No discounted packs this week?
in The Bridge
Anyone else notice there are no 490 packs? Those are my favorite part of megas. Doesn't feel right not having one. Next week, perhaps?
The recap packs, yes. The ones the OP means hold crew that could be of help during the mega...
I thought they were. My mistake. Thanks!
that's not true. the last mega had the enterprise e picard and ev suit burnham packs in week 1, followed by mountain spock and fo burnham in week 2, kohlinar spock and garret in week 3, and lt cmdr dax and degra packs in week 4.
you may be thinking of RACAP packs which are 390 dil.
i offer two simpler explanations.
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There's a pool of 7x 4* Cyberneticists and 19x 5*. That's subtracting four 4*'s to be used in the Featured Crews each week; 1701 Bashir (recent event) and Age of Sail Data (recent campaign 5*); and Captain Beverly Picard and Locutus of Borg for obvious reasons. Since the week 1 existing 4* was Lt. Commander Airiam, that brings it up to 8x 4*'s. Populating the packs shouldn't have been a problem.
The virus is plausible, though so far everything has been produced as normal. They even put together the "something different" packs last week. Maybe TP is simply abandoning the 490 packs?