Looking for a little input and maybe some technical help on this.
This is my 'home-spun' spreadsheet I use to help keep track of what I have going on in the game. It's nothing fancy and basically has no formulas even. Pretty much a manual input thing. But it seems to work for me so far.
1. If anybody wants to use it they can ... just create your own copy, strip it, and input your own data. (I am assuming I have given the proper permissions to allow one to do so)
2. Tell me of any improvements I could make! I love input! (But bear in mind I'm not an 'end game' FF/FE 5* player ... yet)
3. Maybe there is a spreadsheet wizard out there in the forum who is bored and would be willing to help me make the "SHIPS" tab sortable. (I have no clue on how to do that sort of stuff. I'm ignorant. ;-) ) I would really appreciate help on that.
So ... there it is.
This is my 'home-spun' spreadsheet I use to help keep track of what I have going on in the game. It's nothing fancy and basically has no formulas even. Pretty much a manual input thing. But it seems to work for me so far.
1. If anybody wants to use it they can ... just create your own copy, strip it, and input your own data. (I am assuming I have given the proper permissions to allow one to do so)
2. Tell me of any improvements I could make! I love input! (But bear in mind I'm not an 'end game' FF/FE 5* player ... yet)
3. Maybe there is a spreadsheet wizard out there in the forum who is bored and would be willing to help me make the "SHIPS" tab sortable. (I have no clue on how to do that sort of stuff. I'm ignorant. ;-) ) I would really appreciate help on that.
So ... there it is.
Remember: it's just a game, not a matter of life and death!
My Captain Idol's
My DataCore page
My Spreadsheet
(EDIT: never mind ... I fixed it ... hopefully)
My Captain Idol's
My DataCore page
My Spreadsheet
stt level 100 spreadsheet, or do not airlock checklist from above, or below:
Yes, I am well aware of the above cited "pre-built" spreadsheets. I guess that "pre-built" is the hang up there. Why should I care what every available crew does @ lvl 100? (a rhetorical question of course) And then there is the aspect of hoping that the original author does timely updates to their sheets ...
I use 'captain Idol's' sheet on a daily basis. I love it, update it every morning, and it is open on my desktop most of the time. But it only goes just so far ... and to do the cumbersome update on the sheet many, many times a day is often not the best use of my time.
I also have used the DNA. Even though a lot of work has gone into it ... I find it 'top heavy', difficult to use, and not relevant in any way to my current daily play. And when I finish inputting everything it just tells me I "need" every crew anyways. LOL Designed more for those that are 'end-game' players that need a 'crystal ball'* to decide their moves. Not to forget also it appears to be dead-in-the-water, for now, with Leshy's decision to move on. ( @Leshy: carry on with your new life! )
I use the Datacore page frequently to 'crystal ball'* the crew I want to use on my daily Voyages.
So, yes, I am aware of the resources available.
But being a relatively new player I don't find those 'lvl100' resources all that useful. Maybe after a couple of years of play they will become more relevant?
I hope I have answered your question.
*Crystal Ball: something that divines the future so one doesn't have to make decisions
Now back to the original objective ...
My Captain Idol's
My DataCore page
My Spreadsheet
I'd suggest some consideration of lvl100 crew to help guide your game decision making though, as even if you're not there yet I assure you it won't be long before you're out of crew slots and need to start deciding if you want to airlock some people or stop making crew pulls altogether. Without some perspective on which crew are effective at lvl 100 (even 2* cadet crew), you may spend some wasted resources on some crew who will have little long-term benefit.
You are welcome but I would advise most people to probably update it once every two weeks or something significant happens to your roster.
As to going only so far, is there anything you would like added, let me know on the sheets thread and I'll see what I can do in a future update.
For my spreadsheet, I’ve got a series of calculators for identifying good crew variants to use for events (Faction and Galaxy) and one to help me identify weaknesses for voyage crew. Knowing who to thaw out, both in case of unhelpful names as well as just comparing raw stats, is going to be a huge help as your crew continues to grow.
We already discussed a 'ships' tab in your sheet and I understand why you can't do it.
@Dirk Gunderson
It must be nice to be able do that spreadsheet stuff like you do. Now, me, I guess I will just have to kidnap an 11 year-old and keep his cell phone locked up until he caves and agrees to make my 'ships' tab sortable ...
... The problem is that I don't know any 11 year-olds! LOL
I'm starting to feel like Riker when he said "... And then when I start to show a glimmer of independent thought ..." ROFLMAO!
My Captain Idol's
My DataCore page
My Spreadsheet
I’ve spent countless hours on Excel spreadsheets between college and various jobs...with a little help from the Internet on how to apply a few functions, it wasn’t actually all that bad to put it all together. Pro tip: conditional formatting is your friend.
@[10F] Captain Idol
since you've done such a good job ranking skill combos for voyages etc, It seems like a potential natural extension to rank someone's crew for an event (including non-variants). I've found it quite helpful when people post crew rankings on the forum for top 20 SR variants for thawing, etc.
I'm curious why the ship worksheet seems so important to OP. I had a look and it's showing each ship's stats, but personally I never felt much benefit from that much ship analysis. Any maxed ship (or highest level ship) will overpower most other ships, in his case the ISS Enterprise would be the clear winner. The crew has a bigger impact in which ones you select, and match their skills/timing with the ship triggers.
We have done an event calculation sheet for the BB but that is a very fluid list whereas the Datacore sheet is set upon what the player has. I try not to add too many external data points as this can get outdated very quickly. Events traits/variants changing as they do might give the player a false impression upon the worth of their crew or vice versa.
Plus adding a calculation for working out event counts and bonuses would slow the sheet down immensely and I don't think that's worth it for one extra data point.
Your 1-3* crew will be mostly obsolete within a fairly short time (a couple of months) and you won't use them anywhere except maybe the odd event.
Your 4-5* crew will be continually used for a loooong time, so it is the stats for those crew that matter and need to be easily visible.
2) Where are proficiencies?
Even 2* crew benefit from proficiencies (e.g. Nurse Paris MED) and will be of help on voyages in the gauntlet etc.
This will greatly benefit you for 4-5* crew when calculating voyage scores.
3) Make calculations automatic;
Ideally, you want to input data in one place and that data then cascades onto your other tabs/fields ... so if you get an additional star for a 5* their base stats will change, you can put those into your spreadsheet and then on the voyage tab their ranking against your other crew might change automatically.
This also means you can easily apply starbase/collection bonuses, while at the same time having raw stats too (should you ever change fleet and starbase bonuses change).
4) Tab 1 lvl 40 data ... uh, arbitrary;
Why not use lvl 100 stats there? ... that's what you should be building up for and that's how you can best compare crew ... go to the wiki and you'll really notice how stat increases are not linear ... sometimes 4 items within a level bracket will only focus on proficiency and ship attributes and the next level bracket will have items for both base and proficiencies etc.
Then you can use conditional formatting (hey) to highlight, for example, your POTENTIAL top 5 ENG crew and work on those if you want to strengthen your ENG.
I can kinda go on, but the above seems like quite a lot of work already ...