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Tuesday Speculations On Any Crew Reaching 2000 Skill Level

[FF] Falken Maze[FF] Falken Maze ✭✭✭
edited January 2020 in The Bridge
Will DB ever release a crew with any skill at 2000 or higher? (Correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge there is no such crew now, even with bonuses.) What ST character is worthy of being the first to cross the 2000 skill level threshold and what skill would it be?


  • Would have to think it would be a 1-skill only character. Not sure who tho.
  • A leap to 2000 would be a big one. I suppose with power creep, we could get there.

    I would nominate either the Organians or the Metrons and it would be DIP.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • Make it the Paxans and SEC as 2000
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's a big leap. I hope we don't see that anytime soon. Power creep should be more incremental.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since someone pointed out that The Champion from the Tsunkatse episode would be a one-skill character, I would propose that he be the SEC beast to top 2k.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    If it's a giant leap forward, then it would be nice if it's a truly powerful character/being from one of the shows. Though I'm in no rush to see it happen.

    More likely, it'll happen from incremental creep about a year from now, and the first one will be the usual one-off character of minor importance.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My highest voyage total in any skill is Surak at 1912 for science
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    If ur questions i regarding base skill:

    I hope they never will, and considering it’s almost 1 year(August 29th)that Professor Sato with an unboosted 1500+ skill base was released and since then we havn t seen another crew with 1500+ base, i am pretty certain we will never see any crew with a base 2000+. And there even is only 1 crew yet with 1400+ base (Pah-wrath Keiko).

    DB has managed the power creep pretty well lately. Yes there always needs to be a slight increase over time, to ensure that even ppl with a great roster go for crew, but keeping it civil and not making any huge jumps is the key to success and a healthy game.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    My highest voyage total in any skill is Surak at 1912 for science

    As old as he is (relatively speaking), and as much as he’s fallen down the overall voyages list, Surak is still pretty OP. He’s still the only crew I have that could crack 2000 on an away team node without trait bonuses and also has my highest single voyage skill at 1850.
  • If ur questions i regarding base skill:

    I hope they never will, and considering its over an year that Professor Sato with an unboosted 1500+ skill base was released and since then we havn t seen another crew with 1500+ base, i am pretty certain we will never see any crew with a base 2000+. And there even is only 1 crew yet with 1400+ base
    (Pah-wrath Keiko).

    DB has managed the power creep pretty well lately. Yes there always needs to be a slight increase over time, to ensure that even ppl with a great roster go for crew, but keeping it civil and not making any huge jumps is the key to success and a healthy game.

    I was thinking base skill, and I agree that DB has done well with power creep. Although, with bonuses a crew might sneak over that 2000 skill level sooner rather than later and that sparked the thought of who in the ST universe is worthy of getting to 2000 first.
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree that that is a major jump, but my nomination would be Kevin Uxbridge as a 1-skill Engineering beast.

    Champion as a 1-skill Sec beast works. Maybe Fek’lhr as a sec beast?
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Crystalline Entity (if that can be considered a character) would be another option for monster stars. (Say, SEC and SCI?)
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree that that is a major jump, but my nomination would be Kevin Uxbridge as a 1-skill Engineering beast.

    Champion as a 1-skill Sec beast works. Maybe Fek’lhr as a sec beast?

    I think of Kevin Uxbridge as SEC/ENG, maybe SEC/ENG/COM...but if he was to be a single-skill crew, he would definitely qualify for being the first to have such a monster total.

    Given that the Tsunkatse Champion (and his actor) were skilled at not just fighting but also playing the crowd, I’d think of him as SEC/DIP rather than SEC alone.

    The Fek’Ihr (specifically Ardra’s holographic version), on the other hand, sounds like a perfect opportunity for a single skill with an enormous base score and perhaps even a stout proficiency to make up for that single skill. To balance against my beloved Captain Scott, perhaps the Fek’Ihr hologram would have a poor ship skill, so as to not be too OP.
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    Fek’lhr would not have to be specifically the Ardra holographic version. He was mentioned in Voyager (when Torres “died”) and DS9 (the name of a ship). So it could go either way.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Fek’lhr would not have to be specifically the Ardra holographic version. He was mentioned in Voyager (when Torres “died”) and DS9 (the name of a ship). So it could go either way.

    Very true, though I could see the “real” Fek’Ihr potentially qualifying for COM and/or DIP...the holographic version had but one purpose and fits DB’s criteria for a powerful card: on screen for only a few seconds.
  • My vote would be Wesley, mainly for the shock value but also because I'd like to see him get *something* decent. (Probably not that big of a number, but cut the kid a little slack and give him something competitive.)
  • VesmerVesmer ✭✭✭
    My vote would be Wesley, mainly for the shock value but also because I'd like to see him get *something* decent. (Probably not that big of a number, but cut the kid a little slack and give him something competitive.)

    2000 in the skill “Wesley saves the day”? But there’s no such skill in the game :(

  • JefeJefe ✭✭✭
    I would make it security and give us "The Rock"!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Vid wrote: »
    Top card in the game should be Kirk, nothing would exist in this universe without him!

    But... There would be no sentient life without...
    Michael Burnham

    Or we would all be Borg if not for Picard, Riker, & co.

    Or we would all be worshipping The Founders if not for The Sisko.

    Or the Suliban would have enslaved us if not for Archer.

    Or ... The uh... Voyager wouldn't have gone to the Delta Quadrant and struggled to get back? If... not for... Janeway? Wow. Way to be the only crew to not save the galaxy. :D

    I like Voyager, but they were a bit low impact on that front. And seriously, I'll take them over Michael Burnham, but not necessarily the rest of the Discovery crew, any day of the week. That Burnham statement was a total joke. I like the actress, but not the writing. Or the fact that she helped take down Lorca. :P
    Farewell 🖖
  • Vid wrote: »
    Top card in the game should be Kirk, nothing would exist in this universe without him!

    But... There would be no sentient life without...
    Michael Burnham

    Or we would all be Borg if not for Picard, Riker, & co.

    Or we would all be worshipping The Founders if not for The Sisko.

    Or the Suliban would have enslaved us if not for Archer.

    Or ... The uh... Voyager wouldn't have gone to the Delta Quadrant and struggled to get back? If... not for... Janeway? Wow. Way to be the only crew to not save the galaxy. :D

    I like Voyager, but they were a bit low impact on that front. And seriously, I'll take them over Michael Burnham, but not necessarily the rest of the Discovery crew, any day of the week. That Burnham statement was a total joke. I like the actress, but not the writing. Or the fact that she helped take down Lorca. :P

    If Janeway hadn't of been in the delta quadrant we would've been stuck with the Borg being defeated by, Species 8472, who would've then decided to continue their rampage by moving on the the alpha Quadrant... That's all I got for Janeway tho 😆
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Vid wrote: »
    Top card in the game should be Kirk, nothing would exist in this universe without him!

    But... There would be no sentient life without...
    Michael Burnham

    Or we would all be Borg if not for Picard, Riker, & co.

    Or we would all be worshipping The Founders if not for The Sisko.

    Or the Suliban would have enslaved us if not for Archer.

    Or ... The uh... Voyager wouldn't have gone to the Delta Quadrant and struggled to get back? If... not for... Janeway? Wow. Way to be the only crew to not save the galaxy. :D

    I like Voyager, but they were a bit low impact on that front. And seriously, I'll take them over Michael Burnham, but not necessarily the rest of the Discovery crew, any day of the week. That Burnham statement was a total joke. I like the actress, but not the writing. Or the fact that she helped take down Lorca. :P

    If Janeway hadn't of been in the delta quadrant we would've been stuck with the Borg being defeated by, Species 8472, who would've then decided to continue their rampage by moving on the the alpha Quadrant... That's all I got for Janeway tho 😆

    Maybe. But Species 8472 didn't want the galaxy. They just wanted revenge on the Borg. By my understanding, they would have taken out the Borg and gone home. Boothby Replicant shows that Species 8472 can be negotiated with, unlike the Borg. It would have actually been easier had a negotiator been in charge and not been reactionary early on. Sorry Janeway; no galaxy saving. She doesn't even have Borg xinocide to her credit/condemnation because Species 8472 would have done it for her.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe Janeway was playing the long game. We'll see if...
    Seven of Nine helps save the galaxy in the new Picard series. Seven wouldn't be in the Alpha Quadrant and separated from the collective (and alive) if not for Janeway.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Maybe Janeway was playing the long game. We'll see if...
    Seven of Nine helps save the galaxy in the new Picard series. Seven wouldn't be in the Alpha Quadrant and separated from the collective (and alive) if not for Janeway.

    Ooh good theory
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    The storyline of Janeway helping the Borg was a bit forced. Funny thing is those writers who didnt make the case for helping the Borg stronger do not have to answer these questions at star trek conventions, Kate Mulgrew has to.
    Let’s fly!
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