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Voyages nerfed?



  • I don’t think voyages have been nerfed. It’s just unlucky RNG. I had an 8 hour voyage earn under 300 chrons recently. In the same week, I had another 8 hour voyage earn almost 600 chrons.

    Exactly. Think of it as if you were sent on a Voyage to an unexplored sector, and just found...nothing. The turn your ship "second star to the right...", and life galore and all kinds of interesting artifacts and anomalies to explore.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don’t think voyages have been nerfed. It’s just unlucky RNG. I had an 8 hour voyage earn under 300 chrons recently. In the same week, I had another 8 hour voyage earn almost 600 chrons.

    Exactly. Think of it as if you were sent on a Voyage to an unexplored sector, and just found...nothing. The turn your ship "second star to the right...", and life galore and all kinds of interesting artifacts and anomalies to explore.

    That's a very eloquent way of saying "don't expect anything", great stuff.

    The OP is going to hate me ... :) ... today's voyage was pretty bland until right after 6 hrs ... that's now 4 on the trot with a 4* (EV Tucker - already immortal) ...

  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »

    The OP is going to hate me ... :) ... today's voyage was pretty bland until right after 6 hrs ... that's now 4 on the trot with a 4* (EV Tucker - already immortal) ...

    Not at all. I am glad to see that good voyages are still possible, but purples are only one small aspect of my suspicion. I cannot compare 90 straight honor to anything to be honest as I mostly do not pay attention yet at this point. Would you mind to state straight honor and chrons around 8 to 9 hours? Imo those two values equal out with few voyages the most, for purples - like you said before - you need a longer observation period, and the same is true for replicator rations.
    Like... one swallow does not make a summer (and none does not prove the opposite).
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    RaraRacing wrote: »

    The OP is going to hate me ... :) ... today's voyage was pretty bland until right after 6 hrs ... that's now 4 on the trot with a 4* (EV Tucker - already immortal) ...

    Not at all. I am glad to see that good voyages are still possible, but purples are only one small aspect of my suspicion. I cannot compare 90 straight honor to anything to be honest as I mostly do not pay attention yet at this point. Would you mind to state straight honor and chrons around 8 to 9 hours? Imo those two values equal out with few voyages the most, for purples - like you said before - you need a longer observation period, and the same is true for replicator rations.
    Like... one swallow does not make a summer (and none does not prove the opposite).

    Just continuing to see normal stuff ...
    - during hr 6 to 8 gained 61 honor (211-90-60) - giving me a voyage total of 661 so far;
    - current chronitons 357;
    - no 4* replicator rations this time;
    - boatload of credits and a ton of 1* and 0* items (not so much 2*).

    This voyage remains pretty average ... am running my b-string crew due to upcoming faction event later today and wanting to have top crew ready for shuttles ... for faction events I often have good crew tied up on shuttles, so never have the chance to send out the best.


    Edit: recalled with plenty left in the tank, but no time to babysit ... now I have 20 4* rep rations (no idea f this is a lot, really don't care about these because I never use 'em), 387 chrons, same amount of honor, 44 5* trainers and a lot more credits ... pretty standard stuff.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    If voyages were nerfed every time some one thought they were they would only drop 1* crew and replicator rations
  • HaBlackHaBlack ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got one with relatively bad luck
    16 hours = 2 purples, 1 blue, 7 greens, 79700 credits, 418 honor, 1006 chrons

    and of course trainers and replcicator rations... :(
    PlayingSince: 2016-09-16Can we get some more characters from TAS?We finally have Caitians in the game!Character wishlist:
    • Lieutenant M'Ress - got her
    • Amanda Rogers - got her
    • Admiral S'rrel from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - not in the game yet
    • Agmar - not in the game yet
    • M'yra - not in the game yet
  • And sometimes Voyages RNG can be downright cruel:

    Hour 2 Dilemma: A Higher Duty, Part 1
    Hour 4 Dilemma: A Higher Duty, Part 2
    Hour 6 Dilemma: Interference, Part 1
    Hour 8 Dilemma: A Life Alone, Part 1
    Hour 10 Dilemma: Champion of the People, Part 1
    Hour 12 Dilemma: Off the Books, Part 1
    Hour 14 Dilemma: Blood Red Tide
    Hour 16 Dilemma: Class Act

    Almost all the part 1s possible, and even an early part 2, and I ran out of extension tokens and dilithium for the day. Had to recall.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    And sometimes Voyages RNG can be downright cruel:

    Hour 2 Dilemma: A Higher Duty, Part 1
    Hour 4 Dilemma: A Higher Duty, Part 2
    Hour 6 Dilemma: Interference, Part 1
    Hour 8 Dilemma: A Life Alone, Part 1
    Hour 10 Dilemma: Champion of the People, Part 1
    Hour 12 Dilemma: Off the Books, Part 1
    Hour 14 Dilemma: Blood Red Tide
    Hour 16 Dilemma: Class Act

    Almost all the part 1s possible, and even an early part 2, and I ran out of extension tokens and dilithium for the day. Had to recall.

    Ouch. Video game RNG is rarely fun but you've reached the next level. Understandably rage inducing.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yesterday's ten hr voyage had no super rares but this one today has four so far.



    Let’s fly!
  • Definitely not nerfed, just RNG messing with you. My 8-10 hour voyages are doing about the same.

    Yesterday I finally immortalized Thot Gor, the last of the 2 dilemma 4*s crew.

    They just need to make those 3 part dilemmas sequential instead of random.
    Captain Bubble Bobble
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    My voyage had 7 super rares and 713 chrons at 10 hrs 15 min when it ran out of am. Oops, I had to make a phone call. But voyage token has revived it. Go voyage go!
    Let’s fly!
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Purple drops equalled out quite ok, there was really no change I think. But I still find that straight honor and chrons became less up to 10 hours but increased above that. If I extend to like 11+ hours I get the same (or even more) as ever but if the voyage does not go far beyond 9 hours it still feel that it is less than it was like 2 months ago. But maybe I remember it wrong and it has always been that bad. :)
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭

    Got a 4* at both 4 and 6 hours so extended it after it went 10 hours.
  • DazlaaaaaDazlaaaaa ✭✭✭
    edited October 2019

    Got a 4* at both 4 and 6 hours so extended it after it went 10 hours.

    Would bite your arms off for that - 3 of those would be useful to me.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    Just got Lucien in Four Hours:



    EDIT TO ADD: Last Star!!!!!
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • as these "kinda nerfed" situations come up , then drops seems normal again, i suspect the seed for the RNGod seed might be calculated from some day,month function or such .
  • Conspiracy theory #47:

    When a company like this has banks and banks of servers, I believe either one of the employees has been up to mischief and has programmed 1 of the many servers to ramp up RNG to the n-th degree and make nearly all purple drops <0.0001%, or that one said server card "feels neglected" and takes it out on the players.

    This way when you log in, or the server connects your login to the game, you occasionally get these dry spells. It's just that one card, in the countless array that is the troublemaker, and impossible to find for DB, so they just have to leave it there.

    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Last 3 voyages:

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 364 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 401 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 400 chrons

    Current voyage:
    7hrs (and counting), 0 pink crew, 255 chrons.

    Seems the RNG gods are really against me, at present...
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've gone 8 in a row getting no 4* drops at 8 hours. I've also gotten 1+ drop for 5 straight voyages. RNG is streaky. Flip a coin 30 times in a row and see what your longest streak is for heads/tails.
  • Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Last 3 voyages:

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 364 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 401 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 400 chrons

    Current voyage:
    7hrs (and counting), 0 pink crew, 255 chrons.

    Seems the RNG gods are really against me, at present...

    That's now complete -
    8hrs. 0 pink crew and 330 chrons
  • Maybe we should do a poll. My FEELING says it has definitely been nerfed. A lot of my voyages do end just like this one....
    Serving with Battleship Texas [BBTX]
  • Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Last 3 voyages:

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 364 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 401 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 400 chrons

    Current voyage:
    7hrs (and counting), 0 pink crew, 255 chrons.

    Seems the RNG gods are really against me, at present...

    That's now complete -
    8hrs. 0 pink crew and 330 chrons

    8hrs, 3 pink crew, 413 chrons
  • Well, this voyage was the polar opposite of the last one. I can't believe I almost hit the 11 hour mark on such low skills... Thank you RNG?

    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Last 3 voyages:

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 364 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 401 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 400 chrons

    Current voyage:
    7hrs (and counting), 0 pink crew, 255 chrons.

    Seems the RNG gods are really against me, at present...

    That's now complete -
    8hrs. 0 pink crew and 330 chrons

    8hrs, 3 pink crew, 413 chrons

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 337 chrons.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Purple drops equalled out quite ok, there was really no change I think. But I still find that straight honor and chrons became less up to 10 hours but increased above that. If I extend to like 11+ hours I get the same (or even more) as ever but if the voyage does not go far beyond 9 hours it still feel that it is less than it was like 2 months ago. But maybe I remember it wrong and it has always been that bad. :)

    I just want to add here ... crew drops are actually better than honor drops ...

    - Honor will drop at maybe 3(?) Honor per go, so if you get 10 of those you'll have 30 Honor ... you need to be lucky 10 times for that amount.

    - 1 crew will drop per random drop, for a minimum of 25 Honor. You only need to be lucky once for at least an almost equal amount.

    --> I'd rather have crew drop in-between dilemmas, than have Honor trickle in ... as all crew 1-3* is instantly converted to Honor on return and most 4* crew are also converted to Honor.
    Crew drops make a much bigger impact to the total Honor a voyage brings back than random Honor drops between dilemmas do.

    Which is why I like looking at total useful Honor rather than what drops in-between dilemmas. Then compare total voyage Honor to previous ones ... which in my case, falls within expectations for 8 hrs (minimum length of all my voyages for each skill-combo) pretty much each and every voyage (the same goes for chronitons).

    (Also ... if you are looking to build up Honor ... you might consider going for 2-dilemma crew even though you already have them immortalised ... this is guaranteed 200 Honor if you get that second dilemma, where otherwise it will be 80 or 160 (in general).
    I prefer to try my luck and hope for a dilemma that gives a random 4* because I'd rather have the chance to immortalise other crew than to build up an extra 120 (or 40) Honor.
    There's actually more to this, but I've gone on long enough.)
  • Some ancient people's saw patterns in the stars and called them constellations.
  • currently 6.5 hrs 1 purple (already 4* mirror LaForge) 1 blue 2 green, and 336 chron. had 100 chron dilemma 6 hr mark.
  • Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Last 3 voyages:

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 364 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 401 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 400 chrons

    Current voyage:
    7hrs (and counting), 0 pink crew, 255 chrons.

    Seems the RNG gods are really against me, at present...

    That's now complete -
    8hrs. 0 pink crew and 330 chrons

    8hrs, 3 pink crew, 413 chrons

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 337 chrons.

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 386 chrons.
  • Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Dazlaaaaa wrote: »
    Last 3 voyages:

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 364 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 401 chrons
    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 400 chrons

    Current voyage:
    7hrs (and counting), 0 pink crew, 255 chrons.

    Seems the RNG gods are really against me, at present...

    That's now complete -
    8hrs. 0 pink crew and 330 chrons

    8hrs, 3 pink crew, 413 chrons

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 337 chrons.

    8hrs, 0 pink crew, 386 chrons.

    10hrs, 1 pink crew, 438 chrons.
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