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New $9.99 offer, Seven of Nine



  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    I always look at these offers as "Bonus stuff with the Chronies, because of the price point. I never buy Chronies any more, because of finances, but if I am, why not get extra free stuff? Just the way I look at it.
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    Not free, though. Weekend crons are much more valuable than weekday crons.

    What if I told you you can use Chronies you buy at any time at any other time? Then is it a good deal?

    Sure, if you stack them and don’t bother with the time-created crons.

    I am a noob, so I need to be super efficient with my crons to build my crew. I assume as the game advances, that level of efficiency is probably not needed.

    Unless there is some mechanic I am missing...

    I get 300-400 Chronies from a Voyage. I know there are people who do the "Run Missions every day to get the stuff that most commonly runs out in Galaxy Events" system. Neither one is bad. It's just, I can have thousands of Chronies for a Skirmish or Galaxy Event, depending on how long I have had to stock up and if I have enough time online to do a full Voyage {or two} in a day.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    I always look at these offers as "Bonus stuff with the Chronies, because of the price point. I never buy Chronies any more, because of finances, but if I am, why not get extra free stuff? Just the way I look at it.
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    Not free, though. Weekend crons are much more valuable than weekday crons.

    What if I told you you can use Chronies you buy at any time at any other time? Then is it a good deal?

    Sure, if you stack them and don’t bother with the time-created crons.

    I am a noob, so I need to be super efficient with my crons to build my crew. I assume as the game advances, that level of efficiency is probably not needed.

    Unless there is some mechanic I am missing...

    For mid- and late-game players, there are really two schools of thought on chron usage. Equipping crew becomes pretty easy once better, more expensive missions are unlocked and trainers are overly abundant. Usage in both Skirmish and Galaxy events becomes the primary sink for chrons. The Stockpiling School says that hoarding chrons from voyages, daily missions, and now Campaigns is the better way because you can utilize supply kits during events to reduce your overall chron usage. The Pre-Farming School says that losing 87,600 chrons per year (from the natural regeneration rate) as a result of being over the max level for regeneration isn’t worth the supply kit savings, that items for Galaxy events can be harvested outside of events and that Skirmishes can have a great return rate on chrons through bonus rewards. I’ve tried both and have mostly joined the Stockpilers, though I do feel like I am donating fewer holoemitters to starbase rooms as a result.

    For newer players, these strategies kind of take a back seat to just being able to level and equip crew. Unlocking the missions that have better drop rates when obtaining high-rarity items could be a more efficient use of resources than trying to rank in the top few thousand spots in a Galaxy or Skirmish event, depending on your available and needed crew.
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    I always look at these offers as "Bonus stuff with the Chronies, because of the price point. I never buy Chronies any more, because of finances, but if I am, why not get extra free stuff? Just the way I look at it.
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    Not free, though. Weekend crons are much more valuable than weekday crons.

    What if I told you you can use Chronies you buy at any time at any other time? Then is it a good deal?

    Sure, if you stack them and don’t bother with the time-created crons.

    I am a noob, so I need to be super efficient with my crons to build my crew. I assume as the game advances, that level of efficiency is probably not needed.

    Unless there is some mechanic I am missing...

    For mid- and late-game players, there are really two schools of thought on chron usage. Equipping crew becomes pretty easy once better, more expensive missions are unlocked and trainers are overly abundant. Usage in both Skirmish and Galaxy events becomes the primary sink for chrons. The Stockpiling School says that hoarding chrons from voyages, daily missions, and now Campaigns is the better way because you can utilize supply kits during events to reduce your overall chron usage. The Pre-Farming School says that losing 87,600 chrons per year (from the natural regeneration rate) as a result of being over the max level for regeneration isn’t worth the supply kit savings, that items for Galaxy events can be harvested outside of events and that Skirmishes can have a great return rate on chrons through bonus rewards. I’ve tried both and have mostly joined the Stockpilers, though I do feel like I am donating fewer holoemitters to starbase rooms as a result.

    For newer players, these strategies kind of take a back seat to just being able to level and equip crew. Unlocking the missions that have better drop rates when obtaining high-rarity items could be a more efficient use of resources than trying to rank in the top few thousand spots in a Galaxy or Skirmish event, depending on your available and needed crew.

    Thank you. Great post!

    I am still trying to fine tune my priorities for different times if the week. Right now, I am at leveling and equipping crew for the coming event as my first priority, with immortalizing and freezing lower end crew as a second priority. If I have time/resources, I try to horde galaxy items (still getting a feel for the bottleneck items).

    During the weekends, my first priority is working the event itself, with equal attention placed on building event crew (if needed/avail).

    I can somewhat compete on skirmishes and galaxys, but can hardly get the 3rd prime crew from the supply missions (my crew just isn’t deep enough to run a 3rd or 4th shuttle when you need them).

    Sorry for the rattle. But thanks for the strategy suggestions!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    I always look at these offers as "Bonus stuff with the Chronies, because of the price point. I never buy Chronies any more, because of finances, but if I am, why not get extra free stuff? Just the way I look at it.
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    Not free, though. Weekend crons are much more valuable than weekday crons.

    What if I told you you can use Chronies you buy at any time at any other time? Then is it a good deal?

    Sure, if you stack them and don’t bother with the time-created crons.

    I am a noob, so I need to be super efficient with my crons to build my crew. I assume as the game advances, that level of efficiency is probably not needed.

    Unless there is some mechanic I am missing...

    For mid- and late-game players, there are really two schools of thought on chron usage. Equipping crew becomes pretty easy once better, more expensive missions are unlocked and trainers are overly abundant. Usage in both Skirmish and Galaxy events becomes the primary sink for chrons. The Stockpiling School says that hoarding chrons from voyages, daily missions, and now Campaigns is the better way because you can utilize supply kits during events to reduce your overall chron usage. The Pre-Farming School says that losing 87,600 chrons per year (from the natural regeneration rate) as a result of being over the max level for regeneration isn’t worth the supply kit savings, that items for Galaxy events can be harvested outside of events and that Skirmishes can have a great return rate on chrons through bonus rewards. I’ve tried both and have mostly joined the Stockpilers, though I do feel like I am donating fewer holoemitters to starbase rooms as a result.

    For newer players, these strategies kind of take a back seat to just being able to level and equip crew. Unlocking the missions that have better drop rates when obtaining high-rarity items could be a more efficient use of resources than trying to rank in the top few thousand spots in a Galaxy or Skirmish event, depending on your available and needed crew.

    Thank you. Great post!

    I am still trying to fine tune my priorities for different times if the week. Right now, I am at leveling and equipping crew for the coming event as my first priority, with immortalizing and freezing lower end crew as a second priority. If I have time/resources, I try to horde galaxy items (still getting a feel for the bottleneck items).

    During the weekends, my first priority is working the event itself, with equal attention placed on building event crew (if needed/avail).

    I can somewhat compete on skirmishes and galaxys, but can hardly get the 3rd prime crew from the supply missions (my crew just isn’t deep enough to run a 3rd or 4th shuttle when you need them).

    Sorry for the rattle. But thanks for the strategy suggestions!

    One other item to note: even a failed shuttle is better than no shuttle, particularly in events when you still get some VP. It’s obviously preferable to have shuttles chock full of strong crew, but don’t get discouraged between now and then.
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    I always look at these offers as "Bonus stuff with the Chronies, because of the price point. I never buy Chronies any more, because of finances, but if I am, why not get extra free stuff? Just the way I look at it.
    I would add a Star for $9.99 if I had it to do it. But, some people have much better options for what she offers, probably. I'm crew poor!!!!!

    Make no mistake, she is totally fine for what she is. She is still a very good Gauntlet card, she is just now one of several options instead of the best or only option, which she was for a very long time. But if you don't have any of those other options (Caretaker, Armus, Surak), Seven would be a significant upgrade over anything else you would have for SCI/ENG/DIP, and would immediately improve your Gauntlet performance.

    He said, ADD a star, so it means he already owns the card, and then it totally is a waste to add another star, since her base status is pure crap. ;)

    FREE Star, though. 1250 Chronies sells for $9.99 during Galaxy Events, and stuff. just saying.

    I misread, you are correct. If you are going to buy chrons during the event anyway, then it is a decent enough buy, because, as you say, the price is the same without her, so might as well take the free star.

    Not free, though. Weekend crons are much more valuable than weekday crons.

    What if I told you you can use Chronies you buy at any time at any other time? Then is it a good deal?

    Sure, if you stack them and don’t bother with the time-created crons.

    I am a noob, so I need to be super efficient with my crons to build my crew. I assume as the game advances, that level of efficiency is probably not needed.

    Unless there is some mechanic I am missing...

    For mid- and late-game players, there are really two schools of thought on chron usage. Equipping crew becomes pretty easy once better, more expensive missions are unlocked and trainers are overly abundant. Usage in both Skirmish and Galaxy events becomes the primary sink for chrons. The Stockpiling School says that hoarding chrons from voyages, daily missions, and now Campaigns is the better way because you can utilize supply kits during events to reduce your overall chron usage. The Pre-Farming School says that losing 87,600 chrons per year (from the natural regeneration rate) as a result of being over the max level for regeneration isn’t worth the supply kit savings, that items for Galaxy events can be harvested outside of events and that Skirmishes can have a great return rate on chrons through bonus rewards. I’ve tried both and have mostly joined the Stockpilers, though I do feel like I am donating fewer holoemitters to starbase rooms as a result.

    For newer players, these strategies kind of take a back seat to just being able to level and equip crew. Unlocking the missions that have better drop rates when obtaining high-rarity items could be a more efficient use of resources than trying to rank in the top few thousand spots in a Galaxy or Skirmish event, depending on your available and needed crew.

    Thank you. Great post!

    I am still trying to fine tune my priorities for different times if the week. Right now, I am at leveling and equipping crew for the coming event as my first priority, with immortalizing and freezing lower end crew as a second priority. If I have time/resources, I try to horde galaxy items (still getting a feel for the bottleneck items).

    During the weekends, my first priority is working the event itself, with equal attention placed on building event crew (if needed/avail).

    I can somewhat compete on skirmishes and galaxys, but can hardly get the 3rd prime crew from the supply missions (my crew just isn’t deep enough to run a 3rd or 4th shuttle when you need them).

    Sorry for the rattle. But thanks for the strategy suggestions!

    One other item to note: even a failed shuttle is better than no shuttle, particularly in events when you still get some VP. It’s obviously preferable to have shuttles chock full of strong crew, but don’t get discouraged between now and then.

    Very good point. I never let a shuttle sit, nor do I run non-event shuttles during those events. But I am not going to spend a rent-a-shuttle on a 30% shot. I run with 3 bays right now, and that works during the week, but is pretty much my limit during events.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    One other item to note: even a failed shuttle is better than no shuttle, particularly in events when you still get some VP. It’s obviously preferable to have shuttles chock full of strong crew, but don’t get discouraged between now and then.
    Is it? As losses likely will lower the achievable VP for the next turn I am not sure.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Pre-Farming School says that losing 87,600 chrons per year (from the natural regeneration rate) as a result of being over the max level for regeneration isn’t worth the supply kit savings, that items for Galaxy events can be harvested outside of events and that Skirmishes can have a great return rate on chrons through bonus rewards. I’ve tried both and have mostly joined the Stockpilers, though I do feel like I am donating fewer holoemitters to starbase rooms as a result.

    6 Days worth of Regen Chrons is 1440. If over those 6 days you gain 5760 Chrons from other sources then you're better of using a weekly kit since its more efficient. The math tends to favour hoarding over longer period of times.

    In the past 42 hours I've gained ~2100 Chrons and I haven't been perfectly efficient at getting bonus chrons. I also didn't get any from Monday's EAS since I used all of my tickets during the event. People who aren't capable of longer Voyages should probably stick to pre-farming.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    One other item to note: even a failed shuttle is better than no shuttle, particularly in events when you still get some VP. It’s obviously preferable to have shuttles chock full of strong crew, but don’t get discouraged between now and then.
    Is it? As losses likely will lower the achievable VP for the next turn I am not sure.

    The number of points you get is strictly determined by your crew. Two good shuttles will average about the same as two good and one weak shuttle. If you slip out of 4K shuttles for example because you ran a crappy shuttle, you'll have three shuttles at 3.5K which is still better than just two shuttles at 4K.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    One other item to note: even a failed shuttle is better than no shuttle, particularly in events when you still get some VP. It’s obviously preferable to have shuttles chock full of strong crew, but don’t get discouraged between now and then.
    Is it? As losses likely will lower the achievable VP for the next turn I am not sure.

    The number of points you get is strictly determined by your crew. Two good shuttles will average about the same as two good and one weak shuttle. If you slip out of 4K shuttles for example because you ran a crappy shuttle, you'll have three shuttles at 3.5K which is still better than just two shuttles at 4K.
    Plausible! Thanks!
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • I am a pretty new player, so she could help me IF i prioritize building her up. Issue is that I have other 5*s I should concentrate on first (Survivor Kirk, a couple LaForges, Queen, Glad Spock, others...) so buying this will be only for adding her to my queue, getting the crons and bumping me up a vip level (useless bump).

    I will have to decide when I get home from work this evening...

    If you don't have her then buy her for use in Gauntlet, her Eng/Sci stats are great for it but she is useless for shuttles and voyages
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Already immortal...skipped.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    I am a pretty new player, so she could help me IF i prioritize building her up. Issue is that I have other 5*s I should concentrate on first (Survivor Kirk, a couple LaForges, Queen, Glad Spock, others...) so buying this will be only for adding her to my queue, getting the crons and bumping me up a vip level (useless bump).

    I will have to decide when I get home from work this evening...

    If you don't have her then buy her for use in Gauntlet, her Eng/Sci stats are great for it but she is useless for shuttles and voyages
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    I am a pretty new player, so she could help me IF i prioritize building her up. Issue is that I have other 5*s I should concentrate on first (Survivor Kirk, a couple LaForges, Queen, Glad Spock, others...) so buying this will be only for adding her to my queue, getting the crons and bumping me up a vip level (useless bump).

    I will have to decide when I get home from work this evening...

    If you don't have her then buy her for use in Gauntlet, her Eng/Sci stats are great for it but she is useless for shuttles and voyages

    I ended up picking her up exactly for the gauntlet. She is currently something like my #6 priority for leveling (I have her at about level 30 now - not sure if I can get her to 99 before I have to start concentrating on my Spock’s).

    However, I am trying to figure out if the gauntlet is even worth it (or am I just too “young” to have success yet)? I am able to finish top 50, but it is gobbling all my merits. And my reward has been next to nothing (a couple nice equip-ables, but nothing OMG). Maybe I should go back to the “punt” strategy rather than the 50-refresh strategy??
  • I chose to ignore this offer due to the fact I already have her 2/5 and her skills are just terrible at 5/5*. She is there for the gauntlet but not good for much else. Would have been better for me if instead DB had offered EV Suit Seven or Seven in Silver in the offer.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    I am a pretty new player, so she could help me IF i prioritize building her up. Issue is that I have other 5*s I should concentrate on first (Survivor Kirk, a couple LaForges, Queen, Glad Spock, others...) so buying this will be only for adding her to my queue, getting the crons and bumping me up a vip level (useless bump).

    I will have to decide when I get home from work this evening...

    If you don't have her then buy her for use in Gauntlet, her Eng/Sci stats are great for it but she is useless for shuttles and voyages
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    I am a pretty new player, so she could help me IF i prioritize building her up. Issue is that I have other 5*s I should concentrate on first (Survivor Kirk, a couple LaForges, Queen, Glad Spock, others...) so buying this will be only for adding her to my queue, getting the crons and bumping me up a vip level (useless bump).

    I will have to decide when I get home from work this evening...

    If you don't have her then buy her for use in Gauntlet, her Eng/Sci stats are great for it but she is useless for shuttles and voyages

    I ended up picking her up exactly for the gauntlet. She is currently something like my #6 priority for leveling (I have her at about level 30 now - not sure if I can get her to 99 before I have to start concentrating on my Spock’s).

    However, I am trying to figure out if the gauntlet is even worth it (or am I just too “young” to have success yet)? I am able to finish top 50, but it is gobbling all my merits. And my reward has been next to nothing (a couple nice equip-ables, but nothing OMG). Maybe I should go back to the “punt” strategy rather than the 50-refresh strategy??

    Maybe my strategy for the gauntlet will help? The only time I refresh is if I have absolutely no chance of winning the first battle I would have with all crew fully rested. Even then, I might just redshirt my weakest or most superfluous crew and move on. Between not refreshing matchups and the merits that drop from Campaigns, I’ve spent at least 15,000 merits in the last month on merit crew packs, for a nice trickle of extra honor.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    However, I am trying to figure out if the gauntlet is even worth it (or am I just too “young” to have success yet)? I am able to finish top 50, but it is gobbling all my merits. And my reward has been next to nothing (a couple nice equip-ables, but nothing OMG). Maybe I should go back to the “punt” strategy rather than the 50-refresh strategy??
    I never spend merits on the Gauntlet and currently (after 3 months of playing at currently VIP 9) end up between 40 and 80 which is fine for me. In the first rounds I often have one or two 3-win-runs but hardly ever more, in some later rounds I sometimes go out with zero wins, but I really do not care.

    I happily take what Gauntlet gives me as free stuff but am not willing to pay in there. Still I hope that this Seven will help me as my roster is quite thin in this area. Mine has pretty low priority for FE though just like yours.
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