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TP/WRG monetizing voyage bug



  • Commodore PackCommodore Pack ✭✭✭✭✭
    So I am obviously not going to disclose whatever the CS rep and I work out, but I have had a voyage stuck at the 18 hour mark for the past five hours or so.

    I really don’t care about recalling the voyage until I need to hit my daily achievement notch tomorrow so what I told them I was willing to do was leave it stuck until then to give them a chance to see the bug “live” to potentially gather another data point on the 🤬 thing.

    Has anyone else tried to do this?
    Is it even worthwhile for them?
    I just want them to squash this 🤬🤬🤬🤬 thing.
  • @Commodore Pack Please fill us in on the end results and how it works out. Very curious about how you get it resolved. (Not necessarily the specifics of rewards.)
    A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.
  • Commodore PackCommodore Pack ✭✭✭✭✭
    @The Quiggler Will do!

    More than anything I am curious to see if the Devs being able to see it happening live would help them out any.

    I guess in theory I am missing out on chroniton earning time, but I have no dilithium sunk into this voyage, just tokens so no real sweat and if it somehow helps squash the bug I’ll consider it worth it.

    As long as I have time to recall the voyage before phase two of the event I can indulge my curiosity.
  • @Shan -
    Does that help or does it not matter?
    A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    So here is how it all went down...
    When I woke up this morning, the CS rep assigned to the ticket had preemptively recalled the voyage and (without going into details) basically “made right” the fact that I was missing out on the 18th hour dilemma. I was happy enough with the way it went it went down, I’m not greedy. 🤑

    As a bit of background, I normally never extend voyages that long. I have at least one of each of the exclusive crew so it seems like a waste to go any further using extra resources.

    The only reason that I did in this instance is that I had scored two character cards earlier in the voyage that helped me out, but real life kept intervening and the voyage would run out right on the cusp of the next dilemma.

    That is on me and my style of pushing the envelope towards the end of antimatter stocks and then letting reality intervene. I had tokens to burn, so it was worth it to keep going and if I scored a Voyage Exclusive that I need to FF along the way that would have been a bonus.

    I really won’t care about getting them all FF until such time as they create a Voyage Exclusive Collection, but my hunch is that they won’t even consider doing that until the bug is squashed, to be honest.

    My gut tells me that the fact that I kept the glitch live for the CS Rep to see made things go a bit more smoothly, but who knows.

    The only thing that I am bummed about is that I don’t know if this gave them another data point to work with on solving this 🤬 glitch!

    @Shan - Does that help or does it not matter?

    My experience with stuck Voyages has been CS is very good about making it right if you weren't going for something specific. Where they struggle is how do you handle someone multiple tokens in who was going for voyage exclusive crew. They can't just give the crew early, they can't charge extra tokens without figuring out all the extra rewards, crediting all the used tokens back also has a potential for being too good a deal. So they're stuck with my awkward offers like dil for the crew. I would argue returning all the tokens is a better approach, but I can see how they ended up where they are.

    In terms of helping debug the issue, I doubt cs gave the engineers enough time to take a look. And my guess is the issue is some race condition related to network latency that is worse the more data they gave to transmit. Unfortunately that means that they never experience the issue while debugging it from their wifi/strong cell coverage. And an issue you can't reproduce is difficult to fix.
  • Commodore PackCommodore Pack ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    So here is how it all went down...
    When I woke up this morning, the CS rep assigned to the ticket had preemptively recalled the voyage and (without going into details) basically “made right” the fact that I was missing out on the 18th hour dilemma. I was happy enough with the way it went it went down, I’m not greedy. 🤑

    As a bit of background, I normally never extend voyages that long. I have at least one of each of the exclusive crew so it seems like a waste to go any further using extra resources.

    The only reason that I did in this instance is that I had scored two character cards earlier in the voyage that helped me out, but real life kept intervening and the voyage would run out right on the cusp of the next dilemma.

    That is on me and my style of pushing the envelope towards the end of antimatter stocks and then letting reality intervene. I had tokens to burn, so it was worth it to keep going and if I scored a Voyage Exclusive that I need to FF along the way that would have been a bonus.

    I really won’t care about getting them all FF until such time as they create a Voyage Exclusive Collection, but my hunch is that they won’t even consider doing that until the bug is squashed, to be honest.

    My gut tells me that the fact that I kept the glitch live for the CS Rep to see made things go a bit more smoothly, but who knows.

    The only thing that I am bummed about is that I don’t know if this gave them another data point to work with on solving this 🤬 glitch!

    @Shan - Does that help or does it not matter?

    My experience with stuck Voyages has been CS is very good about making it right if you weren't going for something specific. Where they struggle is how do you handle someone multiple tokens in who was going for voyage exclusive crew. They can't just give the crew early, they can't charge extra tokens without figuring out all the extra rewards, crediting all the used tokens back also has a potential for being too good a deal. So they're stuck with my awkward offers like dil for the crew. I would argue returning all the tokens is a better approach, but I can see how they ended up where they are.

    In terms of helping debug the issue, I doubt cs gave the engineers enough time to take a look. And my guess is the issue is some race condition related to network latency that is worse the more data they gave to transmit. Unfortunately that means that they never experience the issue while debugging it from their wifi/strong cell coverage. And an issue you can't reproduce is difficult to fix.

    Yeah, it was totally my hunch that the engineers never got a chance to look at it, given that the voyage was recalled by the time I woke up in the morning.

    I believe that they have specifically mentioned before that they have real difficulty reproducing the problem, so you might have a good guess as to the causes.

    It is a shame, because it effectively disincentivizes everyone from going for long voyages to get the Exclusive Crew and we will probably never see a Collection for them due to the nightmarish CS problems that would spawn unless the bug was squashed.

    Luckily, I was pretty sanguine about it since most of the token uses I had on that voyage were all on me. Shocking, isn’t it, letting real life intrude to the point that I forgot to recall a voyage multiple times? 😝

    I’d still love an answer from @WRG Team about whether them getting to look at the bug live and in action would help troubleshoot and even just whether leaving it live helps smooth the process with CS, just for other folks sake.
    Communication, guys, communication!
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    I appreciate the willingness to help identifying the cause of this bug, and if there is something that players affected can do in that regard I will definitively let everyone know.

    If you have a Voyage stuck and have anti matter and are able to recall, and want to start a new voyage, you could go ahead and then contact Support to explain the situation, where the voyage got stuck, any relevant details about that voyage.

    If your Voyage is stuck but you do not have anti matter, and want the rewards that you have already collected, then DO NOT recall as PS will be able to grant you the rewards manually.

    This is not ideal, this is frustrating, I know.
    And I am continuing to bring these frustrations up.

    Thanks for the followup Shan. One concern I would raise with your instructions not to recall, CS can sometimes take hours/days to respond to a ticket. That potentially means a day without the voyage daily task costing accolades, honor for completing all the tasks, and possibly costing your fleet the ISM target plus all the time lost not running a voyage that could have earned more chrons, honor, and crew. If there is anything that can be done so players don't have to leave their voyage in limbo that would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • Commodore PackCommodore Pack ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Shan wrote: »
    I appreciate the willingness to help identifying the cause of this bug, and if there is something that players affected can do in that regard I will definitively let everyone know.

    If you have a Voyage stuck and have anti matter and are able to recall, and want to start a new voyage, you could go ahead and then contact Support to explain the situation, where the voyage got stuck, any relevant details about that voyage.

    If your Voyage is stuck but you do not have anti matter, and want the rewards that you have already collected, then DO NOT recall as PS will be able to grant you the rewards manually.

    This is not ideal, this is frustrating, I know.
    And I am continuing to bring these frustrations up.

    Thank you for the follow up, Shan!

    As I had mentioned, I have basically given up on extending voyages even using tokens let alone actual Dilithium specifically because of the bug.

    It is simply not worth the risk and aggravation and I can’t imagine that I am the only one who acts accordingly.

    The Powers That Be Above may want to consider that this thing is directly affecting their revenue stream because it is so notorious and pernicious and is truly infuriating to deal with.

    I would venture to guess that many of us have completely given up on dragging out Voyages specifically because of it and that is costing WRG money as much as, if not more than, it is costing us enjoyment and rewards.

    It was a strange confluence of events that sent me on this adventure. I snagged some very worthwhile character cards early and kept dropping the ball on a timely recall. I had tokens to burn specifically because I never extend voyages (because of the bug) so I kept going. Then it looped and the loop would never clear, no matter any of the tried and true tricks.

    It wasn’t a big deal to me to let the voyage sit since the only thing I could have possibly missed out on was a daily achievement and I am a Fleet of One. Partially I was just plain curious as to whether the team would try to look at it live and in the wild and what could come of that.

    TLDR version:
    I think the folks above you need to realize that this is probably costing them more money than they are maybe aware of.

    Thanks again for following back up and forwarding our frustrations!

  • PeetsPeets ✭✭✭✭
    I think I have experienced this bug for the first time and I got through.
    So it might be that it's not this bug.

    So what happened:
    After 12 hours I wanted to do my dilemma but it wouldn't not show up.
    The timers bar goes down and nothing happens.

    I click out and back in and I notice the log continues with some new text.
    The timer bar goes down and nothing happens.

    I again go out and back in and notice again new text.

    I repeat this 5 times in total and then suddenly my dilemma appears and the end of the timer bar.

    I though, I need to share this because perhaps this might save everyone to get their dilemma.
    Or I experienced something different.
  • That sounds like it. Sometimes you're lucky and restarting a few times gives it the nudge it needs, but sometimes that doesn't work.

    I haven't experienced it myself since 2019, although it used to crop up with some regularity. It seems to be fairly rare these days, and not just for myself.

    Although, perhaps in this case you had a hiccup in your connection and the end result was just similar?
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