Community Rewards - could we get a few commas or spaces please?
in The Bridge
Perhaps this is just a pet peeve of mine. Most places that I know of separate the digits of large numbers over 999 with commas or spaces for the convenience of the readers. I don't know that it's an actual etiquette rule, but it's a common practice none the less.
Here's the Community Rewards list for the current event. Could we PLEASE get some separators in this display?
I don't know how many times I counted those zeroes trying to figure out what this number was!
Here's the Community Rewards list for the current event. Could we PLEASE get some separators in this display?
I don't know how many times I counted those zeroes trying to figure out what this number was!
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
ha ha ha - funny guy!
Fun history fact: America’s first real eccentric rich person, Timothy Dexter, wrote a book of mostly random musings and stories of his life, the first edition of which had no punctuation. This reasonably caused people to complain, so the second edition of the book was published with an entire page of punctuation and an instruction for the reader to place those punctuation marks wherever they pleased.
Commas, or periods might not quite fit the Star Trek esthetic but they could add a 1/2 space (or space if that's too difficult) between each 1000 that would improve the ability to read without altering what some might consider the Star Trek display theme.
Yes, this ↑↑↑↑↑ 100000000000000 times.
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
150 m
300 m
500 m
1000 m
2000 m
4000 m
8000 m
10000 m
That's an interesting idea, BUT numbers are stored WITHOUT the commas, which are inserted when they are displayed for the convenience of the user. Typically when displaying them in programming code, they are shown as a Hexadecimal number, which is grouped in 4 or 8 characters. There would be NO point in storing commas with the number.
I suspect that the software you are using has a programming limitation when using very large numbers.