crew equipment that seem odd or strange

in The Bridge
I thought this would be interesting to see what oddities for equipment for characters to level up. Say one for sure for Desperate Riker is the Borg cube schematics. I just ran across this one for Armus:

What are yours?

What are yours?
And why every Odo needs 247 of them. Overkill much, Killy McKillerson?
The Warship Janeway needs a phaser that is made from among other things, sleeveless undershirts. And, the backwater aliens who couldn't even get the story right, seem to know about Agonizers. Which aren't even from the Prime Universe...........
Armus captured Riker(and while he did, Riker was part of him),
so how is this equip wrong?
"The eyes...are the groin...of the face." ~ Dwight K. Schrute III
What a gruesome recipe that would be to actually see in this format!
Jack Crusher's "how to advance your career through marriage" book.
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I don't see anything odd with that.
All Crew have all six Skills. Ones that are "Hidden" are calculated fractional amounts of the listed Skills. So, would it boost the Skill she doesn't show? Interesting question........
This. I would give that +87 Sins, if we play "Everything Wrong With STT".......
That is such a great YouTube channel. I only like the ones with one particular guys voice on them but those are GOLDEN! My wife made me watch every Twilight movie so I made her watch every Everything Wrong With Twilight video
cinemasins? very good place. Watch the TMP one, skip the TWOK TSFS. watch Trek 09, Intodarkness and Beyond,
Yes! Cinema Sins. That’s it!
That and his "You can almost see the phone in {Actor's Name's} hand", when someone is doing a bad job of acting line.....