Key information about the event: The Eleventh Hour - 12/24 - ME #4

Posting today because I will be unavailable tomorrow 
Event Name: The Eleventh Hour
Event Type: Skirmish Event (space battles)
Event Crew: Adira Tal 5* (New), Courier Zareh 4* (New), and Mirror Empress Sato 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 12/24 until Monday 12/28 at noon (17.00 UTC)
Ranked Reward 5*: C.O.P. Founder Picard (Existing) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 12/31.
Mega-Event recurring featured crew: Courier Burnham 5* (Existing)
Event Faction: n/a
Bonus crew/ships:
• high bonus: event crew, and Courier Burnham
• medium bonus: variants of Sato, and crew with the Mirror Universe trait.
• small bonus: crew matching at least one trait of the current battle
- Miranda Class Ship 2* (Existing)
- I.S.S. Avenger 4* (Existing)
- I.S.S. Discovery 5* (New)

Event Name: The Eleventh Hour
Event Type: Skirmish Event (space battles)
Event Crew: Adira Tal 5* (New), Courier Zareh 4* (New), and Mirror Empress Sato 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 12/24 until Monday 12/28 at noon (17.00 UTC)
Ranked Reward 5*: C.O.P. Founder Picard (Existing) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 12/31.
Mega-Event recurring featured crew: Courier Burnham 5* (Existing)
Event Faction: n/a
Bonus crew/ships:
• high bonus: event crew, and Courier Burnham
• medium bonus: variants of Sato, and crew with the Mirror Universe trait.
• small bonus: crew matching at least one trait of the current battle
- Miranda Class Ship 2* (Existing)
- I.S.S. Avenger 4* (Existing)
- I.S.S. Discovery 5* (New)
Event Name: The Eleventh Hour
Event Type: Skirmish Event (space battles)
Event Crew: Adira Tal 5* (New), Courier Zareh 4* (New), and Mirror Empress Sato 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 12/24 until Monday 12/28 at noon (17.00 UTC)
Ranked Reward 5*: C.O.P. Founder Picard (Existing) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 12/31.
Mega-Event recurring featured crew: Courier Burnham 5* (Existing)
Event Faction: n/a
Bonus crew/ships:
• high bonus: event crew, and Courier Burnham
• medium bonus: variants of Sato, and crew with the Mirror Universe trait.
• small bonus: crew matching at least one trait of the current battle
- Miranda Class Ship 2* (Existing)
- I.S.S. Avenger 4* (Existing)
- I.S.S. Discovery 5* (New)
Might explain all the cite-offers over the last week or so...
I thought I was going craycray when my post "disappeared"!!!!
I feel like the cites are leading up to Christmas sales but not being announced as such this year. Probably to avoid the guessing games of, "will the next sale be better" and the anger of comparing sales this year and previous years.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I wasn’t around then either....what was it? sounds exciting
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I can’t believe they’d have the same rewards.
I think replaying this event loses the fun if they take away all the fun rewards it had.
Why not? It is not as if the Q's choice pack can be considered great at this moment in time ... back then it was amazing for me ... but the crew in it are pretty mediocre for the most part now.
Also, CD Quark is not a crew you'll be using on a daily basis ... he gets the odd 45%+ gauntlet if you feel like tossing in a 2-skiller ... but he's not that great really ... back in the day he was both my #1 DIP and #1 CMD, go figure.
If they had a Ferengi mega though ...
Personally, I think it'd be amazing if they had the same reward structure ... finally get to add a second star to CD Quark (he was not available in the portal for aeons).
No, not really ... back in the day we even had a number (2 at least, maybe 3) of Galaxy events where we didn't achieve the last Community Prize (doing 10x Premium pulls was really unique for me back then, as I didn't put any money into the game, so I was really bummed we didn't reach the community goal) ... go figure.
But it should be noted that the Convergence Day event was longer than a standard event, so the community had more time to rack up the required VP for the 10x Q's Choice pack.
I was so happy when we got CD Quark ... he's the second 5* I ever FFed FEed (#1 was Scientist Degra, since immortalised ... #3 Aviator Yar, now 4/5).
I, uh, airlocked that free one we all got...I figured I would never want to drop enough dilithium on packs to finish him in the limited time in which they were available (this was before honor and citations, of course) and I needed crew slots more than I needed his proficiencies in the gauntlet (because it was also before the Vault was released). He was the only legendary I had airlocked for a long, long time, come to think of it.
That must also be why I don't have him. Slots were hard to come by then.
Yeah ... crew slots were very, very limited ... I used to do 90k credit pulls to get crew who I'd airlock for trainers
I remember it took me a while to equip CD Quark because of all the "difficult" items he needed (3* Alcohol, Holoprograms etc.).
Anyway, enough about the old days ... that game has long passed and evolved into what it is now.
Ha! I was the opposite. He was my first Legendary, and bringing him to level 100 was a multi-month effort - but he was also one of my strongest crew, even at ~level 70, and helped me clear many nodes in those chapters that were, to me, "the game" at that point. He continues to languish at 1/5, having had the misfortune to only pop up in begolds facing superior choices, but he'll always hold a special place on my crew.
In hindsight, I think perhaps I wasn't quite playing optimally when I first started.
I can understand that - my first immortal legendary was Crell Moset, and even though he’s been power-creeped to the point where he’s nowhere near the top four of my MED/DIP voyage crew I haven’t been able to send him to the vault...I don’t really need that 25% trait match in the gauntlet every few weeks and he only very rarely makes voyages, yet there he remains.
Thx for the heads up.