in The Bridge
I would like to see the expeditions brought back.
They were my favourite event type and bring a bit more variety to the game.
I never understood why they were so hated by some players.
They were my favourite event type and bring a bit more variety to the game.
I never understood why they were so hated by some players.
Star Truckerz
It's only my opinion but....
It's only my opinion but....
But I think they're actually not as frequent because of the inability to monetise them rather than any dislike on the player's part?
expeditions, in the old style of rewards, where you bought the same packs as the final reward, i could see them generating more revenue as people would buy packs to sit out competing. However, in the current style, i see whales dropping quite a bit of dil simply on more tickets, because they take so little time
however in the end, WRG is a very small dev team and sadly, they probably are using the time saved away from expeditions on other things.
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Whether honor or a slot machine of rewards (chronitons/honor/VP/etc) like in Skirmishes, adding an extra reward could make the expeditions more popular. I always liked them for the strategic element.
Expeditions required thought, planning, and time. Three things that irritated a lot of people
I can understand why they don't want to do more. But if we are going to retire them, we need another kind of event format to replace them.
If they could come up with some form of Expedition that either limited your "team" to a set number of crew (like 30 or something) OR the game remembered choices players made on ticket 1 to make tickets 2+ less of a hassle, I would probably be OK trying one again, but as they currently exist, absolutely not.
I'd be happy to see a reworked expedition event. There is enough of a framework that they should be able to tweak it easier than starting from scratch with a new event type.
Limited crew per ticket. Maybe some kind of incremental rewards. Reconsidering unlocking missions or future tickets. Tweaking how tickets accrue.
They can create a new expedition format, try it out as a mid-week mini-event, and then if people like it, roll it in for future weekends.
Still would like to see an Expedition once in a while, even if its only once every 6 months(would prefer every 3 months though).
But by the third ticket, I have figured out all the puzzles, and then it just becomes a grind.
Also, the only rewards are the VP and (much more annoyingly for me), there is a cap on the amount of VP a VIP0 player can obtain. It's enough to hit threshold, but on principle it annoys me.
But I *do* like the idea behind them. The reward system can be fixed (and the grind reduced) by adding a rewards roll (like in skirmishes) after each successful run. This means that once all VP has been claimed, there is a benefit to continuing with the ticket. Even better if the rewards quality are directly proportional to the difficulty of the mission and the number of successful runs through the mission. Downsides - encourages grind, and not everybody will like that.
My issue with the cap would be fixed by not allowing any purchase of extra tickets (meaning there is a set number of tickets given at the beginning of the event, say 15, and that's it). If you want the extra VP, you have to keep playing your crew until complete exhaustion. <-- This is likely to be an unpopular choice because it increases grind... but if you reward the grind with increasing rewards, then it might balance out. It is also likely to be unpopular for those who like to buy the extra tickets.
The downsides from WR/TP point of view: extra coding, extra workload, no extra revenue generated.
There is a cap? Or do you simply mean the need to buy attempts with dil to rank higher? The free campaign track provides enough dil for some extra runs if one is dedicated enough to spend it.
In the last expedition I spent 120 dil and ranked 49th. It is far from expensive, even for VIP0s.
and if expeditions ARE retired permanently, it sure would be nice to have an official communication in the game saying so, for those of us still holding onto those extra inbox tickets
I will be honest, almost all the expeditions I played were pre-campaign so dilithium was highly scarce at the time.
I admit, I hadn't thought of the campaign dilithium factoring in.
I’ll grant that Expeditions require more strategy than any other event. But that’s maybe one or two ticket runs to figure out what crew to use in which order, and then it becomes an even worse slog than Galaxy or Skirmish events because one mistake due to boredom, fat fingers, or inattentiveness ruins the rest of the active ticket.
Faction events can require some strategy to choose which crew to use in each slot for those players without an over abundance of solid crew, Galaxy events require one or two runs through each recipe to work out who has the best chance for dropping a rare reward, and Skirmishes take a minute or less of figuring out which event crew joins your usual ship battle crew.
I spend maybe as much time working out who to choose for a gauntlet as I do an Expedition event and gauntlets are less grindy by a country mile.
It was annoying to miss one, but adapting to it kept the mind fresh.
I love expeditions but I understand if Devs don't want to make more, but at the very least, they should consider developing anouther event type based around the away-team mechanic. Arguably it is the game mode behind the character card design, but it is also the least used game mode once the player gets three stars for everything and can warp.
I also like the challenge of an expedition, but hate the grind of them. And, by grind, I literally mean scrolling through your roster, over and over, to find your bonus crew, as they slip further and further down the list.
A simple fix (IMO) would be a selectable tab (in the same "bar" as cmd/dip/eng/sec/med/sci) that would just have bonus crew. Maybe label it with a big "B"? That way you can quickly find the crew that will net you the highest VP, while still having easy access to the "fodder" needed to beat the mission.
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Sounds good to me. I would also suggest keeping the event crew separate. As in the event reward 5* from one weekend would still be used the next weekend. Not in the mid-week rerun, which would only use existing crew.
For hybrid events, would you only do one half, split it between two weeks, or just compress each half down to a shorter time?
I know right...
Make a change to expedition similar to the changes made to Skirmish. Add a speed button or skip button to speed up clearing nodes. Add more rewards. Why abandon it completely? Oh yeah.. money.. I forgot.... What a shame.
We need another event type that makes money then...
Skirmishes and Galaxy events may have "mindless tapping", but they are easy. You can watch a show while you do them, you can talk to people, you can even eat a meal. during the last skirmish I did two loads of dishes, cooked three dinners, helped kids with homework, chatted with other players online, and loads of other activities while still managing a top 10 spot, and Galaxies are the same way.
Once the Expedition "puzzle" is solved it still requires concentration to sort through all those crew options, and is therefore painful for a majority of players, as evidenced by Ben's remarks on TT last week and the dozens of player comments on this forum. We can continue to draw these battle lines and argue about them, or we can try and work toward a middle ground where most people can be satisfied, and possibly save this event structure. I have no interest in continuing to argue, but if you guys want to acknowledge some of these pain points and suggest alternatives, I will listen respectfully.