Premium Rewards Pack Lost its Oomph
As is customary for events, way out at 350K is a Premium Pack reward.
Sure, its nice to have some reward there, but its not much for the cost of getting there.
200 Honor for a Purple, plus lesser honor and doo-dads. For how many 1000's of chrons?
My question is: When did Premium Packs lose their thrill for you?
Was it the 2nd or 3rd time you didnt receive one Legendary in a pack of 10?
Was it receiving a Grilka, Dancing Checkov....that's terrible?
Or was it the slow repetition of not getting much of genuine value, and concentrating more on citations, event packs, etc?
Sure, its nice to have some reward there, but its not much for the cost of getting there.
200 Honor for a Purple, plus lesser honor and doo-dads. For how many 1000's of chrons?
My question is: When did Premium Packs lose their thrill for you?
Was it the 2nd or 3rd time you didnt receive one Legendary in a pack of 10?
Was it receiving a Grilka, Dancing Checkov....that's terrible?
Or was it the slow repetition of not getting much of genuine value, and concentrating more on citations, event packs, etc?
I screenshot all my Beholds, and earlier tonight I mentioned to a fleetmate that I've had almost 40 all-immortalized Beholds in the past 6 weeks. (And honestly, I haven't been spending all that much on the game lately.)
Several weeks ago I decided to save any pulls I'd accumulated (which I really have never done, because I simply didn't have the patience), and now have seventeen 10-pulls and 23 single-pulls. Of course, I know a number of folks who have easily ten times as many sitting there, but it's a lot for me.
But then, if they just add new crew without shuffling out some existing ones from the pool, as they've done in the past, it won't have nearly as big an impact as it could have. I'd love to see them swap older crew out when they swap newer crew in. Not remove them forever, mind you, but give a bunch of them a rest for 4 months or so, and then after that, while updating the pool again with the newest crew bring that first batch of older crew back in and shuffle out a different group of older crew for 4 months, etc., etc.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Faction events are the only ones where I can reasonably expect to clear all the thresholds anyway even if I am not gunning for rank. It’s not that I am even necessarily trying for the threshold rewards, I’m just sending shuttles anyway and wherever I fall is fine by me.
Premium packs stopped being exciting some time ago, when I finished most of the super rares and started getting all-immortal beholds. They remain a nice source of honor, though they usually only yield about half as much as the 250k threshold and therefore are not worth it to really push for if it would be ruinously expensive to do so.
I would be encouraged to continue playing events if the final item was a 5* citation rather than a Premium Portal reward.
I do find the premium pulls disappointing most of the time... But that feeling of excitement when it's actually useful??
For me it's like life: most of life is mundane, tedious and upsetting, but I live life for the chance that a little thing puts a smile on my face.
A 5* might be too much, but a 4* wouldn't be unreasonable and probably wouldn't bite into pack purchases that much
I don’t know about that - for Faction and Skirmish events, a 4* citation in the thresholds means I and others like me won’t buy packs to get that 4th star on the new SR event crew. There will still be those who buy packs to make up for not being able to get deep into the thresholds, are still angling for the 5*, or simply can’t wait to level the new crew until after reaching 6500 VP, plus those who want to save the citation for another crew. Even then, weekly 4* citations would probably spell the end of any money DB could make from the occasional $25 deal for five such citations.
If DB wanted to add value to the 350k VP threshold, perhaps there could be three regular premium packs? Or maybe an event pack instead of a single regular pack...I know I would at least be interested in a higher probability of landing a 5* crew I don’t think I can rank for, or to get another star on someone I get from a top-1500 finish.
A great idea to have an event pack at the end of the thresholds even if DB pushed it back further than 350k.
An event pack at the end...out in the distance...would be a great idea
Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
Would be an added reward for players who stockpile and concentrate on specific events and at the same time it would be meaningfully more work than is required for a 1/5, which makes sense since the cite is more valuable.
Having it they high up might actually drive sales on extra shuttles and boosts or chron packs to make it beneficial for DB.
I totally concur with this
Normally I would have bought the $10 offer to get the last star on Data Q but I can wait till the end of the campaign to get the citation. He’s not going to contribute to my cause in any way. It’s just a cool character I like so whenever that cite comes, I know it will be coming
An event pack at the end is a great idea
As to the original question - I'm long since past the point where a single 10x portal provides any hope. Sure, it's 700-800 honor and that's fine, but to make them feel more rewarding, I stopped opening them as single pulls. Now I wait until I have 10 or more, and open 10 at a time. I figure it gives reasonable odds of catching a 5* event (straight drop or behold), but even if that fails, I still get 7000-8000 honor, which is a tangible increase all at once. Between events and campaigns, I get to do this about once a month.
My guess is that higher thresholds aren’t as scary as they were initially. When it’s taking 700,000-900,000 VP to clear rank 1500 in certain event types, having some extra rewards to shoot for other than rank itself doesn’t sound so bad. I don’t know about that 1-2 million number Paladin dropped, but new thresholds up through 500,000 might not be all that unfavorable.
The problem I think with expanded threshold rewards is that not all event types are so bountiful with VP - it’s harder to clear 400,000 VP without spending in a Faction than it is in a Skirmish. For example, when I (a day two player with nearly every 4* crew in the game, 143 FE 5* crew of various fusion levels, and 4 shuttles) take it easy on a Faction event - meaning no time-reducers after a kickstart and no tokens - I can still clear 350,000-400,000 VP usually by Sunday night. If I am going to be using time-reducers or tokens on an off week to hit new thresholds, those expanded threshold rewards are going to need to be worth it.
Just something added to work towards along the way.
It could 1000 honor each time, 600 schematics for an event ship, 5* Replicator Rations, and so on.
It does get boring clicking away with nothing to gain but the same event legendary that you thought qualified for 250,000 points ago. (Well, you do get the minor bonuses along the way with skirmishes).
Worse, you're chewing up your chrons and your inventory for just points when youre past threshold
As Martha Stewart would say, "That's a good thing".
Play on, Macduff.
To place around top 1000 you need to get around
1. 600k VP for Galaxy and Hybrid faction/Galaxy. (Very doable for strong daily players, more difficult for non, near impossible for beginners)
2. 490 VP for faction only (Assuming 6kish quick start, you need 121 4k shuttles, roughly 30 a day. Assuming 4 shuttles you would need 7.5 3hr time marks or 22.5 hrs per day. The only way to do this is with several shuttle boosts and being consistently on all weekend).
3. 800k VP for a skirmish. (Easy event and not worth a discussion cause you literally get rewarded 4/5 ship battles)
4. I don't have any solid data on Expeditions except I remember them being time consuming to play for rank without possibility of easy speed ups.
Raising these levels will only distance the top teir versus mid tier players.
Top tier players are going to go for the top regardless of rewards.
Paladin just put up 10.4 Million (the last time I checked) for this skirmish.
He didnt do it for any extra awards along the way.
And they added 500 slots for more people to get the legendary.
Does it make sense that 1500 players should toil away and not get any that other players....who wont get the Legendary anyway.....should feel that they have a chance?
No, it doesnt