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VIP Levels



  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    We will never see VIP expansion after the ID4 packs from a few years ago artificially inflated people's VIP point totals. Some accounts would be VIP 50 as DB never rolled back the actual VIP scores after those buggy packs.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Blast HardcheeseBlast Hardcheese ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    So long as I still have crew to gear, I need every chron I can get. I avoid being overcapped outside of events (spend voyage/cadet chrons immediately) so I don't miss out on the regular accumulation.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    So long as I still have crew to gear, I need every chron I can get. I avoid being overcapped outside of events (spend voyage/cadet chrons immediately) so I don't miss out on the regular accumulation.

    240 chrons per day of natural accumulation doesn’t really buy you much in the way of items to level crew, particularly when it comes to 3*/4* components. And the effort of using it each day comes with an opportunity cost: your scoring potential in Galaxy events, Skirmish events, and hybrids thereof is going to be artificially limited. If you’re constantly burning through chrons to avoid exceeding the hard limit, you’re necessarily not going to have much left over to generate intel or farm specific components for Galaxy event recipes. Even a thorough pre-farming plan for Galaxy events naturally falls apart...because you don’t know what hard-to-get components will be chosen for any new event.

    Source: I was a hardcore pre-farmer up until maybe two years ago. (I’m sure someone more interested in trying their luck at the search function on the forum could find the the posts where I talked about converting from a pre-farmer to a hoarder, if they really wanted a hard date.) I saw the nearly 90,000 chrons per year that are left on the table by being constantly over the limit and wanted to extract every last one of those I could. And yet, I struggled to crack the top 5,000 in any Galaxy event because I always seemed to run out of critical components and had nothing in reserve to farm them during the event. Clearing the 130,000 VP threshold was occasionally a problem as well. Early Skirmishes were less trouble, thanks to being able to recover chrons from bonus rewards, but I never had a serious opportunity to perform much better than a top-3,000 finish. I never got a 5* from a Galaxy event in those days without spending money and probably missed out on more than a few ranked 4* crew as well.

    Then I changed my approach. I still cleared dailies and spent chrons when I needed to level crew, but otherwise sat back and watched the pile build up from voyages, daily fleet donation objectives, and daily mission rewards. Now, I have enough chrons to secure a top-1500 victory in any chron-based event for at least two weeks in a row. Maybe longer, depending on how much shopping I do during any individual Skirmish.

    I almost always sandbag in Galaxy events because I find the gameplay pretty uninspiring, but between farming for common components during Skirmishes and having resources for in-event farming for any oddball items I happen to be lacking, I don’t have to worry about not being able to compete in a Galaxy event when I really want whatever 5* crew is offered. I keep a reserve of 20,000 chrons at any time in case I want to go nuts in an event...and that might be overkill, particularly for a Skirmish.
  • .•°rÅTT°•..•°rÅTT°•. ✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Don't really have anything to add other than this is a no brainer and should have been done YEARS ago. Its a little insulting that it hasn't after all this time tbh. Especially to those who have been supporting the game with cash for many years now.
  • Warrior WilloWarrior Willo ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    Please define "issue" then. Basically nothing is an issue for a potential VIP15 imho, not even crew slots. With constant 70k chrons I would still appreciate them to auto-raise. I would like that more than a 10th replication or even more ticket purchases where I use zero anyway.

    Don’t agree......I have more chrons than I could ever use, but I am always struggling for crew slots 😟
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can earn chrons and crew from voyages but not slots.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    We will never see VIP expansion after the ID4 packs from a few years ago artificially inflated people's VIP point totals. Some accounts would be VIP 50 as DB never rolled back the actual VIP scores after those buggy packs.

    I do not recall those packs/offers. Would you mind explaining those, @SSR Barkley ? I think I was around, but I wasn't much of a spender in those days, so I don't remember it.
    Farewell 🖖
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    it was the bugged tuesday pack, where the 650 dil pull gave you 1000 dil and 500 vip points, instead of the smuggler kassidy yates pack characters. the one that everyone went crazy on, only to have DB claw everything back ... manually, and inaccurately in many cases. people were sitting on 400k dilithium before it got taken away, but they did not remove VIP points.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    They did remove my VIP points, but I gave a spreadsheet with a detailed accounting of my sins purchases and transaction history. Also an estimate as to how many times I pulled. They clawed back the VIP points, most other associated items, left some things they shouldn't have.

    But otherwise, I'd agree. 98% of people involved in ID4 didn't get the points removed.

    Other than a special avatar or one-time award, I don't see the system changing or the levels going up. Busy work for a small dev team to reward a small subsection of players, most of the large base will never see the fruits of.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    At some VIP level, you have paid for more than your share of the game. Couldn't ad-free ad-warps be a VIP reward?
    Love it!
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    I can earn chrons and crew from voyages but not slots.

    This. I am down to a handful of active purples and I have had to freeze a bunch of golds :# at this point!

    And yet we continue to get bombarded with several new crew per week!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    I did not mean that crew slots were useless. I only said that an increasement of token purchases for dil or even more replications are less useful than infinite chrons.

    Personally I recently hit the virtual VIP15 mark (double 14), and I have 8 legendary dupes I could airlock if necessary and 60 immo purples I could freeze. Of course I would never say no to more crew slots but I am fine with my 315 too.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Blast HardcheeseBlast Hardcheese ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020

    240 chrons per day of natural accumulation doesn’t really buy you much in the way of items to level crew, particularly when it comes to 3*/4* components. And the effort of using it each day comes with an opportunity cost: your scoring potential in Galaxy events, Skirmish events, and hybrids thereof is going to be artificially limited. If you’re constantly burning through chrons to avoid exceeding the hard limit, you’re necessarily not going to have much left over to generate intel or farm specific components for Galaxy event recipes. Even a thorough pre-farming plan for Galaxy events naturally falls apart...because you don’t know what hard-to-get components will be chosen for any new event.

    My goal is to simply pass rank 1,500. I always hit it in Skirmishes and Skirmish hybids without paying a cent. I sometimes miss it in galaxy and galaxy hybrids if I don't take an offer that includes chrons.

    Perfectly satisfied to get that extra 240 a day if the opportunity cost is only sometimes having an issue with a single event type.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    it was the bugged tuesday pack, where the 650 dil pull gave you 1000 dil and 500 vip points, instead of the smuggler kassidy yates pack characters. the one that everyone went crazy on, only to have DB claw everything back ... manually, and inaccurately in many cases. people were sitting on 400k dilithium before it got taken away, but they did not remove VIP points.

    Thank you. I do remember hearing about this now. I think my admiral at the time advised the fleet not to touch the offer or do so at their own risk.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020

    A few days ago I decided slots were more important than keeping some miscellaneous 5* crew. I was convinced to keep the senator.
  • Any other suggestions or thoughts?
  • VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    Please define "issue" then. Basically nothing is an issue for a potential VIP15 imho, not even crew slots. With constant 70k chrons I would still appreciate them to auto-raise. I would like that more than a 10th replication or even more ticket purchases where I use zero anyway.

    Crew slots are an issue as well no matter if ur VIP14 or not.
    But yeah just „hate“ against VIP14, so much easier. 🙄

    And i doubt if they raise the chron cap, it will be above ur 70k chron stack. 😆
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    So long as I still have crew to gear, I need every chron I can get. I avoid being overcapped outside of events (spend voyage/cadet chrons immediately) so I don't miss out on the regular accumulation.

    If this tactic suits you. I say it‘s a mistake, except when u just started the game.

    Way smarter to build a small chron stack so ur able to FE the new threshold 4* immediatly(and the recurring Mega legendaries) and profit from them during the event and after(cause usually new event 4* have bettwr stats than most portal SRs).
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    Please define "issue" then. Basically nothing is an issue for a potential VIP15 imho, not even crew slots. With constant 70k chrons I would still appreciate them to auto-raise. I would like that more than a 10th replication or even more ticket purchases where I use zero anyway.

    Crew slots are an issue as well no matter if ur VIP14 or not.
    But yeah just „hate“ against VIP14, so much easier. 🙄

    And i doubt if they raise the chron cap, it will be above ur 70k chron stack. 😆

    Indeed - the chron cap is a relic of the state of the game prior to events. 240 chrons buys you virtually nothing...6 warp 10s of a 4-chron mission (or 8 warp 10s, with a supply kit) or a single warp 10 of a 24-chron mission. It takes tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of chrons to place highly in a Galaxy or Skirmish event. Even granting that the number of players who are realistically going to sniff even the top 25 of either event type is probably no more than a few hundred, it still takes on the order of thousands of chrons to place in the top 1500 or to clear thresholds.

    Doubling the cap to 480, or even raising it to a round number like 1,000, isn’t going to move the needle for events. And raising it to a number that would affect events - 5-10k - could very well tank chron sales during events, and could potentially lead to unnecessary score inflation for reaching rank 1500.
  • KaiRoKaiRo ✭✭✭
    I saw the nearly 90,000 chrons per year that are left on the table by being constantly over the limit and wanted to extract every last one of those I could. And yet, I struggled to crack the top 5,000 in any Galaxy event because I always seemed to run out of critical components and had nothing in reserve to farm them during the event. Clearing the 130,000 VP threshold was occasionally a problem as well. Early Skirmishes were less trouble, thanks to being able to recover chrons from bonus rewards, but I never had a serious opportunity to perform much better than a top-3,000 finish. I never got a 5* from a Galaxy event in those days without spending money and probably missed out on more than a few ranked 4* crew as well.

    IMHO, that just shows how broken the ranking-based awards on events are. I don't agree much on the 130,000 VP threshold, I am practically always under the Chroniton cap and it's very rare I can't make that one, on any event I usually can get all Super Rare crew threshold rewards - I sometimes only miss if I'm very pressed for time over a weekend (yes, real life still happens and this game is not even close the the #1 priority for things to do in my life).
    "Don't try to be a great man... just be a man. Let history make its own judgments."
    -- Dr. Zefram Cochrane, around 2073
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’ve had 3 top-26 skirmish results recently (26 for desert archer ‘cause my job prevented any gameplay on Mon morning) - I averaged a net loss of around 20K chronitons each time even with all ongoing activities (voyages, dailies, etc). I don’t do the 10 dil buys unless fat-finger happens, so the net change would be different if that’s your style. If you want to challenge the heights of the leaderboard in skirmish (or galaxy), you must stockpile chronitons. There is no other way.

    Remember, my fellow established players, that in galaxy, you likely have thousands of the not-so-rare items in your inventory, so you only need to selectively farm the more limited items. Newer players don’t have those deep inventories yet - they have to farm most things in the recipes. The threshold targets are relatively inexpensive for an established player, but that not as true for newer players.

    Newer players really should start stockpiling a few thousand chrons (after the first month or so of playing). The flexibility it provides for leveling crew or competing for event goals outweighs other considerations, in my view at least.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    KaiRo wrote: »
    I saw the nearly 90,000 chrons per year that are left on the table by being constantly over the limit and wanted to extract every last one of those I could. And yet, I struggled to crack the top 5,000 in any Galaxy event because I always seemed to run out of critical components and had nothing in reserve to farm them during the event. Clearing the 130,000 VP threshold was occasionally a problem as well. Early Skirmishes were less trouble, thanks to being able to recover chrons from bonus rewards, but I never had a serious opportunity to perform much better than a top-3,000 finish. I never got a 5* from a Galaxy event in those days without spending money and probably missed out on more than a few ranked 4* crew as well.

    IMHO, that just shows how broken the ranking-based awards on events are. I don't agree much on the 130,000 VP threshold, I am practically always under the Chroniton cap and it's very rare I can't make that one, on any event I usually can get all Super Rare crew threshold rewards - I sometimes only miss if I'm very pressed for time over a weekend (yes, real life still happens and this game is not even close the the #1 priority for things to do in my life).

    Are rank rewards broken? Yes. But not because of chroniton limitations...the ability to rank based on how you obtain chrons is a function of everyone else’s attempt to either clear a particular threshold or to aim for one of the handful of ranks worth achieving:

    -1st place, for the achievement, bragging rights, and 5 copies of the 5* crew
    -1,500th place, for a single copy of the 5* crew
    -2,000th place, for four copies of the existing 4* crew
    -5,000th place, for a single copy of the existing 4* crew
    -7,500th place, for three copies of the 3* crew

    And let’s be honest - 1st is simply out of reach for the vast majority of players due to resources and/or motivation and 7,500th only comes into play if it’s a new 3* or for new players still building their crew.

    In any case, having more meaningful rewards in between these major thresholds will help break up the huge log jams of people around certain ranks and make it much less of a crapshoot to retain your desired rank by the end of an event. Raising the chron cap won’t achieve that goal; rather, if it does anything it’d be likely to make that problem worse by making it easier to leapfrog people in the last 10-30 minutes of events, when some people are asleep or at work and won’t be able to respond to a late push by those who are awake and available to play.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    KaiRo wrote: »
    I saw the nearly 90,000 chrons per year that are left on the table by being constantly over the limit and wanted to extract every last one of those I could. And yet, I struggled to crack the top 5,000 in any Galaxy event because I always seemed to run out of critical components and had nothing in reserve to farm them during the event. Clearing the 130,000 VP threshold was occasionally a problem as well. Early Skirmishes were less trouble, thanks to being able to recover chrons from bonus rewards, but I never had a serious opportunity to perform much better than a top-3,000 finish. I never got a 5* from a Galaxy event in those days without spending money and probably missed out on more than a few ranked 4* crew as well.

    IMHO, that just shows how broken the ranking-based awards on events are. I don't agree much on the 130,000 VP threshold, I am practically always under the Chroniton cap and it's very rare I can't make that one, on any event I usually can get all Super Rare crew threshold rewards - I sometimes only miss if I'm very pressed for time over a weekend (yes, real life still happens and this game is not even close the the #1 priority for things to do in my life).

    Are rank rewards broken? Yes. But not because of chroniton limitations...the ability to rank based on how you obtain chrons is a function of everyone else’s attempt to either clear a particular threshold or to aim for one of the handful of ranks worth achieving:

    -1st place, for the achievement, bragging rights, and 5 copies of the 5* crew
    -1,500th place, for a single copy of the 5* crew
    -2,000th place, for four copies of the existing 4* crew
    -5,000th place, for a single copy of the existing 4* crew
    -7,500th place, for three copies of the 3* crew

    And let’s be honest - 1st is simply out of reach for the vast majority of players due to resources and/or motivation and 7,500th only comes into play if it’s a new 3* or for new players still building their crew.

    In any case, having more meaningful rewards in between these major thresholds will help break up the huge log jams of people around certain ranks and make it much less of a crapshoot to retain your desired rank by the end of an event. Raising the chron cap won’t achieve that goal; rather, if it does anything it’d be likely to make that problem worse by making it easier to leapfrog people in the last 10-30 minutes of events, when some people are asleep or at work and won’t be able to respond to a late push by those who are awake and available to play.

    How about adding 1 extra crew slot to the top 1500 ranking rewards? :open_mouth: That would certainly make things interesting....
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    KaiRo wrote: »
    I saw the nearly 90,000 chrons per year that are left on the table by being constantly over the limit and wanted to extract every last one of those I could. And yet, I struggled to crack the top 5,000 in any Galaxy event because I always seemed to run out of critical components and had nothing in reserve to farm them during the event. Clearing the 130,000 VP threshold was occasionally a problem as well. Early Skirmishes were less trouble, thanks to being able to recover chrons from bonus rewards, but I never had a serious opportunity to perform much better than a top-3,000 finish. I never got a 5* from a Galaxy event in those days without spending money and probably missed out on more than a few ranked 4* crew as well.

    IMHO, that just shows how broken the ranking-based awards on events are. I don't agree much on the 130,000 VP threshold, I am practically always under the Chroniton cap and it's very rare I can't make that one, on any event I usually can get all Super Rare crew threshold rewards - I sometimes only miss if I'm very pressed for time over a weekend (yes, real life still happens and this game is not even close the the #1 priority for things to do in my life).

    Are rank rewards broken? Yes. But not because of chroniton limitations...the ability to rank based on how you obtain chrons is a function of everyone else’s attempt to either clear a particular threshold or to aim for one of the handful of ranks worth achieving:

    -1st place, for the achievement, bragging rights, and 5 copies of the 5* crew
    -1,500th place, for a single copy of the 5* crew
    -2,000th place, for four copies of the existing 4* crew
    -5,000th place, for a single copy of the existing 4* crew
    -7,500th place, for three copies of the 3* crew

    And let’s be honest - 1st is simply out of reach for the vast majority of players due to resources and/or motivation and 7,500th only comes into play if it’s a new 3* or for new players still building their crew.

    In any case, having more meaningful rewards in between these major thresholds will help break up the huge log jams of people around certain ranks and make it much less of a crapshoot to retain your desired rank by the end of an event. Raising the chron cap won’t achieve that goal; rather, if it does anything it’d be likely to make that problem worse by making it easier to leapfrog people in the last 10-30 minutes of events, when some people are asleep or at work and won’t be able to respond to a late push by those who are awake and available to play.

    How about adding 1 extra crew slot to the top 1500 ranking rewards? :open_mouth: That would certainly make things interesting....

    We’d have to redefine “blood bath” in terms of event competition. :smiley:
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    Please define "issue" then. Basically nothing is an issue for a potential VIP15 imho, not even crew slots. With constant 70k chrons I would still appreciate them to auto-raise. I would like that more than a 10th replication or even more ticket purchases where I use zero anyway.

    Crew slots are an issue as well no matter if ur VIP14 or not.
    But yeah just „hate“ against VIP14, so much easier. 🙄

    And i doubt if they raise the chron cap, it will be above ur 70k chron stack. 😆

    1. My suggestion was to REMOVE the chron limit, everything else is totally useless, I agree.
    2. I am a virtual VIP15 myself, I did not bash VIP14s (which, by the way, would not benefit from VIP15 perks anyway). What kind of insinuation is that?!
    And what are you? A virtual VIP15 who spent the money unwise and tends to run into crew slot issues constantly or no VIP14+ at all and only talking in theory what it could be like to be one?

    If one spent around 2000 dollar on the game (VIP14 by 2) (s)he should have enough crew to freeze to make space at any time and/or enough additional crew slots to have space for a lot of unfused crew. If neither is the case I am afraid that the money was wasted and more crew slots via a VIP15 perk would only for a short time conceal the underlying problem of not knowing how to spend the hard earned money beneficially.

    And for people with 200+ FFed 5* crew and slot issues (if those people even exist, I doubt it), I admit that my sympathy is limited. They can easily freeze the worst 100 of those to make space like others freeze their purples or throw in another couple of 100 dollar for some crew slots. It is not like they cost half a car...

    I totally see crew slots being an issue for low spenders, I just fail to see it for virtual VIP15s+.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
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