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December Campaign Feedback!



  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    I would have bought Talas campaign if it was 120 tiers with 2 legendary citations even though I do not care about Talas. I will likely not buy it if it is 100 tiers and 1 legendary citation.

    Those extra Tiers { for the same pricepoint} would likely encourage a lot of people to buy into the Premium Track, even if the Legendary is not the best. Especially the extra Citations.

    It was an experiment, hopefully. Correlating data that shows it is popular, might make it become a permanent thing.

    Yep. Except you can't look at your data before the experiment is completed. There are 4 days left. People still buy the campaign towards the end. So how do you expect them to make something permanent before they even have the data? And the data is not just, "how many people buy the campaign." It's how many new purchases are made because of the campaign. If someone buys the campaign instead of buying another deal it's a wash for TP. If someone buys the campaign when they normally would not have spent money, that's new revenue for TP. So they need to look at overall purchases not just campaign sales. They also want to see how the campaign change effected event participation. Did the extra accolades get more people to play the events?

    We'd all like the campaign change to be permanent. More free stuff (or more stuff included in a purchase you're already making) is great for the players. That's not in question. But being disappointed that an experiment was not made permanent before the experiment was even completed is the objection. You need to adjust your expectations to what can reasonably be expected. Otherwise you might as well say I'm disappointed there was no 5* citation in the threshold rewards for the event.

    No response. Clearly some people carry personal bias into any thread I am in.

    Might not wanna include that last paragraph I posted, since it clearly refers to after the data and feedback are correlated....

    Also, {CLICK}

    My point was comparing your use of experiment to your first post where you talked about being disappointed the campaign wasn't extended.

    You've now edited the post. But "TP, the extended campaign was great, please make it permanent" is fine and a positive way to provide feedback. "Can you sense the disappointment.. TP isn't listening to players on a popular change" is very different and implies an expectation of this being made permanent which was never going to happen for January.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    AviTrek wrote: »
    I would have bought Talas campaign if it was 120 tiers with 2 legendary citations even though I do not care about Talas. I will likely not buy it if it is 100 tiers and 1 legendary citation.

    Those extra Tiers { for the same pricepoint} would likely encourage a lot of people to buy into the Premium Track, even if the Legendary is not the best. Especially the extra Citations.

    It was an experiment, hopefully. Correlating data that shows it is popular, might make it become a permanent thing.

    Yep. Except you can't look at your data before the experiment is completed. There are 4 days left. People still buy the campaign towards the end. So how do you expect them to make something permanent before they even have the data? And the data is not just, "how many people buy the campaign." It's how many new purchases are made because of the campaign. If someone buys the campaign instead of buying another deal it's a wash for TP. If someone buys the campaign when they normally would not have spent money, that's new revenue for TP. So they need to look at overall purchases not just campaign sales. They also want to see how the campaign change effected event participation. Did the extra accolades get more people to play the events?

    We'd all like the campaign change to be permanent. More free stuff (or more stuff included in a purchase you're already making) is great for the players. That's not in question. But being disappointed that an experiment was not made permanent before the experiment was even completed is the objection. You need to adjust your expectations to what can reasonably be expected. Otherwise you might as well say I'm disappointed there was no 5* citation in the threshold rewards for the event.

    No response. Clearly some people carry personal bias into any thread I am in.

    Might not wanna include that last paragraph I posted, since it clearly refers to after the data and feedback are correlated....

    Also, {CLICK}

    My point was comparing your use of experiment to your first post where you talked about being disappointed the campaign wasn't extended.

    You've now edited the post. But "TP, the extended campaign was great, please make it permanent" is fine and a positive way to provide feedback. "Can you sense the disappointment.. TP isn't listening to players on a popular change" is very different and implies an expectation of this being made permanent which was never going to happen for January.

    I kind of took his edits as an admission that he sees it now. I think the time you took to lay out the probable logistics behind the decision was helpful, btw.
    Farewell 🖖
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    AviTrek wrote: »
    I would have bought Talas campaign if it was 120 tiers with 2 legendary citations even though I do not care about Talas. I will likely not buy it if it is 100 tiers and 1 legendary citation.

    Those extra Tiers { for the same pricepoint} would likely encourage a lot of people to buy into the Premium Track, even if the Legendary is not the best. Especially the extra Citations.

    It was an experiment, hopefully. Correlating data that shows it is popular, might make it become a permanent thing.

    Yep. Except you can't look at your data before the experiment is completed. There are 4 days left. People still buy the campaign towards the end. So how do you expect them to make something permanent before they even have the data? And the data is not just, "how many people buy the campaign." It's how many new purchases are made because of the campaign. If someone buys the campaign instead of buying another deal it's a wash for TP. If someone buys the campaign when they normally would not have spent money, that's new revenue for TP. So they need to look at overall purchases not just campaign sales. They also want to see how the campaign change effected event participation. Did the extra accolades get more people to play the events?

    We'd all like the campaign change to be permanent. More free stuff (or more stuff included in a purchase you're already making) is great for the players. That's not in question. But being disappointed that an experiment was not made permanent before the experiment was even completed is the objection. You need to adjust your expectations to what can reasonably be expected. Otherwise you might as well say I'm disappointed there was no 5* citation in the threshold rewards for the event.

    No response. Clearly some people carry personal bias into any thread I am in.

    Might not wanna include that last paragraph I posted, since it clearly refers to after the data and feedback are correlated....

    Also, {CLICK}

    Yep, I don’t get the pushback. You were disappointed TP didn’t continue with the 120 tier system. I was too. Many others probably were as well. Then because we were disappointed we were greedy and toxic? I loved that the campaign was tied into the events. It made the events even more fun and gave us something different. Heck, TP could have continued the 120 tier system even without the second citation and it would have been fun. I hope they do in the future.

    I was just giving feedback that I hoped it became a permanent thing. Feedback, like the company asked for. I really did not expect it to mean I felt privileged or entitled. I support the game and would like for it to last. I am sorry so many people thought I was demanding the Moon "RIGHT NOW, DADDY!"

    Thank you for understanding where I was coming from, even when my words were unclear!!!!!!

    I think it was far less about what you said and far more about what some media men have been saying for the last couple decades trying to get people to take less and that anyone who speaks up is cast by them as greedy and selfish when they are the ones being paid millions to push talking points that help no one but themselves. I believe their rhetoric is crossing over into this game by those that listen to it and are persuaded by it.
    Let’s fly!
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    IceCat wrote: »
    There has been a strong undercurrent of “I WANT MORE STUFF NOW” complaining going on here recently, a total Veruca Salt vibe. (Not saying this is what Scott’s up to, as he’s one of my favorite people here and I agree that it’s a bummer we’re not getting 120 tiers for the next campaign.) It’s getting old, as is the concern-trolling that comes up when people say that the entitlement syndrome is tiresome. How many people have left the forum or the game entirely because this forum is turning into a toxic swamp? Is it a number that approaches, equals, or exceeds the number of people who have left because the game no longer holds their interest? It’s hard to tell, because they’re no longer here to comment.

    THIS! Yes, people have invested a lot of time, energy, and in some cases, money, into this game.
    But that doesn't entitle anyone to make demands, or throw temper tantrums if you don't get what you want.

    Frankly, the constant stream of negativity lately is toxic and one of my biggest reasons for not enjoying the game as much. People seem to have forgotten a game is meant to be fun. If you aren't enjoying yourself, why keep playing?

    Thank you random online stranger I have never interacted with before. Got anything rude to say about my dead mom, or are you done?

    My comment was in response to @Dirk Gunderson. How was it either directed at you or rude towards you? Or towards anyone else for that matter?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    IceCat wrote: »
    IceCat wrote: »
    There has been a strong undercurrent of “I WANT MORE STUFF NOW” complaining going on here recently, a total Veruca Salt vibe. (Not saying this is what Scott’s up to, as he’s one of my favorite people here and I agree that it’s a bummer we’re not getting 120 tiers for the next campaign.) It’s getting old, as is the concern-trolling that comes up when people say that the entitlement syndrome is tiresome. How many people have left the forum or the game entirely because this forum is turning into a toxic swamp? Is it a number that approaches, equals, or exceeds the number of people who have left because the game no longer holds their interest? It’s hard to tell, because they’re no longer here to comment.

    THIS! Yes, people have invested a lot of time, energy, and in some cases, money, into this game.
    But that doesn't entitle anyone to make demands, or throw temper tantrums if you don't get what you want.

    Frankly, the constant stream of negativity lately is toxic and one of my biggest reasons for not enjoying the game as much. People seem to have forgotten a game is meant to be fun. If you aren't enjoying yourself, why keep playing?

    Thank you random online stranger I have never interacted with before. Got anything rude to say about my dead mom, or are you done?

    My comment was in response to @Dirk Gunderson. How was it either directed at you or rude towards you? Or towards anyone else for that matter?

    My apologies. I guess I misread your "entitlement" comments as being directed at me, since every other, similar attack in the thread was.

    I guess I missed that you were agreeing with Dirk, while also attacking HIS "entitlement".....


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    IceCat wrote: »
    IceCat wrote: »
    There has been a strong undercurrent of “I WANT MORE STUFF NOW” complaining going on here recently, a total Veruca Salt vibe. (Not saying this is what Scott’s up to, as he’s one of my favorite people here and I agree that it’s a bummer we’re not getting 120 tiers for the next campaign.) It’s getting old, as is the concern-trolling that comes up when people say that the entitlement syndrome is tiresome. How many people have left the forum or the game entirely because this forum is turning into a toxic swamp? Is it a number that approaches, equals, or exceeds the number of people who have left because the game no longer holds their interest? It’s hard to tell, because they’re no longer here to comment.

    THIS! Yes, people have invested a lot of time, energy, and in some cases, money, into this game.
    But that doesn't entitle anyone to make demands, or throw temper tantrums if you don't get what you want.

    Frankly, the constant stream of negativity lately is toxic and one of my biggest reasons for not enjoying the game as much. People seem to have forgotten a game is meant to be fun. If you aren't enjoying yourself, why keep playing?

    Thank you random online stranger I have never interacted with before. Got anything rude to say about my dead mom, or are you done?

    My comment was in response to @Dirk Gunderson. How was it either directed at you or rude towards you? Or towards anyone else for that matter?

    My apologies. I guess I misread your "entitlement" comments as being directed at me, since every other, similar attack in the thread was.

    I guess I missed that you were agreeing with Dick, while also attacking HIS "entitlement".....


    Apology accepted. Hopefully in the future, one won't be necessary.

  • I’d rather read players feedback, positive or not, than see all negative points banned from discussion.

    Part of the reason I don’t frequent the forums as much as I used to was because there was an air of toxic positivity, where members were piled upon when they had concerns, complaints or wanted to debate opposing views.

    I'm glad someone said this. Thank you.

    I have been a lurker/infrequent poster since about 6 months after the game released. I can't begin to count the number of positivity trolls or people that display zero empathy "defending the game" that later turn around and complain about how others treat them or how their sudden random problem with the game is the "biggest problem in the world".
    I’d rather read players feedback, positive or not, than see all negative points banned from discussion.

    Part of the reason I don’t frequent the forums as much as I used to was because there was an air of toxic positivity, where members were piled upon when they had concerns, complaints or wanted to debate opposing views.

    I think there's been a marked decline in "toxic positivity" since the offer wall thread. I hope you've found the forum much more to your liking since then. :)

    Many players that had good, substantive criticism of the game have long abandoned the forum to the positivity trolls. If there has been a tonal shift on the forum, it's a lot less players advocating for other players. The general decrease of late seems more related to a general outflow of players from the game.

    I would have thought Trekkers would be above a lot of what I've seen in this community over the years, but it's hardly surprising in a game with a lot of P2W elements. Nostalgia + money + lame pRNG is a recipe for a bad trip. Personal responsibility only goes so far when there are repeated systemic failures.
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    I need help understanding the issue with "positivity trolls." From where I sit, it sounds a little odd. My goal is to have some open, honest conversations without insulting or dragging others, to include other captains or devs. If you have problems with the game, cool. Let's talk about them. If someone tries to explain how something works or why devs can't do a certain thing or how things have worked in the past, that's part of the conversation. As long as it's done matter-of-factly, respectfully, and/or professionally, then it's just part of the conversation.

    If someone comes to the forum and trashes the devs, besmirches other captains, or is otherwise disrespectful in how they complain about a problem, then don't be surprised if they're called out. Having an issue with the game does not give you some right to be disrespectful of others. That's how online communities fall to actual trolls. That's not something that I want to see in a Star Trek community.

    Complaining about issues on the forum is a legit way to get changes made. I'm currently crusading with those who want Adira Tal's art changed back. WRG doesn't always do what I think is right. I'll let them know as respectfully as I can. I encourage everyone to do the same when they have an issue.

    But what am I missing? What part of that is trolling or bullying? I care about this community. I want everyone to participate (respectfully). What can be done to be more inclusive without damaging the community with attacks and negativity?

    I think there is a tendency on these forums to dismiss, ridicule and lecture people for complaints or for generally mentioning things that they care about/are disappointed with. Some users definitely do that, even though I've seen it happen less than before lately.

    There is also a tendency to go on rants and use hyperboles when it comes to express complaints and disappointment, which seems to receive very different responses from the community depending on the popularity of the person who does it.

    I'm sure most of us fell into one of those two behaviours at least once since we've joined the forums, so to be honest I don't see that much of a problem with either of them, unless someone acts like that all the time. But I think that what people mean by "positivity trolls" is the first one I mentioned.

    EDIT: just to be clear, I don't consider you to be a positivity troll, but I also don't think that that comment was directed at you.
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    Okay Honest feed-
    1) I like the Campaign format and the idea behind it. It is an extra bonus for doing daily tasks constantly. I appreciate the steady extras. I sometimes incorporate what I expect to get that day or the next into my strategy.

    2) It also gives newer players a chance to get older crew or two in a short time with enough copies and resources to make it a significant addition. A few have recently been straight honor, but many were either new (mostly last year, but also Tourist Reed this year) or finished a 4* (as recently as Owen Paris). This is free crew plus goodies just for doing daily tasks. In a four month period, you would get five FF 4* crew (daily card included) and 4 FF 3*s. That is a lot to a new player and even a middling one like me. Even those that were just honor for me are good crew if you still need them.

    3) It is also great for dealing with 1/5* crew lingering around. Some people complain about the choice of 5*, but, if getting all the game changers was so easy, they'd complain about that. These crew are the ones you don't cite really, but, if you already had them, you could finish them. I did Tourist Tucker and Rura Penthe Kirk. They are decent at 4/5* and you can use the cite to finish or pick them out of a bad begold. You don't have to buy them, if you don't want them.

    4) Equipment crates- I love them. I wish they were added in other places. They are honestly more exciting to me than a portal right now. I only need twenty purples total and have over 130 immortal. Most portals give me a star and maybe schematics. These little crates are very fun surprises. They are presents for your crew. Even the basic ones add up. They don't seem like much, but the value is a lot of resources saved, some hard to get ones in quantity when you think about it. Sometimes you get a really well timed item that boosts an event crew or finishes someone, when you need a little room.
    ** General campaign feedback- A premium crate should be replace the last basic crate on the free track and the very last one on the premium track should be doubled, especially if they do an extended campaign.
    Could surplus accolades convert to something besides just going away once every tier is unlocked? I'd take anything... Credits, merits, honor, just don't let them go to waste. You get a lot leftover after you get up in VIP levels. Honor would be most helpful. I'm not sure of the numbers, but I think it would buy an extra gold cite a year. (Maybe the same for Intel at the end of a Skirmish? You usually have a few left.) It wouldn't make a huge difference, but it would be nice. You earned it, but it just disappears.

    Now, December specifically.

    Shran was straight honor, as he was FF, but he is a good card if you don't have him and he was the free track. Complaining about free stuff is bad form.

    I had already decided to buy. I had that Kirk 1/5* FE since the last Kirk event and could finish him for the cost of my usual Campaign buy. Finishing a gold is always nice, but I had no immortal gold Kirk. I had two Spocks and a McCoy, but no Kirk. Considering how often he pops up in events, my roster needed one. As the number two base for Security and good proficiencies for Diplomacy with good traits, he is a very good one to have. I could buy and just sit back and wait for the copies to roll in. Finally being able to field an immortal gold Kirk is a relief. He is either on a shuttle or a voyage and was very busy this last event.

    With Accolades in the Event Thresholds, I finished the same time as always, but I got extras during events, which was very nice. We basically got free stuff during the holidays. Nearly everyone celebrates something this time of year. It was nice and appreciated and FREE. Both gold citations are free to go where I need, since I had one of Kirk coming in, so that was a bit more special for me.

    Bottom line- I got extra for doing what I always do anyway, so I'm happy. This was an experiment on their end. I doubt it will become the new normal (at least not for a while), but it could be a nice addition to their celebration menu.
    They run thirteen Campaigns a year. Adding this to maybe four or so would be nice without devaluing anything. Convergence Day, First Contact Day, Star Trek Day, and the holiday season seem like good candidates. Player's Choice could be a fifth.
    I wouldn't complain about the extended version coming back from time to time, but I won't be upset if it doesn't become the norm either.
    I'm buying the next one Thursday. Tallas is new to me. Her numbers are good. Her traits could prove useful and I don't have a lot of golds with them. I don't have any other gold Andorians besides my 1/5 of Shukar. We may see an influx or event and she would be a solid investment.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought the amount of accolades available in event thresholds was a touch too generous. I understand needing some wiggle room in case you miss a day or two, but increased rewards should require increased participation.

    That being said, it was a nice little reward hit to get 5 campaign tiers at once when collecting event threshold rewards. I like the idea of including accolades in the event thresholds - maybe that can replace some of the more pointless dailies like scans.

    You do realize that the added Accolades in Events was the exact amount needed to complete the extra tiers, right? The extra tiers would not be able to be done without them. Unless people spent buckets of Dilithium. Which would kind of make the extras moot. {Or a clear money grab, rather than a bonus.}
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought the amount of accolades available in event thresholds was a touch too generous. I understand needing some wiggle room in case you miss a day or two, but increased rewards should require increased participation.

    That being said, it was a nice little reward hit to get 5 campaign tiers at once when collecting event threshold rewards. I like the idea of including accolades in the event thresholds - maybe that can replace some of the more pointless dailies like scans.

    You do realize that the added Accolades in Events was the exact amount needed to complete the extra tiers, right? The extra tiers would not be able to be done without them. Unless people spent buckets of Dilithium. Which would kind of make the extras moot. {Or a clear money grab, rather than a bonus.}

    I'm with auto -- I have posted in the past that the worst days of playing for me are the gap from when I complete the campaign until the next one starts. Usually thats about 3 days without the extra bonus rewards/incentives to complete daily tasks.

    So on one hand, yay extra tiers.
    On the other, the extra accolades from events had me finish the campaign with almost 5 days to spare, so an even longer stretch.

    It solved the problem and then... put the problem back into play.

    I loved the inclusion of accolades into event rewards and I've been yearning for some sort of perk for completing the 100 tiers (even a repeatable completion reward collection of honor or something would be ideal), but the amount from the event made the problem worse.
  • Paying fat cat executives is always a top priority in a corporation as they decide the priorities.
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    I always finish four or five days early. It's A side effect of a high VIP level. The added levels and consequential accolades in the event didn't change that. I finished the Saturday before the new one starts. Sometimes I finish on the Sunday. Once in a while, I finish later, if I didn't finish daily tasks a day or two, like during a four day headache around Halloween.
    I have suggested the excess accolades convert to another currency, like honor or merits after the tiers are all unlocked.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought the amount of accolades available in event thresholds was a touch too generous. I understand needing some wiggle room in case you miss a day or two, but increased rewards should require increased participation.

    That being said, it was a nice little reward hit to get 5 campaign tiers at once when collecting event threshold rewards. I like the idea of including accolades in the event thresholds - maybe that can replace some of the more pointless dailies like scans.

    You do realize that the added Accolades in Events was the exact amount needed to complete the extra tiers, right? The extra tiers would not be able to be done without them. Unless people spent buckets of Dilithium. Which would kind of make the extras moot. {Or a clear money grab, rather than a bonus.}

    I was able to complete the campaign with five days to spare. Yes, that was with the additional accolades, but I believe I still would have been able to complete the extra tiers regardless. Perhaps someone knows the math better than I and could answer with more certainty.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    IceCat wrote: »
    I thought the amount of accolades available in event thresholds was a touch too generous. I understand needing some wiggle room in case you miss a day or two, but increased rewards should require increased participation.

    That being said, it was a nice little reward hit to get 5 campaign tiers at once when collecting event threshold rewards. I like the idea of including accolades in the event thresholds - maybe that can replace some of the more pointless dailies like scans.

    You do realize that the added Accolades in Events was the exact amount needed to complete the extra tiers, right? The extra tiers would not be able to be done without them. Unless people spent buckets of Dilithium. Which would kind of make the extras moot. {Or a clear money grab, rather than a bonus.}

    I was able to complete the campaign with five days to spare. Yes, that was with the additional accolades, but I believe I still would have been able to complete the extra tiers regardless. Perhaps someone knows the math better than I and could answer with more certainty.

    Do you usually finish the 💯 Tier Campaign with about the same time cushion?

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    IceCat wrote: »
    I thought the amount of accolades available in event thresholds was a touch too generous. I understand needing some wiggle room in case you miss a day or two, but increased rewards should require increased participation.

    That being said, it was a nice little reward hit to get 5 campaign tiers at once when collecting event threshold rewards. I like the idea of including accolades in the event thresholds - maybe that can replace some of the more pointless dailies like scans.

    You do realize that the added Accolades in Events was the exact amount needed to complete the extra tiers, right? The extra tiers would not be able to be done without them. Unless people spent buckets of Dilithium. Which would kind of make the extras moot. {Or a clear money grab, rather than a bonus.}

    I was able to complete the campaign with five days to spare. Yes, that was with the additional accolades, but I believe I still would have been able to complete the extra tiers regardless. Perhaps someone knows the math better than I and could answer with more certainty.

    Do you usually finish the 💯 Tier Campaign with about the same time cushion?

    Not sure entirely on specifics, because, to be honest, I don't usually notice, but I know that I usually finish all the tiers with plenty of time (days) to spare.
  • IceCat wrote: »
    IceCat wrote: »
    I thought the amount of accolades available in event thresholds was a touch too generous. I understand needing some wiggle room in case you miss a day or two, but increased rewards should require increased participation.

    That being said, it was a nice little reward hit to get 5 campaign tiers at once when collecting event threshold rewards. I like the idea of including accolades in the event thresholds - maybe that can replace some of the more pointless dailies like scans.

    You do realize that the added Accolades in Events was the exact amount needed to complete the extra tiers, right? The extra tiers would not be able to be done without them. Unless people spent buckets of Dilithium. Which would kind of make the extras moot. {Or a clear money grab, rather than a bonus.}

    I was able to complete the campaign with five days to spare. Yes, that was with the additional accolades, but I believe I still would have been able to complete the extra tiers regardless. Perhaps someone knows the math better than I and could answer with more certainty.

    Do you usually finish the 💯 Tier Campaign with about the same time cushion?

    Not sure entirely on specifics, because, to be honest, I don't usually notice, but I know that I usually finish all the tiers with plenty of time (days) to spare.

    I typically finish all the tiers with 4 or 5 days left if I am recalling correctly.

    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    Normally, we earn 800 accolades a day, or four tiers. That is at VIP0. You would finish a normal campaign in 25 days. Any VIP0 would have only gotten 112 tiers without those extra accolades.
    At VIP14, I get 1 extra tier unlocked for every four days. I finish a couple days early compared to VIP0.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
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