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$25 LTO offer dilithium shortage?



  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    VictoLu wrote: »
    Really disappointing offers lately, I was hoping to be able to get some cheap dilithium to spend on recap packs but this is definitely not worth it.

    I agree. I was looking for a good one this past weekend for the skirmish but Sunday’s was very weak too. I ended up straight buying it from the dilithium store and I HATE doing that! Also is it just me or are the offers getting fewer? I got the crew one last Tuesday but not another one again until Sunday. That’s quite a while

  • Bylo Band wrote: »
    I don't think that pointing out other games and saying “it could be worse” is a good idea. We aren’t talking about other games.

    Clearly, the latest “offers” in Star Trek Timelines have been trending worse. Let’s stay focussed on that, please.

    So something more like the old offers that were MUCH worse than the one today? For example...


    Thats the no fraking thank you offer thats the actual inulting one i forgot about that one
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had thought at first they just left off a '0' from the dilithium. When it didn't change...well, no way!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think its hilarious how everyone here is so eager to say “it could be worse”.

    You are all forgetting that WE are the customers and the developers should be working to give us what WE want.

    You weaken our position and invite predatory, expensive and worthless “offers” be defending the latest trends by saying “it could be worse”.

    Why don’t you just ask them to make it worse outright? Are you all seriously so naive to think that our opinions/actions/behaviors won’t influence what is available to us? These are virtual items! They are as close to being imaginary as can be, and people on this forum are saying “I don’t mind paying more for less imaginary items”

    Its hilarious and disturbing at the same time as I read some of the thoughts on this thread.
  • I just want to thank everyone for the response and even the views hopefully it helps bring a need for change to their attention
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I think its hilarious how everyone here is so eager to say “it could be worse”.

    You are all forgetting that WE are the customers and the developers should be working to give us what WE want.

    You weaken our position and invite predatory, expensive and worthless “offers” be defending the latest trends by saying “it could be worse”.

    Why don’t you just ask them to make it worse outright? Are you all seriously so naive to think that our opinions/actions/behaviors won’t influence what is available to us? These are virtual items! They are as close to being imaginary as can be, and people on this forum are saying “I don’t mind paying more for less imaginary items”

    Its hilarious and disturbing at the same time as I read some of the thoughts on this thread.

    And I think it’s absurd that someone would come on a forum filled with people who pay money for these things and bash people who pay money for these things. I find hunting appalling. I could not look at Bambi’s mother and say I want to shoot that but I also don’t go on hunters forums and pester them about it. Your point has been made in your threads. We get it. No soup for you but we like our soup even if you don’t

    Bambi's mom is safe most states only let you drop bucks
  • For new players some of these offers might be worth it. I got to the point in this game where I dont need Dilithium or chronitions so those offers are not offers I go for. Most of those offers have this included which put the price up. All I want are offers with Legendary crew in it
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I think its hilarious how everyone here is so eager to say “it could be worse”.

    You are all forgetting that WE are the customers and the developers should be working to give us what WE want.

    You weaken our position and invite predatory, expensive and worthless “offers” be defending the latest trends by saying “it could be worse”.

    Why don’t you just ask them to make it worse outright? Are you all seriously so naive to think that our opinions/actions/behaviors won’t influence what is available to us? These are virtual items! They are as close to being imaginary as can be, and people on this forum are saying “I don’t mind paying more for less imaginary items”

    Its hilarious and disturbing at the same time as I read some of the thoughts on this thread.

    And I think it’s absurd that someone would come on a forum filled with people who pay money for these things and bash people who pay money for these things. I find hunting appalling. I could not look at Bambi’s mother and say I want to shoot that but I also don’t go on hunters forums and pester them about it. Your point has been made in your threads. We get it. No soup for you but we like our soup even if you don’t

    Your argument fails from a logical standpoint. You see, i play this game and I spend money on offers.

    You claim that me expressing my belief that the recent deal trends have sucked is the same as you going on a hunting forum and bashing people for doing something you are fundamentally against.

    I could spend more time explaining to you how illogical and ridiculous that argument is, but I have found that when people such as yourself, Banjo, express such gaps in logic it’s kind of like screaming into the wind to try and make things clearer for them.

    To loosely quote one of your other responses, its not worth my time.
  • This deal **tsk tsk** too 7anefcg3een2.jpg
  • Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s about $20 worth of dil and $10-$15 of premium packs. It’s not a terrible offer but there have been better.
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s about $20 worth of dil and $10-$15 of premium packs. It’s not a terrible offer but there have been better.

    $20 of dil? On what planet? $9 of dil MAX.

    And $10-$15 of 10x packs? MAYBE $10 worth (only newish players should value a 10x pack at $1 ea)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    It’s about $20 worth of dil and $10-$15 of premium packs. It’s not a terrible offer but there have been better.

    $20 of dil? On what planet? $9 of dil MAX.

    And $10-$15 of 10x packs? MAYBE $10 worth (only newish players should value a 10x pack at $1 ea)

    The straight purchase of that amount of dilithium is $19.99, which is commonly typed as $20. $10 of packs likely refers to the $10 for 10 packs deal, which might be the most popular $10 LTO*. I think it's a legitimate evaluation.

    But based on the economic concept of opportunity cost, when valued next to the 15/3k/3k for $25 deal, if your gaming budget has $25 remaining for LTO's this month, then if you buy this offer, then it is at the expense of not buying a 15/3k/3k for $25 IF said deal pops up later this month. So... You could take this offer now as a safe bet or if you have a larger entertainment budget.

    *I can't think of any $10 LTO that I've done besides 10 for $10 and that Leap Day deal that I don't foresee happening again for another four years.
    Edit: I don't count Steam packs because they are not a LTO and I recommend checking the ToS before commenting about purchasing them multiple times.
    Farewell 🖖
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s about $20 worth of dil and $10-$15 of premium packs. It’s not a terrible offer but there have been better.

    $20 of dil? On what planet? $9 of dil MAX.

    And $10-$15 of 10x packs? MAYBE $10 worth (only newish players should value a 10x pack at $1 ea)

    The straight purchase of that amount of dilithium is $19.99, which is commonly typed as $20. $10 of packs likely refers to the $10 for 10 packs deal, which might be the most popular $10 LTO*. I think it's a legitimate evaluation.

    But based on the economic concept of opportunity cost, when valued next to the 15/3k/3k for $25 deal, if your gaming budget has $25 remaining for LTO's this month, then if you buy this offer, then it is at the expense of not buying a 15/3k/3k for $25 IF said deal pops up later this month. So... You could take this offer now as a safe bet or if you have a larger entertainment budget.

    *I can't think of any $10 LTO that I've done besides 10 for $10 and that Leap Day deal that I don't foresee happening again for another four years.
    Edit: I don't count Steam packs because they are not a LTO and I recommend checking the ToS before commenting about purchasing them multiple times.

    Fair. But I don’t consider the dil store good valuation. I look at what dil can get me, valuable that, then convert that valuation to dil. I look at approx $6 for 1k dil. But that is just the start point. I still need to get a better deal “break even” to spend my money.

    And the 10/10 deal is not good value either, imho. Especially for players who have been around for a while. I personally value a 10x at $0.75 MAX. But I also really only look at them as sweeteners.

    The best $10 deal, imho, is the Tuesday 5*. But only if it is a card I don’t have, but want (Rabbit, for example) or an extra * on a middling or better card. I try not to bite on a card that I don’t have/don’t want or I have/won’t help. I am not perfect on my restraint, but those are MY buying rules. YRMV.
  • Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s about $20 worth of dil and $10-$15 of premium packs. It’s not a terrible offer but there have been better.

    $20 of dil? On what planet? $9 of dil MAX.

    This one, I think.

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s about $20 worth of dil and $10-$15 of premium packs. It’s not a terrible offer but there have been better.

    $20 of dil? On what planet? $9 of dil MAX.

    And $10-$15 of 10x packs? MAYBE $10 worth (only newish players should value a 10x pack at $1 ea)

    The straight purchase of that amount of dilithium is $19.99, which is commonly typed as $20. $10 of packs likely refers to the $10 for 10 packs deal, which might be the most popular $10 LTO*. I think it's a legitimate evaluation.

    But based on the economic concept of opportunity cost, when valued next to the 15/3k/3k for $25 deal, if your gaming budget has $25 remaining for LTO's this month, then if you buy this offer, then it is at the expense of not buying a 15/3k/3k for $25 IF said deal pops up later this month. So... You could take this offer now as a safe bet or if you have a larger entertainment budget.

    *I can't think of any $10 LTO that I've done besides 10 for $10 and that Leap Day deal that I don't foresee happening again for another four years.
    Edit: I don't count Steam packs because they are not a LTO and I recommend checking the ToS before commenting about purchasing them multiple times.

    Fair. But I don’t consider the dil store good valuation. I look at what dil can get me, valuable that, then convert that valuation to dil. I look at approx $6 for 1k dil. But that is just the start point. I still need to get a better deal “break even” to spend my money.

    And the 10/10 deal is not good value either, imho. Especially for players who have been around for a while. I personally value a 10x at $0.75 MAX. But I also really only look at them as sweeteners.

    The best $10 deal, imho, is the Tuesday 5*. But only if it is a card I don’t have, but want (Rabbit, for example) or an extra * on a middling or better card. I try not to bite on a card that I don’t have/don’t want or I have/won’t help. I am not perfect on my restraint, but those are MY buying rules. YRMV.

    I forgot about the Tuesday $10 legendaries. Those are pretty good deals when I like the card. I don't know if that gets purchased more or less than the $10 for 10, so I may have been wrong above.

    I have to say that the rest of your evaluation looks pretty subjective. On a bad day, you get 7k honor and no legendaries. That may not be worth $10, but I would probably pay more than 75¢ for that honor. But before I had nearly all of the SR's immortalized, it was often worth the $10, imo. That's why I tried to assign more objective values. Values established elsewhere in the game.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Is this the start of a gradual wind down of the game?

    No new content in regards to core story / gameplay in ages (tweeks aside)

    Promised QOL upgardes not implimented (7.5 does have fast skirmish i suppose)

    Worse offers more regularly - LTO and Packs

    Maybe im being silly
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is this the start of a gradual wind down of the game?
    Probably not. They bought rights to Picard. That probably was a long term investment.
    No new content in regards to core story / gameplay in ages (tweeks aside)
    That wasn't my number one request for new content. They did do that Cataclysm, though.
    Promised QOL upgardes not implimented (7.5 does have fast skirmish i suppose)
    I think we can give them another week or two since they did already roll them out, but had to pull them back.
    Worse offers more regularly - LTO and Packs
    I'll give you the packs. But the Leap Day deal and the 15/3k/3k for $25 deal that I bought a while ago run counter to your argument.
    Maybe im being silly
    I don't know. I have a hard time assessing humor and sarcasm on the internet without emojis or explicit labels.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Castell-NeathCastell-Neath ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Is this the start of a gradual wind down of the game?
    Probably not. They bought rights to Picard. That probably was a long term investment.
    No new content in regards to core story / gameplay in ages (tweeks aside)
    That wasn't my number one request for new content. They did do that Cataclysm, though.
    Promised QOL upgardes not implimented (7.5 does have fast skirmish i suppose)
    I think we can give them another week or two since they did already roll them out, but had to pull them back.
    Worse offers more regularly - LTO and Packs
    I'll give you the packs. But the Leap Day deal and the 15/3k/3k for $25 deal that I bought a while ago run counter to your argument.
    Maybe im being silly
    I don't know. I have a hard time assessing humor and sarcasm on the internet without emojis or explicit labels.

    It was an honest muse that was more "thinking as typing" as opposed to "fully thought out"then posted. When i read it back i thought my points were pretty flimbsy.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is this the start of a gradual wind down of the game?
    Probably not. They bought rights to Picard. That probably was a long term investment.
    No new content in regards to core story / gameplay in ages (tweeks aside)
    That wasn't my number one request for new content. They did do that Cataclysm, though.
    Promised QOL upgardes not implimented (7.5 does have fast skirmish i suppose)
    I think we can give them another week or two since they did already roll them out, but had to pull them back.
    Worse offers more regularly - LTO and Packs
    I'll give you the packs. But the Leap Day deal and the 15/3k/3k for $25 deal that I bought a while ago run counter to your argument.
    Maybe im being silly
    I don't know. I have a hard time assessing humor and sarcasm on the internet without emojis or explicit labels.

    It was an honest muse that was more "thinking as typing" as opposed to "fully thought out"then posted. When i read it back i thought my points were pretty flimbsy.

    That's fair. I post like that from time to time. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have to say that the rest of your evaluation looks pretty subjective. On a bad day, you get 7k honor and no legendaries. That may not be worth $10, but I would probably pay more than 75¢ for that honor. But before I had nearly all of the SR's immortalized, it was often worth the $10, imo. That's why I tried to assign more objective values. Values established elsewhere in the game.
    I meant $0.75 PER 10x. Not $0.75 for 10 10x packs. You would value it at $10, I would value it at $7.50.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have to say that the rest of your evaluation looks pretty subjective. On a bad day, you get 7k honor and no legendaries. That may not be worth $10, but I would probably pay more than 75¢ for that honor. But before I had nearly all of the SR's immortalized, it was often worth the $10, imo. That's why I tried to assign more objective values. Values established elsewhere in the game.
    I meant $0.75 PER 10x. Not $0.75 for 10 10x packs. You would value it at $10, I would value it at $7.50.

    That's fair. A little miscommunication there. I would probably buy ten 10x pulls for $7.50 a little more often than the 10 for $10. That's just simple cost vs demand, though.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is this the start of a gradual wind down of the game?
    Probably not. They bought rights to Picard. That probably was a long term investment.
    No new content in regards to core story / gameplay in ages (tweeks aside)
    That wasn't my number one request for new content. They did do that Cataclysm, though.
    Promised QOL upgardes not implimented (7.5 does have fast skirmish i suppose)
    I think we can give them another week or two since they did already roll them out, but had to pull them back.
    Worse offers more regularly - LTO and Packs
    I'll give you the packs. But the Leap Day deal and the 15/3k/3k for $25 deal that I bought a while ago run counter to your argument.
    Maybe im being silly
    I don't know. I have a hard time assessing humor and sarcasm on the internet without emojis or explicit labels.

    It was an honest muse that was more "thinking as typing" as opposed to "fully thought out"then posted. When i read it back i thought my points were pretty flimbsy.

    This is the most "me" thing anybody else has ever posted on this forum :) Well said.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think its hilarious how everyone here is so eager to say “it could be worse”.

    You are all forgetting that WE are the customers and the developers should be working to give us what WE want.

    You weaken our position and invite predatory, expensive and worthless “offers” be defending the latest trends by saying “it could be worse”.

    Why don’t you just ask them to make it worse outright? Are you all seriously so naive to think that our opinions/actions/behaviors won’t influence what is available to us? These are virtual items! They are as close to being imaginary as can be, and people on this forum are saying “I don’t mind paying more for less imaginary items”

    Its hilarious and disturbing at the same time as I read some of the thoughts on this thread.

    The game is not free to produce, and has, over time, reached an unstable equilibrium based on player feedback. My main worries for the future of the game is when we get very good offers. That's what will cause players to race through their wants faster and faster. So, I appreciate this attempt to lower players expectations. I want the game to be able to fund itself over time, not just cover it's costs this week or next week. To do that it needs to keep players hungry.

    You will see from other comments and posts I've made that I feel that there isn't anything worth buying anymore (gameplaywise). The secret of success for this game is to create more demand for stuff (a new mechanic) and to constrain and monetise the supply of characters that we need to master that mechanic. They did this reasonably successfully for Voyages, but campaigns and mega events have trivialised collecting characters for Voyages by and large.

    Hopefully with an expanded development team, we are going to see an endgame revamp sometime soon and then hopefully they will be able to successfully monetise it in a way that doesn't alienate people willing to spend. In the meantime they have to find a way to pay the bills without having the game go stale for people.

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