macro/bot check
in The Bridge
when the game asks who is data i know what it is its makeing sure your not useing a bot macro program and im fine with that but what happens if your not paying attention and you click on the wrong one i mean people go in to auto pilot with this game at-least i do and im worried what would happen to my account i have had for 3 years now and have put quite a bit of money into or worse the game hangs (i have a cheap tablet and a less then reliable net connection) right when it goes to bot check me. i am legit worried that the game will delete my stuff
Best Answer
(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
People have tried answering the wrong answer on purpose and said that then it gives you another set of people. So if you are on autopilot and not paying attention you get another chance.Let’s fly!0
I do like the basic concept of this feature, mind you. I just wonder if it might not be improved with a little tweaking. For one thing, move the pop-up from when we're clicking for our rewards at the end of a match to just before a match starts. Maybe dumb it down some more and put up, say, a crew member, a ship, and one of the anniversary critter avatars and ask, "Which one is a person/ship/critter?" Randomize which ones are chosen and in which order, but make it easier for a complete newb to navigate.
From what I can tell, you are only shown cards that you currently own or have frozen.
I do frequently restart my game a lot when doing Galaxies though. The game gets a little sluggish on my phone after about 50-60 missions.
This is my experience with it as well
For what it’s worth, I got a check last night that had Gladiator McCoy (not owned), Ushaan Archer (owned and the one that I had to choose), and someone else I wasn’t paying attention to.
Me three.
I've definitely gotten cards I either didn't own at the time or still have never had. Just offhand, Captain Pike, Enemy Lines Sisko, Gladiator McCoy, Ushaan Archer, Warship Janeway. I'm pretty sure Ushaan Shran has been a choice at times, but he was never who I was being asked to identify.
Ditto. Leaving the game idle then returning to it to play more of the event is what always triggers those popups for me. Which doesn't seem at all like something that would catch players using macros, since I'd think in those cases it would be non-stop game play, rather than the opposite. But whatever. It's a minor inconvenience, and I've never been terribly concerned about macros in the first place, so no skin off my nose either way.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"