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New 5* in Vault - Vargas



  • [10F] gobolts07 [10F] gobolts07 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tempted for Kira and Sisko but not really interested in Vargas which is who I’d get. So, undecided.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Dingbat1 wrote: »
    robownage wrote: »
    FE/FF level 100 CMD 1151 (124-291), SEC 1161 (275-572)
    FE level 100 CMD 703 (124-291), SEC 782 (275-572)
    Traits: Human, Federation, Starfleet, Brutal, Veteran, Hero

    Aaaaand he comes in JUST behind Culber as the second best two-skilled Voyager in the game, with some very Voyage-friendly traits.

    Vargas does not belong on any voyages. Even though he has the highest combined voyage skills for CMD & SEC, for those two skills alone he's not that far ahead of e.g. Thrax WITHOUT his tertiary skill - and most people already have him at 4/5 from the Mega. There are a dozen legendary crew that have voyage scores over 1200 for both CMD and SEC who also have a tertiary skill, five of which are former megas (Kol of House Kor, Kortar, Mirror Picard, Thrax, T'Kuvma), and another, Kahless, is open to anyone willing to save enough honor.

    Vargas barely has a top 20 base CMD and barely top 30 SEC, giving him the 19th spot for CMD/SEC shuttle pair. He's more than 100 points behind Durango Troi, who was given away for free barely a month ago. But being a one-off character, he won't get many events, so if you have a half-decent roster, he won't get much weekend work either.

    While double-bases may look good on the surface, Vargas is a perenial benchwarmer, hoping for the day that you call in extra rent-a-shuttles, where he might, just might, squeeze on

    Oh, 100%. I was just pointing out where he fits in, and that DB was trying to make him more appealing with those particular traits. I do think he would see regular daily use on shuttles for those few who max him out, but he really has no business on a Voyage. Culber stands out because of his particular skill combo, which Vargas obviously lacks. Frankly, he would've been more interesting if they'd made him single-skilled, with the best base SEC in the game.
  • Dingbat1Dingbat1 ✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    Frankly, he would've been more interesting if they'd made him single-skilled, with the best base SEC in the game.

    I have a love-hate relationship with single-skill scottie, who was the first legendary I got in this game. I FE'd him, but if I'd known better, I'd have airlocked him. He's always got a seat in the arena/skirmish, not because of his great bonuses, but because I need to justify having him.
  • [TFA] CaptainObvious[TFA] CaptainObvious ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    It's as though DB has forgotten that there are lower rarity cards in the game. The artwork for Vargos is great, and although I did have to look him up on Memory-Alpha, he was a great character from a very good episode of DS9.

    But for me, he doesn't warrant "legendary" status. He's a 4* at best.


    This for me would be the correct rarity for each crew. WW3 Q appeared for less than a minute on screen. Perez has one line in one scene in TMP, almost no-one remembers him. If it weren't for McCoy, we wouldn't even know his name. Chakotay is a main character so warrants the 4* status. This was a particularly good episode of Voyager where he is the focus character in the episode. And then we have Major Hayes who, spoilers, gave his life in the line of duty to protect Earth... and had spoken dialogue in multiple episodes including an arc wirh Reed.

    I think that is not the idea DB has about crew rarity, and I would argue rightfully so. The story is about the convergence of different timelines and layers of reality. Many of these realities overlap to a certain (large) degree, and can only be distinguished by a single event, or individual.

    Examples: A reality where Holograms become sentient, and apparently able to move freely and interact with other crew members without the constraints of Holoemitters, or even adapt their new personae. A reality, where a Kira disguised as a 1960 character suddenly also adopts the according speech and mannerisms, essentially becoming a completely different person from the "main timeline" Kira we know from canon. A reality where Deanna Troi is assimilated by the Borg Collective. A reality where Reed becomes permanently Suliban. A reality where the offspring of T'Pol and Tucker continues to live as Captain of the Enterprise, even though in the canon timeline he would have been erased from existence.

    The idea is, that in almost all of these timelines, there will be a generic CMO Bashir, a generic Security Chief Worf, a generic Major Hayes. If you travel through the Timelines universe, you will find that particular version of Bashir everywhere, stashed in boxes, stranded on planets, handed out in some form of item packs. Alternate Future Bashir, in contrast, is almost nowhere to be found, since apparently only in a minority of timelines that merged into the primary one, the circumstances were right to "create" that version of Bashir. Since that Bashir eventually never existed in the canon timeline, he can only be encountered in one of the significantly fewer universes where Jake fails to rescue his father.

    In short: The more specialised and less generic a character, the higher its rarity.* In any case, the term "legendary" might be misleading - maybe something like "ultra-rare" would make this more clear.

    * Of course, this explanation completely fails to account for 5* cards like generic Dr. Culber, or generic Lt. Jadzia Dax. So the true reason behind rarity designation might have something more to do with, how much players supposedly want to buy that card, be it for show background, artwork or stats.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great episode and a character I would like to have, but with little to no value in any aspects of the game (even on a voyage I'd send a different CMD SEC with a 3rd skill) it's definitely not worth chasing in a pack only situation
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I for one rather see a obscure one episode character than a fanfic one. And if you don't want him don't buy him. No-one is forcing you.

    Everyone have a nice day,

    Good grief..................................

    I apologize if my tone was interpreted as aggressive. This was not my intention. I was just happy to see Tuco.

    I thought I had an opinion on the obscurity of the character. Anyone who can afford to get him, can of course get him. I was just pointing out it was an obscure character. {One episode.} It seems that was the most horrible thing to say, and I humbly apologize to everyone who was offended.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    And some ppl complained about Cadet Tilly being a legendary card...lol

    I remember that. It really felt like they were just going for "We know this character has an arc, so here is an Legendary right off the bat."
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's as though DB has forgotten that there are lower rarity cards in the game. The artwork for Vargos is great, and although I did have to look him up on Memory-Alpha, he was a great character from a very good episode of DS9.

    But for me, he doesn't warrant "legendary" status. He's a 4* at best.

    Vargas would have been perfect at a 3-star Rare character. Perhaps in an event themed around other characters of his type. How about:

    New 1* - Third World War Soldier Q

    New 2* - Ensign Perez

    New 3* -Vargos

    New 4* - Nemesis Chakotay

    New 5* - Major Hayes

    This for me would be the correct rarity for each crew. WW3 Q appeared for less than a minute on screen. Perez has one line in one scene in TMP, almost no-one remembers him. If it weren't for McCoy, we wouldn't even know his name. Chakotay is a main character so warrants the 4* status. This was a particularly good episode of Voyager where he is the focus character in the episode. And then we have Major Hayes who, spoilers, gave his life in the line of duty to protect Earth... and had spoken dialogue in multiple episodes including an arc wirh Reed.

    I like that whole slate of suggestions!!!!!!
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I want to say, it was a good episode. And his character was a focus in it. Not knocking either of those points.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Major Hayes died!?! Hmm, I had wondered why his character stopped being in episodes. Shame it was not Reed instead. He was sooooooo annoying. But I digress. Who is legendary and who is not has always been a bit random. Remember though that DB needs to create two new legendaries every week, one for Tuesday pack and one for event, whereas DB usually only creates one new super rare a week, the one in the event. So at 2:1 legendary to super rares there is going to be legendaries that some may not think are very legendary. It has to be that way.
    Let’s fly!
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Major Hayes died!?! Hmm, I had wondered why his character stopped being in episodes. Shame it was not Reed instead. He was sooooooo annoying. But I digress. Who is legendary and who is not has always been a bit random. Remember though that DB needs [emphasis added] to create two new legendaries every week, one for Tuesday pack and one for event, whereas DB usually only creates one new super rare a week, the one in the event. So at 2:1 legendary to super rares there is going to be legendaries that some may not think are very legendary. It has [emphasis added] to be that way.

    Legendary = obscure makes a certain amount of sense to me. But DB does not have to do anything. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Major Hayes died!?! Hmm, I had wondered why his character stopped being in episodes. Shame it was not Reed instead. He was sooooooo annoying. But I digress. Who is legendary and who is not has always been a bit random. Remember though that DB needs to create two new legendaries every week, one for Tuesday pack and one for event, whereas DB usually only creates one new super rare a week, the one in the event. So at 2:1 legendary to super rares there is going to be legendaries that some may not think are very legendary. It has to be that way.

    He got hit by a phaser/disruptor as he was beaming off the Xindi Super-Weapon. Was partially already in the transporter beam, so he died in Sickbay later on.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Major Hayes died!?! Hmm, I had wondered why his character stopped being in episodes. Shame it was not Reed instead. He was sooooooo annoying. But I digress. Who is legendary and who is not has always been a bit random. Remember though that DB needs to create two new legendaries every week, one for Tuesday pack and one for event, whereas DB usually only creates one new super rare a week, the one in the event. So at 2:1 legendary to super rares there is going to be legendaries that some may not think are very legendary. It has to be that way.

    He got hit by a phaser/disruptor as he was beaming off the Xindi Super-Weapon. Was partially already in the transporter beam, so he died in Sickbay later on.

    Oh yes that's right. And then he was replaced by Major Sheppard.
    Let’s fly!
  • I would like it if Db added lesser known characters in the game, so we have a chance for maybe some more 1,2, and 3 star characters. I also wouldnt mind if the uncommon crew in event rewards was always new.
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    I find that 1* characters are harder to come by than 2* characters.
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
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