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Old non-warpable cadets

YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
I might totally be the only one here, but I miss the time cadets weren't warpable... I know, I know, having to stock the blues and greens took up crew slots but cadets are nothing more than a chore now in my opinion. I used to actually like having to strategically plan which female blues to keep and which blue aliens would work the best and so on. It was actual thought required in a game that doesn't require much...

Anyone agree or am I alone here?


  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's funny because I've been thinking about this, too, @Yateball. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I do kinda miss feeling like those cadets were actually relevant to me. I remember spending, like, two hours one night going back and forth on Wiki pages to work out which trio of cadets you could pare down to and were the most flexible. That was what led me to coining the term "Riker's Angels" (Cadet Sito Jaxa, Ensign Pazlar, and Ensign Seska, who I found more versatile than Lt. Naomi Wildman.)

    I was excited to see we're getting a 3* Worf next week, until my brain caught up with the fact I will almost certainly literally never use him. I'll IMM him, maybe tinker with a bridge crew diorama or two for giggles depending on the artwork, and then he's going in the vault. I felt that same disappointment over Acting Captain Pike, although in his case he's ineligible for either of the 3* challenges anyway. Which makes me wonder what was the point in squandering that version of him as a 3*? At least as a 4*, he'd have been worth thawing for events.
  • What I don't miss is the 8 minute cooldowns on arena and cadet missions... Now that it's 3 minutes it feels so long... Now it'll be 0 minutes soon (feel free to roll out the Android update any day now db.... Seriously, we are ready when u are) so this update brought me back to the last time they reduced the cooldown.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don’t have the same nostalgia feeling - you strategize the one time and then it’s over unless a new qualifying 2* or 3* crew is released. There’s no routine guessing game like there is when building a squad of gauntleteers or staffing a voyage...just the same three to six crew for each cadet challenge, depending on the missions you run to farm one item or another. Warping took a dull, time-consuming task and turned it into a couple of easy button presses.
  • On my SSR account it wouldn't matter but I would hate to hold open the slots for green and blue crew for the cadet missions. When you're done with the blues and only use purple/gold crew the free slots are quite important.

    And I really wouldn't want to do these cadet missions over and over again each day.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Are people not able to still do them manually?

    For sure, but when they're warpable and everyone else is freezing the blues and greens I'd end up at a disadvantage for factions in particular, it's kind of weird because I do see the tedious nature some people talk about with it here too... I'm just finding the game more mindless tapping these days than I ever did before eventhough it's always kind of been like that
  • I largely agree, but with some caveats. I do wish we had something to do with our 1-3* crew. The slot issue could be somewhat solved by having separate cadet (1-3*) and officer (4-5*) quarters.

    I also think you'd have to do something to address the fact that you'd figure out your small optimal team early and then just repeat. Perhaps if there was a few more cadet missions and it was somewhat random which missions would show up each week?

    Anyway, after 4 years of top-loading the game with 4 and 5 star crew, it's hard to see DB switching their focus to the cadets.
  • You know you can still do them manually, right?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Am I the only one excited by Events like next week with a new 2 🌟 and/or new 3 🌟?

    Usually quick and easy to get Immortalized, and count for those buckets of 750 Dilithium.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • I don't know necessarily about the cadet missions per se, but I definitely miss having a need for the greens and blues (and even that brief moment you get a new 1* and you wonder if they might be useful for something). I'd love to see the lower grades as anything other than a little bit of honor or a hit on a collection (and even then feeling guilty because you could've spent the resources on a 4* that could've helped elsewhere), but for the life of me I can't imagine what they could do about it.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't know necessarily about the cadet missions per se, but I definitely miss having a need for the greens and blues (and even that brief moment you get a new 1* and you wonder if they might be useful for something). I'd love to see the lower grades as anything other than a little bit of honor or a hit on a collection (and even then feeling guilty because you could've spent the resources on a 4* that could've helped elsewhere), but for the life of me I can't imagine what they could do about it.

    I know some fleets have figured out how to all get into the same Gauntlet. Maybe one day we should try to fill one with cadets. A lot of them have a lot of the more popular bonus traits so it could get interesting!
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    New 2 a,d 3* crew are important for new players. Especially 3*. That's why it's important DB keeps them cheap with 1-2 purple items at most. How do you think a new player plays faction and galaxy events? With greens and blues. I remember doing that so having all main cast there is a good idea. Because that helps.
  • [DC] Picard Loves Reds[DC] Picard Loves Reds ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Am I the only one excited by Events like next week with a new 2 🌟 and/or new 3 🌟?

    Usually quick and easy to get Immortalized, and count for those buckets of 750 Dilithium.

    You are not alone in this sentiment. I only dupe high powered 4 & 5* cards.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    I did like the mechanic of having to balance your powerful cards with intentionally weak cards to participate in the cadet missions. (I mentioned this back when the feature changed). Every once in a while, I miss it.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here's a way to implement new areas to get use out of 3 🌟 Crew and below:

    "Academy Barracks". Limited to 3 🌟 Crew and below. Set number of Slots, 25-30.

    "Training Gauntlet". Limited to 3 🌟 Crew and below. Awards might include new 4 🌟 Gauntlet Exclusive Crew, to give participants a "leg up".
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • ExanimusExanimus ✭✭✭✭
    DB should expand their abilities to areas beyond ship battles. Create1, 2* and 3* characters with abilities that influence cadet and away missions. Klingons that might add an extra trainer drop, Vulcans that influence federation drops. Augments that influance... Yada yada. Warpers could still warp if they wanted to. But people who want a reason to play the game the long way can keep characters around that give them a reason to have them and a reason to travel and run through the mission the long way.
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