La Forge’s Hyperspanner, 4* La Forge’s Hyperspanner (same box as the 3*!), and 5* Edith Keeler’s Necklace. The sheer amount of chronitons those boxes have saved me has made me a fan. I’ve not been skunked yet with a unowned crew “X’s 1* Shirt” like Dabo does regularly. I’m also not sure where other players get all these shirts and gear from, I’ve never gone above 900 inventory and I dabo and Gauntlet everyday, have 426 immortals, around 200 unequipped crew. Even with the 3 or 4 Mirror Cochrane Outfits I’ve been blessed with from Dabo, for a crew I’ve never even seen in a behold, I don’t come anywhere close to 1000. I’ve always stayed out of this conversation since it’s never affected me, but please don’t talk them out of the campaign boxes.

    All that said, I’m all for a delete button in inventory, or a clearer replicator interface. 100% support for better UI with more control/information.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you guys won't fix the cap, can we at least get a "delete" button on the inventory screen or something? I never spin dabo because I don't want extra junk, but it's impossible to avoid getting it in campaigns.

    Seriously, no one wants useless loot we can't get rid of. Seriously.
    That would be cool. Especially if we could exchange it for credits.
    Let’s fly!
  • Torias327 wrote: »
    Even with the 3 or 4 Mirror Cochrane Outfits I’ve been blessed with from Dabo, for a crew I’ve never even seen in a behold, I don’t come anywhere close to 1000. I’ve always stayed out of this conversation since it’s never affected me, but please don’t talk them out of the campaign boxes.

    I agree that the campaign boxes are useful for a lot of people, and they're obviously part of the reward table because they're intending to be so. My issue is just that their inclusion removes a lot of player choice. I don't spin dabo because I don't want or need the items there. Even if I try to leave certain recipes or item slots open, I'll always end up getting stuff I don't want or need. I have a choice not to spin. With campaigns, I *have* to claim. This then means that I have to go hunting through the replicator screen to unload the stuff I've picked up that I don't want.

    Most games - even going back to RPGs - that have inventory limits have some sort of recycle / junk button so you can easily get rid of stuff you don't want as you pick it up. Can you imagine trying to play Skyrim or DA:I with this kind of inventory management? DB did something along those lines with crew dismissals into honor, which was incredibly helpful to make it easier for us to spend money.

    With that in mind, I'd be more likely to purchase Campaigns in the future if I could delete items from the screen as well.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Or just get rid of the cap all together. We use overstock for rep rations anyway. Why be so complicated. Just simply release the cap. And allow the replicator to identify an item chosen during replication the same as when clicking on inventory list item.

    And yes, they have been generous giving more free rewards, items, and new things like shuttle tokens and 2x shuttle rewards thats great. But to have so many new items stored without giving thought to the item cap???? It should have been hand in hand thought especially since the cap has been discussed so many times.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    It’s been alluded to a few times in this thread so far, but I feel it can’t be overstated.


    I know most of us aware, but if you happen to be a newer player, or maybe just missed the memo’s from the community (not DB, they haven’t sent out any comms on this)... if you hit the 1000 limit, random and sometimes highly valuable stock will just simply disappear.

    What’s a valuable item? Well, imagine you have some purple citations stored up for a rainy day. Then imagine they weren’t just purple, they were gold citations.

    The act of removing items above 1000 seems very random, do not assume ‘it’ will only pick out obscure equipment for deletion, without warning. It’s blind to what individuals consider important.
  • Jim RaynorJim Raynor ✭✭✭
    I resolved this issue for myself by just throwing all 2-4* equipment items into the replicator when I'm close to reaching the limit. No thinking required and it takes only 1 minute to tap through. But this works only for people who have their whole crew FE.
  • Synthetic CommanderSynthetic Commander ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are we even sure this is a bug and not an intentional design feature meant to be another form of resource management?

    Well at its base the 1,000 items is certainly intentional and was designed into the game at the start.

    In August of 2017 a change was made so that "Players with over 1000 items in their inventory should no longer receive an 'Item in Overflow' error and will be able to build and equip items. Items in overflow will be dismissed after 7 days.". Before that if you were at the limit you couldn't build anything until you dropped your inventory down below 1K and the current setup was a "fix" for that.

    At the time it was said that this was a "first pass" at things. Immediately suggestions were made for how to make things better even if it was just a simple warning that you had reached the limit and things would start going bye bye if you didn't correct. Other suggestions about making items being put into the replicator or just giving the ability to trash things outright have also been made among other things, but so far nothing. We are told they aren't ignoring the problem (they've acknowledged it is a problem) but that appropriate solutions for it are tough to implement.

    Of course more unique items are added to the game on a weekly basis making more and more people run into the issue all of the time.

    thank you so much for looking up this official reply Unkie, I have posted this for my fleetmates.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I’m finding this issue difficult to sympathize with. It’s so easy to find useless items to dump into the replicator. It only takes a good cleaning once every few months.

    Ive never had much of a problem with it yet. Thou I think it would be less of an issue, if inventory management was better in general, like being able to see what an item is when looking thru, to know if you want to delete it or not.

    I will agree with that. There are things I see that I’m not sure if I can dump or not cuz I’m not sure exactly what they are. That is annoying
    Katla wrote: »
    I'm over the limit. I just don't have time to go through my inventory and basically memorize items I can then use in the replicator.

    I tried that a couple months ago, just clearing out named items that had been equipped and the amount of time it took just to pare down about 10-15 items was absurd.

    It would help if we could see info while replicating, of course.

    There is actually a way to see the names of all items in your inventory before you delete them.

    - add all the items you think are unnecessary into the replicator up to 100%
    - if necessary, use rations or schems to get you to the 100% mark
    - click on the replicate button but DO NOT PRESS CONFIRM!
    - at this point, in the dialogue box, you can click on the items that you have put into the replicator to see the actual name of each item
    - if it's something that you wish to keep just click "Cancel", remove the item, and put somthing else in instead

    Since the names will only be displayed if the replicator is at 100% and we're talking about hundreds of items to go through, to facilitate the process I do this by steps:

    - first I add the 5, 4 and 3* items + rations (if necessary) and check their names
    - because I have more of the lower star items, I then seperately check the 2* ones, then the 1* and finally the 0*
    - depending on the amount of items you want to get rid of, this process might take two seperate replications

    It's still a painfully annoying and time consuming process but it does allow for a thorough and safe deletion of unnecessary items in your inventory.

    This is only true if there are more than 1 of that item. If there is only 1, it takes it off your replication list. And there are A LOT of single items (especially 4* and 5*) that come from Dabo that are useless and need to be used as replicator fodder. For those, you absolutely have to go to inventory (outside of the replicator) to find out what they are.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I’m finding this issue difficult to sympathize with. It’s so easy to find useless items to dump into the replicator. It only takes a good cleaning once every few months.

    Ive never had much of a problem with it yet. Thou I think it would be less of an issue, if inventory management was better in general, like being able to see what an item is when looking thru, to know if you want to delete it or not.

    I will agree with that. There are things I see that I’m not sure if I can dump or not cuz I’m not sure exactly what they are. That is annoying
    Katla wrote: »
    I'm over the limit. I just don't have time to go through my inventory and basically memorize items I can then use in the replicator.

    I tried that a couple months ago, just clearing out named items that had been equipped and the amount of time it took just to pare down about 10-15 items was absurd.

    It would help if we could see info while replicating, of course.

    There is actually a way to see the names of all items in your inventory before you delete them.

    - add all the items you think are unnecessary into the replicator up to 100%
    - if necessary, use rations or schems to get you to the 100% mark
    - click on the replicate button but DO NOT PRESS CONFIRM!
    - at this point, in the dialogue box, you can click on the items that you have put into the replicator to see the actual name of each item
    - if it's something that you wish to keep just click "Cancel", remove the item, and put somthing else in instead

    Since the names will only be displayed if the replicator is at 100% and we're talking about hundreds of items to go through, to facilitate the process I do this by steps:

    - first I add the 5, 4 and 3* items + rations (if necessary) and check their names
    - because I have more of the lower star items, I then seperately check the 2* ones, then the 1* and finally the 0*
    - depending on the amount of items you want to get rid of, this process might take two seperate replications

    It's still a painfully annoying and time consuming process but it does allow for a thorough and safe deletion of unnecessary items in your inventory.

    This is only true if there are more than 1 of that item. If there is only 1, it takes it off your replication list. And there are A LOT of single items (especially 4* and 5*) that come from Dabo that are useless and need to be used as replicator fodder. For those, you absolutely have to go to inventory (outside of the replicator) to find out what they are.

    I usually throw a single useless 0* item or single starbase component or trainer in first, then the 4 or 5 star one if it's something I'm not sure on. A pain, but it makes verifying possible.
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