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10h voyages - what do I need

I have plenty off 5* FF/FE, usually my voyages last 9,x hours. First and second are over 12k. What do I need for save 10h voyages?


  • Try to get 2950 AM to start the voyage.
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    Over 12K is nice, but too far and you'll lose too much AM from a deficient skill. I find a crew of 5/5s make ten hours even with the two skills at 11.9, so I usually target the 11.8-12.1 range.

    Having strong voyage crew is also a factor. No dirty two-skillers, and having voyage score as a factor when citating should give a nice selection of crew. The voyage crew order isn't as useful as it looks - for example, Minuet is always near the top of the Dip-list in my game, but even at 4/5 her total voyage points are fewer than 1/5 Braxton. Get to know which of your 5/5s have the best voyage point totals, and try to be sending the stronger ones and leaving the weaker ones behind.

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    Over 12K is nice, but too far and you'll lose too much AM from a deficient skill. I find a crew of 5/5s make ten hours even with the two skills at 11.9, so I usually target the 11.8-12.1 range.

    Having strong voyage crew is also a factor. No dirty two-skillers, and having voyage score as a factor when citating should give a nice selection of crew. The voyage crew order isn't as useful as it looks - for example, Minuet is always near the top of the Dip-list in my game, but even at 4/5 her total voyage points are fewer than 1/5 Braxton. Get to know which of your 5/5s have the best voyage point totals, and try to be sending the stronger ones and leaving the weaker ones behind.

    Yes, totally agree. Don’t go too crazy with the two primary skills. You’ll only need around 12000. Going way over that will kill the others. And totally agree on only use three skill crew.

  • UluruUluru ✭✭✭
    Is there a list for voyage Crew?
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    I just got 10 hrs on this ENG/CMD voyage (with 61 AM left!):

    ENG: 11.816
    CMD: 11.706
    DIP: 4.623
    SEC: 6.751
    MED: 3.273
    SCI: 4.666

    - 7 crew and ship with bonus.

    Immortal crew: Borg Queen, RAF O'Brien, Mirror Picard, Cornwell, Ru'afo, Caretaker, Determined Janeway, TP Chakotay.

    Others: Assimilated La Forge (2/5); Braxton (1/5); Krenim Guest Paris (1/5); Tenavik (4/5).

    This is the second time in as many days I've hit 10 hrs with the exact same crew set-up for the same voyage.
    I write down who I use each time I make 10 hrs with a new combo (this is the 4th combo I've hit 10 hrs in).

    I find that key is the get the top two skills near 12.000 ... I don't purposely tank any of the other 4 skills like Banjo1012 says ... I choose crew so that at least all skills are over 3.000 (4.000 is better) ... that usually means that the third highest skill is in the 8.000s (not the case here) ... it also means that I will send crew out who do not have either of the two main skills (in this case Cornwell) but help boost the weakest skill (MED here).

    I just learnt how to take a proper screenshot so here's the evidence ...


    EDIT: My other three combos (CMD/DIP, CMD/SEC and SCI/ENG) are not as touch and go as this voyage was (and the other one yesterday, just made it there too but with more AM left at 10 hrs, about 200). For the other combos I only used two non-immortal 5*s per combo.

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now that you have some serious answers, where is the Billy Crystal "it'll take a miracle" meme?
    Farewell 🖖
  • UluruUluru ✭✭✭
    I will try it, when my last voyage comes back
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    The funny part is, what with all of the mega event legendaries and the campaigns, I've got enough immortal legendary cards now so that every voyage is made up of mostly them. And if it happened to me, it will happen to everyone else. :)
  • And also sacrifice a chicken in hopes it doesn’t get stuck 😛
  • Don't forget the all important proficiency factor when selecting your crew! :smile:
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    My longest voyages usually come from a 3-tier mix of starting values. Generically, 11-12K for the top two, 6-8K for the next two, and 3-4K for the final two. If one tier is on the higher side of the range, another tier can be on the lower side. When AM bonuses align and RNG cooperates, this can produce a 10-10.5hr voyage.

    I agree that 12K is a good target for the top skills regardless of any other considerations. I've found that an overall total of at least 44K for all 6 crew is also a pretty good predictor. (Though this total-value result may be dependent on my strategy for the individual skills, so buyer beware as they say.)

    Happy voyaging!

    Now that we've covered that... who has figured out the solution to maximizing 4* drops? Is it the chicken? A shot of Jobu's rum? Yelling "Humperdink, Humperdink, Humperdink" as the dilemma loads? Do we need the Man in Black?
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My longest voyages usually come from a 3-tier mix of starting values. Generically, 11-12K for the top two, 6-8K for the next two, and 3-4K for the final two. If one tier is on the higher side of the range, another tier can be on the lower side. When AM bonuses align and RNG cooperates, this can produce a 10-10.5hr voyage.

    I agree that 12K is a good target for the top skills regardless of any other considerations. I've found that an overall total of at least 44K for all 6 crew is also a pretty good predictor. (Though this total-value result may be dependent on my strategy for the individual skills, so buyer beware as they say.)

    Happy voyaging!

    Now that we've covered that... who has figured out the solution to maximizing 4* drops? Is it the chicken? A shot of Jobu's rum? Yelling "Humperdink, Humperdink, Humperdink" as the dilemma loads? Do we need the Man in Black?

    I want to say it’s when SEC is one of the skills. I could be wrong but that’s how it seems to go with me

  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    I do 12,500 in the primary and secondary skill. Then I have about 4-5K in the rest (except Med—usually around 3k). With that set up, I make 10 hours frequently. Oh, and usually not when it’s engineering/med as the two skills. lol
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • I remember seeing a voyage breakdown that showed which skill combinations dropped more rations, more crew, more trainers, etc. . .
    I of course cannot remember where I saw the information, but it is out there.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I remember seeing a voyage breakdown that showed which skill combinations dropped more rations, more crew, more trainers, etc. . .
    I of course cannot remember where I saw the information, but it is out there.

    A bunch of us were keeping track for several weeks. I kept personal track for close to two months. I could not come up with any correlation that was repeatable. It would seem one way, but then it would seem another. I believe the general consensus after that period was that there was no magic combination.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    The model I use for the most reliable number of 10 hr voyages is primary and secondary skills of at least 11,500 but closer to 12,000 is better and then having a tertiary skill of about 7,000 with the other skills over or as close to 4,500 and getting them as high as you can without dropping your primary and secondary skills below 11,500. Getting all the skills over 4,500 gives you an excellent chance of having no failed hazards before 4 hrs which really helps with keeping your am high.


    But I encourage players to mess around with the numbers a bit to find what works best for them. Remember that there is a huge amount of chance in passing hazards and how far your voyage goes. I had this exact voyage four times in a row and the first three times it went well past 10 hrs but the fourth time it fell short and I had to revive it.


    Let’s fly!
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here's what happens when the non-primary skills are too low, this is the voyage right after the previous post ... I did a bit of a test where I had high main skills and low/even other skills ...

    - 2 crew with bonus (ship too, but only at lvl 7 so starts with 2500 AM) - so 275 AM less than previous post!

    Immortal crew: Etana, RAF O'Brien, Cornwell, Away Team Saru, North Star Tucker, Determined Janeway, TP Chakotay.

    Others: Aviator Yar (1/5); Braxton (1/5); Mirror Data (3/5); Bounty Hunter Mudd (1/5); Tactical Officer Neelix (1/5).

    I think I can get about another 30-60 mins of voyage in, screenshot was taken at just past 8 hrs. I never expected this voyage to get near 10 hrs, would require way too much luck.
    To get 10 hrs here I'd have to immortalise the likes of Braxton/Yar (or Mudd and Data) so I can remove crew for high-quality voyagers that boost the overal strength (e.g. God Q to greatly boost MED/SCI).


  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    Here's what happens when the non-primary skills are too low, this is the voyage right after the previous post ... I did a bit of a test where I had high main skills and low/even other skills ...

    - 2 crew with bonus (ship too, but only at lvl 7 so starts with 2500 AM) - so 275 AM less than previous post!

    Immortal crew: Etana, RAF O'Brien, Cornwell, Away Team Saru, North Star Tucker, Determined Janeway, TP Chakotay.

    Others: Aviator Yar (1/5); Braxton (1/5); Mirror Data (3/5); Bounty Hunter Mudd (1/5); Tactical Officer Neelix (1/5).

    I think I can get about another 30-60 mins of voyage in, screenshot was taken at just past 8 hrs. I never expected this voyage to get near 10 hrs, would require way too much luck.
    To get 10 hrs here I'd have to immortalise the likes of Braxton/Yar (or Mudd and Data) so I can remove crew for high-quality voyagers that boost the overal strength (e.g. God Q to greatly boost MED/SCI).


    For you I would suggest pulling your primary and secondary down to 11,500 and boosting the other skills. You do not need more than 11,500 until about 9.5 hrs. Only really need more than 11,000 until 9 hrs. If your primary and secondary are higher than you need for when you run out of am then you are losing some voyage time and goodies.
    Let’s fly!
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    Here's what happens when the non-primary skills are too low, this is the voyage right after the previous post ... I did a bit of a test where I had high main skills and low/even other skills ...

    - 2 crew with bonus (ship too, but only at lvl 7 so starts with 2500 AM) - so 275 AM less than previous post!

    Immortal crew: Etana, RAF O'Brien, Cornwell, Away Team Saru, North Star Tucker, Determined Janeway, TP Chakotay.

    Others: Aviator Yar (1/5); Braxton (1/5); Mirror Data (3/5); Bounty Hunter Mudd (1/5); Tactical Officer Neelix (1/5).

    I think I can get about another 30-60 mins of voyage in, screenshot was taken at just past 8 hrs. I never expected this voyage to get near 10 hrs, would require way too much luck.
    To get 10 hrs here I'd have to immortalise the likes of Braxton/Yar (or Mudd and Data) so I can remove crew for high-quality voyagers that boost the overal strength (e.g. God Q to greatly boost MED/SCI).


    For you I would suggest pulling your primary and secondary down to 11,500 and boosting the other skills. You do not need more than 11,500 until about 9.5 hrs. Only really need more than 11,000 until 9 hrs. If your primary and secondary are higher than you need for when you run out of am then you are losing some voyage time and goodies.

    Yes, I know (see bold text) ... I was just running a test voyage so that I could show the OP what happens when you hit 12.000 on the primary skills but leave the rest dangling ...
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I have found that this strategy gives the longest voyage. For 10 hours you need the gold and silver skills to be at 12000. Get a third skill as high as you can, no matter the expense of the other three.

    I generally agree with this strategy although it can backfire. I did a Voyage once that was approximately 12/12/10/3/3/3 and it barely made 8 hours. Definitely a fluke but it can happen.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I have found that this strategy gives the longest voyage. For 10 hours you need the gold and silver skills to be at 12000. Get a third skill as high as you can, no matter the expense of the other three.

    I generally agree with this strategy although it can backfire. I did a Voyage once that was approximately 12/12/10/3/3/3 and it barely made 8 hours. Definitely a fluke but it can happen.

    I have been burned on that a few times as well but if you’re going for distance this is the risk you have to take to get there

  • UluruUluru ✭✭✭
    10h - but more like an accidend than a a planned tour
  • edited October 2019
    My previous methodology had been to exclusively use only immortalized 5* crew on voyages to try and get the highest overall amount of skill points from each crew member. I never considered using 1/5 or anything less than 5/5 before this thread. I just completed my 1st 10 hr voyage.

    I did it using:

    I couldn’t get the top two skills to the 11.5k range until I removed stronger two crew and replaced them w/ 4/5 sulu and 1/5 sarek

    Can’t wait for my next voyage.

  • PenguinJim wrote: »
    No dirty two-skillers

    You just made me howl, laughing out loud. 😂😂

    What a fantastic turn of phrase. People are looking at me like I'm odd.
  • PenguinJim wrote: »
    Over 12K is nice, but too far and you'll lose too much AM from a deficient skill. I find a crew of 5/5s make ten hours even with the two skills at 11.9, so I usually target the 11.8-12.1 range.

    Having strong voyage crew is also a factor. No dirty two-skillers, and having voyage score as a factor when citating should give a nice selection of crew. The voyage crew order isn't as useful as it looks - for example, Minuet is always near the top of the Dip-list in my game, but even at 4/5 her total voyage points are fewer than 1/5 Braxton. Get to know which of your 5/5s have the best voyage point totals, and try to be sending the stronger ones and leaving the weaker ones behind.

    This exactly. I have been tracking some voyages again lately. One thing I have noticed, if your weakest skill is under 3K, you start having AM loss just over 2 hours. (I really wish we could download the logs to anylize

    My current Voyage just about to conclude, and it is one of the worst ones yet. Started with full 2950 AM

    Skills: SEC/CMD - I have very strong crew there for 13367/13223
    but suffered hard on the rest: 4476/3710/2712/2285


    I know if I had enough AM to get there, I would have gains into 11 hours++ with the PRI/SEC. Unfortunately, this one will end way before that, as I am at 8:23 and <50 AM.

    My first loss at a Hazard was 2:13. If you want to get to 10 hours, you need to have enough lower skills in place to get to at least 4 hours with no hazard losses.

    As you can see, the Voyage I had immediately preceding this one was a lot more balanced, and got far better results. Also, this one started at 2900 AM, because I chose 2 specific crew without the bonus traits to get the numbers up!


    Getting your 12k/12k PRI/SEC skills is NO guarantee to make it to 10 hours.

    SO, my best guesstimation would be: 12k/10k/8k/8k/7k/5k IF you can get your crew skills and traits to cooperate. That's the whole crapshoot.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    See the thread in the Ready Room called something like Rayzors law of 10 hour voyages. I’ve posted 6 or 8 screenshots of what I do. It gets me 10 hours somewhere around 85% of the time
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    See the thread in the Ready Room called something like Rayzors law of 10 hour voyages. I’ve posted 6 or 8 screenshots of what I do. It gets me 10 hours somewhere around 85% of the time

    Doesn't it really bother you that 15% that doesn't make it to ten hours when it should? I know it bothers me. Dirty rng.
    Let’s fly!
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