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Any update on inventory max issue?



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I’m finding this issue difficult to sympathize with. It’s so easy to find useless items to dump into the replicator. It only takes a good cleaning once every few months.

    Ive never had much of a problem with it yet. Thou I think it would be less of an issue, if inventory management was better in general, like being able to see what an item is when looking thru, to know if you want to delete it or not.

    I will agree with that. There are things I see that I’m not sure if I can dump or not cuz I’m not sure exactly what they are. That is annoying
    Katla wrote: »
    I'm over the limit. I just don't have time to go through my inventory and basically memorize items I can then use in the replicator.

    I tried that a couple months ago, just clearing out named items that had been equipped and the amount of time it took just to pare down about 10-15 items was absurd.

    It would help if we could see info while replicating, of course.

    There is actually a way to see the names of all items in your inventory before you delete them.

    - add all the items you think are unnecessary into the replicator up to 100%
    - if necessary, use rations or schems to get you to the 100% mark
    - click on the replicate button but DO NOT PRESS CONFIRM!
    - at this point, in the dialogue box, you can click on the items that you have put into the replicator to see the actual name of each item
    - if it's something that you wish to keep just click "Cancel", remove the item, and put somthing else in instead

    Since the names will only be displayed if the replicator is at 100% and we're talking about hundreds of items to go through, to facilitate the process I do this by steps:

    - first I add the 5, 4 and 3* items + rations (if necessary) and check their names
    - because I have more of the lower star items, I then seperately check the 2* ones, then the 1* and finally the 0*
    - depending on the amount of items you want to get rid of, this process might take two seperate replications

    It's still a painfully annoying and time consuming process but it does allow for a thorough and safe deletion of unnecessary items in your inventory.

    This is only true if there are more than 1 of that item. If there is only 1, it takes it off your replication list. And there are A LOT of single items (especially 4* and 5*) that come from Dabo that are useless and need to be used as replicator fodder. For those, you absolutely have to go to inventory (outside of the replicator) to find out what they are.

    You’ve got it almost but not quite right. The method above works for single items, which is the only way to identify single items in the replicator. You can see what a stack of 2 or more copies of an item is by clicking on the item image in the slider window.
  • [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    This is only true if there are more than 1 of that item. If there is only 1, it takes it off your replication list. And there are A LOT of single items (especially 4* and 5*) that come from Dabo that are useless and need to be used as replicator fodder. For those, you absolutely have to go to inventory (outside of the replicator) to find out what they are.

    Did you even bother to try following the instructions before you posted?


    Thanks for posting that, I knew there was a backdoor way but had forgotten. Think the problem people have with that is, that is kind of involved just to figure out what an item is, as opposed to just hovering over an item in the inventory list.

  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    For those of you with a little time ...

    1. Go to Inventory;
    2. Select Equipment from the dropdown menu;
    3. At the bottom of the Equipment menu are usually the most recent items added to your inventory (Dabo, Gauntlet loot boxes etc.) ... but I usually scroll down the list and tap low number items (e.g. 1-4 copies) to see if they are crew specific;
    4. Write any crew specific items down, organised per * value;
    5. When you've gone through the whole list (ugh) go to the crew for whom you want to replicate an item;
    6. Press replicate;
    7. Sort per Equipment, all items will be listed per * value, with 5* items at the top;
    8. All items are also listed ALPHABETICALLY (why is this not the case in the Inventory? ... aaarrghhhg!);
    9. Work your way down the Equipment menu and add the items you have put on your list in step 4 ... 2* Martok's Phaser with be next to 2* Martok's Uniform etc.

    Inventory management drives me crazy with all the inconsistencies between the menus (e.g. how items are organised in the Inventory vs. Replicator) ... not only that but there are ghost items in your inventory (they don't show up in the Replicator but take up an inventory spot) etc. etc. etc.

    Anyway, I like Bylo's idea, especially if you can review (through Inventory) what you've placed in Junk should crew be released that might need an item in there (e.g. a future version of Kirk needs 3* Kirk's Phaser) ... have an Awesome for it.
  • Sky Cap 18Sky Cap 18 ✭✭✭
    1. I got 7 copies of Rogue Harry Kim's jacket in a loot crate. I am working on Harry, but had him up to level 80 at the time so needed at most 3 jackets. The extra 4 will have to be replicator fuel as no one else uses this jacket.

    2. My biggest complaint about useless drops is Dabo/gauntlet/campaign dropping items for people you've airlocked and are waiting out their 4 hours until they're gone for good. I try to time my portal draws so that the 4 hours will run out before Dabo refresh, but voyages and gauntlet are harder to time correctly. I've even tried equipping the level 1 clothing item on people before airlocking them, but this comes with its own set of problems. Please if there's no way to code the game so that it ignores people that are waiting out the 4-hour airlock countdown, at least give us an "empty trash" option so we can bypass the countdown.



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sky Cap 18 wrote: »
    1. I got 7 copies of Rogue Harry Kim's jacket in a loot crate. I am working on Harry, but had him up to level 80 at the time so needed at most 3 jackets. The extra 4 will have to be replicator fuel as no one else uses this jacket.

    2. My biggest complaint about useless drops is Dabo/gauntlet/campaign dropping items for people you've airlocked and are waiting out their 4 hours until they're gone for good. I try to time my portal draws so that the 4 hours will run out before Dabo refresh, but voyages and gauntlet are harder to time correctly. I've even tried equipping the level 1 clothing item on people before airlocking them, but this comes with its own set of problems. Please if there's no way to code the game so that it ignores people that are waiting out the 4-hour airlock countdown, at least give us an "empty trash" option so we can bypass the countdown.



    1) I love the idea of a perma-delete button showing up somewhere in that reenlistment screen.

    2) Even that wouldn’t really solve the problem. I have a 5* Degra’s Armor that I don’t think I got from the first run of Extinction Point, and definitely never airlocked a copy of him on accident right before spinning the Dabo wheel or running gauntlet battles. It pre-dates Campaigns as well, so I’m stumped as to where it may have come from other than a purely random Dabo/gauntlet drop.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    How did people get above the 1000 item mark? I stay around 800 no matter how many packs, boxes, and events I participate in these three years in game. I ask not to criticize but to see if there is something people who went over 1000 items did differently than me and then maybe we could get to the root of the problem.
    Let’s fly!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    How did people get above the 1000 item mark? I stay around 800 no matter how many packs, boxes, and events I participate in these three years in game. I ask not to criticize but to see if there is something people who went over 1000 items did differently than me and then maybe we could get to the root of the problem.

    Do you spin the Dabo wheel every day? Play the gauntlet? Get all of the equipment from event thresholds but level up the crew before you clear the thresholds? Are the campaign items you get used up for crew leveling or just sit there? Do you ever buy a DYC after having already leveled someone past level 50?

    These are all sources or potential sources of extraneous character-specific items that clog up inventories. I’ve never really gotten above 925 myself but I only do one Dabo spin a day with a rare second spin if I am interested in the 5* crew, and rarely if ever buy DYCs anymore.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    events are the killer for me - if I participate I will gain around +10 inventory. I have stopped dabo completely months ago for the same reason.

    voyages don't seem to be a problem for me. of course now the campaign seems like crack dabo.

    I had it down under 900 but now back at 950 with all my 0 and 1 singles discarded :(
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    How did people get above the 1000 item mark? I stay around 800 no matter how many packs, boxes, and events I participate in these three years in game. I ask not to criticize but to see if there is something people who went over 1000 items did differently than me and then maybe we could get to the root of the problem.

    I won't go into too much detail ... because I once raised the issue on the forum and got vilified by a ton of people here ... but in my case I believe that ghost items are inflating my inventory numbers.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    How did people get above the 1000 item mark? I stay around 800 no matter how many packs, boxes, and events I participate in these three years in game. I ask not to criticize but to see if there is something people who went over 1000 items did differently than me and then maybe we could get to the root of the problem.

    Are all of your crew FE or are you still sometimes getting useful items from Dabo/Gauntlet/Campaigns? That would be my first thought.

    Don’t know about anyone else in detail and I’ve never gone over myself, but in events there are thresholds that include character specific items for the 2* which I already have frozen, in reruns that extends to the 4*. In Dabo/Gauntlet/Campaigns more often than not I get some crew specific gear for someone I have finished (such as 5* Edith Keeler’s Necklace and Dr. Mora’s padd today from Campaigns). Also sometimes stuff for crew I’ve never had (I have two of Chang’s gold items sitting here but have never even seen him in a pull). As I said I’ve never personally gone over, but have gotten into the mid/high 900’s a few times and had to clean things out and it can be a pain and take quite a bit of time. It doesn’t help when you really have nothing to replicate either. I used to keep a few things “available” to replicate over and over, but don’t currently.

    Come to think of it even on my alt which is only has about 50 immortals I often (not even close to as often) get stuff that I can’t use despite having about 60+ crew waiting to finish being leveled.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    How did people get above the 1000 item mark? I stay around 800 no matter how many packs, boxes, and events I participate in these three years in game. I ask not to criticize but to see if there is something people who went over 1000 items did differently than me and then maybe we could get to the root of the problem.

    I won't go into too much detail ... because I once raised the issue on the forum and got vilified by a ton of people here ... but in my case I believe that ghost items are inflating my inventory numbers.

    That’s certainly another thing I know I have some of as well.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    How did people get above the 1000 item mark? I stay around 800 no matter how many packs, boxes, and events I participate in these three years in game. I ask not to criticize but to see if there is something people who went over 1000 items did differently than me and then maybe we could get to the root of the problem.

    Do you spin the Dabo wheel every day? Play the gauntlet? Get all of the equipment from event thresholds but level up the crew before you clear the thresholds? Are the campaign items you get used up for crew leveling or just sit there? Do you ever buy a DYC after having already leveled someone past level 50?

    These are all sources or potential sources of extraneous character-specific items that clog up inventories. I’ve never really gotten above 925 myself but I only do one Dabo spin a day with a rare second spin if I am interested in the 5* crew, and rarely if ever buy DYCs anymore.

    Case in point from the tier 68 equipment crate picked up today:

    Ushaan Shran has been FE’d for months and Commando Shran has been FE’d for years. Neither are in my reenlistment waiting room either. Why does this show up for me?

    Tuskegee Mayweather was FE’d years ago as well and is likewise not freshly-airlocked, waiting to die. I also just sent out another voyage, so whatever algorithm chooses these items isn’t (necessarily) looking at returning voyage rewards either.

    There were two other items as well that I didn’t get screenshots on in my haste: a 3* Code 7-10, used only by Ambassador Fox and Arex (both long frozen with no copies airlocked or incoming), and a 3* Velocity Holoprogram which I can at least hold on to for whenever I might get my first star on Admiral Owen Paris (or another future new crew that may use one).
  • HaBlackHaBlack ✭✭✭✭✭
    How to fill inventory with useless items...

    From Dabo, minutes ago - I do not have Fury Kes. I would be jumping from joy if I somehow got her.

    In the same Dabo - Keras i immortalized months ago

    Neelix immortalized months ago


    PlayingSince: 2016-09-16Can we get some more characters from TAS?We finally have Caitians in the game!Character wishlist:
    • Lieutenant M'Ress - got her
    • Amanda Rogers - got her
    • Admiral S'rrel from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - not in the game yet
    • Agmar - not in the game yet
    • M'yra - not in the game yet
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I just had an idea for how to alleviate (but not eliminate) the cap design issue & make Dabo more interesting:

    Top row: beGold, 4*, 4*, 5* Crew (NOT equipment)

    Middle Row: Schematics for 5* Ships released between 6-18 months ago

    Bottom Row: Schematics for 5* Ships older than 18 months

    EDIT: The 6-18 months is just a starting point for discussion. Better alignment of the Dabo updates with the Time Portal’s would be optimal, in my opinion. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    How did people get above the 1000 item mark? I stay around 800 no matter how many packs, boxes, and events I participate in these three years in game. I ask not to criticize but to see if there is something people who went over 1000 items did differently than me and then maybe we could get to the root of the problem.

    Do you spin the Dabo wheel every day? Play the gauntlet? Get all of the equipment from event thresholds but level up the crew before you clear the thresholds? Are the campaign items you get used up for crew leveling or just sit there? Do you ever buy a DYC after having already leveled someone past level 50?

    These are all sources or potential sources of extraneous character-specific items that clog up inventories. I’ve never really gotten above 925 myself but I only do one Dabo spin a day with a rare second spin if I am interested in the 5* crew, and rarely if ever buy DYCs anymore.
    Yes I do Dabo every day. I play gauntlet every day as well. I have levelled many crew without getting all the threshold items. I have many of those items like so and so's shirt or cape or necklace. The campaign items have not been of any use to me. I never buy a DYC. I have not used items in replication since we got replicator fuel. I still stay around 800 in items. Maybe those that go over 1000 are purposefully trying to farm every item so they can be first to max up a crewmember? I tried being first to max a rare crew member before anyone else and failed because I did not have every item farmed just the ones that are most useful in galaxy events.
    Let’s fly!
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    Just give us a recycling button, let it give use 1 honor, or 1 daily merit, or 1 federation credit, or something
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • MirrorVerse JcMirrorVerse Jc ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Just give us a recycling button, let it give use 1 honor, or 1 daily merit, or 1 federation credit, or something

    A recycle bin while scrolling the main inventory would at least let us directly access that stuff when in replication screen without having to scroll again and then check every item on rep list.
    If you cant release the cap (given all the un-needed stuff) dabo, threshold, and now accolade rewards gives us, (some may want or need, others dont) then yes please just at least make a recycle bin from main inventory screen that would appear easily for reps to ease the process of purging unwanted items.

    But.. the fact is all these ideas take more programming, more implementing, and more chances for glitches. So why not just simply release the cap???????? Much easier and less time consuming, more cost effective. No programming required.
  • After you’ve playing a while, like since the beginning of the game, it is very easy to get to 1000 items. Especially given all the new crew that pops up.

    Voyages didn’t really hurt this since it only drips components. But the Campaigns feature has exacerbated this issue lately. Each hat box is dropping multiple crew specific items and it’s not good. I really like the idea of the boxes, but it needs to be much smarter about what it drops if they are going to continue to ignore this issue.

    I’m all for all of Matt_Decker’s proposals. It’s what needs to be done sooner than later.
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