What are your favorite locations in Timelines?
in The Bridge
I have several, but my current favorite is Algus in the Terra Nova system:
The pic doesn't do it justice, the ship lands in front of the planet ring with orbiting debris. (Makes it look like the ship is in motion)
The pic doesn't do it justice, the ship lands in front of the planet ring with orbiting debris. (Makes it look like the ship is in motion)
Intentionally Left Blank
One of my favorite places too
How's this for scale?
Dont know why my Valdore's nacelles are yellow, but that is cool too!
I hope it makes people take some time and explore. The art in this game is quite visionary.
I studied Astronomy at the University of Arizona and wanted to specialize in Nebulae. I think that is part of my interest in the spaceground.
Sometimes, though, I park my space wessel on this lucky rock & dream of Mutated Paris:
Currently parked at Cold Station 12.
no wait....
not that kind of location, carry on peoples.
That looks like Vega's mask from Street Fighter 2. Where is that?
To me, it has always looked like Peter Criss from KISS. I always run all my skirmishes from here to give me something interesting to look at.
As to the location, it is Gralik, in the Xindus system.
Marr is another common haunt. It appears to be a brown dwarf, which I enjoy, or perhaps a super-Jovian planet. It also has better lighting for ships with warm tones.
Galorndon Core is pretty dramatic, but it's a pain to get to since you can't travel there through the map, just missions. (Are there other planets like this in the game?)
Been awhile since I have been to Galorndon Core. Thanks for the reminder!
(Yadala Prime, same system, is also not on the map and mission only)
Huh. I never realized there were locations that weren't accessible via the Galaxy Map.
From the Wiki, here's how to get to Galorndon Core:
Missions Involved
And Yadalla Prime:
Missions Involved
I too, would be very interested in any others that people know of, if there are indeed any others.
As far as other places where I like to park my ship — which I make an effort to specifically do mainly during Skirmish events, in order to have a more interesting background to look at during all those space battles — I quite enjoy the following:
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
This is my favourite location