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Battleship Yamato is the #1 fleet of 2019



  • Sorry that your humour sensor is malfunctioning. Have a happy and productive new year!
  • The spoilered comment was a jokey aside to an (imo) unnecessary comment directed at the thread's author. Going to the effort of compiling a year's worth of results and sharing them with the community didn't need to be criticised, and the vast majority of people took it in the way it was intended. The spoilered comment was intended to be an extreme example of what Sparrow's initial post absolutely was NOT, in the obviously vain hope that people would see the contrast and give the OP a break. Believe it or not I do not actually talk/type like a testosterone-ravaged 13 year old most of the time.

    I'm sorry that you failed to understand this, but your assertion that finishing first in the last event of the year would have had any effect on the final average rankings that [STFL] Kolrath very kindly worked out for everyone suggests that you may struggle with understanding a great many things. Your assertion that our fleet knew anything about these ranks prior to the final event is completely false as it's not something that had been discussed, and this thread was made by an individual member entirely off their own back. But thanks for stating your incorrect theories as difinitive fact. Not many of us actually post here. I just stumbled upon it and saw a fleetmate being criticised and thought it was a tad unnecessary so tried to deflect in a humorous manner. The in-game PMs I've received from complete unknowns suggests this was at least a partial success. Your accusation that our entire fleet need our egos stroking because of a single member's annual ranking summary post seems strangely similar to what you were accusing me of doing to the whole community in my joke post, so thanks for being a massive hypocrite.
    "Confidence is slient. Insecurities are loud."

    Next time you try to end a self-righteous rant with some triumphant, cutting quote, at least make the effort to avoid typos.

    If this means so much to you please feel free to work out your own metric for ranking fleets that puts yours in the top spot and I'll be the first to come and congratulate you.

    Also try not taking life so seriously.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    There is a complete lack of transparency in regards to the ranking system when a member of the apparently #1 Fleet is the one who creates it and comes up with the specific point system that places their Fleet in the number one spot.

    Speaking to this point only, the system is in fact highly transparent — or, at least, the system I assumed they used for this ranking is. The fleet leaderboard for each event has been publicly posted for many months. And if there were any discrepancies with any fleet's standings in any event, they could see how they differed from their own internal rankings (available to every fleet member in their personal fleet window). It is also hosted on Izausome's site, and he is a member of SSR, not Battleship Yamato. Certainly anyone is welcome to crunch the numbers and come up with their own ranking. It is for this reason that I completely accepted the claim, because it would be too easy for someone else to refute.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shaney wrote: »
    If this Ursine person is a representation of what the #1 fleet is like, then I would rather be #2 any day. RUDE.

    I understand their jokey response wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but it also unfortunately served to undo a lot of the goodwill that was offered in their fleet's direction by some of us. And it was also just crass, even in jest.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • edited January 2020
    On the one hand I agree with @ByloBand that this can be seen as bragging and not called for.
    On the other hand, @÷ Sparrow did paste a list of the tops fleets which seems like an unofficial leaderboard which could thereby be seen as not bragging for his own fleet but for others to see how well they did with in competing with others... But I agree that the title didn't convey a message of "fleet leaderboard for 2019" but rather "we are number one and here is the list to prove it!" The original post did not to me imo. So I think a re wording for the title as above would go a long way to not having this thread labeled as ego stroking...plus getting this usine guy to be quiet... Seriously @÷ Sparrow I've seen u post from time to time and you are a nice guy and I don't believe you meant to be a gloryhog or prideful in posting this good info... But having someone say stuff like that about a fellow player, one I and I believe many others consider one of the best contributors to the forums... It tarnishs your fleet and also fuels the "this is ego stroking!" claims, because really, only unintelligent people resort to name-calling when presented with a valid, opposite opinion...
    Edit: just noticed the leaderboard for fleets wasn't even posted by a Yamato fleet player...oops on my part
  • Good catch. My bad. It's 2am here and brain and fingers are not working in harmony.
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    does not give you the right to personally attack people and massacaraed it as a "jokey".

    Adding this lingual massacre as a joke is truly fantastic. I applaud you, good sir.

    For me your ego comment was a stretch as I absolutely could not care less about where we finished as a fleet. This is a game which is largely pay to win (whether that be real life time or actual money) so I don't see being the top fleet as anything to be hugely proud of, other than perhaps helping to allow the game to continue so all its players can gain whatever pleasure/entertainment/sense of achievement they do from it. I just like having something to tap to alleviate boredom and some fun people to chat to, and ensure I always put in effort as I wouldn't want to let the other humans in my fleet down, as I'm sure some of them care far more than I do about ranks. Making that claim about our entire fleet with a genuine derogatory implication is what I objected to.

    I think the problem here stems from the fact that I assumed the spoilered comment would be so obviously brazen and incongruous with my genuine unspoilered comment that the intended humour would be recognised by everyone and not taken seriously. Clearly that was an error. My pet ducks were murdered by a fox in broad daylight on Christmas day so I haven't really been sleeping since then. It is possible that my sense of judgement is not functioning at 100%. For clarification, I do not think any of you participate in bestiality, and I think Bylo's great.
  • Rowden wrote: »
    Honestly this thread is ridiculous.

    -To start off with it is very clear that DB have not implemented any ranking system of fleets over calendar years so the title is completely subjective and I would imagine many fleets can claim to be the best based on particular criteria.

    -The list of achievements for Battleship Yamato is impressive, so congratulations! Very well done! However, that's all that was provided. There's been no attempt to clearly define or agree suitable criteria for "the best fleet of 2019" prior to 2019 or indeed before the list of achievements were posted.

    -I don't believe you can define the best fleet in timelines by using statistics of achievements. It's quite ridiculous. In the title only the main achievement should be claimed.

    -It does seem rather boastful to post your fleets achievements in the bridge section of this forum. It was mentioned by ursine cotcher that this was just compiling a year's worth of data and posting it, a behaviour that should not be criticised. In my experience fleets only post such data (usually in their recruitment page, I haven't looked at Battleship Yamato's yet to see if these claims are also there) when they are claiming their own fleet are the best and are looking for recruits. I am yet to see anyone do this and any other fleet is number 1.

    -The behaviour of ursine cotcher was appalling. Resorting to making personal attacks on players because you can't refute their arguments logically is disgusting and demonstrated clearly what this thread is about. Then claiming s/he was only joking.... Also loved the quote 'thanks for stating your incorrect theories as difinitive fact' which should be directed towards the person who wrote the title of this thread. As an aside, please don't criticise other people's grammar when you write like that.

    -As for the question on if I refute the claim Battleship Yamato has made of being the best fleet in the game, I absolutely do.

    -As a further aside, I was wondering why the fleet was named after a Japanese battleship, which sunk rapidly under allied attack, losing 90% of the crew, during WWII.

    It was also the USS Enterprise D's sister ship.
  • Rowden wrote: »
    Rowden wrote: »
    Honestly this thread is ridiculous.

    -To start off with it is very clear that DB have not implemented any ranking system of fleets over calendar years so the title is completely subjective and I would imagine many fleets can claim to be the best based on particular criteria.

    -The list of achievements for Battleship Yamato is impressive, so congratulations! Very well done! However, that's all that was provided. There's been no attempt to clearly define or agree suitable criteria for "the best fleet of 2019" prior to 2019 or indeed before the list of achievements were posted.

    -I don't believe you can define the best fleet in timelines by using statistics of achievements. It's quite ridiculous. In the title only the main achievement should be claimed.

    -It does seem rather boastful to post your fleets achievements in the bridge section of this forum. It was mentioned by ursine cotcher that this was just compiling a year's worth of data and posting it, a behaviour that should not be criticised. In my experience fleets only post such data (usually in their recruitment page, I haven't looked at Battleship Yamato's yet to see if these claims are also there) when they are claiming their own fleet are the best and are looking for recruits. I am yet to see anyone do this and any other fleet is number 1.

    -The behaviour of ursine cotcher was appalling. Resorting to making personal attacks on players because you can't refute their arguments logically is disgusting and demonstrated clearly what this thread is about. Then claiming s/he was only joking.... Also loved the quote 'thanks for stating your incorrect theories as difinitive fact' which should be directed towards the person who wrote the title of this thread. As an aside, please don't criticise other people's grammar when you write like that.

    -As for the question on if I refute the claim Battleship Yamato has made of being the best fleet in the game, I absolutely do.

    -As a further aside, I was wondering why the fleet was named after a Japanese battleship, which sunk rapidly under allied attack, losing 90% of the crew, during WWII.

    It was also the USS Enterprise D's sister ship.

    That was not 'Battleship Yamato'

    Good point...I have nothing to comeback with... so I will now commence name-calling XD
    Spoiler: that was a joke and was not to be taken literally in any way!
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I imagine that it would not be looked upon favorably if I decided to start a thread congratulating myself for some achievement in 2019.

    Honestly? I don't imagine anything unfavorable would be said at all. At one time not long ago, there were three separate threads having been started and maintained by three separate players, each of whom added a new post to them every time they'd immortalized another crew member — although I think only one of those threads is still being regularly maintained — and (to my puzzlement) all of them seemed to draw nothing but praise from other forum posters. At least this achievement has the benefit of being something that not pretty much everyone does themselves on a weekly basis.

    In any case, whoever manages to sneak in the final post here before Shan comes in with "this thread has run its course" wins an all-expense paid trip to Risa for two! (Shirtless Picard optional.)


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • edited January 2020
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I imagine that it would not be looked upon favorably if I decided to start a thread congratulating myself for some achievement in 2019.

    Honestly? I don't imagine anything unfavorable would be said at all. At one time not long ago, there were three separate threads having been started and maintained by three separate players, each of whom added a new post to them every time they'd immortalized another crew member — although I think only one of those threads is still being regularly maintained — and (to my puzzlement) all of them seemed to draw nothing but praise from other forum posters. At least this achievement has the benefit of being something that not pretty much everyone does themselves on a weekly basis.

    In any case, whoever manages to sneak in the final post here before Shan comes in with "this thread has run its course" wins an all-expense paid trip to Risa for two! (Shirtless Picard optional.)


    I was one of those players, and when I started it seemed cool but eventually to me it felt like bragging so I quit and just save the screenshots on my phone now. Now when @Paladin 27 ftms a crew and posts their stats is it bragging? No. Does s\he make a thread about it? Again no. But it still benefits everyone to know. This post I think benefits people and I would even encourage the op to maybe take up maintaining a top 100 leaderboard. What threw it as a brag to me was the title.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is there anywhere I can see the data this chart was compiled from?
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Is there anywhere I can see the data this chart was compiled from?

    Probably the links in the first post of this thread.

  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Is there anywhere I can see the data this chart was compiled from?

    Probably the links in the first post of this thread.


    That's not what I'm looking for, that's just a ranking. I'm looking for the underlying data.

    What I really want is individual level data, so that I can see how I perform relative to the average player in a high ranking fleet.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Is there anywhere I can see the data this chart was compiled from?

    Probably the links in the first post of this thread.


    That's not what I'm looking for, that's just a ranking. I'm looking for the underlying data.

    What I really want is individual level data, so that I can see how I perform relative to the average player in a high ranking fleet.

    The data discussed in this thread is about fleets. There's not much in the way of individual data. That would be a lot of tracking.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Is there anywhere I can see the data this chart was compiled from?

    Probably the links in the first post of this thread.


    That's not what I'm looking for, that's just a ranking. I'm looking for the underlying data.

    What I really want is individual level data, so that I can see how I perform relative to the average player in a high ranking fleet.

    Since only the top 50 standings are released every week, even if someone had all the data available you would only see those players.

    From a fleet rank composition perspective, the top fleet most weeks probably has 20-40 folks in the top 1500, depending on how top heavy they are from someone putting up a huge score in the top 5.
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    Having the top average fleet rank is an accomplishment, well done.

    Declaring you're "the best" or taking the brash stance of, in similar terms, "come at me" is just arrogant. I think that's where you turn off people. Especially with another fleet-mate chiming in with that "spoiler" section. (enjoy your ban/suspension)

    You can celebrate without being boastful.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
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