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Galaxy event points

PuknutiPuknuti ✭✭✭
How is it possible to have 700,000+ points after 3 hours from the start of the event? I've collected 350,000 and 3 people already have double. How is it physically possible? I ask someone to reveal the secret. Thank you.


  • Top 4 with 700,000+ are all from [STFL] Sternenflotte (only ones with 700,000+ ATM). Trade secret?
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • JoeSage 2JoeSage 2 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
  • Another way to look at that... Three players accounting for 1% of all the VP earned by all players... Fresh spin on the pejorative of being a 1%'er!
    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    It is entirely possible (with a good phone and internet connection) to do 1 1025vp turn in in under 15 seconds. If you kept that speed up for an hour it is 240k. That is a little hard to do concentration wise for long periods but 150k to 200k an hour for several hours is possible.

    Those totals are without turning in rares.

    If you turn in rares and get 70-80% more VP from them (which is possible most events with ff/fe event crew) you would be at 255k to 360k an hour.

  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll also just add without going into specifics: planning ahead.
  • Anyone, who knows the STFL people, who've gotten their work done, knows, how stupid and wrong such insinuations are. Paladin 27 has explained it correctly. Please do not assume the good players, that they would abuse, but appreciates their performance.
  • As of first reset, we haven't finished Threshold. These are not questionable high scores.
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Although we all know cheating happens in this game, I sincerely doubt this is one of those examples. If willing to play continuously, those scores posted are certainly attainable. These threads, which come off as implied accusations of cheating, are far too frequent, and quite frankly, old. Maybe, instead of posting in the Forums, you should PM some of those people on the leaderboards and have a private conversation.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • Navarch Navarch ✭✭✭✭✭
    Although we all know cheating happens in this game, I sincerely doubt this is one of those examples. If willing to play continuously, those scores posted are certainly attainable. These threads, which come off as implied accusations of cheating, are far too frequent, and quite frankly, old. Maybe, instead of posting in the Forums, you should PM some of those people on the leaderboards and have a private conversation.
    That seems like an awkward idea. But if you’re in a good fleet, I’d suggest asking there first on potentially touchy subjects.

    I noticed that prefarming galaxy event items can make the start of a galaxy event much more efficient.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Although we all know cheating happens in this game, I sincerely doubt this is one of those examples. If willing to play continuously, those scores posted are certainly attainable. These threads, which come off as implied accusations of cheating, are far too frequent, and quite frankly, old. Maybe, instead of posting in the Forums, you should PM some of those people on the leaderboards and have a private conversation.

    There also was the person who, about a week ago, chronicled how he cheated, although I’m pretty sure he didn’t realize he was outing himself. If he did I don’t think he would have posted a link for all to see
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Navarch wrote: »
    Although we all know cheating happens in this game, I sincerely doubt this is one of those examples. If willing to play continuously, those scores posted are certainly attainable. These threads, which come off as implied accusations of cheating, are far too frequent, and quite frankly, old. Maybe, instead of posting in the Forums, you should PM some of those people on the leaderboards and have a private conversation.
    That seems like an awkward idea. But if you’re in a good fleet, I’d suggest asking there first on potentially touchy subjects.

    I noticed that prefarming galaxy event items can make the start of a galaxy event much more efficient.

    It may be awkward, but it’s direct. If I have a question regarding “Jed’s” game play, I’ll ask Jed to explain. If nothing satisfactory comes out of that attempt, then contact customer service. What I don’t do, is come into the Forums with innuendo.

    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do not believe puknuti was accusing anyone of cheating just looking for strategy tips. How people could do so much so fast and how he/she could improve. Pre-farming I believe is the answer. Galaxy items use only a few items. Probably about 50-70 items. Have many of all of those items and you can go quite fast. You do not have to spend time farming items. Course if one of the recipes they were depending on doesnt work those pre farmers go bananas. Plus I think all that pre farming can add many items to your total and cause probs. But it is fun to do sometimes if you have patience.
    Let’s fly!
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would legit appreciate if one of the top ranked players would video record and upload their playing throughout an event. Not because I'm suspicious or anything like that, but simply because behind-the-scenes stuff fascinates me and I would love to see what it actually looks for a player do that much successive tapping for such an extended period.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would legit appreciate if one of the top ranked players would video record and upload their playing throughout an event. Not because I'm suspicious or anything like that, but simply because behind-the-scenes stuff fascinates me and I would love to see what it actually looks for a player do that much successive tapping for such an extended period.

    I can tell you, my highest total was about 8.5 million. I worked overnight at the time, 12 hour shifts. Thursday and Friday night I say at my desk for all 12 of those hours tapping. Thursday afternoon, maybe three hours straight. Friday as well. Saturday and Sunday I got in maybe of 6 hours during both of those days. At night before I went to sleep, three hours each night and on Monday morning I was up at 7 and tapped til it was over at 11. Those are estimates but pretty accurate. So that comes to what, about 50 hours? I know Paladin did his 13 million quicker but I feel like he had more items and I did more actual mission runs.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would legit appreciate if one of the top ranked players would video record and upload their playing throughout an event. Not because I'm suspicious or anything like that, but simply because behind-the-scenes stuff fascinates me and I would love to see what it actually looks for a player do that much successive tapping for such an extended period.

    Ivan's method for top 5:
    1 - Purchase a comic shop
    2 - Pace around store whilst tapping buttons. Exercise!
    3 - Every time someone comes in the store is a chance to rest your fingers and avoid tendonitis.
    4 - Do not cry in shame when you realize you've down 3 straight days of no work.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would love to see what it actually looks for a player do that much successive tapping for such an extended period.

    The only thing more monotonous than tapping for hours would be watching it

    Oh, I wouldn't watch the whole thing in its entirety! There'd be a lot of skipping around.
  • MirrorVerse JcMirrorVerse Jc ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Every event this same basic thread conversation starts. Someone usually asks a question on the possibility of such high vp at a certain point in the event. There usually is no statement or accusation of cheating but more asking how it is possible? Meaning exactly that. What makes it possible? Then others take it wrong and the next you know everyone is opinionated about the original question which turns into the cheating accusation and ongoing argument.
    Puknuti wrote: »
    How is it possible to have 700,000+ points after 3 hours from the start of the event? I've collected 350,000 and 3 people already have double. How is it physically possible? I ask someone to reveal the secret. Thank you.

    To answer your question, some ppl keep there gameplay strategy a secret to have the advantage. Veteran players have learned alot of strategy. Pre-farming the most common items, hoarding or buying chron pks, and sleep deprivation can explain alot of this. I havent done the math, i expect DB to keep an eye on that to be sure everyone has a fair experience.
    I certainly would not msg in game other players. That can cause more problems than its worth.
    Good luck to you...learning strategy, compete against yourself, the goal to do better each event on your own score usually works and is self satisfying.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Every event this same basic thread conversation starts. Someone usually asks a question on the possibility of such high vp at a certain point in the event. There usually is no statement or accusation of cheating but more asking how it is possible? Meaning exactly that. What makes it possible? Then others take it wrong and the next you know everyone is opinionated about the original question which turns into the cheating accusation and ongoing argument.
    Puknuti wrote: »
    How is it possible to have 700,000+ points after 3 hours from the start of the event? I've collected 350,000 and 3 people already have double. How is it physically possible? I ask someone to reveal the secret. Thank you.

    To answer your question, some ppl keep there gameplay strategy a secret to have the advantage. Veteran players have learned alot of strategy. Pre-farming the most common items, hoarding or buying chron pks, and sleep deprivation can explain alot of this. I havent done the math, i expect DB to keep an eye on that to be sure everyone has a fair experience.
    I certainly would not msg in game other players. That can cause more problems than its worth.
    Good luck to you...learning strategy, compete against yourself, the goal to do better each event on your own score usually works and is self satisfying.

    I wouldn’t message anyone either. Being the recipient of such messages I can tell you it’s intrusive and unwelcome to be asked questions, especially about what resources I have left
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I would love to see what it actually looks for a player do that much successive tapping for such an extended period.

    The only thing more monotonous than tapping for hours would be watching it

    Oh, I wouldn't watch the whole thing in its entirety! There'd be a lot of skipping around.

    If I did it, I'd overdub the entire video with an obnoxious song like the Kars 4 Kids jingle or Baby Shark on endles loop, but I'd also talk the entire time about strategy to force people to keep their speakers on.

    Baaaaaaby Shark too too doo roo doo doo... 🤣
    That would be hilarious.

    I don't know what would be worse. 20 hours of this or watching 20 hours of tapping. Hmmm.... I know..... both. 🤣
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    New goal: Become relevant enough that people message me.

    The insults let you know when you’ve really arrived on the scene. I was told once I wasn’t even good enough to compete with someone’s second account.

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    New goal: Become relevant enough that people message me.

    Do it. After you've punished yourself with a weekend of tedium you'll be able to handle anything.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Since apparently I am misinterpreting this message, this was my thought process on the OP... It is not written in a “Congrats on your 700,000 points...very impressive, really great... what are your tips on strategy’” style. Any hint of asking for strategy does not come until the very end of the message after sentences such as, “How is it possible to have 7000,000+ points after 3 hours,” and “I’ve collected 350,000 points and three people already have double that,” followed by “How is that physically possible?” That gives off an incredulous tone and if people are not to take that as innuendo related to fishy game play, then the OP needs to be more clear. Otherwise it does give that, “Please don’t be offended, but I am going to offend you” vibe.

    And, my reference to PMing people in the leaderboard is meant to be uncomfortable and evaluate a concern before acting. I, for one, have never PMed anyone in the leaderboards in relation to this topic, then again, I haven’t taken issue with any scores. If I ever did think something was fishy, then CS is there to contact, not the Forums. And as you point out, those people at DB ought to be looking for improper game play anyways.

    If you want to ask about strategy on the Forums...great! It is an excellent medium for that and there are some very experienced players willing to help. There are already numerous posts by players in various threads that do offer strategy on how to do well in each event style. However, the OP needs to be more clear in tone and content. Otherwise, with the beginning statements coupled with the truth that information already exists out there on how to do well during events, people will interpret it as innuendo for cheating. Whether that is the intention or not, with how the OP is written, don’t be amazed that people come to that conclusion.

    It is not my intention to stir the pot, but as has been pointed out, we have seen our fair share of cheating threads. It just gets under my skin.

    I am in lockstep with @SoupKitchen Riker, and my previous comments in this thread reflect that.
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