Pricing Error. One too many Zeros.
Either one too many Zeros or meant to be honor instead of dilithium.
Nope not superare they are only 1500 dil. So does look like error.
I'd be nice to know what the drop table is for these @Shan. If they were ET pulls, I could see the dil prices being what they would go with, but if it's regular portal, it's pretty overpriced.
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
Is the assumption that these pulls only include crew currently in the portal correct?
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Could it be they just added one too many zeroes?
Just realized I am just repeating OP.
We buy portal x10 pack for 650 dil. no guarantee of a behold, but, if we buy 5400 dils. worth?
Has to be one too many zeroes.
Oh. So the ridiculously inflated Dilithiums price is to discourage people from doing them without the deal?
Not criticizing. Understand it perfectly. And why it was done that way, now.
this kind of makes sense. but they need to be engineered a bit better to where you can actually hide the offers so it doesn't show them until you buy the offer, reducing the ridicule from the playerbase. it looks bad, from a PR standpoint
Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
EDIT: Or when u claim ur free pulls, and there is some kind of lag or hick up, bang another behold for just 15k.
We know it is not ideal, hopefully we will have a better solution for something like this in the future
Hope nobody buys by accident.
Maybe they both should have been priced at 100000 dil.
Do not think many people would have bought that by accident .
Why not just sell them for the same amount but honor points?
That‘s really a great idea. Just price it 999,999 dilithium and no one can buy it by accident.
Not a huge issue for myself. But for what it's worth, I'd buy it for honour.
Or, at least make it the exact same honor as what is in the honor hall for beholds.
Better than what they've done here, but it wouldnt be much of an offer at 'list' price.
Ya, I was thinking a 10% discount in honor, would probably be the way to go.
The "Offer" is buy the Packs, then use them. They could have made them the exact same Honour price as the Honour hall ones. No confusion, no fuss, no thread we are currently in........
So it does not contain limited-time crew.
yea so setting them to be the same cost as the honor hall would make more sense here. change the currency over to honor, at the 45k honor mark
Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
The "Offer" is buy the Packs, then use them. They could have made them the exact same Honour price as the Honour hall ones. No confusion, no fuss, no thread we are currently in........
Shan, perhaps that is the best option if a similar Offer ever occurs. Just price the SuperRare/LEgendary Beholds in the Portal with the same Honour price as in the Honour Hall.......
Something like that would have been ideal. Not too big a discount to lesson the main, directly purchasable, offers but still be attractive to some players.
You must be new here. There are sales every week that are only for $. The Christmas sales were all for $. The honor sales for Convergence day was the rare exception that didn't involve $.
Sorry, but you totally missed the point here.