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18 months since last honor hall legendary added



  • I started a post a couple of months ago about the honor hall being neglected and overlooked by DB. Yes, it's overdue for a revamp.
    I didn't suggest a new HH character but did mention that a HH sale with honor being half price/off, as I seem to remember DB did that a few years ago when I first started playing.
    Wish I had the honor then to take advantage of that sale.
    Please DB do something about the honor hall and put it to rest for another year.. or so.
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    I have to agree with previous posts. A new honor hall champion would have to be pretty iconic for me to slap down 100K honor. A lot of times (after gauntlet defeats) I'd like my 100K Kahless refunded ;-)

    A sale in the honor hall would almost certainly flood support with refund requests from people (like me) who paid full amount. So I can't imagine them doing that.
  • It would be very nice to see a second useful gauntlet character in the honor hall for my monthly and campaign only alt.
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