Looks like it's gonna be the same offers every day.
Would’ve been nice if they reset the prices Starting at the $10 deal with a cite
Now I have a debate? Should I burn my last 400k? I'm thinking yes.....
I'm in the same boat. I have enough for 8 more. That is good for me. But I wonder what tomorrow brings?
I had about 200k left before today. Went for the 10k one and two 40k today so I'm at about 100k honor now. If the same deal is up tomorrow I'll assume it'll be the same every day and just spend the rest.
Yeah thats fair, but I guess it depends if you're a collector or not. Many of my 1/5s will continue to languish despite the relative abundance of cites now whilst I wait for that something special.
Makes me think that the Picard mega is going to be crazy!
Isn't this going to break the game? All these citations floating about. Discuss...
Not directly. What's going to break the game is players waiting for this event to spend honour from now on. And DB is going to get a lot of bored players because not seeing much progress for a year isn't very exciting.
But I'm sure there are a lot of very smart people working there so we should expect so see that again during the year.
If you're worried about people getting too many citations, don't. They added beholds to the discounted cites for that purpose precisely. It's not a generous gesture, it's to make sure you're getting new crew to keep you on the treadmill.
The honor for $£€¥ sale started yesterday with a 2-day timer. I suspect that the behold + citation for honor sale will end tomorrow and be replaced by something new. I have a few guesses.
1) Super Rare behold + SR citation in a similar format, but lower honor cost.
2) Premium pull (may or may not include citation) for honor.
3) Same sale as today, just a reset on the $£€¥ price point and fresh 2-day timer.
4) That's it. The end. All other offers will be $£€¥ offers only.
My guess is that #1 and #2 are around 45% likely. #3 is about 8% and #4 is around 2%.
Sadly, I don't have enough honor to keep doing the 40k deals. I think they are the best deals that we are likely to see, so I went all in.
Let me know if you have other ideas for deals that DB might try. Maybe they'll use them down the road.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Super-Rare option coming up, because I still didn't get three voyage-only cards, and I also have a few non-portal purrples sitting in the dungeon at 1/4 to 3/4 ... those would luv sum starz.
"Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
If no more gold crew were released into the game, I would need 83 cites to FF all the non-immortal crew I have, not counting any duplicates.
If they ran the same 40k + Cite x 10 a day deal for all 7 days, and I even bought whatever popups they have that include a gold cite, I still wouldn't have enough gold cites to complete my entire crew collection and share a full vault like Paladin did.
I don't think this will break the game as it doesn't solve the 'honor debt' of even the whaleiest of whales.
Today settled some things for me. Unless this deal comes up again, I'm not spending any honor until next Convergence Day. Campaign citations will have to get me through.
Today settled some things for me. Unless this deal comes up again, I'm not spending any honor until next Convergence Day. Campaign citations will have to get me through.
I doubt they will have this sale again. They may have other honor deals, but they will change the deal and the time. The last honor sale was around Christmas and a different deal.
I doubt they will have this sale again. They may have other honor deals, but they will change the deal and the time. The last honor sale was around Christmas and a different deal.
Yep. They do keep us guessing. I just know I'd rather guess on top of a bigger pile of honor next time. I don't actually expect this sale again.
I doubt they will have this sale again. They may have other honor deals, but they will change the deal and the time. The last honor sale was around Christmas and a different deal.
They may not have this exact same sale again, but it's more likely than not that they'll have a version of it. I agree with Prime Lorca of Izar here. After this sale ends, I'm not spending honor until the next one.
You are costing yourself so much help in voyages and events in the meantime if you wait a whole year to spend your honor.
Personally, I just it 10 hours on a MED/ENG voyage - before spending any of these citations. I think I'll be ok there. And this influx of beholds and citations will help me cite up likely event crew, along with campaign citations.
Now... I might not recommend this strategy to a newer player. They stand to make more gains - especially early in the year.
I had about 200k left before today. Went for the 10k one and two 40k today so I'm at about 100k honor now. If the same deal is up tomorrow I'll assume it'll be the same every day and just spend the rest.
Check out our website to find out more:
It's a drop in the ocean really compared to the 1/5* army's many of us have. But all good fun.
Makes me think that the Picard mega is going to be crazy!
Check out our website to find out more:
Not directly. What's going to break the game is players waiting for this event to spend honour from now on. And DB is going to get a lot of bored players because not seeing much progress for a year isn't very exciting.
But I'm sure there are a lot of very smart people working there so we should expect so see that again during the year.
If you're worried about people getting too many citations, don't. They added beholds to the discounted cites for that purpose precisely. It's not a generous gesture, it's to make sure you're getting new crew to keep you on the treadmill.
1) Super Rare behold + SR citation in a similar format, but lower honor cost.
2) Premium pull (may or may not include citation) for honor.
3) Same sale as today, just a reset on the $£€¥ price point and fresh 2-day timer.
4) That's it. The end. All other offers will be $£€¥ offers only.
My guess is that #1 and #2 are around 45% likely. #3 is about 8% and #4 is around 2%.
Sadly, I don't have enough honor to keep doing the 40k deals. I think they are the best deals that we are likely to see, so I went all in.
Let me know if you have other ideas for deals that DB might try. Maybe they'll use them down the road.
Three of my five begolds have been Picard. Statistical blip???
Yep. I've gotten 2 out of 20 in the last 26ish hours.
If they ran the same 40k + Cite x 10 a day deal for all 7 days, and I even bought whatever popups they have that include a gold cite, I still wouldn't have enough gold cites to complete my entire crew collection and share a full vault like Paladin did.
I don't think this will break the game as it doesn't solve the 'honor debt' of even the whaleiest of whales.
But it sure made a hell of a dent!
You have more patience than I.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
Yep. They do keep us guessing. I just know I'd rather guess on top of a bigger pile of honor next time. I don't actually expect this sale again.
They may not have this exact same sale again, but it's more likely than not that they'll have a version of it. I agree with Prime Lorca of Izar here. After this sale ends, I'm not spending honor until the next one.
Personally, I just it 10 hours on a MED/ENG voyage - before spending any of these citations. I think I'll be ok there.
Now... I might not recommend this strategy to a newer player. They stand to make more gains - especially early in the year.