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Different POV on the bans

[SoCo] Matze[SoCo] Matze ✭✭
edited February 2021 in The Bridge
I was a very active player for a few years but im now on a longer break for almost a year with logging back in every now and then. So i have a healthier distance to the game and might be able to assess this issue more objectively.

There were so many "Claim once" or "Limit 1 per day" offers in the game working as intended that everyone should have known that this clearly is a bug. So if you used it many times (20+) it's clear that you have abused this bug.

Now there are some who say there was the "buy again-button" to justify their actions but if it it says BUY again and you claim it many times for free then again it is bug abuse at this point.

So in my opinion there's no question at all that this was a bug abuse / exploit.

The only "problem" is that TP is starting now to punish these exploits. In the past you were the dumb one if you didn't exploit the bugs because there were no consequences at all.
But at some point you have to start punish this and that is now. Maybe it has something to do with the change from DB to TP. We don't know. But it's justified and necessary.

It is unfortunate and i'm feeling sorry for some, but come on. You all play and have played other games and should've known about the risk of bug abuse. I've seen many players in other games getting perma banned for exploits that were far less obvious.
And don't blame it on TP. Bugs are unavoidable and even in AAA games you'll see many of them.
Was this issue avoidable with proper QA? Sure, but in the end it's your responsibility to not abuse the bugs. But if you do then it's on you. And 99.9% of you know that so stop your hypocrisy and move on.

In the long term it's good for the game and next time you might consider first if it's worth taking the risk and maybe TP is improving on their QA as well. At least i hope so.


  • I mean there is this eXo dude who's indirectly threatening the families and children of the TP-employees.
    How sick and disgusting is that? Good example of how emotional and blown out of proportion this whole thing got.

    The hell are you even talking about. Don't do that kind of nonsense and expect people to listen to your opinion just because you disagree with what I and a lot of other people have been saying. That's almost as disgusting as banning people for 3 days for what was an honest mistake - if you actually read anything that's been said here.

    I've edited my original post to not discredit eXo. Sorry for that. But my point still stands.
    So how many STT employee families and children will go hungry for using a button for free virtual items? Hmm...

    This i what im refering to. I know it's worded as a question but i read it also as mentioned as a indirect threat.
  • TrollitaTrollita ✭✭✭✭
    > I mean there is this one dude who's indirectly threatening the families and children of the TP-employees.

    Source, please. ‘Cuz I ain’t seen it. Thanks.
  • The decisive word is "indirect".

    If TP doesn't do what we the players want (in this case lift the bans) we'll stop spending and their children are going to starve.

    That's how you can read it. Of course everyone can stop spending for whatever reason they like. I did myself months ago. Imo the bans are not the right reason because i think they are justified. Maybe a one day ban would have been enough with an announcement that it will be longer in the future but TP decided it's going to be 3 days.
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cpt dx wrote: »
    Again, you can't parse intent or morality of the players. We can all probably agree someone who did it 100s of times probably was in the wrong. What about 50? 20? 15? 1? It's completely arbitrary. Even if you could find a line in the sand, how do we know how they clicked that many times?

    When I first saw the Buy Again, I clicked it. "Sweet! They're giving us extras!!" I clicked Buy Again again. This time it didn't do anything. The night before, I had a bizarro bug that gave me two Groom Worf crowns (at full cost for both) where it didn't show up as having been replicated. "Another STT graphics bug..." I assumed that something similar was happening. I kept clicking it figuring it would run out just like the other offers that have multiple claims per day.

    Once it dawned on me this wasn't a graphical glitch I stopped.

    Didn't claim any additional crew. Didn't spend my dilithium to speed up the quantum (or whatever it's called). I decided to not try to hide it by claiming crew and burying it. I just put down the game and didn't log in. Even while I was having one of my better starts to an event that I've ever had. I figured they'd need time to clean up the mess and didn't want to spend time on it if things were going to be reset or reverted.

    You will never be able to separate the people who used this maliciously vs. those who didn't.

    And as I said, I agree. It is almost impossible to discern intent. To use a tenet of law, better ten guilty go free than one innocent be punished. That also applies here. So their hands are tied.
  • I'm just here to say thank you to Spongeborg Squareship and my good friend Silver.

    Thanks for owning up, Matze, but... In the words of a one-time great warrior, 言葉というものはよく咀嚼し吟味してから口に乗せるように.
  • eXo | RamzaeXo | Ramza ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    IceCat wrote: »
    This was not necessary. Matze owned up to their mistake, and there was a language barrier. People whose first language is English have done far worse and never apologised. You're out of line.

    Lighten up, brother.

    Google Translate is never that far away.

    And Matze wrote a treatise on their topic.

    I work with plenty of people who's first language isn't English and it's more an insult to them to imply that they can't take a joke because of a language barrier.
  • He did accuse Ramza of threatening people by name in this post. Just because an apology was made doesn't mean it has to be accepted.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    IceCat wrote: »
    This was not necessary. Matze owned up to their mistake, and there was a language barrier. People whose first language is English have done far worse and never apologised. You're out of line.

    Lighten up, brother.

    Google Translate is never that far away.

    And Matze wrote a treatise on their topic.

    I work with plenty of people who's first language isn't English and it's more an insult to them to imply that they can't take a joke because of a language barrier.

    I'm aware. I used it. I'll save others the trouble.

    Be sure to chew and scrutinize words before putting them in your mouth.

    Your comment feels needlessly antagonistic. The fact you were joking could be lost in translation.
    Pardon the pun.

    Matze probably feels bad enough. And as someone with a lot of experience with people who've had language issues like these, all someone rubbing it in their face like that does is lead to further isolation and embarrassment.
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