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VIP Levels

Anyone else feel that it's time for a few VIP levels beyond 14? Once you hit 14 those VIP points just start adding up doing nothing to enhance the gaming experience. Levels beyond 14 would give us something new to shoot for.


  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I totally agree. I also would not feel so whalish with my 100k points if there were some more levels. Other games have VIP limits up to 10k or even 100k dollar which is quite insane but at least it makes sure that you do feel like you really hit the limit of reason due to the VIP goals.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Ask some of the VIP140s for me... Or the VIP700s...
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The idea that it ends at 14 definitely doesn’t satisfy any OCD people might have. A nice, round number like 15, 20, or even 100 would be nice.

    But - what benefits would be extended to new VIP levels? I’ll be impressed if anyone other than maybe someone trying to win an event that didn’t plan very well would need any additional credit buys, chroniton recharges, cadet tickets, or arena tickets beyond the 16 purchases (13 for credits) currently enabled at VIP14. Likewise for the bigger bonus when buying credits with dil.

    Of the existing bonuses, that leaves the following:

    -More crew slots. That would be nice for just about anyone.
    -More replications per day. Not everyone needs it but sometimes it does help.
    -More bonus dil when buying dil. This would also be nice, though it could get kinda OP if the bonus were extended by a lot.
    -A Warp 100 button? It’d be nice for Skirmish farming but probably only makes a difference for the handful of people trying to win one of those at any given time.
    -Special portrait pictures? Meh, we have a ton to choose from already. And for some reason, allowing the use of any crew’s portrait picture rather than just any crew you own seems unsavory to me.

    What else could there be? What would be a nice thank-you to those who support the game the most while being meaningful and also not too lavish?

    The other question is where the levels would be set? Levels 10-15 are at 9k, 12k, 15k, 25k, and 50k points, respectively. Let’s say a new VIP level cap is set at 20 - is the gap between levels going to be left at 25k points or will it continue to increase exponentially? The bluest of whales won’t mind either way but the middle and upper-middle class of the spending public might notice if the rewards are enticing.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    [duplicate post]
  • More crew slots is the #1 reason for the upgrade IMHO. Replicator uses would be wasted on most of the upper echelon of VIP14 members (I might use the replicator once a week at most, and I have 9 per day if I need them)

    More bonus Dil would be awesome, but would upset the balance of game economy slightly and give more edge to those who already have it.

    I could see maybe a gold cite or 2 at certain levels, in addition to the crew slots, maybe a couple Voyage tokens. But yeah, now that we sit here and mull over it a bit, I can see why they haven't updated it thus far.

    I think some part of the game to be unlocked at a certain VIP level, like a bonus Episode or something would be kind cool.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • To be honest, all I would be looking for is a level 15 with more slots and replicator uses.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    -comment deleted-

  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    I had an idea about increasing VIP and the handful of people I shared it with thought it had merit, so I will share it here. My idea is to create a new level, VIP 15, and the ONLY perk it comes with is unlimited crew slots. Make it cost as much as it needs to cost to have it make sense, but having a VIP 15 and having it come with unlimited crew slots solves two pretty big issues with one solution IMO.
    Too OP. Roster juggling, and the headaches it gives, is one of the challenges of the game that is enjoyable. IMHO, this would be akin to playing an open-world game with the entire map available from the start with all waypoints and points of interest already cleared.

    Loved playing Age of Empires with cheat codes.......
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • I'd be happy if they gave us something to buy or use those VIP points. Once you hit 14 they just build up and don't do a thing for you.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Banjo1012 , may I have some water?

    Hit 14, full stop. After that, your spending is not for game buffs or slots. Trust me, I am well beyond it. No regrets, though. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Banjo1012 , may I have some water?

    Hit 14, full stop. After that, your spending is not for game buffs or slots. Trust me, I am well beyond it. No regrets, though. 🖖

    Very surprised none of the free water people haven’t come out in a rage yet. And man, you really dust off some oldies quite often. You’re the guy who digs up dirt on politicians from 1976 aren’t you?

  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    @Banjo1012 , may I have some water?

    Hit 14, full stop. After that, your spending is not for game buffs or slots. Trust me, I am well beyond it. No regrets, though. 🖖

    Very surprised none of the free water people haven’t come out in a rage yet. And man, you really dust off some oldies quite often. You’re the guy who digs up dirt on politicians from 1976 aren’t you?

    I watched the Watergate hearings & Sesame Street in tandem, so you could call me a bit cynical & it would fit.

    P.S. I am going on sabbatical Thursday. See you next year. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Mirror Sanoa , I like that scan thing. After you spend a certain amount, I don't think it's unreasonable to make it so you only have to log in once (with ad-warp) or twice a day.

    And if I may, I'd like to take @Bylo Band 's idea and pour a little water on it for dilution purposes. A while back, I had an idea for VIP14+. Maybe the + could simply be slots. I'll set a starting point for the price, but I would certainly be open to adjusting it. Right now, the most favorable purchase in terms of VIP points is the $5 skirmish bundles. $5 gets you 500 VIP points, instead of the normal 250 when you biy straight dilithium. I think that's important to consider when setting a price. I would make the reward for each VIP+ tier be 5 slots. So how much is 5 slots worth? (Keeping in mind that the purchases already get you some game benefit.) I think $200 is reasonable, but this is open for negotiation. I would set each VIP+ tier at 20,000 points. At that level, a player could spend anywhere between $200 and $400 for those 5 slots. That's a bit steep, imo, but it's something as opposed to nothing. And as I said, the spender is already getting some game benefit from their purchases. This would just be a small thank you for continuing to fund the game.

    Example of how I see this working:
    Captain Bateson achieves VIP14 with 50,000 VIP points and continues to spend. At 70,000 VIP points, Captain Bateson achieves VIP14+1 and gains 5 slots. At 90,000, Captain Bateson achieves VIP14+2 and gains 5 more slots, to a total of 10 additional VIP+ slots. Maybe every 5 VIP+ levels, other perks could be thrown in.

    I don't spend to those levels, but I am certainly willing to reward those who continue to fund the game.
    Farewell 🖖
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP should be expanded. Maybe there could be new tiers and each tier could have a unique avatar, something similar to the Bride of Chaotica collection avatar. I would also have a new avatar be included with VIP14 so that everyone who has reached that and beyond will be rewarded.
    Let’s fly!
  • Warrior WilloWarrior Willo ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP should be expanded. Maybe there could be new tiers and each tier could have a unique avatar, something similar to the Bride of Chaotica collection avatar. I would also have a new avatar be included with VIP14 so that everyone who has reached that and beyond will be rewarded.

    Personally I don’t see an avatar as a reward and wouldn’t use them if introduced as a plus VIP 14 recognition. Crew slots on the other hand would be very welcome.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP should be expanded. Maybe there could be new tiers and each tier could have a unique avatar, something similar to the Bride of Chaotica collection avatar. I would also have a new avatar be included with VIP14 so that everyone who has reached that and beyond will be rewarded.

    Personally I don’t see an avatar as a reward and wouldn’t use them if introduced as a plus VIP 14 recognition. Crew slots on the other hand would be very welcome.

    You say that but look how quick some finished the Bride of Chaotica Collection to sport the avatar immediately after it was released. Same with the Play Ball to get the DS9 baseball avatar. Look how quick they buy Tuesday packs to get the new crew member and put that avatar on.
    Let’s fly!
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would be nice to get more slots. Currently I get nothing from completing new crew and have no room to keep them.
  • VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.
  • VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Same here. Add a zero to the end of the Chron Cap, and I will be happy!

    Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
    Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
  • Let us use the extra VIP points to buy dilithium, extra slots or chron. Even better let us choose from the three when we spend it. Then I can get what I need most at the moment.
  • VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    100% true. I tried the pre-farming approach where I never exceeded my chron cap for very long, so as to make sure I was able to use all of the chrons that automatically replenish over time, and was unable to be competitive in Galaxy or Skirmish events. Now that I keep a reserve of 20,000 on hand at all times, I can make an event run any time I need to and have plenty left over for meeting daily objectives for mission completions and crew equipping/leveling.
  • KaiRoKaiRo ✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    Full disclosure, I just got VIP 12 and I seriously doubt I'll ever hit 14. The gap between 12 and 14 is bigger than the gap between 1 and 12. I've been playing for 3-4 years, so, who knows, maybe I'll hit 14 in another 3-4.

    Esp. the step between 13 and 14 is really large, if you collect VIP points with constant speed, it takes as long to get from 0 to 13 as it takes from 13 to 14...
    [Note: I'm about 1/3 the way from 13 to 14 right now.]
    "Don't try to be a great man... just be a man. Let history make its own judgments."
    -- Dr. Zefram Cochrane, around 2073
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    VIP 14x4 here. My favorite idea in this thread so far is raising the chron cap.

    Though I won't say no to extra replicator uses, either.

    Highly doubt chron cap is an issue for many VIP14 players. These days most players(no matter if VIP0 or 14) plan ahead and always have a chron stack of
    min 3,000.

    Please define "issue" then. Basically nothing is an issue for a potential VIP15 imho, not even crew slots. With constant 70k chrons I would still appreciate them to auto-raise. I would like that more than a 10th replication or even more ticket purchases where I use zero anyway.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
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