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Should we be able to warp cadet missions?



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    Neems wrote: »
    I think there's another reason ... "Do I really want to waste my time on 6 tickets when I could buy chrons for more money and get them instantly?"

    This sounds intelligent, and I can't disagree with it. Well thought that captain!

    I voted Other, to perhaps include the option of warping after a set period, for instance if you have completed all the cadet missions every day for x amount of time, you can begin to warp 1, then 2, then 3, a kind of threshold system so it's not an instant hit of chrons/boosts/whatever reward for every player, but a shortcut is available to those captains who might well now be sick of them.
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

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    Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Yes warp
    I think DB will change their stance on this in the future. STT is their cash cow. GoT is dwindling and WD: RtW isn't a hit. If they kill STT by driving away players the company will not be able to survive on the other two properties. Because of that I think they will start being more generous and more player friendly.
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    Yes warp
    Neems wrote: »
    I think there's another reason they don't make them warpable beyond having to keep the crew - If you can warp them, is buying 6 tickets on a Chron day any different than just buying Chrons, or boosts on boost day, credits on a credit day? At that point they probably would feel like they were shooting themselves in the foot, giving players alternate, cheaper ways to buy the things they hope you'll already buy other ways. The lack of warp and the delay timer add an element of work they hope will keep the decision alive in some player's mind - "Do I really want to waste my time on 6 tickets when I could buy chrons for more money and get them instantly?"

    That is an interesting point and you may be onto something there, although I think that DB sometimes purposefully allows back door methods of getting better value and chalks it up to strategy. Also with the timer still in place you would not complete them that much faster with warp than without. However, I get what you’re saying that they want you to pay with every repetitive tedious cadet mission selection, and I think you are right about that.
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    No remain as is
    Warp one it? Yes, but you HAVE to have crew active in your roster guaranteed to pass it. Otherwise, no. I would say the same condition should apply to all other missions in order to warp as well.
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    [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes warp
    Neems wrote: »
    I think there's another reason they don't make them warpable beyond having to keep the crew - If you can warp them, is buying 6 tickets on a Chron day any different than just buying Chrons, or boosts on boost day, credits on a credit day? At that point they probably would feel like they were shooting themselves in the foot, giving players alternate, cheaper ways to buy the things they hope you'll already buy other ways. The lack of warp and the delay timer add an element of work they hope will keep the decision alive in some player's mind - "Do I really want to waste my time on 6 tickets when I could buy chrons for more money and get them instantly?"

    I'd still pay 150d for 6x20 chrons and the chance of getting holoprograms than buy 50 chrons solo for 150 dil
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    Yes warp
    I'm glad to see someone else talking about this. I'm not super active on forums, but I find myself wishing every single day that I could warp through the cadet missions. I don't have an issue with crew slots, so I wouldn't even mind needing to have the crew available in order to warp it, or whatever other option DB decides is fair. I just don't like having to go through those same fights over and over again, every day. I want the points for my fleet, and the rewards, but it just feels like a grinding waste of time playing the same 2* missions over and over after I've already passed them once.
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    Yes warp
    Kaitee wrote: »
    I think yes - and I feel like the cadet challenges would still serve their purpose of giving cadets a role in the game, beyond just being the losers you start off with and replace as quickly as you can. Levelling cadets to where they can three-star the Epic challenges, and would unlock warp, isn't an overnight process, especially for a newer player, it takes time and effort, and currently the reward for that is "Good, now come back and do it again tomorrow." To my mind, anyone who could warp the Epic challenges (were it allowed) has paid their dues with cadets, given them the attention they deserve, and shouldn't be penalised for wanting to move on to more powerful crew.

    I mean, right now I've got the minimum - Sito/Seska/Melora and Mara/Torres/Ezri. They've been the only 2*/3* immortals I have active for a good long while now, and I don't see that changing in the future. The non-warp mechanic doesn't make greens and blues any more "useful" than if the game just let me warp challenges in exchange for locking off six crew slots - you might as well say Bartender Quark should be "useful", so how about you can only use the Dabo wheel if you have him active (DB, don't read that). My cadet crew have served their time, and done me proud - it was a big deal getting them FF/FE, and when I did they powerhoused me through early missions. But I'm level 49 now - having to spend 20 minutes every day pretending I'm still level 10 or whatever doesn't add any enjoyment to my game, nor change the way I manage my crew and prioritise who I work on, save for ignoring those six slots for all time.

    100% this.
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    Yes warp
    Neems wrote: »
    I think there's another reason they don't make them warpable beyond having to keep the crew - If you can warp them, is buying 6 tickets on a Chron day any different than just buying Chrons, or boosts on boost day, credits on a credit day? At that point they probably would feel like they were shooting themselves in the foot, giving players alternate, cheaper ways to buy the things they hope you'll already buy other ways. The lack of warp and the delay timer add an element of work they hope will keep the decision alive in some player's mind - "Do I really want to waste my time on 6 tickets when I could buy chrons for more money and get them instantly?"

    Valid point but there is still a timer before you can click again and the price raises after the first two buys.

    Also, it's a log term reward. By the time you have all cadets and 3* cards needed immortal AND have 3 stars on all cadet missions (requires more than a few cadets), warping is a nice long term achievable award.

    I'd even be ok with the stipulation that all cadet challenges must have all stars completed on all nodes (normal to epic for all 7 days).

    Certainly this is a nice reward and it's a QOL issue not clicking over and over reading same text again and again.

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    Being able to warp cadet missions would also help me not accidentally miss out on a 2* sec code and 25 chrons when my finger accidentally slips making Crusher try to complete the final Cmd node instead of Med on Bravery in Action. I was so mad at myself today.
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    Yes warp
    Yeah I hate it when that happens, especially when you have already gotten an item to drop that you really need.
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    Yes warp
    Well it looks like there’s a majority consensus here so anytime they’re ready to implement this would be great 😉
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    Yes warp
    While we are at it let me warp my arena tickets as well.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
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    Yes warp
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    Yes warp
    Test failure
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
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    Yes warp
    OK, I had just come back and revisit this. It’s just silly not to allow us to warp cadet missions after we’ve earned three stars on them. It’s ridiculously tedious playing the same missions with the same crew over and over and over. Plus we could really use those crew slots. I think the poll says it all.
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    Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    I think DB will change their stance on this in the future. STT is their cash cow. GoT is dwindling and WD: RtW isn't a hit. If they kill STT by driving away players the company will not be able to survive on the other two properties. Because of that I think they will start being more generous and more player friendly.

    Whelp, a month later, extended grindy events are being double down on, and they are spacing out thresholds to make it even harder to get the same rewards for competing. Exactly the opposite of what every other game out there does (maybe they should learn from supercell?). Do you still believe they're going to be more generous and player friendly?
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    RNGeverythingRNGeverything ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Yes warp
    Nerfball6 wrote: »
    OK, I had just come back and revisit this. It’s just silly not to allow us to warp cadet missions after we’ve earned three stars on them. It’s ridiculously tedious playing the same missions with the same crew over and over and over. Plus we could really use those crew slots. I think the poll says it all.

    Let's not get side tracked on what we really want on this. The crew slots would be a very very very small added bonus of warping cadet missions. After a week you will re-fill those with 4 star crew that you can't for the life of you get fully fused. Meaning for one week you will say, gosh I have spare crew slots. This will not solve your crew slot problem. Hell it won't even ease your suffering. At the end of the day, we all want 500 crew slots. period.

    I want to be able to warp these because I'm sick and tired of doing the same song and dance every day.
    Give me a warp one/warp six, and be done with it! And remove the damn countdown timers between missions.

    Quit making me tap through missions that I have beat over 2,000 times in the last year!!!!
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
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    DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    No remain as is
    My initial thought was that the process is slow, but it makes you come back and the 2* characters are still useful to me. For now.

    After reading through all these responses, I have changed my mind. Warp seems good, but I would make it ONLY after gaining ALL stars on all levels and/or a certain high captain level.
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    Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've moved from maybe there's something not bad about doing the missions and pretending to provide value to 2*s, to there's no reason not to warp them, end the click torture.
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    edited December 2017
    No remain as is
    I would rather see them remain as they are. While I would gladly freeze my blues and greens to free up 12 or so crew slots, I also believe that the whole idea (at least in my opinion) is to have a complete chain of command, from cadets to legendary crew members, very much like any other "enterprise" - each company, crew, whatnot has everything from trainees to seasoned veterans, so I thought this was the idea behind the whole cadet missions.

    I also freely admit that my belief is completely debunked by DB's unwillingness to provide additional 1, 2 and 3 star crew, even though they are looking at a plethora of options to do so. I thought that we would get all kinds of crew to nurture and develop, but sadly, the super rares and legendaries rule now, because that's where the money is. I don't have a problem with the system, but at least throw us a 1, 2, or 3 star crew members on a regular basis (and by that, I don't mean twice a year, which is also "regular"). Nobody will complain about it, I can guarantee that. I would consent to warping if things stay as they are, ergo, DB sticking to Super Rares and Legendaries, though. This means that they don't care about the lower ranks at all, so they might as well save US the trouble.
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    Yes warp
    Darxide wrote: »
    The reason you can't is so that you can't vault all of your cadets and still warp the missions. That's precisely the reason why. The fact that you seem aware of this, and yet still don't grasp it is troubling.

    Ok, lets be able to warp only the missions we have the crew for it!
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    eXo | Cadet MatteXo | Cadet Matt ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    No remain as is
    Yeah, still no.

    Setting aside the idea of crew management as a strategy this game has had since inception, warping cadet missions without the prerequisite crew active makes no sense to me. All the game asks is that you use the necessary crew to complete the missions and tap a few more times a day and it will reward you with free stuff.

    Saying that you don't need the prerequisite crew active AND that you can't be bothered to tap a few more times is basically saying "give me free stuff every day for eternity because I did something most people accomplished months (if not over a year) ago."

    Frankly, it's an old request and if DB agreed they would have implemented it by now. The fact that they haven't means it isn't coming.
    Proud member of eXodus
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    Yes warp
    Make it an achievement reward for freezing (all? most?) of the 1 and 2 star characters.
    Captain Bubble Bobble
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    No remain as is
    ChaoticDNA wrote: »
    Make it an achievement reward for freezing (all? most?) of the 1 and 2 star characters.

    This suggestion seems far more reasonable. I still don't know that I would get behind it, but it's certainly a more reasonable compromise.
    Proud member of eXodus
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    Yes warp
    I think the more likely compromise is allow warp with a longer cool down timer. Every freemium game I've played has timers for your extra freebies. 3 minutes is extremely short for a 'collect' button.
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    Yes warp
    Yeah, still no.

    Setting aside the idea of crew management as a strategy this game has had since inception, warping cadet missions without the prerequisite crew active makes no sense to me. All the game asks is that you use the necessary crew to complete the missions and tap a few more times a day and we'll give you all this free stuff.

    Saying that you don't need the prerequisite crew active AND that you can't be bothered to tap a few more times is basically saying "give me free stuff every day for eternity because I did something most people accomplished months (if not over a year) ago."

    Frankly, it's an old request and if DB agreed they would have implemented it by now. The fact that they haven't means it isn't coming.
    I'm not sure I understand your reasoning. We get 6 free cadet tickets every day, so we have to "pay" for them by keeping low level crew active? And we don't have to keep the crew active to warp regular missions, I suppose, because we're paying for those with chroniton's?

    We get free chroniton's every day, too. Since we use free chroniton's to pay for regular missions, then I suppose in your eyes we should not be able to warp regular missions unless we still had the crew unfrozen and active?
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    Yes warp
    I think I've had my fun obsessively optimizing and rotating Jadziazlar/Naomi/Sito / Ezri/Lwaxana/Saavik for now; time to move on to warping and improving my crew slot situation a tad.
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    I only recently finished all cadet missions so this is a new problem for me. After thinking about it for 2 seconds, the choice we have now is;
    1) keep min 2 star/3 star crew to complete missions and get the daily reward, or
    2) ignore cadet missions once they are complete and give up the 200 Honor every day

    Enabling us to Warp these missions will save us from having to have the cadet crew hanging around (no biggie) AND click click clicking missions we have already done a gazillion times.

    It is also a shortcut to those daily 200 Honor points. As such it could be seen as a reward for completing all Cadet Challenges.

    I was going to vote NO but I will vote YES with the proviso that you have to have CRIT ALL nodes in the Cadet Missions. There is currently no reward for doing this.
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