The (Temporary) Big Book Of Behold Advice
Captain Idol
in Ready Room
Good afternoon. Having been given blessings from Automaton_2000 I decided to start an addendum to the original Big Book to cover the new crew not in the original document. With Auto being away for the foreseeable future this is a temporary document using the Big Book's original parameters of rating new crew. As a note, this will never replace the Big Book and if/when Auto comes back to it, any new ratings that are divined will supersede the ratings in this document.
The (Temporary) Big Book Of Behold Advice
Original Big Book Of Behold Advice by Automaton_2000
The (Temporary) Big Book Of Behold Advice
Original Big Book Of Behold Advice by Automaton_2000
Author Of Captain Idol's Datacore Analysis Sheet, Timelines Backend Stats Super Hyper Edition,Captain Idol's Voyage Analysis SheetCome join the Trek Time Wednesday Stream on YouTube at and catch up with old episodes at Join our Discord at
One thing I would say though, it may not be important for shuttles anymore (depending on peoples stance of the AND shuttles) but certainly it is for voyages and that's to have the primary skill showing first because at present it looks like they (Data and Martok) are better suited for CMD primary and DIP secondary voyages and that they included in that ranking rather than the vice versa.
In total and holistically no they wouldn't change. However, if your looking to bolster a CMD primary DIP Secondary featured voyage
It would make more sense to use like minded characters like Lt Cmr Uhura, Cmr Kira Nerys, Gangster Kirk who are CMD Primary, even Locarno looks like a breath of fresh air to CMD DIP, rather than DIP primary cards as I look down the filtered list (NB filter is anybody above 1200 in both skills)
EDIT... tail enders below
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
Edit: Broke it by trying to fix something else, reverted to order introduced for now...
Edit: Really broken now! Some weird sorting error. Working on it.
Properly fixed now. Import Ranges gets really funny sometimes...