Increase relevancy of outdated 5* crew
in The Bridge
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
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I think many newer players would benefit from this. It would improve the chances of getting good, newer crew in the portal. And with a smaller pool, it will also be easier to add stars instead of having an army of 1/5*
I do see some benefit to removing them entirely for all players - no more crap unfused golds to clog up valuable crew slots, but I think this would ultimately irritate the collectors too much. Some of the older cards might still be useful as faction bonus crew and that could benefit newer players more so than older players.
I do like the idea of adding them to voyages, but I don't know what the right cut-off period would be. Even at 10-12 hours, someone could run an all-dilemma voyage and potentially come back with quite a few golds. I think this would overly devalue them and also overly benefit people willing to do long voyages.
I would suggest older legendaries as easier threshold rewards in events, as short term achievements, and/or collection bonuses would be more impactful?
Something like a re-run.
Even a Galaxy event where you get a 4/5 Legendary (3 threshold plus one community) would be awesome.
This whole idea **tsk tsk** (IE: creates a great big vacuous hole in the surrounding atmosphere ... apparently things aren't allowed to s**k here? Don't try to sell a Kirby here! lol) Most of the cards that drop on voyages are rubbish already ... I can't recall ever getting a tier 5 or above card on a voyage. One has to buy those ...
So fine: add them as drops on voyages but keep them in the portal too! All's fair isn't it?
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I've always been a fan and advocate of putting old cards in tresholds in every event. Yes, it would increase the competition but more competition could mean more possible dilithium spending means more $$ in WR pockets.
I don't think a 4/5 legendary in one event would be a good idea. But if you had a fixed rotating set of four legendaries then you could end up with four 4/5 golds every quarter if you clear tresholds up to 400k every week (could be made a lower rank). Did I explain that properly? So from Jan-April you'll have the same legendaries alternating as rewards. Then May-August a new set of 4 and finally September-December another set of 4. So at the end of the year you'd have 16 4/5 old legendaries which would help people finish out collections or if you're a newer player make your crew stronger. What if there's an extra week in a month, well you can just add a random super rare or just leave it blank for that week. Asking for a citation would be stretching it a bit there. I hope I explained this properly, and if I didn't anyone that likes my idea can feel free to reword what I've said.
What about the recurring legendary during a mega??? It'll still be there as its in the 25k treshold bracket.
Overall rewards need a drastic overhaul imo, but thats a conversation for another thread.
1) The horrible possibilities of RNG
2) How many Legendaries are "declassified" from the portal.
3) How many drops should one get from voyages, 1 every time you hit 10+ hours or longer, is there possibility of multiple drops. Or is it going to be small chance of drop similar to other crew drops i.e completely random.
4) Voyage drops are like straight drops no choice unlike the possibilities of a Begold from a portal pack.
Depending on the above you could end up reducing players chances rather than improving them.
Remember you need 5 to fully fuse, so that's the most fusions with the lowest chance of a card dropping. Not to mention an ever expanding number of them, thus taking them out of portal drops completely may do more harm then good.
Perhaps a way forward is creating another merit type pack say 15,000 or 20,000 merits or something like that for a begold tied to "Season 1" (year 1 of the game) "Season 2" (year 2 of the game) as many have suggested before about having selective older portal packs.
Completely disagree with this. A lot of older crew are a trap for resources for newer players. A lot of older crew are basically useless except for events after you've been playing for a modest amount of time. It would be a lot better for newer players to have increased probability of getting better crew.
For many veteran players even the 10 for 10 deals have little value now, as the pool of has beens and already fully fused grows ever bigger. A major issue is the general low utility of many 2 stat crew. WRG needs to either find some way to add value to these crew or price them lower.
I don't think adding Legendaries to Voyages is the answer either. I think a preferable way of doing it is to take crew from the first 2 years of the game and hive them off into a pack that costs 350dil a pull. If collectors or newer players want to fill their roster full of junk they shouldn't be charged a premium price to do it.
I would say I'm a seasoned player, but I only own 30% of all possible gold cards (and only 5% immortal). With a 58% chance of adding a star from a begold... Yeah - I need these cards in the portal.
The examples always seen are "worst-case scenario" crew ... e.g. above: Rozhenkos are actually "new crew" (late 2018), Tosk is from mid-2018 ...
There are plenty of first-year (say up till end 2017) crew that are pretty decent ... for each poor crew someone mentions here I can list good to excellent crew ...
So, what do you mean by "old" crew? Just crew who are considered poor? Crew prior to 2018? ... but then you can still pull poor crew (Mirror Landry, the above two crew, Diversion Yates etc.) from your portal pulls.
1. Should they be added to voyages? Yes, that is a good idea that has been put forward many times here.
2. Removed from the portal? No.
Elegant solutions are:
- Splitting the portal into various "ages" - e.g. behold pulls from a select year - this has already been implemented a bit through the newer birthday pulls.
- adding 1 * of older crew to relevant events at the end of thresholds.
- etc.
Remove them from the portal? No.
I think adding them to Voyages will be futile unless they appear below 10 hrs (even if rarely) or fairly frequently above 10 hrs or else you are going to have people moaning about the fact that they've never seen one. Remember, the point is to get these older Legendaries into peoples hand so that they can freeze them or actually make characters you wouldn't dream of citing actually useful,
How old are the majority of your golds? If they are in the last 3 years, then the odds of adding a star would go up, statistically, if golds that you do not have are removed from the pool.
Those 'worst-case scenarios' happen regularly as my roster of unlevelled 1* Legendaries can attest. There is a lot of junk in the portal these days.
My definition of junk is a character that does something weaker than 2 or 3 other available characters. I do consider bridge crew junk if they are weak even if they theoretically have more event usage than normal. Another way to think about junk characters is 'Would I cite this character?' If the answer is no, they are junk because a 1/5 is thrash and your odds of getting additional stars without citing them is low and getting ever lower the more they add to the premium packs.
The number of launch day or Year One legendaries that are still useful on a regular basis (not just for events) is sadly pretty small. Some gauntleteers come to mind (e.g. Gangster Spock) and a few have somehow managed to avoid getting power-creeped into oblivion (like RAF O’Brien), and anyone who can fill a larger collection isn’t likely to be needed to finish said collection. Crew for vanity collections would be the draw here and yes, veterans are more likely to care about these but the actual rewards for those beyond personal satisfaction are rather meager.
Again, I would prefer to see the portal pool broken down into seasons - allow voyage rewards to still draw 4* crew from all of them (or maybe not?) and discount the pack price for the older seasons by 50 dil per year down to a floor of maybe 400 dil. This might also provide WRG with a framework for regular, planned portal updates. I had started to write my plan out in a text format but it got confusing pretty quickly so I shifted gears to a visual format:
I would think option 2 or option 3 would be a nice balance between having the main portal pool big enough to keep people from running out of crew to buy while not being so diluted that people avoid premium packs entirely. I also think having a regular portal update structure helps us make better purchasing decisions and allows WRG to plan ahead when it comes to resource allocation devoted to the update itself.
And maybe all the different season packs don’t need to be available at all times...instead of featuring all prior seasons in another tab in the Time Portal, always have one past season featured right next to the premium portal pool for, say, 500 dil and rotate out what season is featured on a periodic basis.
By your standards, Linnis Paris would never even be added to the portal ... she's not even out yet.
That you personally don't value specific crew doesn't mean they should be removed from the portal ...
You could:
a) not pick them in a behold;
b) airlock them for 550 Honor ... Piñata style.
Dismissing crew because they are not top 2 in what they do is not reasonable ... there are so many new crew that fit the category ... e.g. the new Kira (she's not top 2 in anything) ... that they would never see the light of a portal pack.
You're just asking for packs to only include the "best" (as per your standards) 50 crew in the game ... why even create new cards then?
Also, there is no objective way of separating crew other than time of release. The "tiering" system in bbob is more of a subjective guide to aid players make choices between characters.
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I am not suggesting removing all bad crew, I am suggesting removing older crew. And I am suggesting that almost all of older crew are junk. New crew like Linnus and Kay have 3x bonus event use and therefore you might invest in them to that end, and that's entirely reasonable. But there are a good 50 or more legendary older crew that genuinely have almost no actual gameplay value anymore.
And I accept that removing older crew won't magically make all behold options great choices, but it will improve the odds of that being the case.
I don't proactively Pinata, but they are certainly on the chopping block should the need arise. I can accept 10 to 1 odds of getting something decent out of a premium pack, but these days it's more like 50 to 1. Most beholds are filled with immortalised, mediocre or downright awful choices. And again, I don't want them to be unavailable, I just want them in a cheaper pack where the cost is commensurate with their gameplay value.