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Please help me promote my crew

My hoarding of honour over the past year paid off and I now have 11 (!) gold citations. MED is my weakest skill, but McCoy will soon help with that. I don't really have any other doctors worthy of promotion (yet). I'm not good with numbers/stats, so I thought I'd ask my fellow captains for some advice.

I've seen praise for Captain Killy (who joined my crew last night) and Delta Flyer Paris (now at 2/5), but I don't know why they're supposed to be so good. Stranded Quark also wandered aboard yesterday and I gather he's the only character with the dip-eng-med skillset. But does that make him especially valuable?

I checked the skill ranking on the Wiki to see who the most powerful characters were FF/FE, but I'm not sure if they're the ones to promote or not. A few considerations:

Alternate Future Dax (1/5)
Away Team Saru (1/5)
Boothby Replicant (1/5)
Ilia Probe (3/5)
Pining Vina (3/5)
New Eden Pike (1/5)
Mambo Picard (2/5)
Dark Empath Troi (2/5)
High Roller Sisko (1/5)
Ba'al (1/5)

I have many more, but I don't think they have as much potential. I'd also rather not immortalise 4/5s, as there's always the possibility of winning that final copy. I dread the "three immortals" behold scenario.

Here are my top 9 in every skill:


Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
"There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."


  • edited January 2020
    Looking over the data, id recommend stranded Quark as that unique skill set is very helpful for voyages and also DF Paris, because he is one of the few good CMD and MED crew with ENG to boot and also if u play the arena competitively his +10 evasion with a 6 second initialize can be useful. Past that if u are reluctant for those 2, I'd recommend Boothby Replicant, as I've heard (I believe) more than one person say he makes it on almost every MED\SCI or SCI\DIP voyage. Then maybe either Armus' Cousin or Dark Empathy Troi for their MED tertiary, I'd put the Ba'ul first between the 2 as u seem to have SEC covered better than MED or ENG and again, MED and ENG seems to be the golden set.
    I personally would go for Saru with my crew as his traits show up often and my SEC\SCI needs some improvement, I however have other people as a priority for my cite list.
    Also another note worth mentioning is that Sisko has one of the highest SEC scores for voyages (I believe, don't quote me) and very nice set of traits plus he has lots of event potential
    Hope that helps you prioritize. I didn't include to what star level I think would be best as I don't generally have a 'fear' of an all ff\fe behold and just cite who I want and, as I'm sure people have seen in the past have gotten dupes from merit pulls so now I don't sweat it. This is meant to be just a general starting point as to what I think would be best.
  • Usually, threads like these are posted to the Ready Room section of the forum. I'll try to give you a few pointers anyway.

    For in-depth info about your crew, check out this thread. It sums up many great player-created resources that can help you compare your options: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/4834/assistance-for-players-spreadsheets-help-sites-lists#latest

    For your specific questions: Stranded Quark, Delta Flyer Paris and Ba'ul have very rare, if not unique skill sets. This is especially helpful for Voyages that graze two of their skills (Paris will help immensely during an otherwise difficult CMD/MED voyage).

    Out of your current crew, you probably should make Gary Seven a priority. By many measures, he is the second best crew overall in the game. The new McCoy might not do much for your voyages, since he is lacking other skills. An immortal Cornwell should help a lot.

    Generally, you should consider promoting "low hanging fruit", as the last star on any crew will make the most difference in their skill progression. Immortalizing Tenavik, Determined Janeway, Bridge Officer No. 1, Ru'afo and Surak would make a tremendous difference to your game, no matter what your priorities are. I understand that you don't want to face an all-immortal behold, but 1) that could happen to you anyway down the line, even if you waited for a behold with their last star and 2) you are not facing that problem immediately for legendaries that are not in the portal yet (Tenavik, Janeway).
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Given the amount of options that you have, I'd recommend joining the Timelines Discord channel to look up the rank that all of this cards have for voyages and shuttles and what else they might be useful for.
    I would also consider what is more important to you (shuttles, voyages, collections?) and which skills or skill combinations you want to boost. That being said, here's what I know about some of the crew that you have:

    Alterante Future Dax: very good SCI base for shuttles, but not a must have, if you have other good SCI crew
    Away Team Saru: I have him, I almost never use him for anything
    Boothby Replicant: Top voyager and good gauntlet crew (but you don't need cites for the gauntlet)
    Mambo Picard: He's a good voyage crew, but I still have him at 1/5* and only use him in the gauntlet, because of how common his skill combination is
    High Roller Sisko: I don't have him, since decent SEC/CMD crew is very common, but he has one of the best SEC bases in the game and he has a very decent voyage rank
    Ba'ul: Rare skill set, which is why he makes some of my voyages even though he's still at 1/5*

    Delta Flyer Paris: He's not a very strong voyager, but he's one of very few decent options for ENG/MED and CMD/MED. Which means that once's he's immortal he goes on all of those voyages and most likely on CMD/ENG voyages too.

    I see you also have Gary Seven. I don't, but he's currently the second best voyager in the game.
  • Thanks, guys! That is all immensely helpful. Sorry for posting in the wrong place. I just have the Bridge bookmarked, so it's easy to forget the other forums exist. LOL
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    1. You don't need to worry about all-immortal 5* beholds at all, for the time being, as you need to have around 50-75+ immortal 5*s for that to become a realistic possibility.

    2. Like @[TFA] CaptainObvious noted ... you've got some really good low-hanging 4/5 fruit ... think:
    - Tenavik, Surak, Determined Janeway, BO #1, Po and Cornwell.
    And some pretty decent ones:
    - Etana, Bell Riots Bashir, Mirror Crusher.
    These are absolutely solid crew to add stars to and you will use them on a constant basis getting the maximum out of them.

    3. Gary Seven over Saru any day. I'd make him priority #1 actually.

    4. The likes of Stranded Quark and DF Paris are quite good ... as is Ba'ul ... when considering voyages and their unique skill sets. Both Quark and Ba'ul also have good base stats for shuttles when not out on a voyage. Dark Empath Troi for an outside consideration, I can see her being useful in future events and for voyages, but I don't have her myself, so not 100% sure.

    5. I wouldn't spend citations on 2-skill crew at the moment ... I'd improve crew for voyages and events first ... and as noted, you have plenty of options there, more than citations. :)
    McCoy's usefulness is very limited ... MED shuttles ... of which there aren't many ... and events.
  • It is only logical to assume that, after stockpiling honour for a full year, that I would have the patience and discipline to wait a little and see what else shakes out this week...


    Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near as Vulcan as I'd like to be. LOL I went ahead and immortalised three "low-hanging fruits" (Bridge Officer No. One, Tenavik and Mirror Bev), and I plan to give three stars to Gary Seven when he returns from his voyage. But I'll hang on to the rest until the festivities are over. I'll get another citation in the next day or so from the Po campaign as well!
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    You say "low hanging fruit." I say insurance against disappointment. Had I cited Durango, I would have been forced to start another Killy.


    I also saved two other citations by picking them in beholds. The alternatives were crew that are pretty low on my citation list. It's obviously your call, but Patience is the torch I carry. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • You say "low hanging fruit." I say insurance against disappointment. Had I cited Durango, I would have been forced to start another Killy.


    I also saved two other citations by picking them in beholds. The alternatives were crew that are pretty low on my citation list. It's obviously your call, but Patience is the torch I carry. :)

    In my defense, I have lots of 4/5 in my roster that I could have cited long ago. Among them player favourites such as High Roller Sisko, Professor Sato and DF Paris. Part of the reasoning is to not encounter any dupes. But that reasoning should not be applied to powerhouses that are not in the portal yet. You get a lot of mileage out of Janeway before you may possibly end up with a behold like above. The added power more than makes up for it in the meantime.

    Oh and poor you, almost being forced into owning two Killys... ;)
  • Vaelerys TargaryenVaelerys Targaryen ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    You say "low hanging fruit." I say insurance against disappointment. Had I cited Durango, I would have been forced to start another Killy. It's obviously your call, but Patience is the torch I carry. :)

    You are wise, sir. Very wise. But I only have 13 immortal golds at the moment, so I must play the odds. ;)
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
  • But that reasoning should not be applied to powerhouses that are not in the portal yet. You get a lot of mileage out of Janeway before you may possibly end up with a behold like above. The added power more than makes up for it in the meantime.

    You are wise too! B) After playing this game for 4 years (I wasn't there at the VERY beginning, but not long after) I finally caved in and did some "Elusive Treasures" pulls, which is how I got those powerhouses.
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
  • Just out of curiosity and since we're all stockpiling citations here, do you generally spread your cites on several golds or would you use them all on one or two?
  • Just out of curiosity and since we're all stockpiling citations here, do you generally spread your cites on several golds or would you use them all on one or two?

    I try to only use citations if I can get a card to at least 4/5*. The difference between 1/5* and 2/5* is close to nothing and a 3/5* isn't very useful either, if you already have some (maybe more than 10 or 15) immortal legendaries.
    I think it makes sense to spread your cites if it means that you will be able to get 3 or 4 decent cards to 4/5* or 5/5* instead of just immortalizing one.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lots of good advice already - the only thing I feel the need to add is that you should feel entirely comfortable immortalizing Gary Seven. If he comes up in an all-immortal behold or in a campaign or any other way, a second copy wouldn’t be a bad thing to have.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Just out of curiosity and since we're all stockpiling citations here, do you generally spread your cites on several golds or would you use them all on one or two?

    I try to only use citations if I can get a card to at least 4/5*. The difference between 1/5* and 2/5* is close to nothing and a 3/5* isn't very useful either, if you already have some (maybe more than 10 or 15) immortal legendaries.
    I think it makes sense to spread your cites if it means that you will be able to get 3 or 4 decent cards to 4/5* or 5/5* instead of just immortalizing one.

    For reference, here is a handy chart from the Wiki:

    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • I also want to warn you to be careful about some logic we use for desireable cards being based on larger completed crews than you have. From the crew you've got, I doubt you're getting 10 hour voyages yet reliably for most skill combos (if any). Investing in DF paris in your scenario is likely only to bring your MED ENG voyage from let's say 9 hours average to 9 hours 15 minutes (just inventing these numbers). But MED ENG is an extremely difficult voyage to reach 10 hours currently even if you had all crew in the game available!

    You certainly need to have some med an eng crew, but you'll get more mileage on a larger variety of voyage skill combos by investing in higher ranked voyage crew who don't have both med and eng together, but contribute more to other voyage skills. I completely agree with those who recommended the low-hanging fruit for this reason, as well as Gary Seven because these are attainable 10 hour voyage goals with help of mega recurring legends.

    There are not many crew who are both in a lot of events AND have good voyage score, and tuxedo sisko is one of those. He's got a common skill set, but that means you're pretty well set up to be near 10 hours in that skill combo with his help. You also have no DIP primary done yet (that's pretty common), and Quinn is a good consideration there for getting you closer to 10 hours DIP/SEC voyages.
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    My advice? Don't ever worry about immortalizing 4/5's. The "oh, I might get another copy of them from a Behold" thing is just short-sighted logic, imo. You will get so much more from your roster if you take care of that. I never wait to add a fifth star, and it's never, ever been a regret.

    So, I would put final stars on the following before you do anybody else — because these crew are all top-notch, and will boost your Voyages and shuttles to no end: Garth, Etana Jol, Ru'afo, Bell Riots Bashir, and Prisoner Katrina Cornwell. They are all heavy-hitters for me, and I've got a really solid crew roster.

    counterpoint: i've gotten 5th stars out of beholds for Darth Bashir, Borg Queen, Cornwell, and Etana while spending honor elsewhere :)

    to the original poster: congrats on having such a fun problem to have! i've been tracking the voyage times for all of the various skill combos over the past month or so and it has been very helpful to see where weak spots are. once you get in the habit, it's not hard to do and can give you extremely valuable info on how to shape your roster...and when to go hard in an event for someone like the rabbit or imprinted archer who may fill a hole you didn't know you have!
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    My advice? Don't ever worry about immortalizing 4/5's. The "oh, I might get another copy of them from a Behold" thing is just short-sighted logic, imo. You will get so much more from your roster if you take care of that. I never wait to add a fifth star, and it's never, ever been a regret.

    counterpoint: i've gotten 5th stars out of beholds for Darth Bashir, Borg Queen, Cornwell, and Etana while spending honor elsewhere :)

    Well, sure, I never said it's not something that one could do. But I still hold that waiting around for a lucky Behold to get that final star for a powerful crew member when you have the option of immortalizing them doesn't make sense. Besides all the other ways they can better one's roster (higher ranking in events being one major plus), a handful of really good crew can ensure longer Voyages — which means more resources, chrons, crew, etc., in the long run. And of course those extra crew drops often translate into Honor, as well.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wait till feb mega. Megan’s have great crew.
    Let’s fly!
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    counterpoint: i've gotten 5th stars out of beholds for Darth Bashir, Borg Queen, Cornwell, and Etana while spending honor elsewhere :)

    Countercounterpoint (next to what Data replied). If it is a really strong crew a second copy of it is often many many times better than a average "new" card. So personally I would not mind 6th or more stars of the "right" crew.

    But you told us of this principle of yours many times over and again so I know you will not change your mindset. Which is fine, this game can be enjoyed in many different ways...

  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    My advice? Don't ever worry about immortalizing 4/5's. The "oh, I might get another copy of them from a Behold" thing is just short-sighted logic, imo. You will get so much more from your roster if you take care of that. I never wait to add a fifth star, and it's never, ever been a regret.

    So, I would put final stars on the following before you do anybody else — because these crew are all top-notch, and will boost your Voyages and shuttles to no end: Garth, Etana Jol, Ru'afo, Bell Riots Bashir, and Prisoner Katrina Cornwell. They are all heavy-hitters for me, and I've got a really solid crew roster.

    counterpoint: i've gotten 5th stars out of beholds for Darth Bashir, Borg Queen, Cornwell, and Etana while spending honor elsewhere :)

    to the original poster: congrats on having such a fun problem to have! i've been tracking the voyage times for all of the various skill combos over the past month or so and it has been very helpful to see where weak spots are. once you get in the habit, it's not hard to do and can give you extremely valuable info on how to shape your roster...and when to go hard in an event for someone like the rabbit or imprinted archer who may fill a hole you didn't know you have!

    I'm largely in agreement with @Data1001 here, favoring one in the hand over two in the bush. There can be special circumstances, though, that will lead me to delay and go for a "natural" fifth:
    • Their original event next is in line for its format to be Replayed.
    • Close (< 1 week) to the announcement of the next Campaign and/or mega-event.
    • Close (<1 month) to a period where some kind of special sales might be expected (Convergence Day, Christmas, etc.).

    For instance, I've got a 4/5 Durango Troi. "Gods and Masters" is the next Galaxy event in line to be Replayed, which could be either of the next two weeks. If it's not, but in that time the next mega-event announcement says Empaths get a bonus, then I won't wait and be content that whenever it is Replayed will be one week I don't have to slog through another 50k VP in a Galaxy.
  • Vaelerys TargaryenVaelerys Targaryen ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    This is all extremely helpful - thank you all!
    I also want to warn you to be careful about some logic we use for desireable cards being based on larger completed crews than you have. From the crew you've got, I doubt you're getting 10 hour voyages yet reliably for most skill combos (if any).

    Very, very good point and good advice, Commander. I doubt I'll be in this position again. Well, maybe I will, but likely not until this time next year - IF I stockpile honour again and IF DB have another sale like this. Neither is guaranteed. I'm not a whale (and speaking of - when will George & Gracie be added to the game???) so I have to pick and choose my moments to splash out on LTOs and packs. Like now. I'm about to cave in to the 2nd tier "For Prestige" offer so I can do my final Legendary Rewards pull. That will give me two more cites and another begold.



    I went with Rura Penthe Kirk! :)
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
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