7.2.0 iOS issue
App just got updated on my iPhone 8 to version 7.2.0 and... error message on loading. Can’t get in.
Cross-posting from another thread here in Engineering:
-crash on startup (once)
-obscene load time on startup (at least five times as long as the previous version)
-oddly long arena load time (approximately double the usual)
-permanent brightening of buttons for arena, cadet challenges, etc. after initial use
-all images, from crew portraits in the crew screen to background images in the cadet missions screen, take a noticeable time to load for a few minutes after startup
-yellow stat numbers
That’s it for now, will report back if some of these others pop up.
What device/os version are you using?
iPhone 8 iOS 13.1.3
App is 7.2.0
I noticed a really long loading time too (iPhone 10 XR). And the goofy new shuttle staffing set up where the secondary and tertiary skills are switched. Game did a forced restart. Gave a new background I haven’t seen and I was like NNNOOO!!!! The new update was forced! I’ve been reading lots of issues so I was hoping they wouldn’t still force it on us
Sorry that happened to you, Banjo’s human. I am still running the old version on my main phone, as I have the automatic updates for all apps disabled on’t. My understanding is that DB will provide advance notice of a forced update (for its app), which is a different thing altogether. 🖖
Oh, weird. I’ve just equipped an item on someone that updated their third skill and now it’s changed the third skill for everyone to yellow to match the top two.
I’ve seen these on my iPad Pro/iPhone XS too: increased load time, brightening of the buttons (they go back to normal if I open daily missions but it’s still quite annoying) and noticeable load time for images and list of away missions in build section for equipment
I do have a new phone so maybe I didn’t shut the automatic update off. You’re prolly right, I prolly still could be running off the old one. I sure wish I was
Yep, the way the skills are displayed in the shuttle mission screen not only is unnecessarily reordered, I’d argue that the way it is jumbled up hurts the eyes, too. It feels like one of those Magic Eye pictures, but one that was done wrong so that the image never resolved no matter how much your eyes readjust.
I had seen all the reported issues on Android with the new update and was so glad they had not rolled it to iOS... until they did. And now we see the exact same issues. Can’t wait for the new app version to show up.
I just had mine IOS auto update. Man...talk about a pain in the A to look for crew on the shuttle missions, this does actually look weird and hurts my eyes hurt too, typically with a shuttle event on too!
Why reorder the skills? The icons are so spread out that icons overlap on some crew portraits!
It’s pretty brutal. I ran shuttles last night just to get used to the fact that the skill order from primary to tertiary has changed. Didn’t want to mess up staffing my event shuttles
Random stats are hi-lighted orange/gold. There may be logic to this I just haven’t picked up on yet??
On the player-card in the shuttle ui, the stats are spread a bit too wide. The left-most stat is all the way to the left, getting interfered with by the character image.
In chat, I can no longer manually place the cursor anywhere in the text box. If I activate the text box, the cursor defaults to the opening slot and I cannot move it. This MAY be an iOS issue because I am noticing similar behavior elsewhere on my iPad since my upgrade to 13.1.3.
The mission (farming) buttons are better placed. In the past, the ad-double and warp-10 buttonS overlapped. Now they are clearly separated. THANK YOU!!
hope this helps
The yellow color to the stat has no rhym or reason. They are random. Mix yellow for FE lvl 100 locutus
Some or all depending on lvl for maras and BTW is maras at lvl 20 or 89-90
Will not let me train or equip maras.
My shuttles all continue to say “expires in” when it should say “completes in” cuz they are actively running.
Very long load time for arena
I am continuing to post pics for the tech team to work on for the QOL improvements. I am not trying to be redundant or a major pain. I am working under the reasonable thought process....If you dont know, how can you fix it?
These are all new from IOS 13.1.3. Playing the the new 7.2.0 version of STT app.
App closed and restarted multiple times daily. Never left running unless in use.
I would also suggest in a general sense that spectacular graphics are important in gaming and an essential part of traveling, beholds, ship battles, etc... however gold and purple swirly effects are not necessary for a box that contains a 3* blue card or 3* ship schems. They are not needed during skirmish events for every battle reward. Sliding up/down/left boxes on dailies with all of the bright blinding colored boxes are also not an essential part of gameplay experience.
My point.... many of the glitches got worse or showed up as the tech teams seemed more interested in color variations, swirling, moving drops and boxes in every portion or aspect of the game. I suspect if some of these non-essential graphic effects are scaled back to beholds or portions that deserve them, the technical issues would calm down.
What device are you using?
There should be better sorting of the crew anyway, but that is a gripe that belongs elsewhere