Saru Birthday Behold
in The Bridge
Looks like same format as Phlox behold except 2 golds and a purple this time. A bit of discrepancy between the picture and pack details...
“What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
/edit: And there really is a mismatch between pic and text, also among the text the color is wrong.
This is what you get, the text is apart from the color coding correct.
I would recommend WRG change Kaminar Saru to purple text to reduce confusion. I get the drop rate, though. You have a 33% chance of messing up and picking the SR.
Thanks for using the format again, though! I'm buying it this time too.
My only other complaint is that Janeway didn't get this super awesome treatment.
Yes, see the picture I added to my post above.
I think there was an operational problem here that Saru only has two legendary variants and I don't think they can program a behold with two choices. I doubt we'd see this reoccur.
EDIT to add - maybe if they reduced the price not giving an option of three legendaries that would be palatable? Like 1200 or 1000?
I realize Saru doesn't have a 3rd Legendary option, but in the future I would suggest limiting these offers to crew that have at least 3 legendary options to avoid de-valuing the pack.
No, you get a behold of the three. Only if you misclicked you would get a purple but CS would fix that for sure.
Thank you.
Only if you pick wrong. But agree its a devaluation relative to last time. First time they have a behold that gives both SR and legendary together. Think it is a coding error, but I need stars on both legionaries so I will probably bite.
I think it is because there are only 2 legendary Sarus in the game and they cannot make beholds with only 2 cards.
Ok then I will reserve judgement until we see the next one.
For this behold pack there is indeed two 5* and one 4*.
The art will be corrected shortly. Sorry about that everyone!
Personally, I'd really prefer if they didn't limit the offers to characters with three legendary versions in the game
There are at least two cards that I want that are of characters who only have 2 legendary versions in the game. And I would definitely buy a 1500 birthday behold to get them.
It's a guaranteed behold with the three featured cards, there's no way you would get the super-rare if you don't pick it.
Maybe this is practice for Jason Isaac's next birthday.
Can't tell you how much some of us appreciate that you check these threads and use some of our input. It makes a world of difference!
I am curious to see which variants they pick when more options are available, like Kirk/Spock/Picard.
Now I need to look up a list of birthdays to save accordingly.
This could be more confusing, but I would not mind filling in offer with some other actors legendary.
I bought it on both accounts. Main picked up 4th star on Away (Vahar'ai immortal)
On Crusoe account picked up 4th for Vahar'ai instead of 4th on Away because I figured I could get Away from portal.
If someone bought this to get Kaminar Saru, it would indeed be highway robbery. And maybe it would have been better to only have this kind of offer for characters with three or more 5* crew variants. But anyone who fat-fingers their way into spending the Faction Store price for a 4* is a support ticket away from having that problem fixed.
For anyone buying it to get Away Team Saru or Vahar’ai Saru (mine is now 4/5*), it remains a vastly improved value over most other ways to get a specific crew. Hopefully this is a learning experience for TP when running these offers in the future.
Yes as it has been clarified I am happy. Sadly low on dilithium so cannot partake as my dilithium has to go to crew slots or the new Paris.
I grabbed a copy of Vahar'ai Saru myself.
Now let me check some of the actors behind the regular crew on my wishlist to see when their birthdays are . . . .
LeVar Burton? February.
Anson Mount? February.
Brent Spiner? February.
Leonard Nimoy? February.
I was actually thinking of Lorca and Pulaski when I wrote that
But then it came to my mind that Reno and Culber also have two legendary versions (and they will probably get a super-rare one too at some point) so that's already 4 characters that I'd really like to see a birthday pack for