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Different POV on the bans



  • Matze clearly has command of English and can defend and interact on their own.

    Stop treating both myself AND Matze like children.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Matze clearly has command of English and can defend and interact on their own.

    Stop treating both myself AND Matze like children.

    Judging by Matze’s last comment, he/she clearly has a better command of the English language than many Americans

  • PeetsPeets ✭✭✭✭
    I think the problem is, that a lot of long time players are frustrated that the game isn't going into the direction they want?
  • Peets wrote: »
    I think the problem is, that a lot of long time players are frustrated that the game isn't going into the direction they want?

    "The game not going in the direction the players want" is but merely one problem.

    The far bigger issues at hand are the track record & reputation TP/WRG have earned for a complete lack of quality-control/testing/debugging, a near-complete lack of communication with the playerbase, and on the few times the company does choose to communicate, those communications are insincere, tone-deaf, refuse to accept any responsibility, and often refuse to even address the issue at hand.

    Game stagnation is one thing. A company completely mismanaging a beloved IP is another kettle of fish entirely.


    Yeah, I agree. I can understand that they've been working on this new feature for months and haven't invested time/resources in other needed areas. But the major issue at hand for me personally, is the morality of their reaction over the 'Buy Again' bug. It's a bug, fine. Some people didn't realize it was a bug, fine. Some people abused the bug, fine. Banning (their words, not mine) everyone who used the bug, not fine. ("Suspending" their accounts, would have been much better) Calling everyone who used the bug cheaters and flipping the **tsk tsk** switch, not ok. Refusing to acknowledge that it was a bug on their end and refusing to apologize for how they handled it, egregious.

    This is where I stand on the matter. And though I've logged on to play over the last couple of days to do my dailies and help my fleet/squad, I will likely retire from this game in the near future. I will not continue to support a company that reacts this way. So I am working on a plan to transition out of the game that doesn't negatively affect my fleet.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Peets wrote: »
    I think the problem is, that a lot of long time players are frustrated that the game isn't going into the direction they want?

    "The game not going in the direction the players want" is but merely one problem.

    The far bigger issues at hand are the track record & reputation TP/WRG have earned for a complete lack of quality-control/testing/debugging, a near-complete lack of communication with the playerbase, and on the few times the company does choose to communicate, those communications are insincere, tone-deaf, refuse to accept any responsibility, and often refuse to even address the issue at hand.

    Game stagnation is one thing. A company completely mismanaging a beloved IP is another kettle of fish entirely.


    Yeah, I agree. I can understand that they've been working on this new feature for months and haven't invested time/resources in other needed areas. But the major issue at hand for me personally, is the morality of their reaction over the 'Buy Again' bug. It's a bug, fine. Some people didn't realize it was a bug, fine. Some people abused the bug, fine. Banning (their words, not mine) everyone who used the bug, not fine. ("Suspending" their accounts, would have been much better) Calling everyone who used the bug cheaters and flipping the **tsk tsk** switch, not ok. Refusing to acknowledge that it was a bug on their end and refusing to apologize for how they handled it, egregious.

    This is where I stand on the matter. And though I've logged on to play over the last couple of days to do my dailies and help my fleet/squad, I will likely retire from this game in the near future. I will not continue to support a company that reacts this way. So I am working on a plan to transition out of the game that doesn't negatively affect my fleet.

    I totally disagree on the priorities you've outlined. They are your priorities so you do you, but they should not be priorities for TP. The most important and overriding concern that TP should have is getting out a feature that actually uses the crew we have. That is the number one reason why people here are so ready to quit. Many are just looking for an excuse. The game is stale and has been for quite a while now. The lack of gravity between the game and it's player base is a symptom of this.

    Bugs happen, they are rampant throughout the computer gaming world, as players we come into contact with them every day. The uncomfortable truth is that plenty of people felt fine pressing that button over and over because they just did not care about the consequences for themselves or for TP. This is partly on the players themselves but is really a feature of the boredom and the resentment toward TP that many in the player base have been simmering with for months. And now it's boiling over.

    If people thought that the game was great they wouldn't be willing to give it up so easily. TP honestly need to improve the game first and foremost. They should never have listened to people argue for bug fixing and QoL fixes, they are always secondary and wildly underappreciated by players. New features is what gets people to revisit the game and tinker and drives interest. And when you hit on a great feature, like Voyages, it generates tons of revenue and genuinely makes the world a better place by giving tons of enjoyment to people. But you have to keep making and retiring features because you don't know what's going to work and what's not. This is the great failure of DB/TP, they haven't iterated on the actual gameplay in years. This new feature is cool, but it's actually going to compound the problem. I've already dug out two top 25 characters I didn't have so why am I going to buy lesser characters going forward?

    Bottom line, this debacle is a symptom of a deep malaise, and the right message to take from it is that the game **tsk tsk** right now. TP need to invest the time and effort to get it back on track and people need to take a break or walk away for good from a game that they are obviously not enjoying.

  • Navarch Navarch ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Peets wrote: »
    I think the problem is, that a lot of long time players are frustrated that the game isn't going into the direction they want?

    "The game not going in the direction the players want" is but merely one problem.

    The far bigger issues at hand are the track record & reputation TP/WRG have earned for a complete lack of quality-control/testing/debugging, a near-complete lack of communication with the playerbase, and on the few times the company does choose to communicate, those communications are insincere, tone-deaf, refuse to accept any responsibility, and often refuse to even address the issue at hand.

    Game stagnation is one thing. A company completely mismanaging a beloved IP is another kettle of fish entirely.


    Yeah, I agree. I can understand that they've been working on this new feature for months and haven't invested time/resources in other needed areas. But the major issue at hand for me personally, is the morality of their reaction over the 'Buy Again' bug. It's a bug, fine. Some people didn't realize it was a bug, fine. Some people abused the bug, fine. Banning (their words, not mine) everyone who used the bug, not fine. ("Suspending" their accounts, would have been much better) Calling everyone who used the bug cheaters and flipping the **tsk tsk** switch, not ok. Refusing to acknowledge that it was a bug on their end and refusing to apologize for how they handled it, egregious.

    This is where I stand on the matter. And though I've logged on to play over the last couple of days to do my dailies and help my fleet/squad, I will likely retire from this game in the near future. I will not continue to support a company that reacts this way. So I am working on a plan to transition out of the game that doesn't negatively affect my fleet.

    I totally disagree on the priorities you've outlined. They are your priorities so you do you, but they should not be priorities for TP. The most important and overriding concern that TP should have is getting out a feature that actually uses the crew we have. That is the number one reason why people here are so ready to quit. Many are just looking for an excuse. The game is stale and has been for quite a while now. The lack of gravity between the game and it's player base is a symptom of this.

    Bugs happen, they are rampant throughout the computer gaming world, as players we come into contact with them every day. The uncomfortable truth is that plenty of people felt fine pressing that button over and over because they just did not care about the consequences for themselves or for TP. This is partly on the players themselves but is really a feature of the boredom and the resentment toward TP that many in the player base have been simmering with for months. And now it's boiling over.

    If people thought that the game was great they wouldn't be willing to give it up so easily. TP honestly need to improve the game first and foremost. They should never have listened to people argue for bug fixing and QoL fixes, they are always secondary and wildly underappreciated by players. New features is what gets people to revisit the game and tinker and drives interest. And when you hit on a great feature, like Voyages, it generates tons of revenue and genuinely makes the world a better place by giving tons of enjoyment to people. But you have to keep making and retiring features because you don't know what's going to work and what's not. This is the great failure of DB/TP, they haven't iterated on the actual gameplay in years. This new feature is cool, but it's actually going to compound the problem. I've already dug out two top 25 characters I didn't have so why am I going to buy lesser characters going forward?

    Bottom line, this debacle is a symptom of a deep malaise, and the right message to take from it is that the game **tsk tsk** right now. TP need to invest the time and effort to get it back on track and people need to take a break or walk away for good from a game that they are obviously not enjoying.

    Think you had a different read on Shadow’s comments than me. I took it to read that “TP chose to do this and I can’t change that”.

    The game is stale, the developer unreliable and tone-deaf, and a good chunk of the customer base is in revolt. I don’t think TP has time to do more than some Quality of Life improvements, since they don’t have much time to act if they want Timelines to survive.
  • edited February 2021
    as a player that was not affected, i totally disagree with the first post, see my post in the related official thread for this topic.

    i also disagree with the thread starting person in his/her behaviour, to open it as a new thread in order to get more attention for it.
  • Thurthorad wrote: »
    Peets wrote: »
    I think the problem is, that a lot of long time players are frustrated that the game isn't going into the direction they want?

    "The game not going in the direction the players want" is but merely one problem.

    The far bigger issues at hand are the track record & reputation TP/WRG have earned for a complete lack of quality-control/testing/debugging, a near-complete lack of communication with the playerbase, and on the few times the company does choose to communicate, those communications are insincere, tone-deaf, refuse to accept any responsibility, and often refuse to even address the issue at hand.

    Game stagnation is one thing. A company completely mismanaging a beloved IP is another kettle of fish entirely.


    Yeah, I agree. I can understand that they've been working on this new feature for months and haven't invested time/resources in other needed areas. But the major issue at hand for me personally, is the morality of their reaction over the 'Buy Again' bug. It's a bug, fine. Some people didn't realize it was a bug, fine. Some people abused the bug, fine. Banning (their words, not mine) everyone who used the bug, not fine. ("Suspending" their accounts, would have been much better) Calling everyone who used the bug cheaters and flipping the **tsk tsk** switch, not ok. Refusing to acknowledge that it was a bug on their end and refusing to apologize for how they handled it, egregious.

    This is where I stand on the matter. And though I've logged on to play over the last couple of days to do my dailies and help my fleet/squad, I will likely retire from this game in the near future. I will not continue to support a company that reacts this way. So I am working on a plan to transition out of the game that doesn't negatively affect my fleet.

    I totally disagree on the priorities you've outlined. They are your priorities so you do you, but they should not be priorities for TP. The most important and overriding concern that TP should have is getting out a feature that actually uses the crew we have. That is the number one reason why people here are so ready to quit. Many are just looking for an excuse. The game is stale and has been for quite a while now. The lack of gravity between the game and it's player base is a symptom of this.

    Bugs happen, they are rampant throughout the computer gaming world, as players we come into contact with them every day. The uncomfortable truth is that plenty of people felt fine pressing that button over and over because they just did not care about the consequences for themselves or for TP. This is partly on the players themselves but is really a feature of the boredom and the resentment toward TP that many in the player base have been simmering with for months. And now it's boiling over.

    If people thought that the game was great they wouldn't be willing to give it up so easily. TP honestly need to improve the game first and foremost. They should never have listened to people argue for bug fixing and QoL fixes, they are always secondary and wildly underappreciated by players. New features is what gets people to revisit the game and tinker and drives interest. And when you hit on a great feature, like Voyages, it generates tons of revenue and genuinely makes the world a better place by giving tons of enjoyment to people. But you have to keep making and retiring features because you don't know what's going to work and what's not. This is the great failure of DB/TP, they haven't iterated on the actual gameplay in years. This new feature is cool, but it's actually going to compound the problem. I've already dug out two top 25 characters I didn't have so why am I going to buy lesser characters going forward?

    Bottom line, this debacle is a symptom of a deep malaise, and the right message to take from it is that the game **tsk tsk** right now. TP need to invest the time and effort to get it back on track and people need to take a break or walk away for good from a game that they are obviously not enjoying.

    You're welcome to disagree with my sentiments, and that's totally alright with me. I did state that it was how I personally felt, and I certainly don't expect everyone else to agree with me. In fact, quite the opposite because that's how forward progress is made. But I do echo @Navarch comment, I think you missed the mark of what I'm saying.

    But if you feel inclined to accept TP's behavior, that's your opinion, and we're all entitled to have our own. I personally choose not to. Not only does it negatively affect those that were banned, but it sets a bad taste in the mouth for everyone else. Some big players have already left. Some players are teetering. Many players are reticent about investing time or money in the game. But, I'm sure others are certainly ready to get back to status quo. I just know, that for myself, I will not continue to support a company that treats their players (customers) with such little respect and refuses to acknowledge, let alone apologize, for their mistakes and behavior. I believe that to err is human nature. But to apologize and refuse to make the mistake again is human decency. I haven't seen the second one from TP since they took over from DB.
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